Chapter 1665 Coveted
The Nightmare Cleaner originally thought that he could know the names of those troublemakers, and it would be enough to find someone to find out which guild they were from.As a result, even he himself did not expect that the attack and speed of those cloaked men were so fast, and they were sent back to the teleportation array in a few strokes!

Fortunately, he was prepared. When the cloaked man who attacked them moved, he immediately activated his skills.I thought that it was very likely that I would fail my skills in such a hasty time and not be able to steal anything, but I didn't expect it!The Nightmare Cleaner couldn't help but hooked his lips and smiled, he even stole a good thing.

It was beyond his expectation that the player became an NPC. He didn't expect that the Nightmare Cleaner would steal the badge of that cloaked NPC with one skill!This is an excellent thing to prove your identity!
Rubbing the waist badge in the package, the Nightmare Cleaner didn't even show the Thunder Kitten, and took him directly to search for Ji Xiaoyan's location in the crowd.

On the other side, the cloaked man who solved the nightmare cleaner and the others watched them disappear with a look of disdain. He didn't even realize that he had lost something on his body. Returning to the side of the other people, and together with the cloaked men, turned around and changed places in a low-key manner, ready to continue to see if they could rely on those players to rush to the dragon and get the dragon they wanted. some things.

However, to the surprise of all the players, the transparent barrier they thought was an ordinary enchantment began to attack them after they touched it a few times
"Fuck, what's going on?" The players who were not sent back to the resurrection circle couldn't help but stand in surprise, keeping a distance from the barrier, looking for the guards around, and asked loudly: "This thing Isn’t it an ordinary enchantment? How could it still attack people?”

The guards didn't have the heart to answer the questions of these adventurers, they just wanted to prevent these adventurers from rushing towards the barrier.

"what happened?"

"The ones in the back, don't push anymore, if you push again, we will die"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, people will die."

"I'm stupid, I said don't squeeze it!!"

The players closest to the barrier are aware of the danger at this moment, quickly stop their steps, and yell at the players behind them, but with so many players, everyone's breathing will produce sound, not to mention that everyone is still in the same place. In such an extremely excited state, naturally no one could hear the roars of the players in front.

As a result, batch after batch of players turned into white light in front of the barrier, and sacrificed again for no reason.

"There is a white light flashing in front, everyone hurry up! That barrier is definitely not working."

"Come on, come on! We're about to rush in."

The players at the outermost edge of the crowd who didn't know the situation suddenly booed. The cloaked men were overjoyed when they heard the excited voices of the players. They rubbed their hands and prepared to wait for the huge barrier to collapse. Long side to go.

It's just that, waiting and waiting, the cloaked men realized that something was wrong.

The adventurers around were advancing towards the barrier bit by bit, but inside the barrier, they didn't see any adventurers at all. Not to mention, the barrier seemed to be there all the time.
"What's going on?" A cloaked man couldn't help frowning and asked the people around him.

However, before the cloaked men beside them spoke, another male voice said with a smile: "Hehe, how many want to go in?"

The leading man in the cloak turned his head in surprise, his eyes softened in the next second, and he even put on a slight smile. He looked at the Shendrill who had stood beside them at some point, calmed down and said: "I still don't know who it is, it turns out to be Master Shendrill! Why do you have time to come here?"

Didn't that Shendrill guy go back and report the news to the city lord of their Shacheng?How would it appear here?

"Oh, I've finished talking to our Lord City Master about everything, so I'll come here to have a look." Shendrill looked indifferent, but his gaze didn't fall on the cloaked men. He stared at the barrier, and then continued: "Everyone is here, it looks like they want to go in!"

"That's natural." The cloaked man was not pretentious, nodded directly and said: "Master Shendiao, the giant dragon inside is worth a lot now, we naturally want to get something to go. I just don't know , Master Shendrill, can you help me?"

"Help?" Shendrill raised his eyebrows and smiled, with an imperceptible sarcasm in his eyes, looked at the man in the cloak and asked, "Everyone, don't you know who initiated this dragon slaying activity? The city lord is also the vice-castle lord of our Shacheng. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to ask me to help you remove our vice-castle lord's things like this!?"

Hearing the words, the man in the cloak didn't look embarrassed at all. Instead, he smiled and said to Shendrill: "What did Lord Shendiao say! Ji City Lord, we are naturally very grateful. It's just that , Gratitude is gratitude, we can't let City Lord Ji take away all the giant dragons just like that! It's not easy for us Fox Clan to come here, we are here for these two giant dragons, so naturally we can't empty-handed But is it not?"

"Well, then you are planning to let our City Lord Ji return empty-handed?" Shendrill said calmly with his expression unchanged.

Now, if you can't hear the meaning behind Shendrill's words, the cloaked men of the fox clan are really idiots.

"Master Shendrill, what do you mean?" The man at the head of the fox clan thought for a while and asked Shendrill.

"Friends of the fox clan, you probably don't know who built this barrier, right?" Shendiao didn't answer directly, but pointed at the huge transparent barrier and said to the cloaked men of the fox clan : "This barrier was set up by the City Lord of Shacheng himself, in order to protect our Deputy City Lord, the giant dragon of City Lord Ji! So, do you understand?"

"It's the Lord City Lord." Hearing the words, the cloaked men of the fox clan nodded in understanding, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then said to Shendrill: "So it is like this!"

As long as it's not Shendrill and they defend Ji Xiaoyan, it's fine.As for the City Lord of Shacheng, he should protect Ji Xiaoyan's interests, that's what he should do!Anyway, Ji Xiaoyan is also the deputy city lord of Shacheng, isn't he?The people of Shacheng have all arrived here, and the Lord of Shacheng doesn't help, and spread the word back, where is the face of Shacheng!

Shendrill continued to smile, but regardless of what the foxes in front of him were thinking, he continued directly: "By the way, everyone, our Lord City Lord said that after the dragon slaying activity is over, we will wait for the foxes in Shacheng." The elders of the patriarch came to the door. Please go back and tell me!"

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't worry, Lord Shendrill." Hearing the words, the fox tribes quickly nodded and smiled, and then saw that Shendrill was still standing there and did not want to leave. They thought for a while , the leader of the fox family asked: "Master Shendrill, do you have anything else to do here?"

"Things?" Shendrill raised his eyebrows, glanced at the foxes knowingly, and then said, "It's nothing. Just help our City Lord Ji guard her dragon well, you guys." I also know that our City Lord Ji is incompetent and poor, if the things we finally got are gone, and we go back to our Lord City Lord to cry and make our City Lord unhappy, how bad is that? Right? "

Hearing the words, the fox clan looked at each other immediately, and finally had to laugh a few times, and then said to Shendrill: "In this case, let's leave first."

"Okay, no." Shendrill nodded with a smile, and after watching the cloaked men of the fox clan walk for a distance, he said to the guards of Shacheng behind him: "Just follow them from a distance. No need to do anything, just let them see that you have been following them and monitoring them."

"Yes." The guard nodded, and hurriedly followed the fox people.

"Tsk tsk, Ji Cheng mainly knows that I will help her so much today, will she be particularly touched?" Shendiao smiled, and beckoned to the remaining guards to walk back slowly in the direction of Tina.

Here at the barrier, they are naturally in charge of the city lord, they don't have to worry about it at all, they just need to go back and report the results.As for those fox clans, hehe, since they are trying to plot against them, don't blame him for not letting them take advantage of it here.

Want a dragon?Hmph, then you have to pass their Shacheng level first.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know these things hidden in the crowd of players.

She led the guards and Master Bessa together, and rushed directly towards Cenarion, preparing to deal with the ice-blue giant dragon as soon as possible, and then move the dragon's body back early, taking advantage of the dead body on the dragon's body. Do what you need to do before the mana dissipates.

As for whether Freesman in the barrier can remove everyone's freezing spell, Ji Xiaoyan has no time to care about it at the moment. Anyway, Master Bessa said, as long as the ice blue giant dragon is destroyed, it will be fine. How long it takes, the spell will naturally be lifted.So what she has to worry about now is how to deal with the ice-blue giant dragon that has gone berserk after being enraged by the death of the dun-brown dragon.

"If we had known earlier, we would have dealt with the earth-type dragon by ourselves, and now we will let the city lord Yutina help us kill this ice-type dragon." Ji Xiaoyan muttered to Master Besa regretfully. road.

"The Lord City Master is only willing to help you once?" Lord Bessa asked curiously.

"No! She has helped me many times." Ji Xiaoyan said with a sad face, "The city lord Yutina just said that one shot is enough for her, and she can kill all the dragons as soon as she comes. What’s the point of us organizing this dragon slaying activity later? She insisted that she must let me experience the fun of slaying dragons, so she didn’t want to help me kill the remaining dragon.”

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but want to hit someone as long as he thought of the expression on Tina's face when she said this.

Dragon slaying fun?She hasn't discovered the joy of slaying dragons until now!On the contrary, there are a lot of things to worry about, a lot of things to worry about, and there are still many players' problems to be solved!If possible, she would rather not slay the dragons, and let Yu Tina directly kill the two giant dragons and pull them away.

Lord Bessa frowned, couldn't help sighing, and comforted Ji Xiaoyan after a while and said, "Master Ji, it's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, you're right to think so."

"I want to ask myself! But with my current strength, can I solve it by myself?" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, looking frustrated.

Lord Bessa could only shake his head silently upon hearing this.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan girl!" Just when Ji Xiaoyan was about to fall into a state of self-pity, old man Qingmi's voice instantly reached her ears, and she couldn't help being shocked.

Looking up and following the voice, Ji Xiaoyan soon saw the old man Qingmi.

"Master Qingmi, here, here!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved to the old man Qingmi, watched him jump in front of him with a few long steps, quickly looked him around, and then asked: "Qingmi Master, you are not frozen by the dragon!"

"That's natural! Our Qingshimen is only frozen with a few weak little disciples." The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan proudly, then looked behind her, He couldn't help frowning and asked, "Didn't that guy Lin Qianye come to help? Why didn't you see anyone?"

"Master Qianye? He's here." Mentioning Lin Qianye, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but glanced around, and then said: "I heard from Uncle Yousi that Master Qianye found someone here. The circle man, after not finding it, went to the giant dragon to help. Didn't you see him, Master Qingmi?"

"No! I haven't seen those two guys, Yousi and Pudi either!" The old man Qingmi frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a displeased expression: "Hmph, those three guys might just run away Where are you being lazy. Xiaoyan girl, don't count on them."

Ji Xiaoyan laughed dryly twice, not knowing what to say.

"Where is Elder Qingmi going?" Master Bessa glanced at the old man Qingmi, asked him, and then continued: "We are going to help Cenarion."

"Me? Of course I'm here to find girl Xiaoyan!" Qing Mi said with a smile, "Girl Xiaoyan, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, motioning for old man Qingmi to continue.

"Let's go, don't you want to help Cenarion? Let's make an agreement as we walk, so that we won't waste time." The old man Qingmi hugged Ji Xiaoyan's shoulders with a very good attitude, and pushed her forward Then he continued: "The elders of our Qingshimen and the brothers who are in charge of the sect have all gone to help a long time ago, so we can't be late."

 PS: Thanks to "TEN" for the starting currency, and thank you for the starting currency of "Ouba Marry Me"!
(End of this chapter)

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