The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1586 What to do next?

Chapter 1586 What to do next?
Ji Xiaoyan and Lin Qianye waited for a long time beside the teleportation array in Bufenrui Town, and then they watched Lord Tang Rose and Modena come back with a small burden on their backs.It's just that Modena's face is quite normal, but Lord Don Rose's expression at this moment is a bit cloudy!
Lin Qianye looked at Modena with concern, and after seeing him nodding to herself with a smile, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Since you are ready, Modena, let's go to Qingcheng now." Bar……."

"City Master Ji," Lord Tang Luosi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and they were about to step onto the teleportation formation when they turned around, and quickly called out. After seeing her turn her head to look at him, she said in a hoarse voice: "City Master Ji, look at you Can you arrange a place for us when we go back, so that we can move to Qingcheng before evening in Bufenrui Town?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Don Ross in surprise, then looked at Modena who was standing aside but nodded but didn't speak, thought for a while and said, "If Lord Don Ross is really in such a hurry to move, it's okay! When I got back, I talked to Manager Qing Gong, even if I don’t have time, I will arrange a temporary place for you to live in first..."

"Okay!" Lord Tang Luos nodded, forced a smile at Ji Xiaoyan, looked at her suspiciously, and then followed Lin Qianye and the others on the teleportation array to leave. Zhu took a deep breath, cheered himself up, and said to the guards on the side of the teleportation array: "Go and inform all the residents in the town to gather at the teleportation array before evening. We must all move to the teleportation array before dark." Go to Qingcheng!"

Although the guards looked at each other suspiciously, they responded with a blunt face. After leaving one person to guard the teleportation array, they ran away in different directions of the town!
Ji Xiaoyan and the others returned to the water teleportation array outside Qingcheng in the blink of an eye, and then took Modina all the way into the city again, and soon returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Xiaoyan, go and get busy with your affairs. Let's take Modina to see Cheng.... When the matter is over, I will come to you and Xuan Mo!" Lin Qianye immediately turned to Ji Mo after entering the City Lord's Mansion. Xiaoyan said something, and then, regardless of whether she wanted to or not, she led Modena politely and walked towards Cheng's house.

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief, so he had to turn around and look for Manager Qing Gong.

However, when Director Qing Gong saw Ji Xiaoyan, he poured bitter water on him.

"My lord, do we really want to stay in Qiyun Town?" Manager Qing Gong asked Ji Xiaoyan with an unwilling expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Before Ji Xiaoyan had time to ask Manager Qing Gong to prepare a place for the people in Bufenrui Town to live, he saw his displeased expression and hurriedly asked.

Director Qing Gong couldn't help but cast a blank look at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Master City Lord, when you promised to let those Qiyun Town people come to live in our Qing City, didn't you test their town's strength? You don't know , None of the aborigines in Qiyun Town have any ability to do things for our Qingcheng! Isn't it a waste of land and food to keep them in our Qingcheng?"

Manager Qing Gong actually wanted to add another question, asking Ji Xiaoyan how he was deceived by the aborigines of Qiyun Town, but he still couldn't say it out of his mouth!

He was really afraid of hurting the self-esteem of their city lord!
On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan was not as surprised as Manager Qing Gong expected. Instead, he nodded to him calmly and said, "I know what you said! If they want to, let them do what they can That’s fine, don’t ask for the rest! Qiyun Town and Zishui Town came to join us in Qingcheng back then, so they gave me gold coins too..." Saying that, Ji Xiaoyan quickly took out the gold coin bag from his bag and handed it to Manager Qing Gong, and then continued: "These gold coins are just going to come in handy, Manager Qing Gong, please put them away first..."

Director Qing Gong pouted reluctantly, and after putting away the gold coins, he said: "The people in Zishui Town can still be useful, and the people in Qiyun Town, I really don't know what to do for them! And , Lord City Master, do you know that the deputy mayor of Qiyun Town is an adventurer's business?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, as mayor Ni Yun said, the deputy mayor is a good-looking man who is called to kill others.

"The mayor of Qiyun Town, Ni Yun, also asked us to arrange a long-term residence for him as soon as possible, and then he will raise the town stone of Qiyun Town, and give their deputy mayor, the adventurer, a formal report to Lord God. !” Director Qing Gong said with an unhappy face, “It’s the first time I’ve seen someone with no skills ask for so much!”

"Are the things Mayor Ni Yun said troublesome?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"It's Qiyun Town's business whether it's troublesome or not, I don't care!" Manager Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a look of reluctance to interfere.

"That is to say, those things don't actually need our help, right?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled when he heard the words, and after seeing Director Qing Gong staring at him, he said, "Since we don't need our help." , They can do whatever they want! Those gold coins can be regarded as the rent for them to live here! If they want to settle in our Qingcheng for a long time in the future, we can arrange some jobs for them and let them learn to do it slowly. It's just... But, I think they, as people from the Northern Continent, will definitely go back in the end..."

"I hope so!" Director Qing Gong nodded in disbelief.

Ji Xiaoyan really wanted to tell Manager Qing Gong that the golden nest and the silver nest were not as good as his own doghouse, but after thinking about it, it was troublesome!So he said directly: "Mr. Qing Gong, let's talk about the matter of Qiyun Town and Zishui Town in the future. Now the town of Bufenrui is more important. Don Rose Consul said that before dark, he will bring cloth All the aborigines in Fenrui Town come to live in our Qingcheng, do you think we can arrange them where is more appropriate?"

"Are you coming before dark?" Manager Qing Gong was stunned for a few seconds, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"There must be some special reason!" Ji Xiaoyan thought of the expressions of Modena and Master Tang Luosi when they returned to the teleportation formation, and couldn't help frowning slightly, and then said to Chief Qing Gong: "No matter what The reason, if they want to come, come here, it was agreed at the beginning."

"They're just bullying the city lord, you're soft-hearted!" Chief Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a nonchalant expression on his face, "At the beginning, I just said that people from Bufenrui Town could be teleported to Qingcheng. If you have something to do, you can ask the city lord to meet the old people, so that Dillock and Jasmine can go back and forth between the two towns at any time, and it is not as difficult to see you once! When did you promise to let all the people in Bufenrui Town live in them? Let's clear the city!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, and said with a comforting face: "Anyway, we have so many places in Qingcheng, and it would be nice to have another Bufenrui Town! I thought you would be very happy with the increasing population of our Qingcheng The more..."

"What's there to be happy about, which one here pays the tax?" Manager Qing Gong couldn't help muttering in a low voice, seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him with a puzzled face, he smacked his mouth, He said to her: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the people from Bufenrui Town will definitely have a place to live when they come here. I will find a place for them now. If they are not satisfied, they can be transferred again later... . . . "

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after watching Manager Qing Gong turn and leave.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt a little bored when he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything.Sitting quietly on the throne in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Xiaoyan boredly observed the gorgeous chair below her for the first time... It seems that her current position as the City Lord is becoming more and more important.
The Lusi'e, Juli, Qiyun Town, Zishui Town, Qingcheng aborigines, as well as the sporadic aborigines who came to seek refuge, plus the old man Qingmi who came to Qingcheng for nothing and the Qingshimen behind him Ji Xiaoyan, Lin Qianye and the others suddenly felt that her Qingcheng seemed to be getting more and more complicated!The burden on her seems to be a bit heavy!If the Fox Clan really came to commit an offense, she would be responsible for the safety of so many people
Just when Ji Xiaoyan was thinking wildly and started to position himself, Modena, who was at the other end of the City Lord's Mansion, had stepped into Cheng's room with Lin Qianye and the others, sitting quietly on a stool, and staring at Cheng.

"Qing, this is the Modena I told you about! He has a way to solve the problem of you being attacked by the teleportation array!" Lin Qianye smiled at Wei Wei who was looking at him nervously. After seeing her relax a little, she looked at Medina, and then asked him: "Modina, don't you have something to ask Cheng? Just ask, she will definitely cooperate yours."

Modina took a deep look at Cheng, then let out a breath, and then said: "In fact, in terms of her current state, she doesn't know anything at all..." Before coming here, he always thought that , Lin Qianye said that the fallen fox saint who was attacked by the teleportation array had at least a lot of memories of the past, but it was only after she came that she realized that he was thinking too much!
When Lin Qianye heard Modina's words, she immediately glanced at Cheng, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and asked, "Then what you mean is that Cheng can't answer your question right now, so there's nothing I can do about it." Solve the teleportation array?"

Modina thought for a while, and then said: "Not necessarily! The only reason the saint was attacked by the teleportation array was because she was fallen into a demon. I know a way to solve this, but I can't help! It's just that the other things on the saint I have to wait for her to recover her memory and answer my few questions before I know what to do!"

Lin Qianye looked at Modena in surprise, and then said: "That's no problem. Let's solve the problem of the teleportation array first! It's not convenient for you, we can go, just tell us what to do!"

Originally, he was worried that after seeing Cheng, he would leave if he told them the solution. He didn't know how to open his mouth to solve other problems of Cheng's fallen demon in the future. Help them!Thinking of this, Lin Qianye couldn't help but secretly looked at Xing Dila and the others...

But Modena shook his head with a pessimistic sigh, and then said to Lin Qianye and the others: "After the teleportation array in Buffinrui Town is opened, I won't stay in Buffinrui Town, nor will I If you stay in Qingcheng for a long time, if you want to find me in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

"Where are you going?" Lin Qianye didn't ask Modina why he was leaving, but asked his destination directly.

Modina shook his head silently, looked at Cheng with a worried face, and then said to Lin Qianye and the others: "I don't know where I'm going! But I definitely won't stay in Qingcheng or any other town ...I have things I need to do, places to go..."

"Then...then we can't find you in the future, what should we do?" Lin Qianye couldn't help frowning and asked Modina.

Modina just shook his head, took out a page from his pocket and handed it to Lin Qianye, and said: "I have written all you need to know on it before I came here, you just need to follow it Solved the problem of the teleportation array attacking the saint! However, all of this is not so easy to achieve, coupled with the current state of the fox clan, you have a long way to go! Moreover, the saint can't go anywhere, only in the Waiting here, in the end, is also a problem..."

In fact, Modena wanted to say the word harm, but after thinking about it, he finally swallowed the words!
Lin Qianye took the paper full of words from Modina, her eyes filled with worry.

They thought that when Modina came, there would be a way to leave Qingcheng with Cheng to find a way, but now it seems that they still need to leave her alone in Qingcheng to wait.Even if Cheng agrees, will Chief Qing Gong and the others agree?To others, Teng is a dangerous person who can raze Qingcheng to the ground at any time...

Thinking of this, Lin Qianye couldn't help but sink into her thoughts.

Hearing the words, Cheng next to him also looked at Modina with a worried face, and then looked at the expressions of Lin Qianye and the others. After biting his lips and thinking for a long time, Cheng said in a low voice: "Lord Qianye, you Don't leave me here alone anymore! I want to go with you, I don't want to be alone...."

"You guys have to think about it! When you leave Qingcheng, you will meet people from the fox clan at any time! As long as they find the saint, although they don't know what's going on for a while, they will definitely find her strange. At that time, you will face the pursuit of the fox clan!" Modina looked at Cheng, and said to Lin Qianye and the others: "The saint has already experienced the attack of the teleportation array, so it is destined to be different from before. It's the same!"

 PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Little Turtle Drinking Porridge"!Thank you for the "TEN" token!Thank you "Liu Zhiling" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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