Chapter 1600 Fragments
Because of the map, Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Tang Luosi can easily see the terrain and approximate area of ​​the entire training ground, as well as the distribution map of the mutant beast's lair, the teleportation array, and the store that Ji Xiaoyan and the others are most concerned about at the moment. Location.

The mutant beast training ground designed by Guangji is an irregular ellipse as a whole. There are four teleportation arrays distributed in the four corners of the entire training ground space, and the shops that Ji Xiaoyan and the others are looking for are only three. , which are respectively distributed in the northwest, southwest and southeast directions of the training ground, presenting a triangular orientation.

And what Ji Xiaoyan and the others teleported in was the teleportation array to the east of the training ground, and the shop they found was the group of shops located in the southeast!
"Then, Lord Ji... we just need to continue walking westward to find the next shop?" Lord Don Rose breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the shop clearly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile : "Having a map is much more convenient..." At least they can have a map in their hearts, know where they are going to go, and save time, right?

Ji Xiaoyan hummed dispensably, and looked at the map again. After cursing inwardly again, he said to Master Don Ross: "Let's go! Let's follow the map on the map. Mark the past and try to get everything sorted out before those adventurers come in."

"Okay." Lord Tang Luosi quickly nodded with a smile, and while walking with Ji Xiaoyan, he also asked jokingly: "Master Ji, if we wait until the adventurers come, if we haven't sorted it out If so, can those adventurers not be allowed to come in?"

"Well, it should be?" Ji Xiaoyan looked absent-minded.

"The Lord Lord God will not be unhappy, right?" Lord Don Ross frowned and asked with some concern.

"I don't know..." Ji Xiaoyan continued to reply lazily.

"City Master Ji, what's wrong with you?" Lord Tang Luos noticed something was wrong, looked at Ji Xiaoyan strangely, and asked her, "Is there something wrong? I can't walk anymore? Otherwise, let's sit down and rest for a while. ?”

"No need!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Mrs. Tang Luosi with some irritability, closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, and then said: "Let's finish the matter early and go back! I'll be back to pick up Qing Gong later. Where's the manager! We're going to go a long way! Lord Don Ross... If possible, let's talk less and save some effort, what do you think?"

"Uh... yes, yes." Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Lord Tang Luosi immediately understood that she thought she was talking too much, so she quickly nodded in response, distanced herself slightly from Ji Xiaoyan, and observed her Why do I feel bad all of a sudden...
Because of the map for the next journey, Ji Xiaoyan and the others traveled very smoothly, and quickly found the remaining two shop groups, and after arranging all the aborigines who would stay and manage the shops, this Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and walked back together with Master Tang Luosi, and went back to Qingcheng together with Chief Qing Gong.

It's just that when Ji Xiaoyan and the others arranged the store's affairs, the data of the mutant beasts in the training ground were also ready, and then the mutant beasts were put into the training ground one by one...
Of course, the mutant beasts have not been officially activated at this moment, so they don't have any attack power at all, they are just simple models!
After finally walking to the shop in the southeast of the training ground, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but slumped down in the chair, letting Manager Qing Gong run up and down to bring tea and water to her, giving her a soothing massage.

"My lord, have you found all the shops?" Manager Qing Gong asked with concern while rubbing Ji Xiaoyan's legs, but his eyes fell on Lord Tang Luosi.

Although Mrs. Tang Luosi felt that he and Ji Xiaoyan were about to break their legs, he still took a deep breath and explained to Director Qing Gong, "I found them all. City Lord Ji found the map, and we walked according to the map... .”

"Is there a map?" Director Qing Gong was stunned for a moment, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's slightly depressed expression, he hurriedly laughed twice, and then said: "That's good, that's good! Then, Lord City Master, after this map Do you want to leave a copy for everyone in the shop? If they want to go back to Qingcheng to rest, it will be more convenient..."

"Well, when we go back, copy a few maps and send them in next time!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to Manager Qing Gong, but complained in his heart, why did the teleportation array and the store's The location is so far away!Did this torture those adventurers in the end, or were they...
After resting in the shop, and checking the furnishings and items in the shop, Ji Xiaoyan led Manager Qing Gong and Lord Tang Luos out of the shop, and headed for the teleportation array to the east of the training ground.

The journey was peaceful and harmonious, Ji Xiaoyan was still in a good mood to slowly appreciate the beauty of this space, and joked with Manager Qing Gong, whether it is possible to transplant some good-looking plants to Qingcheng for planting.However, when they were about to reach their destination, Mrs. Don Rose suddenly grabbed Ji Xiaoyan and stood in front of her.

"What's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned with a face full of confusion, looking at the back of Mr. Tang Luosi and asked.

"Over there...there is a beast over there." Lord Tang Luosi's tone was a little flustered, and he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong: "Master Ji, you and Chief Qing Gong should be careful, if that A wild beast is rushing over, you run quickly, I will deal with it..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Don Ross with some emotion, and then asked in a low voice, "Where is the beast?"

Lord Don Ross carefully pointed to a direction for Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan looked up, and immediately saw a huge strange-looking monster head that looked like a mouse in the gaps in the grass not far away.

Could that be the mutant beast you just mentioned?While carefully looking at the monster's head, Ji Xiaoyan secretly guessed in his heart.According to Guang, the current real world is full of such mutant beasts, threatening human life, but, in her memory, there is no such monster?If there were, wouldn't the country have wiped out these monsters long ago?How is it possible to allow them to reproduce and threaten humans?
Could it be that, as she guessed, the current real world is not the one she is familiar with?
Ji Xiaoyan's heart suddenly tightened for no reason.

"Master City Master... Let's be careful, let's go first!" Lord Tang Luosi observed for a while, and after finding that the head hadn't moved, he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Let's try not to disturb it..."

Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly, carefully pulled Ji Xiaoyan by the corner of his clothes, and led her to the direction of the teleportation formation, all he could think about was how to avoid being targeted by that monster and avoid danger...

After Ji Xiaoyan was staggered by Manager Qing Gong, he quickly turned his attention back to the mutant beast, and then gradually discovered the problem: "Wait...Master Tang Luos, do you think that monster is not connected to the monster? Did you even move your eyes?"

"My lord, don't care if it's been moved or not! This is not a place we can stay for long!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Manager Qing Gong whispered to her: "There are still people outside the shop over there. With barrier protection, we don’t have anything here now. If these wild beasts pounce on us... what if Don Ross Consul can’t resist?”

Ji Xiaoyan smiled consolingly at Manager Qing Gong, and then said, "I don't think Lord God will harm us!"

Lord Tang Luos was stunned for a moment, nodded immediately, and said to Manager Qing Gong sideways, "Yes! Lord God asked City Lord Ji to bring us to open a shop, how could it put us in danger here? Qing Gong Steward, I think what the city lord said is quite right..." At this point, Lord Tang Luosi immediately straightened his neck, looked in the direction of the mutant beast, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "How about this Alright, City Lord Ji, you guys are waiting here, I'll go over and have a look..."

"What's so interesting! It would be better if it doesn't attack us, let's get out of here quickly!" Manager Qing Gong said to Master Tang Luosi with a displeased face, while pulling Ji Xiaoyan to take her away... .
"Manager Qing Gong!" Ji Xiaoyan struggled helplessly a few times, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "At any rate, we have so many aborigines staying in this place, we have to have a little understanding of the danger here. That's fine! Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the future, we don't know anything, so what should we do?"

"Then there's no need to mess with that beast!" Director Qing Gong said helplessly to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Boss Qing Gong, don't worry, I'm here!" Lord Tang Luosi immediately smiled at Boss Qing Gong, and then walked carefully towards the mutant beast on his own.

"Crazy, crazy!" Manager Qing Gong looked scared and heartbroken, and whispered to Lord Tang Luosi, then tightly clutched Ji Xiaoyan's clothes, refusing to let her move a step.

Lord Don Ross cautiously moved towards the mutant beast while carefully observing the movement of the mutant beast. After pushing away the bushes covering the mutant beast, Lord Don Ross couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. .The mutated beast in front of me is not small, at least half the height of a person, about five meters in length, standing there quietly as if being fixed at this moment...
However, Lord Don Ross did not notice that although the mutant beast in front of him could not move, its eyeballs were moving with him.

"City Lord Ji, Chief Qing Gong, this beast looks fake! Come and take a look..." Lord Tang Luosi shouted at Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong in surprise, watching Ji Xiaoyan procrastinate. Manager Qing Gong walked over with a face of reluctance, and then continued: "It seems that this beast may only be placed here by Lord God to scare those adventurers! This is a fake beast, and it won't even move. !"

"Ah!" Manager Qing Gong glanced at Lord Tang Luosi suspiciously, but after his eyes touched the eyes of the mutant beast, he immediately shouted: "It...can move! Its eyes can move! verb: move……"

Upon hearing the words of Manager Qing Gong, Lord Tang Luosi immediately jumped in front of Ji Xiaoyan in shock, while protecting her, he looked into the eyes of the mutant beast.Sure enough, its eyeballs moved slightly!

Lord Don Ross couldn't help but swallowed with some fear, and then said dryly: "That... City Lord Ji, let's go while it won't move..."

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan was in a dull state as if she didn't hear anything. She just stared blankly at the mutant beast, but there were many scenes in her mind that she had never seen before.There are caves, people, there is a strong smell of blood, and there is a scene where she seems to be sitting in a car...Even in the last scene, Ji Xiaoyan saw a very familiar figure, wearing a tired body, protecting her in the car. Behind him, he whispered to her, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you..."

"I seem to have seen him..." Ji Xiaoyan murmured with dull eyes, trying to recall these broken pictures in his mind!

"Master Ji?" Master Tang Luosi shook Ji Xiaoyan lightly, thinking that she had been frightened, so he quickly signaled to Manager Qing Gong, and the two of them immediately supported her arm, lifted her directly to the teleportation formation Walking in the direction of the city: "It's okay, Master Ji is okay. Maybe we just misread it just now! It must be a fake beast, it won't hurt us... Don't be afraid! Let's go back to Qingcheng, next time When we come, we will bring more guards and come again..."

Ji Xiaoyan didn't listen to Lord Tang Luosi's comforting words at all. Instead, she turned her head and stared at the mutated beast. Then she let Manager Qing Gong and the others lead her, stepped onto the teleportation array, and returned to the room. of the hall.
And at this moment, the mutated beasts in the training ground all came alive the second after Ji Xiaoyan and the others left. Crazy like a devil!
And the mutant beast discovered by Ji Xiaoyan and the others immediately rushed towards the teleportation array where Ji Xiaoyan and the others disappeared, as if trying to catch them back.It's just a pity that when it got close to the teleportation array, the mutant beast was bounced away by the protective barrier outside the teleportation array, and fell to the ground instantly.

"Roar..." The mutated beast had a resigned expression on its face, gritted its sharp teeth, and slammed into the teleportation array several times in disbelief. After watching for a long time, he turned around slowly and got into the bushes again, and disappeared!
 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Ice Dance Dance"!Thanks to "DjS" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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