Chapter 1698 points

The members of the Yu family actively appeared in the game in a very short period of time, and then all teleported towards Qingcheng according to Flying Leaves' instructions.It's just because the merit redemption of the dragon slaying activity has not been opened, Qingcheng has closed the city gate, and players and NPCs are not allowed to enter and exit, so these people from the Yu family can only wander around between Qingcheng's teleportation array and the city gate to pass the time.

Soon, the sky in the game gradually began to turn pale, and the sun penetrated the clouds and shone on the walls of Qingcheng, turning it into a golden yellow.

The NPC guard in the gate of Qingcheng yawned lazily. After seeing the order to open the gate, he called out to the rest of the people and opened the heavy gate with a rumble. , and then looked at the scholars who had already been waiting by the city gate slowly setting up the table and laying down the ink, then lazily looked at the adventurers lined up outside the city gate and shouted loudly: "Everyone who wants to enter Qingcheng , remember to register over there!"

The Yu family sent a total of [-] people, all of whom were men of varying levels, and there were even a few of them who took on quests overnight to fight monsters to pass the novice level. Under his guidance, he stepped into the teleportation array in Qingcheng.

The guards in Qingcheng naturally looked at these new players who couldn't be newer more curiously.

At this moment, most of the players did not appear on the streets of Qingcheng. They were either not online, or they were still staying in rented houses.For the matter of exchanging meritorious service, players still need to wait for the NPC guard to notify them, so everyone has no intention of wandering around the city in a hurry.

Fallen Leaves waited obediently in the game until after dawn, then hurriedly ran from the rented house to the city gate, picked up the family members, avoided Ye Guang Meijiu and the others, and went directly to the guards of Qingcheng , after renting another house in another place in Qingcheng, let the people in these families settle down first, and then returned to Yeguang Fine Wine and the others, waiting for the guards of Qingcheng to inform them of the time to redeem meritorious deeds .

Under the mountain where Nimengsha lives, the NPCs of the Lusi'er tribe have basically returned from the Black Bone Forest. While resting, they helped old man Qingmi and the others disassemble the corpses of the two giant dragons.

Nimensha stood outside the dragon's lair on the top of the mountain, wondering what she was thinking,
Beside, standing with Nimengsha is Jiajia.

"Remember when you came to me with Xiaoyan back then?" Nimengsha suddenly asked Gaga for some reason, and after seeing it nodded and smiled, she said with some emotion: "That Shi Xiaoyan is just a very ordinary adventurer, and his strength is not good. Hehehe."

"Yeah, but I think Xiaoyan is very good." Jiajia is still a very simple horse sand beast.

"It's pretty good." Nimensha's eyes couldn't help dimming, then she looked towards the sky in the distance, and said in a low voice: "Maybe she's not good for other giant dragons."

Jiajia tilted her head and looked at Nimensha with some doubts.

"She brought so many adventurers and aborigines to kill two giant dragons." Nimensha murmured.

"Isn't Cenarion asking for this? Nimensa, you know it!" Gaga was not an idiot either, so he naturally heard something wrong in Nimensa's tone.

"Yeah, I know." Nimensha sighed, turned her gaze back to the huge keel under the mountain that had been stripped of flesh and blood under the sun, and said to Jiajia in a low voice: "Just listen to me. Killing the two evil dragons didn't seem to make any sense. I even thought that if Xiaoyan brought so many people to help and came back to ask for help, I would go to the Black Bone Forest to help. The dragon is placed in front of me and skinned by a clone, I feel a little uncomfortable. I am also a dragon."

Gaga stared at Nimensa with wide eyes, watching her turn her eyes slowly, and look at herself with those huge eyes, there was a trace of pain and sadness in her eyes.

"I would think, will one day, I will lie in such a place and be skinned by someone else! Jiajia, do you understand this feeling?" Ni Mengsha asked Jiajia.

"No, Nimensha." Gaga took a breath, and said to Nimensha firmly, "We are all Xiaoyan's friends, and Xiaoyan will protect you."

Nimengsha withdrew her head without making a sound.

"Nimengsha, don't you like Xiaoyan?" Jiajia asked worriedly.

"I'm just a little emotional. It is said that our giant dragon is the most powerful life on the mainland, but looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be the case." Ni Mengsha closed her eyes slightly, and said to Jiajia: "I just suddenly I'm a little worried about my fate."

Jiajia looked at Nimengsha worriedly, then looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, and said firmly to Nimengsha: "Nimengsha, Xiaoyan will protect you, she will not let you become like those two people. Like a dragon."

Nimensha didn't speak any more, but turned her gaze to another direction facing her, the mountain that Ji Xiaoyan helped Cenarion to build artificially.

The distribution of the dragons is almost the same, so after the aborigines present divided all the dragons, they just packed up the share they deserved, and left what should be left, and kept what should be kept. up.

Di Hesi didn't really care much about the things on the giant dragon. What he did in the early years left him with no friends at all, let alone savings.So even if he took something from the dragon, he probably couldn't find anyone to make it for him, and it would be useless if he asked for it.

The main reason he was willing to come back was because he didn't want to queue up behind many adventurers with Lu Wu just to pretend to have a little bit of dragon blood.

"Nuo, don't you want dragon blood? Go find your friend of the city lord." Di Hesi looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction with disdain, and said arrogantly to Lu Wuji: "Do you still want What, just go to her directly and ask for it. Your master, I helped them slay the dragon, and you can collect the reward for me."

Lu Wu rolled his eyes and glanced at Di Hesi, but didn't move: "Master, it's useless if I want those things!"

"Then why do you insist on queuing up behind those adventurers to snatch what kind of bottle or dragon's blood?" Hearing this, Di Hesi immediately glared angrily at Lu Wu and asked, "You spent so much money?" Mind, isn't it just for the things on the dragon? Now I want you to take it, and you say it's useless?"

If he didn't know his apprentice's character, Di Hesi would feel that he was being played by Lu Wu.

"Master, I just thought everyone had gone, so I just joined in the fun!" Lu Wu said to Di Hesi with a smile on his face, but he didn't tell the truth.He hasn't been in contact with Ji Xiaoyan since he followed Di Hesi to slay the dragon, and he doesn't know what their arrangements for the dragon are like, so seeing so many players robbing the dragon's blood, he naturally went.

He just thought that this dragon blood would be saved for Ji Xiaoyan later, but he didn't think that there would be more dragon blood in Ji Xiaoyan's place.

Di Hesi stared, extremely upset.

Lu Wu smiled flatteringly at Di Hesi, and said, "Master, don't be angry, don't be angry. By the way, you've been tired all night. Let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion to rest, shall we?"

"What's there to rest for?" Di Hesi stared, holding his breath, and shouted at Lu Wu: "The dragon slaying is over, it's okay, you have to go back with me and continue to practice! What are you doing here? ? Taking advantage of the dawn and it's still early, let's go now."

After finishing speaking, Di Hesi immediately reached out and was about to grab Lu Wu, leading him to turn around immediately.

Lu Wu had been prepared for a long time. When he heard Di Hesi's words, he immediately turned around and avoided, and said with a smile: "Farewell, master. Didn't you agree to let me go to that training ground to exercise well? I just went in for a while It’s because of the Dragon Slaying incident, now I’m fine and I’ll go take a look.”

As soon as the training ground was mentioned, Di Hesi immediately thought of where he had lost his composure, and looked at Lu Wu angrily, and shouted: "Then what kind of training ground, you are not allowed to go, follow me back now. "

"No." Lu Wu shook his head resolutely, and swished away from Di Hesi, and said loudly, "Master, if you have nothing to do, go around, I'm going to the training ground."

Di Hesi stared, and was about to chase after him, but saw that Lu Wu had already said something to the guards in Qing City, and a large area of ​​guards in Qing City immediately stopped him, and said with a smile: " Lord Juggernaut, what your disciple said is right. This dragon slaying has made you miserable all night. If you don’t let you rest before leaving, our city lord will definitely blame us. The weather is just right now, how about Shall we send you back to rest?"

"Take a break! Take a rest, don't I know how to go back to my own place? Do you want to stay in your Qingcheng?" Di Hesi was furious, as if he was going to do something.

Lord Bessa had already brought people here at some point, seeing Di Hesi's appearance, he couldn't help frowning, and said: "Master Sword Saint, no matter what, this is also City Lord Ji's Qing City, you A guest should show some respect, right?"

"Respect? I, Di Hesi, still need to respect such a little girl?" Di Hesi raised his eyebrows, sneered, and turned his head to look in Ji Xiaoyan's direction with disdain, regardless of whether she heard it or not, he continued: " What is she? She is just a city lord who was born as an adventurer. If I, Di Hesi, wanted to, wouldn't the master of Qing City be changed immediately?"

When the guards of Qingcheng heard this, their faces changed immediately, and they all clenched their weapons tightly, intending to fight Di Hesi for the dignity of the city lord.

"Master Sword Saint." Upon hearing Di Hesi's words, Master Bessa's face turned cold, his eyes were as frosty as he stared at Di Hesi, and said to him: "You have kept your anonymity for so many years, not only have you not tempered it well Your temper has made you even more insane. Have you really forgotten the city lord back then?"

Hearing this, Di Hesi immediately looked at Lord Bessa furiously.

He hates others to expose his scar, especially the man from River Water City in front of him has exposed it twice.He wanted to kill him.

"I don't know if you, Master Juggernaut, saw any people from Shacheng appearing in the Black Bone Forest. But what I want to tell you is, which Lord Ji is the deputy city lord of Shacheng personally appointed and recognized by the city lord? In the Bone Forest, the Lord of the City also personally brought people to help, and the hand that killed the dragon with one blow is the masterpiece of the Lord of the City." Lord Bessa looked at Di Hesi coldly, and looked at him. With disbelief and panic in his eyes, he continued: "Which city lord also took the heads of these two giant dragons."

Di Hesi looked in the direction of the dragon. He was a little surprised why the head of the dragon was gone, but he didn't expect that it was directly taken away by the people of Shacheng.

Who did Di Hesi put his eyes on?So when he was in the Black Bone Forest, he also guided Lu Wu together, and after leaving countless wounds on the dragon, he taught Lu Wu carefully, where he would pay attention to the affairs of these giant dragons, and Adventurers and aboriginals?
The city lord from Shacheng is here, but he really doesn't know.

Di Hesi's forehead was slightly sweating, wondering if he was thinking of the scene when he was thrown out of the city by the city lord of Shacheng and seriously injured.

"Shacheng and Qingcheng are also alliances now." Lord Bessa continued to look at Di Hesi coldly and said, "So, Lord Sword Master, you understand the truth that disaster comes from your mouth better than us, I hope you still pay attention. The City Lord of Shacheng cares about City Lord Ji very much."

Di Hesi regained his senses in an instant, stared at Master Bessa, watched him glance at him indifferently, and left gracefully with his subordinates sideways, then withdrew his eyes and looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction.

He was a little unconvinced.

Why did the city lord of Shacheng help such a little girl?Still an adventurer!Reminiscent of what happened on the training ground, Di Hesi couldn't help but look at Ji Xiaoyan with a trace of resentment.

After a while, Di Hesi shook his sleeves, turned around and ran to the City Lord's Mansion.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know all this, she was listening to the old man Qingmi and the head of Qingmiao discussing with her about spending money to buy some of the dragon skins and dragon armors that they didn't get.

"Xiaoyan girl, what do you think? We have sent people back to move the things in the treasure house, and they will definitely be delivered later. For the dragon skin and dragon armor, you can give us some more to Qingshimen. It's just that we Also find someone to refine these things as soon as possible, so as not to lose the effectiveness of the dragon magic and depreciate the value of the things!" The old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, so she nodded, and immediately took the remaining dragons away. Both the leather and the dragon armor are moving away.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't think much about it, she had already told her about Qingshimen's request, and she had already made up her mind, so she nodded when she heard old man Qingmi's words, and said, "Master Qingmi, Longpi and Longjia You only need to leave a little for me, and make some protective gear for a few people, and you can move the rest, the price, it doesn’t matter.”

 Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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