Chapter 1712
The patriarch of the undead clan thought that Ji Xiaoyan, the Qing city, asked them to form an alliance with the undead clan, at most, it was just to deal with the Fox clan who are now vying for towns in the mainland. Unexpectedly, Ji Xiaoyan actually said that he would stand on the opposite side with Shacheng in the future !
Doesn't this make it difficult for them to be undead?
"Master Ji, you are embarrassing our undead clan too much? This is not pulling our undead clan into an alliance, it is simply pulling our undead clan to set up two more enemies for no reason! Those are the fox clan and Shacheng! "The patriarch of the undead clan had a bitter face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a disapproving expression: "Master Ji, our undead clan loves peace very much, but we don't like disputes. You are so unkind."

"Really? If the patriarch is really peace-loving, then treat me as if I didn't say anything today, and take people back to the undead tribe tomorrow morning!" Ji Xiaoyan sneered twice, and understood the meaning of the undead tribe. The patriarch glanced at him, stood up and was about to leave.

"Hey, city master Ji." The patriarch of the undead clan saw the situation, and instantly felt that something was wrong. He quickly stood up and shouted to Ji Xiaoyan: "City master Ji, what do you mean?"

"Don't the patriarch love peace? What do peace-loving people want these keels for?" Ji Xiaoyan stopped in place with a smile, and said to the patriarch of the undead tribe: "So, the patriarch has no need for keels, so keep them There is no point in our Qingcheng, why not go back to the Land of the Dead earlier? If the patriarch still wants to go shopping in Qingcheng, after dawn, I will let Friesman take you for a stroll! "

Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan sneered suddenly: "But you, the patriarch, have even visited the place where the Lusi'er tribe lives. If you think about it, you should know more about other places in Qingcheng, and there should be no need to waste any more time. Have you been shopping?"

"City Lord Ji" the patriarch of the undead tribe stared at Ji Xiaoyan dumbfounded, but couldn't find any rebuttal words for a while.Ji Xiaoyan is clearly issuing an order to drive away the guests, to drive them away!

So shameless.

The patriarch of the undead tribe stood where he was, watching Ji Xiaoyan sneer and turned and disappeared into the hall, leaving behind Lin Qianye, Chief Qing Gong, and many guards, and couldn't help frowning.Ji Xiaoyan is obviously using the keel to coerce their undead clan to cooperate with Qingcheng, not only wanting to benefit from their undead clan's competition in the future, but also wanting to pull their undead clan to help Qingcheng deal with the fox clan and Qingcheng in the future. Shacheng!
That's all for the Fox Clan, if the Undead Clan finally wants to dominate the mainland, they will eventually meet the Fox Clan on the battlefield; but Shacheng is different!What kind of place is that, don't they undead people know?Against Shacheng, they never thought about it!
Ji Xiaoyan is forcing them.

"Master Patriarch, if it's all right, then I'll let the guards send you back to rest!" Manager Qing Gong said to the patriarch of the undead tribe expressionlessly, "I will bring the teleporter to pick up Lord Patriarch in person tomorrow morning." You, send you away."

The patriarch of the undead tribe came back to his senses, glanced at Manager Qing Gong sharply, and said with a dry smile: "Master Qing Gong, our undead tribe came to buy dragon bones, and the dragon bones have not been sold yet. How could it be possible to leave? City Lord Ji’s attitude, how can we speak up? Or, Chief Qing Gong will help us persuade the City Lord?”

"The patriarch is telling a joke! Our city lord made it very clear!" Chief Qing Gong glanced at Lin Qianye, seeing him standing not far from him, he felt a sense of security straight away. Sheng Sheng, with a firm face, said to the patriarch of the undead tribe: "If the undead tribe is not willing to stand on the same boat with our Qingcheng, then don't even think about buying the keel! The meaning of our Lord City Lord is very clear!"

"Qingcheng is simply difficult for others." A man from the undead tribe suddenly stood up and shouted at Qing Gong and the others: "Our undead tribe never thought of setting up any enemies. Let us, the undead clan, the fox clan, and Shacheng fight against each other? It's too inhumane!"

"Forcing you, it's better than being oppressed by the undead army a few years later!" Director Qing Gong said to the undead man forcefully, "Ming people don't speak dark words, patriarch, you undead tribe don't bother!" What an excuse to buy keel and go back to defend. Isn’t it that the undead tribe wants to get a share of the action when the fox tribe moves? We Qingcheng doesn’t care how you and the fox tribe fight, but we have to make sure Qingcheng and the undead tribe are absolutely safe."

The patriarch of the undead tribe frowned and looked at Chief Qing Gong thoughtfully.

"Master Patriarch, all this is for the sake of Freesman. We, Qingcheng, are willing to form an alliance with your undead tribe and sell you dragon bones so that your undead tribe can grow stronger. If it is not because of Freesman Regarding the relationship with our city lord, you don’t even have the chance to talk to us about Qingcheng, and it’s absolutely impossible for us to sell the keel to you!” Chief Qing Gong looked into the eyes of the patriarch of the undead tribe without any hesitation, and said to him : "Our city lord has given the patriarch a chance, but if you don't want to cherish it, then don't waste your time and go back home earlier."

After finishing speaking, Director Qing Gong immediately called out to several guards to send the undead people away.

"Boss Qing Gong, Qingcheng really can't let go and give in a step?" The patriarch of the undead clan asked angrily, "Our undead clan really didn't think about making an enemy of Shacheng! Besides, Shacheng is not Is it also City Lord Ji’s city? I remember that City Lord Ji is the deputy city lord of Shacheng, can it be said that City Lord Ji is planning to go to war with the city owner of Shacheng and take Shacheng into his pocket?”

When the patriarch of the undead tribe said this, his voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Chief Qing Gong in shock, with disbelief all over his face.No way, Ji Xiaoyan still has such ambitions?
Director Qing Gong actually admired the brains of the patriarch of the undead tribe, but he was unwilling to explain it, so he just took it as the city lord of his family who wanted to usurp the throne. Anyway, no matter what the reason was, Shacheng of Qingcheng would stand on the opposite side.
The patriarch of the undead clan looked at Director Qing Gong and Lin Qianye, who had no intention of defending at all, and immediately realized this terrible idea in his heart, and then couldn't help taking two steps back with his feet a little vain, with an extremely weak expression on his face. He quickly let two men from the undead tribe support him, bowed his head and hurriedly said goodbye to Chief Qing Gong, and hurried out of the palace.

"Put down the suspension bridge and send the guests of the Undead Tribe back." Chief Qing Gong ordered the guards of the City Lord's Mansion calmly, "Send anyone to the Lucie Clan and tell them what happened, and then go to the City Lord's Mansion. Look for those three-winged and four-legged birds, and send them back to the Lusier tribe! If the number is wrong, or if there is any problem, go to the undead tribe to seek compensation from the patriarch."

"Yes!" The guards nodded happily when they heard the words, and turned around to leave the gate of the palace.

"Lord Qianye, I want to thank you very much today." Director Qing Gong hurriedly turned his head to thank Lin Qianye, then looked at the gate leading to the interior of the palace, and told a guard to pass by. Then he said with a wry smile: "The Lord City Lord is still waiting for news inside, and he will come out soon."

Lin Qianye nodded, but she didn't care at all. She frowned and said to Manager Qing Gong, "People like the undead clan will not let it go. If they really want to leave, we must make them promise that they won't take us from Qingcheng." Talk about the confrontation with the Fox Clan and Shachengdui. By the way, where is Friesman?"

"He has been brought back by the guards." Chief Qing Gong said immediately, "Since we all found out that he was fainted by the undead tribe, we can't just let him faint there!"

Lin Qianye nodded, and there was a sound of footsteps in her ears, she turned her head and saw Ji Xiaoyan followed the guard in the palace again with a disappointed face.

"I thought that the patriarch of the undead tribe would definitely agree when he saw that my attitude was so firm. I didn't expect that he would just leave like that!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head in a look of miscalculation, and said to me in frustration. Zhuo Lin Qianye and Manager Qing Gong said, "I don't know if they will change their mind tomorrow."

"As long as they are obsessed with dragon bones, they will." Lin Qianye thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "There are many strong dragon slayers on the mainland, but those people are much harder to talk to than you. Do you think Why did these undead people come to Qingcheng to buy these two sets of keels? It’s not because you were an adventurer in the past, and you don’t know much about their undead tribe. Coupled with Friesman’s relationship, you will definitely be recognized. The huge sum of money they offered was fooled, so they rushed over here in such a hurry."

Speaking of this, Lin Qianye couldn't help laughing: "Speaking of which, that ghost map in Shacheng has done such a good thing this time, and warned you in advance! Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you won't do anything. If you know it, you agree."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded. In this regard, she was really grateful to Ghost Tu.

"Shacheng is also afraid of the alliance between the Fox Clan and the Undead Clan!" Lin Qianye sighed, and said with a deep face: "I believe it will not be long before the people of Shacheng will appear on the mainland."

Ji Xiaoyan's face darkened instantly, and he frowned involuntarily.There is no need to doubt the identity of the City Lord's Mansion of Tina, she is the backup mastermind, but now she is completely suppressed by the light, and the chance of being able to replace her has become smaller, but no one can guarantee that there will really be no chance in the future.

Even if Guang can really control Judina well, it is only in the battle for the main god. If the battle of the mainland is fought, it is impossible for him to do anything to the city lord of Judina just because of his "balance" principle. In the end, Everything still depends on them, the aborigines who survive on the mainland.

Therefore, if Qingcheng wants to gain a firm foothold in the continental dispute and not be swallowed up by others, then it can only try to attract as many allies as possible to make Qingcheng a safer place!Undead tribe, if you don't want to form an alliance, you must not let them grow up and become enemies!

"Boss Qing Gong, ask the guards to strengthen their guards tonight, and we must never let people from the undead tribe come again." Ji Xiaoyan said to the general manager Qing Gong in a deep voice, "Tomorrow if the people from the undead tribe are still unwilling If you accept it, let them leave Qingcheng."

Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly.

"I'll go tomorrow too!" Lin Qianye thought for a while, and said, "I and the people of the undead clan belong to the dark department, and if they have any bad ideas, they can help. At least, they can also help." Before they leave, they must swear an oath in the name of Lord God before letting them go."

Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly, looking very happy.

With Lin Qianye in charge, he will naturally have more confidence to face those undead people!

Ji Xiaoyan and the others broke up here and went to their homes to rest, but the undead tribe's side was not so quiet.

Both Friesman and the Qingcheng guard were taken away, and the undead are now all their own people in this room.

For the aborigines of the undead tribe who are used to living in the dark, they have no intention of talking after lighting the lamp, so the patriarch of the undead tribe sat in the hall of the house, and everyone immediately surrounded him. He yelled at Ji Xiaoyan in one word.

"Okay, please be quiet." The patriarch of the undead tribe impatiently yelled at the crowd, and after seeing that the crowd immediately fell silent, he snorted in distress, and then said: "That girl Ji Xiaoyan is nothing more than There are two purposes, either, to prevent our undead clan from growing stronger; or, to make our undead clan become a Qing city, an army under her, and help her deal with the fox clan and Shacheng, won't it hurt her? She It's a good idea!"

"Also, Lord Patriarch, this City Lord Ji is really too shameless."

"She thought it was too beautiful, she really didn't take our undead race seriously!"

"Master Patriarch, at worst, let's go to Qingcheng to try again. As long as we take the keel away, we are still afraid of what she will do in Qingcheng?"

"Go again? Hmph, the current city lord's mansion is probably under martial law long ago." The patriarch of the undead tribe said through gritted teeth, his eyes fell on the two men who were first caught by Lin Qianye in the darkness, facing them Asked: "Tell me, you two, what's going on? How did you expose it?"

The two men from the undead clan had dejected faces, and they said the matter in frustration, and then they trembled and said in a low voice: "Master patriarch, that man is also from our dark department, we did not fight back when we faced him. Power."

Hearing this, the patriarch of the undead clan frowned so much that it almost turned into a hill.

"Do you really want us to give up the keel?" The patriarch of the undead clan was a little unwilling, "Let's not say whether the giant dragon on the mainland is easy to find, even if we find it, our undead clan doesn't have the strength to slaughter one of them! It's hard now Given the opportunity to get the keel of the giant dragon, just give up and go back like this? Then we, the undead clan, will not be able to get ahead all our lives?"

 Thank you for the "TEN" token!Thanks to "Niu Niu 705804" for the monthly pass!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Lonely is a person's loneliness"!

(End of this chapter)

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