The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1701 He doesn't like this result

Chapter 1701 He doesn't like this result
As for those members of the fox clan, it was only a little regret that Ji Xiaoyan couldn't know their whereabouts.

In fact, her original intention was to know where these fox people are and what they are doing, and then try to predict what they will do next, whether they will cause any harm to Qingcheng, and so on, so as to prepare accordingly coping work.It's just that I didn't expect that the members of the Fox clan disappeared in Qingcheng and couldn't be found!

Thinking that Lin Qianye and the others were all in Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little more at ease at the moment, and asked the guards to strengthen their inspections of Qingcheng, and if there were any suspicious aborigines who came back to report, they would send them to Nimensha and Cenarion casually. If they have time, they can help patrol the sky above Qingcheng.

And Xingkong Haohan hurriedly left Qingcheng because he wanted to take the Fox Clan people away, so he didn't waste much time on exchanging meritorious service.After reconciling roughly everyone's achievements with the members of the subordinate guild, and after getting what they were satisfied with, they left the gate of Qingcheng in the fastest time, stepped on the teleportation array and teleported directly to Delches Town .

The town that the fox tribe gave to the vast starry sky as a reward.

Only in his own town, Starry Sky felt that these fox NPCs were really safe.

The elders of the Fox Clan naturally also know about this town, and they are satisfied with the arrangement of Starry Sky.

"Elder, the town of Delches is still under construction. The teleportation array can only enter and cannot exit for a while, and you may be wronged to go to other towns to teleport back to the Fox Clan." Xingkong Haohan said with an apology on his face. , but looked at the fox elder with shrewdness in his eyes, and said to him.

"That's natural, you don't have to worry about us." The elder of the Fox clan replied with a smile, turned his head and looked around Delches Town, then looked away, and said to the vast starry sky: " Adventurer in the vast starry sky, you have chosen this town well!"

"Where, where! It's just a little closer to the town we usually stay in, and it's just familiar." Xingkong Haohan smiled awkwardly. He didn't want these NPCs of the fox clan to feel dissatisfied with him and affect him. The location of his next town!
It would be great if the two towns could really be next to each other.

Thinking of the towns around Delches Town, Starry Sky couldn't help but frowned inwardly.He remembered that around the town of Delches, there seemed to be some low-level towns. If you want to get it, hurry up and lose some money!
The elders of the fox clan naturally don't know what Xingkong Haohanhan is thinking about at the moment, but the elders of the fox clan are tacit about what Xingkong Haohan said.How many of these adventurers can stay in an ordinary town for a long time?After their strength improved, wouldn't they go to a higher-level town step by step?

How long have you been around?Humph, he believes in ghosts.

It's just that if you don't say these things, and I don't say them, everyone will laugh and expose them, and no one will expose anyone.

"Now that we have safely left the Black Bone Forest, which town do you want to go to, the vast starry sky? Is it the town next to the town of Delches?" He asked a question, and without waiting for an answer, he continued, "It's just that if you want the surrounding towns, you'll have to wait. Near here, I also took the town of Delches into my hands. Those other low-level towns have no plans to move."

Xingkong Haohan rolled his eyes and smiled: "I think the principle of the three caves of the cunning rabbit is very correct. Therefore, it is better for me to choose another town. Delches Town, one town is enough. In the future, if Fox The clan continues to develop, these towns are in my hands, as long as you don't show your face, if you have something to do, elders, you can still come to my town to rest, right?"

The elder of the Fox Clan looked at Xingkong Haohan slightly in surprise, then immediately burst out laughing, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Xingkong Haohan, you really deserve to be the adventurer partner chosen by our Fox Clan! What do you think? It's so correct. The three caves of the cunning rabbit, the three caves of the cunning rabbit hahaha, if this is the case, then you wait a moment, and when I return to the fox clan and tell the patriarch, I will send you a map, and you can choose it yourself!"

"Okay, then thank you elder." Xingkong Haohan immediately smiled.

After the fox clan elder followed Xing Kong Haohan around around Delches Town, he led them out of the town's gate with satisfaction, and then disappeared from their sight.

"I don't know when Susu will come out of Qingcheng!" Xingkong Haohan looked outside the town with a smile and muttered to himself, "This time the town will be chosen by him."

The last time the strangers didn't have time, he was anxious to choose the town, so he decided on his own. This time, the strangers clearly knew the rewards for the new town. Got it, he doesn't have any good fruit to eat!

In any case, their family is also attached to their family who have never met each other.

Xingkong Haohan didn't know what he thought of, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, then he sighed and turned back to the city lord's mansion in Delches Town, and went to discuss the construction of the town with other players.

The elders of the fox tribe quickly found a low-level town next to them, and after going around and changing a lot of places, they finally returned to the settlement of the fox tribe when the sun was at its peak. The patriarch of their fox clan.

The patriarch of the Fox Clan still looks young, even younger and more immature than when Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw him.

But everyone knows that the patriarch of the fox clan is not as simple as before.

Sacred objects are important to the Fox Clan for a reason.

The elder of the Fox Clan stood respectfully in front of the head of the Fox Clan, and after explaining everything that happened in the Black Bone Forest to one side, he then told everything about himself about Shacheng, about Ghost Map, Shendrill, and Qingcheng and Ji Xiaoyan also explained all their guesses, and then looked at the head of the Fox clan with some concern, and asked him: "Patriarch, do you think it is necessary for us to cooperate with the people of the Fox clan?"

"Do you think the Lord City Lord of Shacheng is very kind to City Lord Ji?" The head of the Fox Clan raised his eyebrows and looked at the elder of the Fox Clan in front of him, and asked with a blunt smile. I couldn't help but rolled my eyes in my heart, and then said: "We already know what the restrictions are in Shacheng. If we push back through this point, we can naturally guess why they had to choose Ji City Lord as their Shacheng in the first place." The city's deputy city lord. So, how could the city lord of Shacheng really be kind to Ji? They just want to use Ji's hand to leave the prison of Shacheng!"

The elder of the fox clan frowned, he knew this truth.

But, to be clear, no matter how things look now, the Lord City Lord of Shacheng is not going to lose Ji Xiaoyan of Qingcheng yet!So how can they slip between them and become Shacheng's collaborators?

The patriarch of the Fox Clan smiled relaxedly, rolled his eyes, and then continued: "Tell me, the city lord of Shacheng said that if our Fox Clan needs something from the dragon, we can use them to help us clear the city." Buy it, huh?"

The elder of the fox clan nodded, with a resentful look on his face.

The two guys, Ghost Map and Shendrill, are really too arrogant.

"The city lord of Shacheng also invited my patriarch to come over for an interview in person?" The elder of the fox clan continued to ask, and after seeing the elder of the fox clan nodding his head affirmatively, he put his hands on his chin and said with a smile: " In that case, let’s go to Shacheng to visit.”

"Lord patriarch?!" The elder of the fox clan looked at his patriarch in surprise, not understanding why he was going to take risks in Shacheng.

"It's going to be okay, the patriarch is not what it used to be now." The patriarch of the fox clan looked confident, and said to the elder of the fox clan cheerfully: "Besides, we are here to discuss cooperation, not to What is there to be afraid of when it comes to fighting? Shacheng has a lot of restrictions."

The elder of the Fox Clan looked at the determined look of his family head, so he couldn't say anything more, so he nodded silently, and after asking about the departure date, he thought about the vastness of the starry sky, so he spoke Said: "By the way, Lord Patriarch. After we were discovered by the people of Shacheng in the Black Bone Forest, because we couldn't escape, we could only find the adventurer named Starry Sky and let him escort us all the way out of Qingcheng. I promise To give him a town as a reward."

"The starry sky is vast?" The head of the Fox Clan raised his eyebrows, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

"Yes, it's the adventurer who helped our Fox Clan find out how Waqi Town was lost last time." The elder of the Fox Clan smiled slightly, as if he was satisfied with the vastness of the starry sky, and then continued: "This adventurer It is very good, he is a loyal ally of our fox clan."

"A loyal alliance? Hehe." Hearing this word, the patriarch of the Fox Clan could not help but sneer and said, "Even our aboriginal allies dare not speak of loyalty. How can these adventurers be loyal? Elder, you The evaluation of this adventurer is very high!"

The elder of the fox clan was stunned when he heard the words, not understanding why the elder of his family was a little unhappy.

"We are aborigines, and they are adventurers, elder." The head of the fox clan was silent for a moment, then sighed and looked at the elder of the fox clan in front of him, and then said, "You shouldn't trust them so much, you appreciate them."

Hearing the words, the elders of the Fox Clan shook their bodies and immediately lowered their heads.

"The last time I sent a town was because of the loss of Waqi Town, which is very important to us." The head of the Fox Clan slowly got up from the chair on the stage in the palace hall, walked towards the elder of the Fox Clan, and faced him He continued: "But this time, Elder, I just brought you out of the Black Bone Forest and returned to the land of our fox clan. It's such a simple thing, why would you agree to give that adventurer a town? You should be very clear about how much time was spent on laying the groundwork and nurturing each town that our Fox Clan wants to win now? Now you are giving away a town lightly, do you think this is appropriate?"

The elder of the fox tribe pursed his lips tightly, his face paled again and again.

The patriarch of the Fox Clan stopped in front of the elder of the Fox Clan, looked at his drooping head, and couldn't help but sighed deeply: "Elder, how many years have you been in the Fox Clan? How can you still be so edgy? "

"Master Patriarch."

The elder of the Fox Clan shouted loudly.

"Forget it, since you agreed, let's forget it, and I won't intervene!" The fox patriarch was silent for a long time, shook his head, and then said: "You can give him another town. But, elder, don't make an example. In the future, no matter who it is, they can no longer promise such rewards. The towns on the mainland, for us, don’t give rewards to adventurers at will like this! They have more and better uses!”

"Yes! Lord Patriarch."

The elder lowered his head, with beads of sweat beading from his forehead.

"Let's see which town is more remote, and choose one for him." The patriarch of the fox clan put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, glanced at the elder of the fox clan, and prepared to leave the palace.

The elder of the Fox Clan was stunned again, and struggled for a long time with hesitant expression on his face. Then, before the head of the Fox Clan left the palace, he said again: "Master Patriarch, that adventurer needs to choose the same as last time. small town!"

The patriarch of the Fox Clan stopped immediately, and after his expression changed several times, he took a deep breath, stood there with faint anger, and asked, "You promised again, Elder?"

The elder of the Fox Clan knelt down on the ground with a bang.

The patriarch of the Fox Clan still had his hands behind his back and didn't even turn his head. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Elder, I think you've really sat in this position for too long, and your brain is a little ridiculous. Such a request , you actually agreed, this patriarch really underestimated you."

"Master Patriarch!" The elder of the Fox clan trembled, with a look of horror on his face.

"That's all, let's give it away, choose it." The patriarch of the Fox Clan took a deep breath for several rounds, and then said: "Choose a remote map and send it to him to choose, and don't make any more troubles. Otherwise, elder, you can choose it." Go back and farm."

If it wasn't for the Lord Lord God's request to them, and the requirement that adventurers must be faithful to their words and deeds, he would not agree to clean up the mess created by the elders of the Fox clan!Think about how long it took them to prepare to get a town, and this old guy actually sent it out with a few light words.

His patriarch is very distressed!
The patriarch of the fox clan clutched his chest, looking very hurt, and walked slowly towards the gate of the palace.

The elder of the fox clan trembled, watching the figure of the head of the fox clan disappear behind the gate of the palace, he couldn't help but limp, sat down on the ground, and murmured Xingkonghaohan's name in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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