Chapter 1744 Elf Village

Ji Xiaoyan naturally knows about Medusa, even if she has never seen such a real image in the game, she has seen it in books.Coupled with the reminder in the letter from the elves, she reacted quickly and immediately protected the teleporter, and then she didn't look at the Medusa at all, but kept staring at her lower body, Then he kept throwing spells.

"Hiss." An unbearable voice rang out.

Ji Xiaoyan quickly took the teleporter back a few steps, seeing the Medusa wagging its tail and approaching them, Ji Xiaoyan quickly took out a dagger from his pocket, and stuffed it directly into the teleporter's hand Li: "Take self-defense. If she approaches you, stab her directly."

The teleporter trembled, but he held the dagger firmly.

"Hiss." Medusa found that Ji Xiaoyan and the others were not petrified by her, and kept burning her with fire. She immediately roared angrily at them, approached them very quickly, and stretched out her pair of hands. The hands full of sharp nails grabbed Ji Xiaoyan fiercely.
Because Ji Xiaoyan had to take the teleporter with him, Ji Xiaoyan's evasion was not very timely, so it was no surprise that Medusa's nails cut a cut on his arm, and he grinned in pain.

"Master City Master..." The teleporter was startled, looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, and couldn't help but let go of the hem of her clothes.

"Hide well, don't think about it." Ji Xiaoyan stared at the teleporter behind him and said, but he didn't intend to stop the attacking movement in his hands, "When you find a good hiding place, I will I have the energy to deal with this Medusa."

The teleporter was stunned for a second, and immediately turned his gaze to Shi Lin behind him. He tried to widen his eyes and scanned the surroundings, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he eagerly pulled La Ji Xiaoyan's clothes, and then said to her : "My lord, I saw a place, and there is a gap that I should be able to hide in."

"Where is it?" Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head and asked.

"On the left." The teleporter said quickly, then secretly lowered his head and glanced in Medusa's direction, "My lord, may I go there now?"

"Go!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, moving to the left, while listening to the movement behind him, after the teleporter got into the crevice of the stone and hid, Ji Xiaoyan quickly stood in front of the crevice, and then waved his staff , staring fiercely at the waist of that Medusa and threw a Pyroblast.

Pyroblast is a spell that she has just learned recently from the fire mages in the City Lord's Mansion. It belongs to the single-player attack type. The spell's attack power is very strong and can cause a lot of damage. A little bit of other additional status to come.

And Ji Xiaoyan was never lacking in luck, so he soon watched the crackling sound like firecrackers bursting from the hit Medusa's waist, and then heard her roaring angrily, and started to back away. Finally crashed to the ground.

"Dead?!" Ji Xiaoyan was very surprised. Seeing the Medusa lying softly on the ground not moving, Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly. There was not much surprise on his face. Surprised more.

It is obviously impossible to kill this Medusa with a Pyroblast.

Just as he was about to step forward to check, a cold female voice suddenly rang out with a trace of surprise: "Is this the Lord Ji of Qingcheng?"

Ji Xiaoyan followed the sound and looked around the stone forest.

A few seconds later, a handsome man in green clothes appeared on top of a stone pillar in the stone forest, holding a beautiful bow and arrow in his hand, looking at her with a smile.

"Are you from the elves?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately realized, looking at the man's long pointed ears, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"City Lord Ji, you're finally here." The elf man also heaved a sigh of relief, jumped off the stone pillar full of joy, walked up to Ji Xiaoyan in a few steps, and bowed halfway to salute her. Then make an invitation: "Please allow me to lead you to the village."

Naturally, Ji Xiaoyan nodded with no objection, turned around and pulled the teleporter out from the crack of the stone, then pointed to Medusa not far away in puzzlement, and asked the elf man: "Which one is that?" Medusa, did you kill it?"

The elf man froze for a moment, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a hint of puzzlement and said, "Didn't you, the city lord, knock her down? I was about to shoot an arrow to save you, and I saw her fall to the ground."

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and frowned in confusion. After thinking about it, she leaned in front of the Medusa for a careful look, and finally understood.Medusa did not die, and the wound on her waist from her Pyroblast attack was not deep. It just smashed some of Medusa's scales, and not even a little blood came out.

And the reason why this Medusa fell unconscious was entirely because of her unfathomable luck, and she fainted with the Pyroblast.

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but lamented his luck in his heart, then looked at the elf man and asked, "Should we kill her?"

"If the Lord of the City doesn't mind, I'll immediately summon the clansmen to bring her back to the village." The elf man said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "You know, Medusa's eyes are very important to us. Some use."

Ji Xiaoyan blinked in understanding, and nodded in agreement.Anyway, she was not interested in picking up this snake-headed woman.

Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan agreed, the elf man smiled happily, took out a small bamboo tube from his sleeve, and put it to his mouth. The next second, a crisp whistle sounded, very melodious and wonderful.

After a while, several elf men and women in the same attire appeared, and after bowing respectfully to Ji Xiaoyan with some surprise, he lifted up the Medusa with a smile.

Ji Xiaoyan looked worriedly at the raised Medusa's tail swinging softly in mid-air, and couldn't help but reminded: "Do you want to give this Medusa some medicine? Maybe she won't faint for too long!"

Hearing this, the elves looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and then looked at the Medusa. After thinking for a while, an elf man took out a black gun from his body. The bamboo stick directly pierced Medusa's arm fiercely.

"What is that?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"A kind of bamboo stick soaked in drugs, which can make people unconscious for a long time." The elf man handed the bamboo stick in front of Ji Xiaoyan, let her look at it carefully, and then put it in his arms. Then he said: "If City Master Ji is interested in this kind of thing, I will prepare some for you when we return to the village."

Ji Xiaoyan was naturally very happy.

She even imagined in her mind that after returning to Qingcheng, she would ask Manager Qing Gong to make a batch of bows and arrows, and then make these bamboo sticks soaked in drugs into arrows. situation, you can use this thing.

Thinking happily all the way, Ji Xiaoyan soon followed the elves to the destination.

The current elf village is no longer what it was when Ji Xiaoyan followed the male player named Leftover Shimmer to do missions.The entire elf village has been completely refurbished, and it is filled with all kinds of big trees with thick roots and canopies. Each big tree has various tree houses built high on it for the aborigines of each elf tribe to live and rest.

Various shrubs and flowers of different heights are planted on the ground, making people feel like they are in the most wonderful nature.

"Master Ji, please follow me." The elf man who met Ji Xiaoyan for the first time led Ji Xiaoyan all the way to the village with a smile, and introduced her the situation in the village in a soft voice. Xiaoyan and the teleporter nodded frequently.

After walking for about ten minutes, they finally came to the depths of the village. Under a huge tree, they saw the beautiful patriarch of the elves who couldn't take their eyes off her natural beauty halo.

"City Master Ji, you are finally here." The beautiful patriarch bowed her head to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and nodded, then raised her hand and took out a garland made of flowers and greens, and gently put it on Ji Xiaoyan's head ,"Welcome."

Ji Xiaoyan touched the wreath on his head in surprise, and smiled at the beautiful patriarch.

"City Lord, please follow me, let's talk on the top." The beautiful patriarch whispered to the elves who followed her to welcome Ji Xiaoyan, and pointed to Ji Xiaoyan behind him, who was surrounded by countless flowers. made a large basket, and said, "Come in."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the rectangular flower basket curiously, and after seeing the beautiful patriarch of the elves standing in it, he took the teleporter and stepped in, and then saw eight thick vine roots suddenly appearing around the basket, Pulling them up slowly towards the crown of the big tree.

The artificial elevator is very thoughtful.

Ji Xiaoyan watched the scenery under his feet gradually shrinking away, and sighed involuntarily, and his mind began to wander again.If the people of the elves squatted in the trees every day, when they were attacked by the enemy, would they have to wait for someone to send them to the ground with these artificial elevators?
Otherwise, just jump down?

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the surrounding scenery that was still rising, and couldn't help curling her lips.The shortest tree house in this elf village is more than ten meters above the ground. If you jump directly, without Xuan Mo's levitation technique, you will be half disabled if you don't die!
So, how do these elves usually go up and down trees?
Ji Xiaoyan looked directly at the beautiful patriarch and asked this doubt.

The patriarch of the beauty looked at Ji Xiaoyan gently and smiled, then casually pointed to a tree house surrounded by a big tree, and explained to her: "Our elves have some abilities that surpass ordinary people, such a height is very important for us. For us, it's not too difficult, and it's okay to jump directly."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

"As for the children in the village, if they are still lacking in various aspects of strength, each tree house is equipped with cork ladders for them to go up and down." The beautiful patriarch of the elves said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, Then he pointed to the nearest big tree and said to her, "Here, City Master Ji, look over there, there is a cork ladder."

Ji Xiaoyan looked in the direction of the beautiful patriarch's finger. After watching for a few seconds, he found a long brown cork ladder that almost merged with the trunk of the big tree, falling from the side of the wooden house to half a meter above the ground. It's not easy to find if you don't look carefully.

"This design is somewhat hidden." Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing.

The beautiful patriarch smiled, looked up at the top of his head, saw that the tree house was approaching, and said, "Master Ji, we are here."

Ji Xiaoyan regained consciousness and looked up.

This is the tree house of the patriarch of the beauty. It is made of countless polished and smooth wooden boards, and then tied tightly with dry vines of various thicknesses. Covered up, it is simply beautiful.

"It's so beautiful!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing.

The patriarch of the beauty happily accepted Ji Xiaoyan's compliment, greeted her into the wooden house, and then asked a few beauties of the elves to bring various fruits to eat, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and began to talk about business.

"Master Ji, you should have already considered the matter of our alliance, right? If possible, can we start preparing for the formal alliance now?" The beautiful patriarch is actually a little anxious about this matter.

Only after the elves and Qingcheng formally form an alliance can they exchange teleportation formations. If the elves really conflict with Medusa and the fox in the future, they will have help and a way out.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and there was no disagreement, what Qingcheng lacked now was manpower.

So, after a brief discussion, the patriarch of the elves immediately smiled and ordered the other elves to prepare for the alliance, and after talking with Ji Xiaoyan for a while, he took her for a walk in the elves After a long time, he took Ji Xiaoyan and the teleporter to the back mountain of the elf village, where they signed an alliance agreement with Ji Xiaoyan on the stone table made of three-color fluorescent stones.

Then there is the matter of exchanging teleportation arrays.

The teleportation array of the elves was built on the top of the canopy of a big tree in the center of the elf village, in a tree house with a somewhat special shape.

The teleporter in Qingcheng climbed up the tree house along the cork ladder, supported by two beauties from the elves, and then stepped into the teleportation array, starting the work of exchanging teleportation arrays.After the teleportation array of the elves has been modified, Ji Xiaoyan and the teleporter of Qingcheng will bring the teleporter of the elves together and teleport directly from the teleportation array to Qingcheng, and the teleporter of the elves will modify Qingcheng's teleportation array.

Of course, considering that Qingcheng is now in a closed state, Ji Xiaoyan naturally informed the patriarch of the elves about the situation, and then asked the teleporter to add the coordinates of a teleportation array in a town near Qingcheng
 Thanks for the "Alone in a Quiet Sky" peace charm!
(End of this chapter)

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