Chapter 1602 Cubs
The moment she opened her eyes, Guliang Jiujiu thought she was being fooled by the NPC guards in Qingcheng.

She clearly agreed to enter the mutant beast training ground, but what she saw was not what she imagined the training ground would look like, but a beautiful tourist map instead?

Thinking of this, Guliang Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, she held the weapon dagger in her bag in her hand, and then stepped out of the teleportation array, ready to look around first.Probably because of this beautiful scenery and tranquil environment, Jiujiu Guliang's vigilance has been weakened a lot, so she never thought that after stepping out of the teleportation array, it means that she is out of the safety zone. District
Therefore, two seconds after Jiujiu Guliang left the teleportation array, she suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on her back, and a sharp pain spread from her back in the next second... Before she even had time to react, she felt herself Her vision had turned gray, and a white light flashed in her eyes, and she saw herself appearing in the room in Qingcheng a few seconds ago...

"What's going on here?" Jiujiugu was stunned for a few seconds, and then looked at the Qingcheng guard who took her bamboo stick and sent her to the training ground with a puzzled face, and asked him : "I just went in, why did I come out?"

The guard casually looked Jiujiu Guliang up and down, and asked with some doubts: "Didn't you come up with it yourself?"

"It's definitely not, I only went in for a few seconds!" Jiujiu Guliang raised her neck and growled angrily.Just thinking of the pain in her back when she was sent out from the teleportation array, Jiujiu Guliang couldn't help but secretly guessed in her heart: Could it be that she was attacked?who is it?player?Or a mutant?
How could she let her guard down, she didn't even know who killed her!
Jiujiu Guliang couldn't help but gritted her teeth in annoyance, looked at the Qingcheng guard with unchanged expression, and wanted to hear how he would explain it to her.

However, the Qingcheng guard shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then said to Jiujiu Guliang: "No matter how you escaped, if you still want to go in, Nuo, buy bamboo sticks outside, and then I will send you go in..."

"Didn't you explain it?" Jiu Jiugu Liang stared at the guard of Qingcheng and asked, "That's a gold coin! Don't you know how much a gold coin is? I It only took a few seconds to go in? You are going to make me buy a bamboo stick again, which is too unreasonable!"

"Adventurer, we told you the rules before you went in." The Qingcheng guard who was in charge of collecting bamboo sticks gave Jiujiugu a cold look with an unhappy expression on his face, and then said to her: "Every adventure As long as you go in once, you need to buy a bamboo stick with a gold coin. I remember you heard it very clearly just now! We don’t sell this gold coin for time. We must ensure that you adventurers stay in the training ground for as long as possible. One day and one night! Are you looking for us to make trouble with your current attitude?"

Guliang Jiujiu really wanted to make a big fuss with the Qingcheng guards in front of her, but seeing his indifference, she took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth: "Then what you mean is that a Gold coins, you can only go in once. If something goes wrong inside and the teleportation array comes out, you don’t care about it, do you?”

"That's natural." The guard who collected the bamboo sticks nodded slightly proudly, "We are only responsible for collecting the bamboo sticks and sending you adventurers in... We don't care about the rest."

Jiujiu Guliang couldn't help but gritted her teeth with resentment, and after glaring at the Qingcheng guard, she turned angrily and walked to a scholar in the yard, took out a gold coin and threw it directly in front of him, shouting Said: "Give me another bamboo stick..."

The NPC scholar didn't even look at Jiujiu Guliang, he casually took out a bamboo stick from a bamboo tube on the table and handed it to Jiujiu Guliang, then took the gold coins and continued to read the book by himself.

Jiujiu Guliang took two deep breaths, handed the bamboo stick to the guard next to the teleportation array as quickly as possible, stepped on the teleportation array, and then said to the guard: "This time, I must Wait for a day and a night before coming out..."

"It's up to you!" The guard who received the bamboo stick looked indifferent, and directly signaled a teleporter next to him to send Jiujiu Guliang to the training ground again, then murmured: "This first adventurer It's coming, I guess the adventurers behind will come soon... I don't know when the city lord will be able to make a simple training ground map and sell it to these adventurers..."

This time, when she opened her eyes and saw the training ground again, Guliang Jiujiu was not in the relaxed mood just now.

The teleportation array at this moment is not where she arrived last time!Standing in the teleportation formation, he carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and after weighing those places in his heart that might be dangerous, Jiujiu Guliang carefully clenched his short knife, stepped out of the transmission formation, and then vigilantly Turning her eyes, she slowly began to move step by step in a direction she had chosen.

Fortunately, after walking for a long time, Jiujiu Guliang did not encounter any emergencies or dangers. At one time, she thought nervously that what happened just now was sent out by the teleportation array. The NPCs in Qingcheng deliberately came to blackmail her for gold coins.

"Didn't you say that there are shops or something inside? Where is it?" Jiujiu Guliang listened carefully to the movement around her, while carefully brushing away the tall grass in front of her, and said to herself: " I don’t even have a map, how can I find a store? Do I have to walk all by myself in the early stage and draw the map by myself?”

Thinking of this possibility, Guliang Jiujiu froze instantly.

Isn't it?Did they come to this training ground to simulate the reality of dealing with mutant beasts?If there is a map, it is not for them, but there is an inexplicable sense of dependence!At that time, when they really come to the real world, let them find mutant beasts, what kind of map can they have?At that time, I found that I was uncomfortable, and that was depressing. It is better to get used to it now.

"Come on, come on!" After Jiujiu Guliang figured it out, she immediately cheered herself up, swiped a knife and cut off a few bushes in front of her, then grabbed the broken grass and threw it to the side.

"Squeak..." As soon as the green grass plunged into the grass, Guliang Jiujiu heard a faint cry. She turned around vigilantly and looked in the direction of the sound and listened carefully for a few seconds. After finding that there was no movement, Jiujiu Gu Liang couldn't help frowning, stopped cutting the grass, then held the short knife to her chest, and slashed down in the direction where the grass was just thrown
After the very pleasing green grass was cut off a large section, a young gray animal was immediately revealed, curled up and hiding in the green grass, trembling slightly, showing its eyes through the gap in front of its two calves , looking at Jiujiu Guliang pitifully and in fear.

"Cub?" Guliang Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief for a moment, looked at the gray animal with some amusement, and then complained in her heart that she was too neurotic to be caught by such a cub to scare
"The little guy seems to be lost?" Aunt Jiujiu squatted down in a good mood and stared at the gray cub carefully. Seeing it trembling in fear, she couldn't help smiling Said: "Okay, don't be afraid! I won't hurt you... I'll go right away, you go back to your mother early..."

After finishing speaking, Guliang Jiujiu stood up immediately, seeing that the cub's body seemed not to be shaking as much as before, and even slowly exposed its head, and looked at her curiously, then hooked He smiled and said, "Go back..."

The cub watched Jiujiuguliang continue to cut the grass again, and then slowly stood up from the ground, then tilted his head, opened his big eyes, and couldn't help walking towards Jiujiuguliang for two Seeing that she suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked back at him, the cub quickly looked scared and couldn't help but backed away.

"Why don't you leave?" Jiujiu Guliang also looked at the cub curiously, seeing that it was keeping a distance from her, with a look of fear and curiosity, she couldn't help laughing immediately: "Are you You fell in love with me at first sight, are you ready to follow me?"

The cub didn't move, just tilted its head.

Aunt Jiujiu rolled her eyes, thinking that she might still be able to keep a pet in this training ground, she couldn't help feeling better, and then carefully looked at the cub in front of her...

This cub is only as big as Jiujiuguliang's slap, and it looks very weak. Its gray fur is very dirty, and a lot of dry dirt can be seen on it. It solidified into balls and balls; the cub looked a bit like a dog, with small furry ears, and a pair of big dark red eyes, which were shining with pure light at the moment, looking at her curiously, and from time to time sniffing in the air
"What? Are you really a dog? Are you recording my smell?" Jiujiu Guliang looked at the cub with his eyes closed as if intoxicated, sniffing lightly while walking towards her When she came over, she couldn't help laughing twice, then put away the short knife in her hand, and watched the cub walk to her feet quietly.

"It looks a little dirty, I'll find a water source to wash you later, it should still be very cute!" Jiujiu Guliang looked at the cub looking up at her with some joy, and couldn't help smiling. As he spoke, he reached out and stroked the cub's head.

Surprisingly, it feels good.

"Okay, if you want to follow me, follow me!" Aunt Jiujiu smiled and touched the cub's head again, watching it narrowed its eyes in enjoyment, and turned its body towards her After rubbing the palm of his hand again, he continued to smile and said: "When I find the shop later, I will buy you some food and dress you up to make you look beautiful..."

The cub narrowed his eyes, moved his head to Guliang Jiujiu's palm, and even put his chin in her hand.

"Hahaha, little boy, you are really smart, so you know how to act like a baby?" Jiujiu Guliang looked at the cub with a smile, and immediately shook her head and stretched her hand towards the cub's neck in cooperation , ready to scratch the cub's neck.

However, before Guliang Jiujiu's finger could touch the cub, it lazily opened its mouth like a yawn, and then bit her finger at a very fast speed... …

"Ah!" Jiujiu Guliang was about to scold the cub and tell it not to bite, but when she saw the pure eyes of the cub that was still staring at her, it was instantly tinged with Proud of the success of the treachery.In the next second, before Jiujiu Guliang had time to think about it, she felt a sharp pain gradually appeared from the finger bitten by the cub, and then at an extremely fast speed, in less than a minute Within seconds, the severe pain spread to her whole body...

As usual, Jiujiu Guliang felt white light flashing in her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw the Qingcheng guard who took the bamboo sticks that made her feel a little disgusted.

"Hey, come out again?" The guard who received the bamboo stick raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiujiu Guliang with a slight smile, and then said, "Well, not bad! This time I will stay a little longer than last time!"

"What's going on?" Jiujiu Guliang couldn't help but tremble a few times, raised her finger that was bitten just now with a dull look, then looked at the guard who received the bamboo stick and asked, "What is this?" What's going on? Did I die again? I died after being bitten by a cub? How is that possible!"

"Is there anything impossible!" The guard who collected the bamboo sticks shrugged his shoulders, and said to Jiujiu Guliang with a feeling of watching the excitement: "If you come out, you are out. Do you want to go in again? You don't want to go in and see Do you see what's going on?"

Jiujiu Guliang just spread her hands in a daze, as if she didn't listen to anything.

"Looks like I'm stupid!" The guard who received the bamboo stick pouted in disappointment, and whispered to the teleporter beside him with a sigh.

The teleporter looked up at Guliang Jiujiu, but didn't speak.

Jiujiu Guliang's mind is a little messed up at the moment.

Seeing myself die and respawn with intact fingers, I haven't recovered for a long time!The first time, she didn't even see that she was attacked by anything, so she just hung up and was teleported out; this second time was not bad, she didn't encounter anything after walking so far, but in the end she fell into a In the mouth of a cub?How is this possible?That was a cub that looked like it had just been born!Even when she was bitten by the cub, she was still thinking, it seems that small animals like to bite and grind their teeth, so she should teach it well in the future
In the end, she was tricked by that little beast?
Jiujiu Guliang can't wait to give herself a knife right now, why is she so stupid! !

(End of this chapter)

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