The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1625 Depressed things

Chapter 1625 Depressed things

Yunteng Wanli had already brought a group of players outside the mayor's mansion to wait for the family members he expected, and then took them to visit the mayor's mansion to show their achievements this time, Being able to successfully sign an agreement with those families will benefit the future development of their Yun family in reality and in the game.

It's just that I didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, the expected people from those families didn't see them. Instead, they waited until the wandering Yanbo who said he was going to the town to take a walk and found out that Lin Qianye, an NPC, proposed to cooperate. .

With a worried expression on his face, Yunteng Wanli walked towards Lin Qianye and the others while following Yan Foil Wandering towards Lin Qianye and the others, while complaining and worried: "I thought this town was opened, and the collaborators who can meet It will only be the people from the few families that we have thrown away the olive branch. I never thought that it would be an NPC in this game hahaha, think about it, this is really so ridiculous!"

Yan Foil Liuli glanced at Yunteng Wanli quickly, and then said a little provocatively: "Brother, actually, if you think about it from another angle, this might be a good thing!"

"What kind of good thing can this be?" Yun Teng Wanli smiled wryly, looking at Yan Foil, and said, "Our town is now opened, but no family is willing to cooperate with us to develop, and we will rely on our Yun family in the future." If I develop myself in the game, I still don’t know when I can develop these beneficial things into the real family... Displaced, without the help of other families, our Yun family will always be one in the eyes of other families. It's just a weak family studded with copper stink!"

"Brother, I know what you're talking about!" Yan Foil Liuliu nodded at Yunteng Wanli with a serious expression, and then continued: "People from those families haven't appeared yet, maybe it's just Is it because they didn’t think it through? Or, they want to give us a blow and let you change the conditions you said at the beginning? And during this period, if we can really cooperate with NPCs, with the help of NPCs, We can definitely occupy more than a town like Waqi Town, right? The more towns we occupy, the stronger our strength will be. At that time, those families will also reconsider our Yun family, right? Why is this not the same? Is it a good thing?"

Yun Teng Wanli shook his head helplessly after hearing Yan Foil's words, and they didn't say anything until they saw Lin Qianye.

"Master Qianye, this is my brother!" Yan Foil Liliu appeared in front of Lin Qianye again, and quickly introduced Yunteng Wanli behind him, and then said: "The cooperation you want to talk about, I Brother can be the master..."

"Yunteng Wanli, right?" Lin Qianye looked at Yunteng Wanli with a little arrogance, then nodded to Yan Foil Liuliu, and briefly told Yunteng Wanli his proposal, Then he looked at him and said: "As long as you are willing to cooperate, not only I will gather some other towns, and then everyone will go to conquer the fox clan. What do you think?"

Yunteng Wanli looked a little careless, after hearing Lin Qianye's words, he just said lightly, think carefully, and then prepared to leave.

As far as Yun Teng Wanli thought, the stronger this so-called fox clan, the more places it occupies, the better!If possible, he even hopes that the Fox Clan will occupy all the towns in the entire game continent, and then let them restore all these towns, so that the entire game layout will be completely reshuffled, and their Yun family will become the sole ruler of the entire game !
Of course, this is just a thought.

Everyone knows that this is not the real world. There is a mastermind controlling the balance of the game world, and there are people from the federal government and major families in reality. It is absolutely impossible for them to occupy the entire game. possible!However, if they want to fight for more benefits, it should still be possible!As long as the Fox Clan is alive and they have the magic power restriction plate, they can snatch more towns from the Fox Clan!

There are not many towns owned by the Fox Clan now, and these NPCs want to unite them to drive the Fox Clan away. Wouldn't that cut off their welfare?It's no wonder Yunteng Wanli is willing to do so!

It was precisely because of these concerns that Yunteng Wanli didn't hear what Yan Foil said.

Lin Qianye looked at Yun Teng Wanli's attitude, and immediately glared at him with some displeasure, and seeing that he didn't look at herself, she immediately cast her eyes on Yan Foil Liuli.

"Brother!" Yan Foil Liuliu frowned and looked at Yunteng Wanli, not understanding why he seemed a little unhappy about such a good cooperation opportunity.

"Let's go, wandering!" Yunteng Wanli came back to his senses, smiled reluctantly at Lin Qianye and the others, and then said, "Master Qianye, this cooperation involves many people, so I can't give it to you now. A clear answer, let me think about it carefully, and I will give you the answer after asking some adventurers who cooperated with us..."

Lin Qianye looked at Yunteng Wanli with dissatisfaction, and couldn't help but sternly said to him: "Adventurer, didn't you say that you are the one who can call the shots? I don't care if you are evasive now. Some are not willing to cooperate with us?"

"Lord Qianye, what you said is wrong! I seriously want to go back and think about it. Really!" Yunteng Wanli knew the truth of not messing with anyone and never messing with NPCs, so he directly faced Lin Qian with embarrassment. Ye smiled wryly and said, "It's really because if we cooperate, it will really affect many people... Look at our current Waqi Town, it's not just me and my brother who can take it down alone, right? We still need a lot of adventurers who cooperate with us, so that our Waqi Town can be rejuvenated now, right? I can’t just agree to this matter without giving other people some consideration!”

"Brother!" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yunteng Wanli with a surprised and puzzled expression, unable to understand what deep meaning he had said.As far as he is concerned, it would be great to cooperate with NPCs like Lin Qianye and the others!Why is Yunteng Wanli not willing to agree?
What on earth is he trying to delay?
After talking with the players of those families?

Yun Teng Wanli glanced at Yan Foil Liuli with a slight warning, seeing that although he frowned and stared at him, but honestly shut up and kept quiet, he continued to smile and said to Lin Qianye and the others: "Qianye My lord, don't worry! When I think it over, I will send someone to inform you immediately... By the way, I don't know which city you are staying in, Lord Qianye?"

After Lin Qianye looked at Yunteng Wanli in silence for a while, she said to him angrily: "Qingcheng! If you think about it, come to Qingcheng to find us... Yousi, Pudi, Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunteng Wanli to say anything, Lin Qianye turned around and walked towards the outside of Waqi Town.

Yan Foil Liuli looked at Lin Qianye and the others with a hesitant expression on his face, then immediately raised his eyebrows and looked at Yunteng Wanli, ready to ask him what he was thinking.In the end, before he could make a sound, Xingkong Haohan, who had been standing next to him, couldn't help but speak: "Well, wandering! I have something else I want to ask you..."

Yun Teng Wanli glanced at the vast starry sky indifferently, looked at Yan Foil Liuliu, and after signaling that he had something to say to him, he turned around and left.When he heard Lin Qianye say the word Qingcheng, he knew why his younger brother had to persuade him to cooperate with these NPCs to deal with the Fox Clan!

Hmph, these NPCs in front of me may not be sent by that girl Ji Xiaoyan, she must be thinking of using them to fight against the Fox Clan, and that's why she wanted to cooperate with them.At that time, with her famous title as the city lord of the Qing City, wouldn't she want to make another splash in the game and suppress all the real heroes like them?
He Yun Teng Wanli would not do such a thing that benefits others but harms himself!
Looking at Yunteng Wanli's defiant attitude, Xingkong Haohan immediately curled his lip at him inwardly, and then put on his smile again, looking at Yanfoil Liuliu.He only needs to know the name of the so-called prop, and then he can go to the Fox clan to do business and get a city
"What do you want to ask, tell me!" Yan Foil Liuli rubbed his brows with a headache, looked at the direction Yunteng Wanli was leaving, and desperately hoped to get away from Starry Sky, and then continued to persuade Yunteng Wanli and Lin Qian Night they cooperate.

"I'm just a little curious. You said you only used one item to snatch this Waqiu Town from those NPCs of the Fox clan, so I just want to ask you, what is this item!" Xingkong Haohan said with a sincere face Looking at Yan Foil Liliu, he said to him: "I also know that this item should still be very important to you, and it should not be introduced lightly. I'm just a little curious... If you want, tell me The name of my prop is also acceptable, please satisfy my curiosity..."

Yan Foil Liuli frowned and watched Xingkong Haohan all the time after saying these words, but didn't say anything for a while.

"Wandering...I'm really curious!" Xingkong Haohan saw Yan Foil drifting silent for a while, changed his mind, and continued: "Originally, I just came here to see what your new town looks like. Yes, whoever met Master Qianye and was dragged by him to see you...... Hehe, who knew that I heard you talk about that prop right away! I am a person who knows everything Well, this curiosity is too strong. I don’t know if I can force myself not to think about it. I know some news for no reason, so I want to know more... Displaced, for the sake of our struggle together, Just tell me the name of that prop!! Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep at night!”

Yan Foil Liuli frowned tightly, while listening to Xingkong Haohan's words, while slightly lowering his eyes, he was deep in thought.

"Wandering..." Xingkong Haohan waited for a long time, and couldn't help urging again: "Just one name, I only need to know one name."

Hearing the sound, Yan Foil Liuli looked at the vast starry sky with piercing eyes. Looking at his smile with a hint of joy on his face, he suddenly felt a little glaringly uncomfortable, so Yan Foil Liuli said directly to the vast starry sky: "I'm sorry, Xing Kong, my brother asked me not to say these things! I'm sorry..."

Seeing the vastness of the starry sky, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his face turned slightly blue, Yan Foil Liuliu felt a little more comfortable in his heart, and then he handed him a farewell, turned around and left!
"Wandering! Nightmare foil drifting!" Xing Kong Haohan came back to his senses, and couldn't help but yelled twice at the back of Nightmare foil drifting away. Then he became annoyed: "MD, if you don't want to say it, then you don't want to say it! You're thinking about it for a long time, what kind of spectacle is it to waste everyone's time! Isn't it just the name of a prop? You don't want to say it, I still don't want to say it!" I don’t believe that the rescued NPCs in this Waqi Town don’t know either!”

Gritting his teeth and saying this, Xingkong Haohan turned around and called all the players behind him together, and then arranged tasks for them, asking them to go around Waqi Town immediately, and ask about the item if they catch the NPC Afterwards, he cheekily led the two players and chased them in the direction where Yan Foil drifted away.
Lin Qianye left Waqi Town angrily with Yousi and Pudi all the way, and then returned to Qingcheng, and found out that Ji Xiaoyan went to the city to deal with the troubles of the aborigines in Qiyun Town and Zishui Town. Afterwards, Lin Qianye turned around and went straight out of the City Lord's Mansion, chasing after Ji Xiaoyan.

To be honest, before going to Waqi Town, Lin Qianye thought about it, maybe Yan Foil Wandering would not agree to cooperate with them, but in his heart, this possibility is only [-]% and it should be impossible of the situation.It turned out that they were so unlucky to meet this [-]% chance this time, which made those adventurers feel embarrassed and arrogant in front of these powerful aborigines!
He even trampled on the face of the aboriginal city lord.

Lin Qianye is getting more and more angry now, she is about to explode!But thinking of Cheng, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure it all.

So, now that they haven't got the answer that Yunteng Wanli and the others agreed to cooperate, the only thing Lin Qianye thinks she can do is to look for Ji Xiaoyan, see if she can persuade her to use the help of her wandering friend Check out your identity and friendship, try to persuade the adventurers like Nightmare Foil to leave them, and then agree to cooperate with them to deal with the Fox Clan
(End of this chapter)

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