The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1615 It's Arranged

Chapter 1615 It's Arranged
Yu Jiangxia had thought that Yu Yunyuan might invite Ji Xiaoyan to their home because of his happiness, but he never thought that the invitation would come so quickly!

Therefore, after hearing Yu Yunyuan's words, Yu Jiangxia was stunned for the first time, looking at his father in surprise and not speaking for a while.

"What? Is it inconvenient?" Yu Yunyuan also noticed that Yu Jiangxia's expression was a little unnatural. After thinking about it, he asked in a deep voice: "Jiang Xia, do you have something to hide from me? Your friend the city lord You can't make it up, right? Are the things you just said true? "

"Father, don't think too much, it's not like that!" Yu Jiangxia came back to his senses, and when he heard Yu Yunyuan's words, he shook his head with a bit of a smile, and then said in a low voice: "My friend is really inconvenient, It is estimated that in the current situation, there is no way to come to our house to meet... Please forgive me!"

Yu Yunyuan looked at Yu Jiangxia suspiciously, saw him carefully looking around, and beckoned to him, and immediately suppressed all the doubts in his heart, then nodded tacitly, and then continued walking, He said to him: "In this case, let's talk about this matter later... Let's go, let's meet your mother!"

Yu Jiangxia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled, and followed Yu Yunyuan all the way across the garden, looking as if he was enjoying the scenery very comfortably, and then walked slowly to a greenhouse at the end of the garden. In a field of colorful flowers, I saw the woman in a long beige dress who was tending flowers and plants with several maids!
Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that Flying Leaves might just go offline to ask about the situation, and then she should be able to re-enter the game soon, and follow her to the training ground to have a look.As a result, who knows, after waiting, the game time has passed for an hour or two.

"Miss Xiaoyan, Master Jiang Xia hasn't come back for so long, so he should have gone back to the old house to discuss with the Patriarch himself. If you think about it carefully, it will take a lot of time..." Yu Qi Si made some guesses, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You have other things to do here, why don't you go first, I'll wait for Master Jiang Xia here, and when Master Jiang Xia comes back, I'll tell Miss Xiaoyan you... Lu Wu, go and appease that master of yours too! I'm not very patient looking at him..."

Lu Wu nodded silently, and turned her gaze to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan thought about it carefully, Yu Qisi, as a member of Flying Leaves' family, naturally knows some details about their family, since she said that Flying Leaves will not be able to return to the game for a while, Then there must be something special about it that she doesn't know about.So instead of waiting here, it's better to do her other things earlier!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately stood up, and said to Yu Qisi and the others: "Since the fallen leaves are flying and won't come back for a while, then Qi Si, you don't have to wait for him here, I will call some Wait for the maid to come back. After the fallen leaves appear, I will ask the maid to notify me! Lu Wu, go and see your master first! July [-] has nothing else to do, just follow me around, by the way Help me with something..."

"Okay!" Yu Qisi naturally looked very happy.

Lu Wu glanced at Yu Qisi with some displeasure, he also wanted to go with Ji Xiaoyan.But thinking of his troublesome NPC master, Lu Wu could only sigh helplessly, then nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, followed her out of the palace, and saw Di who had been waiting impatiently under the guidance of the guards. Hesi...

"Why did it take you so long to come here?" Di Hesi immediately asked unhappy when he saw Lu Wu for the first time, and then directly ignored the manager Qing Gong who was smiling and ready to greet him, and looked at Lu Wu. Said: "You and the city lord have finished talking, right? After we finish talking, let's go back and practice hard..."

"Master Sword Saint..." Director Qing Gong was staring at Di Hesi just as he approached Di Hesi. Are you going to leave after a while? Is there any place in Qingcheng that does not treat guests well enough to annoy you?"

"Can't I just go home?" Di Hesi yelled at Manager Qing Gong impatiently, and then said.

"Okay, okay, okay, of course it's okay." Manager Qing Gong frowned, tried to maintain a polite and respectful smile, and said to Di Hesi: "I just thought about how hard it is for you to come to us. Qingcheng, I naturally hope that you will have a good time and rest before going back..."

"No need!" Di Hesi directly refused.

When Manager Qing Gong heard the words, he twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, so he had to shut up and turn his eyes to Lu Wu.

Lu Wu looked at Di Hesi, couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and then said to him: "Master, the dragon slaying activity will start in a few days. We just happen to be in Qingcheng now , the city lord will also arrange a place for us to live, so we won't go back for now..."

"Why don't you go back? You don't want to train anymore?" Di Hesi frowned when he heard Lu Wu's words, and looked like he was about to get angry.

"You can train anywhere!" Lu Wu hurriedly said to Di Hesi with a smile, "I just thought about our coming and going, isn't it a waste of more time?"

"What's the waste? If you can't catch up, don't go to slay the dragon, isn't it enough?" Di Hesi stared and said indifferently.

"Master!" Hearing this, Lu Wuyi immediately became serious, stared at Di Hesi and said, "Don't forget that you promised me to take me to participate in the dragon slaying event! And, The ancient city lord and Bessa city lord of Refu Water City had the things you signed! Have you forgotten?"

As soon as Di Hesi heard Lu Wu's words, he immediately remembered that Master Bessa made him sign the agreement and laughed at his illiteracy, and his eyes gradually became cruel.
"Master?!" Seeing something wrong with Di Hesi's eyes, Lu Wu hurriedly called out to him, and after seeing him regain his composure and gradually return to looking at him normally, he said, "If you really want to go back If so, then go back... I'll go and say goodbye to the city lord, and we'll go back..."

Di Hesi narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned his head suddenly to look at Manager Qing Gong, and then asked, "Manager Qing Gong, I remember you told me that Qingcheng and River Water City are now in an alliance. Bar?"

Director Qing Gong nodded because he didn't understand.

"So, when you Qingcheng is going to slay the dragon, will River Water City also send people? Or, that Besa City Lord will also go to slay the dragon together?" Di and Simi Focusing, staring at Manager Qing Gong closely, not letting go of any expression on his face.

"It should be..." Director Qing Gong felt a little terrified at the sight of Di Hesi, but still gritted his teeth and nodded.

"In this case...then let's stay and take a good look at this Qingcheng!" Di Hesi didn't know what he thought of when he heard what Manager Qing Gong said, so he suddenly smiled, and then turned to Lu Wu and Qing Gong. The manager said: "Director Qing Gong, please go and tell the city owner, and then arrange a place for us to have a good rest..."

Director Qing Gong looked at Di Hesi, then at Lu Wu, who was obviously as dazed as he was, immediately put on a smile and responded, and ran out of the side hall, then turned his head towards the palace with some fear Li looked at it, heaved a sigh of relief, then frowned and said in a low voice: "What's the matter with this sword master? Didn't he still look determined to leave just now? Why did he change his attitude just a while ago... Ask Could it be that it has something to do with the city of River River?"

While thinking about it, Manager Qing Gong quickly found the guards and went to Ji Xiaoyan's position, and then immediately rushed towards her.

Because I knew what Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were like to me from being strangers, and coupled with the observation of them in the process of getting along with Yu Qisi and Lu Wu just now, Ji Xiaoyan had no idea what Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were like. Relatively close relationship acceptance is still very fast!So after arranging to leave Green Five, she took Yu Qisi directly to Cenarion to discuss with him about dragon slaying, and by the way, told Yu Qisi about her in-game events a bit.

"Miss Xiaoyan, what we need to do recently is to deal with the dragon slaying first, then those fox clans, and the fox clan saint who is like a time bomb... After that, we should try our best to help those who come The players in the training field have successfully trained, let them go back to the real world to deal with those mutant beasts, and then help those game researchers, let them research a way to get you out as soon as possible?" Yu Qisi was a little confused Following behind Ji Xiaoyan, she recounted all the things she summed up in a low voice, and then said with some distress: "Miss Xiaoyan, these things don't sound like much, but it's quite troublesome and time-consuming to do. Yes..."

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a relaxed face, turned to Yu Qisi and said with a smile: "It's good to have something to do! It's better than nothing to do, and it's better to be bored to death!"

Yu Qisi thought for a while, nodded silently, and then asked in a low voice: "Miss Xiaoyan, I heard from the young master who I never knew said that the purpose of this game is to let other people come in and become immortals." ? Why do you still want to leave here?"

"Eternal life?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then asked Yu Qisi with a smile, "Qisi, what do you think is eternal life?"

"Immortal?!" Yu Qisi thought for a while and replied.

"Then do you think there is any meaning in being immortal? When you don't even have a goal in life..." Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi with some deep eyes, and asked her.

If she, Ji Xiaoyan, has any goals that she has not achieved, and if she has any ambitions to fulfill, it would be very wonderful to have the basis of unlimited time here!But. For her now, she doesn't know what world she is in, whether she has relatives, friends, etc. In such a situation, she really feels that there is no such thing as giving her the condition of immortality. What's the point!

Yu Qisi didn't understand what Ji Xiaoyan meant, but just looked at her dazed look, and immediately lowered his eyes to ponder
"Actually, July Fourth, those are not what we need to care about now!" Ji Xiaoyan came back to his senses, looked at Yu Qisi with a smile, and said to her: "When will we finish the things listed now, it's boring It's time to study this matter of eternal life... And if you really want me to say it, the only thing I think about right now is actually just wanting to see what your real world looks like..."

"Miss Xiaoyan, do you want to see the real world because you lost your memory and don't remember anything?" Yu Qisi froze for a moment, and asked Ji Xiaoyan in a daze, but he looked at her with a deep expression on his face smiled wryly.

"Let's go! Let's go to Cenarion first!" Ji Xiaoyan turned around and continued to walk.
Yu Qisi nodded quickly, and followed Ji Xiaoyan step by step, but his mind was repeatedly thinking about what Ji Xiaoyan wanted to express...
Cenarion was abducted by Xuan Mo last time because Ji Xiaoyan was kidnapped, and he didn't go to find Ji Xiaoyan for help. After being scolded by Manager Qing Gong and Ni Mengsha, Cenarion is a little more honest now.After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's call, he immediately flew down from the high tower and landed heavily in front of her. After looking at Ji Xiaoyan several times, he asked, "Are you back? Are you okay?" ?”

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Cenarion amusedly, and when he looked away uncomfortably, he smiled softly and said, "Get ready, In about five days, we will go and avenge you!"

"Really?!" Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Cenarion immediately turned his head and looked at her, asking with surprise in his eyes.

"Of course it's true, I promised you something!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile.

"Good! Good! Good!" Cenarion flicked his tail excitedly, splashing a cloud of dust.

Yu Qisi looked up at the huge black dragon in shock, and it took him a while to remember to breathe. He quickly took a few breaths, moved closer to Ji Xiaoyan with some fear, and then whispered to her Asked: "Miss Xiaoyan, I... It's the first time I've seen such a big dragon... The things here are so real and scary... Are you not afraid when you get along with it? ? I feel that if one of its claws collapses, it can crush us into meatloaf..."

(End of this chapter)

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