The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1651 Some things and some people

Chapter 1651 Some things and some people
For Yunjian nympho, for players like them who rely on doing business in the game to make a living, the last thing they want is to have a grudge with someone, to have conflicts with the players!They are just a very small individual, if they really get into trouble with someone, they will not be able to get along in the game at that time, and it will be me who will suffer.

Therefore, regarding why those players must kill them, Yun Jianyan is very eager to know the answer, and then find a way to solve it, isn't it?You can't just be tricked by people like this, you can't do your own business, and people are offended for no reason, right?

It's just that, after staring at the group of players opposite him for a long time, I don't see any of them willing to stand up and speak out. It doesn't look like they are here to seek revenge.
Thinking of this, Yunjian Nymphomaniac couldn't help but glanced at Feitan, and then tentatively said to the players: "Guys, if you don't want to explain to us, it means that there is no enmity between us." and so on. We don't bother you, but we just hope you don't touch us again, okay?"

The group of players heard the words, did not say a word, and did not express their views at all.

Fei Tan looked angrily at everyone in the player group, and finally turned around and left under the tugging of Yunjian Nympho.It's just that Fei Tan was not happy at all when he left: "Brother Yunjian, let's just leave it like this? It looks like we didn't offend them at all! What if in a while, What if they kill us again?"

"Kill it, of course we have to find a way." The tone of Yun Jianyan was not as relaxed as before. Hearing Fei Tan's words, he said in a low voice: "Let's do our business first, and leave them alone."

Fei Tan had no choice but to follow Yunjian Nympho to find a suitable position again and try to find a way to climb on the back of the dragon.But just when he threw the rope on the dragon and just hung it firmly, Feitan's eyes suddenly caught the light flying in the air, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the group of players, and he saw Several staves are held high at the back of the crowd
"MD, kill us again." Fei Tan only had time to curse in his heart, and when he came back to his senses, he was already standing on the resurrection formation.

"Brother Yunjian, I saw it. It was the sorcerers in that group who did it." Feitan couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said to Yunjian nymphomaniac, "If this goes on, it's impossible for us to get any more dragons. Jia and dragon meat, they clearly want to keep killing us."

Yunjian nymphomaniac frowned for a while, reached out and patted Feitan's shoulder, and said soothingly: "I see. Let's go, let's go and see Boss Ge."

"Huh?" Fei Tan was stunned when he heard Yun Jian's nymphomaniac's words.Didn't you say that you only sell the dragon armor when you get it?They haven't gotten anything right now, are they going to check the price of dragon meat?

Confused, Fei Tan followed Yun Jian through the crowd and walked up to Boss Ge again.He still looks like he doesn't care about anything, just sitting there quietly.
"Boss Ge." There was no smile on Yun Jian's nymphomaniac at the moment. After shouting to himself, he sat directly next to Boss Ge. It wasn't the same as when he was in business, and he was face to face with Boss Ge. squatting.

Boss Ge couldn't help frowning when he saw Yunjian's nympho's movements. The criss-crossing scars on his face looked more eye-catching and terrifying.

"Aren't we the only ones who came to sell the dragon armor and dragon meat?" Yun Jianhuai didn't know what he thought of, and asked in a low voice directly to Boss Ge, while beckoning Fei Tan to sit down beside him.

"What?" Boss Ge looked at Yunjian Nympho with some doubts.

"We seem to be in trouble." Yun Jianyan's eyes are cruising around the crowd at the moment, and he whispers to Boss Ge: "After we left from you, we ran several times, except for the first one. The first time should be the giant dragon killed us, and the next few times were killed by a group of players. I asked them face to face what offended them, but they didn't dare to say a word, just whispered Looking at our results, I thought it was all right, turned around and we were ready to continue working, and we were sent back again."

"Are you sure you don't have any grudges?" Boss Ge's eyes were slightly deep, looking at Yun Jian and asked.

"I'm definitely sure!" Yun Jianyan nodded seriously, and then said: "In our business, who dares to have a grudge with others? Isn't that self-defeating? We usually pay attention to it, and would rather I don’t want to offend anyone even if I’m at a disadvantage. But this time, those players made it clear that they don’t want us to take any action. I really don’t understand what they want to do. I asked them, but none of them were willing to say.”

Boss Ge was silent for a while, and then nodded to Yun Jianhuai, turned his head and glanced behind him.

A few seconds later, Feitan saw a male player in black running over from nowhere, and put his ear to Boss Ge's mouth. After listening to his mumbling orders, he straightened up, yes Glancing at Yunjian Nymphomaniac and Fei Tan, he nodded to Boss Ge and said, "Don't worry, I'll follow them to have a look."

"Go." Boss Ge closed his eyes reassuringly, and said lightly to Yunjian Nympho and the male player.

The male player gave a glance to Yunjian Nymphomaniac with his eyes, then got into the crowd and ran in the direction of Cenarion.

Fei Tan hurriedly chased after him, and after running with Yunjian Nympho for a few minutes, he saw the players hiding not far from the dragon again.

"That group of people over there?" The male player in black frowned slightly and looked at the players, and then asked Yun Jianyong. After seeing him nodding, he suddenly said with some displeasure: " I see. I'll go over and tell them, and you can act on your own in a while."

Yunjian Nymphomaniac nodded, and after watching the player in black leave, he couldn't help but frowned and sighed, then smiled wryly at Fei Tan and said, "It seems that we have offended someone invisibly!"

Fei Tan looked puzzled, and looked at Yunjian Nymphomaniac suspiciously.

"not understand?"

Feitan continued to shake his head.

The nymphomaniac in Yunjian took a deep breath, shook his head slightly at Feitan, and then explained to him: "Did you see the expression on that person when he saw the group of players just now?"

Feitan nodded.The man frowned at that time, looking a little angry.

"He knows those people." Yun Jianyan said bluntly to Fei Tan, and after seeing him look at him in surprise, he continued: "He also said it just now, he went over to say it, and then let us Rest assured and continue to act. What does this mean? It means that those people know him and who is he? He is a member of Boss Ge's subordinates. He can know those people, which means one thing. Those people also know Ge Boss has done business!"

When Fei Tan heard this, he immediately felt that something was flying through his mind, and he wanted to catch it, but he couldn't catch it for a while.

"Those who have done business with Boss Ge are nothing more than players who eat our profession." With disdain and sarcasm in Yun Jian's eyes, he kept staring at the group of players in the distance, and then continued to look at Fei. Tan said: "So, it's almost the same as what we guessed. Those players didn't have any enmity with us at all. The reason why they killed us was that they also came to grab the Dragon Armor, but they didn't grab it. We have a deal with Boss Ge, so."

"Jealous?" Feitan suddenly realized.

"Almost!" Yun Jianyan thought for a while and nodded: "I think this is probably the case. But, the only thing I don't understand is that generally speaking, in our business, everyone They all rely on their own abilities, and I haven’t heard of anyone who got the object because of others, and then these players who hold grudges and kill people don’t know what they think.”

"Maybe we'll know when that player comes back." Fei Tan thought for a while and said.

"What are you waiting for! We still have business to do! It's true to get the dragon armor quickly." Yunjian Nympho slapped Fei Tan funnyly, and then said: "Maybe if we hang up again later , I have to go back before that player. Hurry up, Boss Ge is willing to help us solve those players, just because we got the dragon armor and dragon meat, you really think you can just go to someone After doing business with Boss Ge, will he help solve any troubles? He won't want to cause trouble."

Speaking of this, Yunjian Nymphomaniac couldn't help but looked in the direction of the group of players again, seeing that the player in black was talking to them, couldn't help but sighed and said: "Speaking of which, this time the harvest Players of dragon armor and dragon meat must have a great background. Otherwise, Boss Ge would not be willing to have conflicts with our suppliers for such things."

Fei Tan frowned slightly, with a look of incomprehension.In the end, I didn’t ask any more questions, and honestly climbed onto the ice-blue giant dragon together with Yunjian Nympho
On the other side, Lin Qianye quickly scanned almost all the players in the player group, and after not finding any traces of Yan Foil and Yun Teng Wanli, she couldn't help but snorted twice in depression , and then ran back to Ji Xiaoyan and the aborigines, and found Yousi and Pudi who were eating to replenish their strength.

"Qianye, you're back? How's it going? Has anyone been found?" You Si hurriedly asked after seeing Lin Qianye with a look of surprise, then looked at Lin Qianye's slightly dark face, and immediately picked He raised his eyebrows, "Looking at you like this, did you find anyone? They didn't come?"

"I don't know." Lin Qianye said in a bad mood.

"It's fine if you don't come. After killing these two giant dragons, we can go to Waqi Town and have a look." The two of you and Si swallowed the food in their hands and said directly to Lin Qianye: "Qianye Ah, you see we have been stalemate in the fight here, you have nothing to do now, do you want to do me a favor and go up to vent your anger?"

Lin Qianye glared at You Si after hearing the words.

"Anyway, Xiaoyan is also your disciple. You can see that after she loses her memory, her combat effectiveness basically drops to zero. You, a master, are ashamed to watch her go so hard to find so many adventurers to help, but you don't know Do you want to do it?" You Si put away all the hippie smiles on his face, and said to Lin Qianye, "I heard that the magic circle here that weakens the dragon's combat and mobility can't last long, and it will kill half of it in a while. If the first dragon has run away, turning back is a big problem."

Lin Qianye pursed her lips, and looked at the dark brown dragon unhappily.

It is surrounded by countless adventurers.From time to time, one after another three-winged and quadruped birds will fly in the sky, carrying adventurers directly onto its back, and then disappearing with a flash of white light. The people at Qingshimen are carefully avoiding the giant dragon The frontal attack, trying to attract the dragon's attention time and time again.

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan was standing not far from the dragon's head, holding his staff high, and together with the Lord Bessa of River Water City, he attacked the dragon again.

"I see that girl Xiaoyan's spells seem to have recovered quite a bit!" Lin Qianye looked at the scarlet lotus flowers splashed on the dragon's body, opened and scattered, and couldn't help but say, Then, after seeing You Si glaring at him with displeasure, he pursed his lips and said uncomfortably: "Speaking of which, where did the servants and pets of girl Xiaoyan go? Where's that guy Xi Ye? Why didn't you come?"

"They said they were waiting for Xuan Mo at the back." Pu Di said hastily.

Lin Qianye nodded knowingly, she couldn't stand Yousi's flamboyant and reproachful eyes, so she nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay, Yousi, don't look at me with that kind of eyes anymore. Me. Don’t you just want me to help? All right! As you said, I, as a master, still need to help my apprentices with something, right? To avoid being dug out by you when you have nothing to do As far as things are concerned, you finish eating quickly, and we will go over after eating, so the head office will be okay, right?"

When you heard what Lin Qianye said, his expression changed instantly, he put away all the blame and dissatisfaction on his face just now, replaced it with a satisfied face, and raised his eyebrows towards Pudi with a smile After a while, he ate another mouthful of food, greeted Lin Qianye, and ran in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan.

And Friesman, Xuan Mo, Jiajia, and Xiye, who have only been missed at this moment, have just come out of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and the manager Qing Gong personally led them all the way to the huge teleportation array in Qingcheng, ready to teleport to Wu Bone Forest to help.

However, beside the teleportation formation, Manager Qing Gong and the others unexpectedly saw a group of people who should not appear here
 PS: Thank you "Li Hongji is cute" for the evaluation votes!Thank you "Old Ten 01" for the monthly pass!Thank you for the "TEN" token!Thanks to "bernd004" for the monthly pass!Thanks to "Tianma 81" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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