The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1771 Send a letter

Chapter 1771 Send a letter (one more)
There will be a second deputy city lord in Shacheng, but it's not those adventurers?
After Shendrill and Ghost Tu left the City Lord's Mansion with surprised and puzzled faces, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Do you know what news?"

"Do you know something inside?"

The two asked at the same time, but after hearing what the other said, they couldn't help frowning together.

"The city lord has never left Shacheng these days! Where did the second deputy city lord come from?" Shendiao frowned bitterly, looked towards Guitu, thought for a while, and asked again: "You really don't know what news?"

"If I know, can I still ask you?" Guitu stared, and said with a depressed face: "I don't know what the Lord City Master thinks! He only spoke half of what he said. Shendiao, you said that if it weren't for those adventurers, Where can the Lord City Lord find someone to be the Vice City Lord? The aborigines? No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible! We shouldn’t have a Vice City Lord in Shacheng. Isn’t this position just for those who can let us only have activities in the mainland? Did the adventurers set it up?"

Shendrill also frowned, and said with some doubts: "In this case, the person the Lord City Master mentioned should also be an adventurer!"

"But, the only adventurers who have entered our Shacheng are those six adventurers! There are no others!" Guitu frowned and said to Shendrill.

Shendrill thought for a while, glanced in the direction of Xiasha City, and then said: "Are there only six of them? Let's go to the gate of the city and find out."

Guitu nodded, and was about to lift his foot to leave, when he suddenly thought of something, he waved his hand and said, "No, no, let's confirm this later! We need to clean up the deputy city lord's house first. Who knows When will he show up!"

Shendrill nodded immediately when he heard the words, and for the first time, he and Guitu harmoniously began to prepare for the same thing.

Ji Xiaoyan on the other side couldn't help being stunned after seeing Yu Qisi.

"Miss Xiaoyan" Yu Qisi had tears of guilt and helplessness in his eyes, and couldn't help but shouted at Ji Xiaoyan who had been absent-minded for a long time, and after watching her regain her senses and look at him, she continued: "Xiaoyan Miss, we failed to protect you!"

"It's impossible to blame you!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Then now, I'm no longer in that laboratory, but in a building next to it?"

Yu Qisi nodded, and after describing the environment and location of the laboratory to Ji Xiaoyan, he continued: "Compared with the previous one, the current laboratory is completely different. Besides, the lab that came to take care of you The researchers have also changed from the previous at least four people at any time to one person, and this attitude that only appears when necessary is the most intolerable for us."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little uncomfortable, but he still patted Yu Qisi on the shoulder with a wry smile, and said to her, "Didn't you say it? Is it the result of the federal government's pressure? Thinking about it, it is actually the result." Something that should happen. In the past, my information as the first successful person was very important, so they naturally needed to protect me well. Now the second successful person is about to appear, and I don’t have much protection value. .They didn't abandon me right away, they should be glad that they threw me out and left me alone."

"But, Miss Xiaoyan, those researchers agreed back then! Now this picture of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is really unacceptable!" Yu Qisi said to Ji Xiaoyan indignantly: "At the beginning When you were in Longcheng, you didn’t even know how that Mr. Yu begged that stranger to take you to the laboratory.”

"Old Yu? That Yu Muqing, isn't it?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, looked at Yu Qisi and nodded, then fell silent for a moment, then said to her: "Qisi, when you go back, if you can contact me When it comes to that old man, let him come and meet me in the game."

Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Miss Xiaoyan knows him?"

"Well, I know him!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to Yu Qisi: "He came to the game before and asked me to help, but I didn't directly agree at that time."

"Then is he taking revenge on purpose?" Yu Qisi immediately thought of a possibility.

"I don't think so!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to Yu Qisi: "He is the one who helps the master to get rid of the control, so he should be in a different position from other researchers. You just need to know about this. , don't spread the word!"

Yu Qisi nodded quickly, feeling really surprised in his heart!There is such an inside story!
"The thing he wanted me to help at the beginning is actually the same as the current training ground! Speaking of it, Guang agreed for me, so it can't be regarded as my real rejection, which made him resent and want revenge." Ji Xiaoyan was silent After a while, he said to Yu Qisi: "Besides, he shouldn't be like this!"

"Miss Xiaoyan, these are guys who are in high positions every day. They are old and have a lot of experience. Who can tell if they hide a little bit of thought! You know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart!" Yu Qisi couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan said.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled when he heard the words: "Well, I know. But, let's wait until I see him! At the beginning, I asked him to take good care of my body, but now such a troublesome thing happened , he at least needs to explain it to me!"

When Yu Qisi heard the words, he immediately nodded in surprise, expressing that he would definitely do so.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled and comforted Yu Qisi for a while before sending her off the game.

However, when Yu Qisi opened her eyes in the real world, she found that she was supposed to comfort Ji Xiaoyan, but unexpectedly, their roles changed.

"Miss Xiaoyan has really grown up a lot!" Yu Qisi sat on the spot in a daze, sighed for a while, then got up and went out, and then entered the [-] laboratory, talking about everything in the game for a moment.

"That old man Yu seems to have a very high status among researchers. We can't even leave this building now. How can we contact him?" Hearing Yu Qisi's words, Lu Wuyi immediately felt a little distressed. He frowned and said, "Besides, if we ask to meet, those researchers will not agree! They are eager to isolate us here now."

"But Miss Xiaoyan is still waiting! Whether it works or not, we still have to try it?" Yu Qisi naturally understood the truth of what Lu Wu said, thought about it, and suggested: "Anyway, that researcher Didn’t you say it? If we have something to do, we can go to him. We don’t have to see Mr. Yu, don’t talk to him, and write a letter to let him hand it over to Mr. Yu. It should be possible for such a simple matter, right? It’s okay to ask him to bring a message! Anyway, as long as we don’t have direct contact with that old Yu, they shouldn’t deliberately refuse, right!?”

Lu Wu frowned worriedly.

He felt that in terms of their current situation, it was probably a little bit precarious.

"Okay, just as you said, go and try it first!" Lu Wu thought carefully for a while, then nodded and said to Yu Qisi: "Then I will go to the top to ask now! By the way, let's take a look at the guards. The matter has not been approved."

When Yu Qisi heard the words, he nodded with a smile.

"Then you stay here and watch over Miss Xiaoyan, I'll go upstairs and have a look." Lu Wu gave Yu Qisi an order, and then went straight out of the laboratory, took the elevator and went up to the 36th floor.

I thought that under such circumstances, even if no one was guarding the two laboratories assigned to them, there should be many guards in other parts of the building, monitoring their activities and preventing them from running around. Or to prevent someone from intruding or something.But Lu Wu walked up the stairs all the way, looked around every floor, but found that there were so few guards in this building.

There are only two guards on the first floor, except for a researcher in a white coat who occasionally passes by, almost every floor is empty, not even a little extra sound!
This doesn't look like a laboratory building!It's just an abandoned building!In such a place, if any evil forces really rushed in, they would have no way to protect Ji Xiaoyan.

The matter of guarding must be agreed by those researchers!

Thinking of this, Lu Wu's eyes became a little firmer, and then he went up to the 36th floor in one breath, and saw the researchers' offices with ease.

Basically, there are only two rooms on the left and right on the 36th floor. In addition to some tables and chairs, light screens and various instruments, there are ten researcher men in white coats.

The researcher man who met Lu Wu and the others not long ago was standing in front of a light screen, carefully watching the changes in the data on it.

"Hello!" Lu Wu carefully stood beside the researcher, saw him turn his head to look at him in surprise, and quickly smiled apologetically.

"Why did you come up here? There's not even a sound when you walk, it's too scary!" The researcher said to Lu Wu with some dissatisfaction, then looked at the light screen in front of him again, and then turned to look at Lu Wu Asked: "You came to me, is there something wrong? Ji Xiaoyan's game warehouse data has changed?"

Lu Wu hurriedly shook his head, and went straight to the topic with a smile on his face: "That's right. We met Miss Xiaoyan in the game, and I told her about it. She asked us to send a letter to Mr. Yu, so let me come Ask, I wonder if you can help me!"

"Old Yu?!" The researcher was obviously stunned, looking at the folded white paper in Lu Wu's hand, and after a few seconds of silence, he nodded and said, "There is nothing serious about delivering the letter, but You need to wait for two days, and the researchers in our building have to wait until the meeting is held before they can go there."

(End of this chapter)

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