The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1778 Dragon Hunting

Chapter 1778 Dragon Hunting
Shacheng didn't deliberately hide his desire for the giant dragon, but no one cared about it.No one thought about it.

No one thought that Shacheng's attachment to the giant dragon was actually stronger than that of the fox clan.

Shendrill and Ghost Map hid under a canopy of trees, looked up at the rock, and then quietly made a gesture to the people behind them. A group of people carefully avoided the sight of the dragon, and slowly moved towards the mountain. Climb up the rock!
They were already prepared for the dragon slaying.If it wasn't for Yu Tina who had to stay in Shacheng and wait for the upcoming deputy city lord, their confidence would be even greater!As long as the three dragons don't fly away, they have plenty of ways to keep them all.
But at this moment, the wooden giant dragon on the rock was full of impatience, eager to leave, but because Nimonsha and Cenarion stopped them, they could only fight them angrily again.

The rocks caused by the fighting of giant dragons collapsed in bursts, and pieces of rolling stones fell like rainwater. The trembling Shendrill and Guitu had almost no way to climb normally, so they could only find a safe place. Wait quietly.After the three giant dragons are exhausted, they will go and catch them all!
Shendrill and Ghost Tu looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and the sound of rolling stones all over the mountain was like the sound of heaven.

After a while, the movement on the rock gradually disappeared, and the people in Shacheng suddenly climbed up again with surprise in their eyes.

And the wooden giant dragon on the rock was restrained again by Nimengsa and Cenarion, finally it didn't even have the strength to shout angrily.

"You lost! If you still don't want to follow us, then we have no choice but to take you back to Qingcheng." Ni Mengsha fixed her eyes on the wood dragon and said to it.

The wood dragon did not speak, only anger and anxiety in his eyes.

"Anyway, there is no need to choose. In the end, it still has to go to Qingcheng with us. The result is the same. It's just a question of whether we are more tired or more relaxed." Cenarion flicked his tail, and said to Nimensa with a proud face: No, let's take it with us now. After the sun goes down, you don't have to suffer, I have everything!"

Nimengsha glanced at Cenarion, and then at the wood dragon.

Hearing Cenarion's words, the wooden giant dragon couldn't help but glance towards the sky. Sure enough, it has been a long time since they left the wilderness. If it doesn't go back, in case any monster offends What if its dragon lair is destroyed?
Thinking of this, the wooden giant dragon struggled immediately, and found that he still couldn't get rid of Nimengsha and the others, and then he said softly: "It's okay to let me go to Qingcheng with you! Go to the dragon's lair!"

"Back to the Dragon's Lair?!" Nimengsha raised her eyebrows slightly, a little puzzled, "Why? Are you going to take away all your treasures? But we just asked you to go to Qingcheng to talk first, and we didn't ask you to go immediately. Get out of the wilderness!"

The wood dragon didn't answer, but just looked at Nimensha firmly.

Cenarion felt that something was wrong, looked at the wood dragon, and said: "You don't want to go back to the dragon beard in the wilderness, and then use those thorns to deal with us together? Or, you Is there any treasure that can restore strength? Are you going to lure us over?"

When Nimensha heard the words, her eyes couldn't help but sink, and she said resolutely: "Then don't go to the wilderness!"

The wood dragon stared, and gave Cenarion a fierce look: "No, I must go back to the wilderness first!"

"No!" Nimonsha and Cenarion's attitudes were also very firm, and they said something directly to the wood-type dragon, then looked at each other, stretched out their claws, and prepared to forcibly take away the wood-type dragon .

And at this time, Shendrill and Ghost Map had already led the people from Shacheng to climb to the top of the rock, and saw Ni Mengsha and the others!

Shendrill and Ghost Tu were overjoyed, and immediately nodded towards everyone. Those who watched Shacheng took out a transparent ball of light from their pockets, then sneaked according to their plan, and slowly started After surrounding the three giant dragons, the two of them took out a bigger ball of light from their pockets!
These light spheres are props given by the city lord Yutina, and they have only one main function, that is enchantment!
As long as everyone who owns the light sphere stands in a good position and collectively throws the light sphere into the sky, the light sphere will explode directly, forming an arc-shaped junction interface, and then every two junction interfaces will combine to finally become one. The huge enchantment locks everything in the enchantment.And most importantly, this enchantment will make the enchantment crossing ability on the dragon disappear!

In other words, as long as the enchantment is successful, none of Nimengsha and the others can escape.

Shendrill and Ghost Tu looked at everyone in Shacheng nervously with fiery gazes, eagerly hoping to succeed in one fell swoop, and the subsequent dragon slaying would be much easier.

However, no matter how tired the giant dragons are, their innate abilities cannot disappear without a trace.

Therefore, when Nimengsha and the others dispersed in Shacheng, they immediately sensed their aura.

"Who?" Cenarion glared at the surroundings, raised his neck and saw the Shacheng men holding light balls, "Are you from Shacheng?"

Shendrill and Guitu frowned, and walked out from behind a rock, preparing to catch the attention of the giant dragons first, and let others go where they should go.

"Cenario?! Long time no see!" Shendrill and Guitu immediately said to Cenario with a smile, and then pretended to look around: "Where is City Master Ji? Didn't he go with you?"

Nimonsha frowned, and turned her gaze to Cenarion.

It has heard about the black bone forest, but has never seen anyone from Shacheng, so it is going to hand over the conversation to Cenarion.

However, Cenarion didn't intend to talk to Shendrill and Ghost Map, but turned his attention to the men in Shacheng, and said to them: "Take another step, believe it or not, I'm Eat you all?"

The men in Shacheng paused, expressionless like puppets.

"At any rate, our Shacheng also helped you in the Black Bone Forest, Cenarion, your attitude now is not the attitude towards your allies!" Guitu looked at Cenarion with a smile, watching it move its eyes towards Myself, I quickly signaled to the men in Shacheng to let them continue walking.

However, in the next moment, Cenarion condensed his breath and roared at the people in the city, then turned his head and said to Nimensha immediately: "Nimengsha, take it and go immediately!"

Nimengsha and the wood dragon were both stunned. They didn't understand why Cenarion cared so much about being just some humble humans!

"Go!" Cenarion roared again.

"Quick! Surround them!" Seeing Cenarion's attitude, Shendrill and Ghost Map didn't understand that it must have seen something, and they immediately turned towards the other people in Shacheng without hesitation. Immediately roared.

Seeing this, Nimengsha immediately flew towards the wood dragon and flew towards the sky.

The wooden dragon struggled, and wanted to flap its wings to fly, but because of its serious injury, it couldn't fly at all!In the end, he could only fall heavily on the rock, and looked at Shendrill and Guitu uneasily.

Seeing this, Cenarion turned around and stretched out his claws to hug the wood dragon, ready to fly away with it.

Where did Shendrill and Ghost Map let them go, as soon as they saw Cenarion's movements, they immediately took out the bone flute and bone fan, and jumped towards Cenarion.

Nimengsha naturally saw the plans of those Shacheng men in the sky, and also saw the movements of Shendrill and Ghost Map, before she had time to think, it immediately opened its mouth wide, spit out a string of flames, and went straight to Shendrill and Ghost Map.

"Let's go!" Cenarion couldn't help being anxious at this moment, and whispered to the wood dragon: "If you still have the strength, stop those men from surrounding us!"

The wood dragon opened its mouth wide without hesitation, exhausted all its strength, and immediately spit out a green ball of light from its mouth.The ball of light fell directly on the rocky ground, as if it was too weak and missed, it didn't hit anyone at all and dissipated into the rocks.

Seeing this, Cenarion gritted his teeth in disappointment, and tried his best to hold the wooden dragon and fly towards the sky.

And the attacking spells of Shendrill and Ghost Map had landed on Cenarion's body at this moment, and the direct hit caused severe pain all over his body, half of his wings went numb instantly, and he almost fell from the sky.

"Cenario!!" Seeing this, Nimengsha felt extremely regretful in her heart that she had beaten the wood dragon too weakly, but she couldn't help but glared at those who were in Shacheng, and then spat out a A fireball flew directly towards Shendrill and Guitu.

"Today, you must keep one!" Guitu frowned, looked sharply at Cenarion and the wood dragon, and then said, "Cenario, if you put down that dragon now, we can see it in Ji For the sake of the city lord, let you go!"

Cenarion gritted his teeth, not intending to listen to Ghost Picture at all.It's not like Ji Xiaoyan and Shacheng have some falling out, but it's not unaware of it!Why should you listen to them and leave them with a wooden dragon?Besides, don't they know how important this wooden dragon is to Ji Xiaoyan?

"Cenario, if you persist in your obsession, you won't have a chance to regret it later." Seeing those men about to arrive at the designated position, Shendiao couldn't help but sneered and said to Cenarion, "Our own You are only here for the giant dragon, you are all giant dragons in Qingcheng, it is not impossible to let you go for the sake of the city lord Ji! But you must take this giant dragon away, that would be too greedy!"

The wood-type dragon lowered its head, looked weakly at the Shendrill and Ghost Map under the rock, then turned its head and glanced at Senna who was trying to fly away with it, but was injured by a spell, and could only take it into the air little by little. Leo, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth hard.

Ni Mengsha also didn't care about attacking Shendrill and Ghost Map, and directly leaned over to Cenarion and the wood dragon, grabbed the wood dragon's back, and threw Shendrill and Ghost Map again. coming magic attack, gritted his teeth and said to Cenarion: "Go"

Shendrill and Guitu sneered, and immediately folded their hands together, instantly condensing a golden magic ball of light, and in the blink of an eye, it immediately turned into a palm, and went straight to the direction of the wooden dragon.


There was a roar of dragons.

The wooden dragon roared with all its strength, and closed its eyes in the next second, and fell into a coma.

But following its roar, some changes occurred on the rock.

I saw Yingying's green color rushing out of the cracks in the rock at an extremely fast speed, and within a breath, it immediately grew wildly towards the surroundings, and then rushed towards the people on the rock.It first entangled the hands and feet, and then quickly spread to the whole body, and soon those men in Shacheng were trapped in place, unable to move at all!

And Shendrill and Ghost Tu are secretly delighted that they will be able to grab the wooden dragon with the magical palm and drag it back. As a result, their feet are also directly entangled by those green plants, and they are returned in a few strokes. The arms that were joined together were separated, and in an instant the golden palm that had grasped the wooden dragon collapsed directly, turning into starlight and disappearing into the air.

"You can't let them go! Let the barrier go!" Ghost Tu didn't care too much, and yelled at the men in Shacheng with red eyes.

"Quick, quick, quick, go!!" Cenarion looked at the Shacheng men on the rock under his feet in horror, and shouted at Nimensa in a panic: "Fly up, fly to the sky! Don't let them take We are locked in the enchantment"

Ni Mengsha didn't ask any more questions, she gritted her teeth and tried her best, dragging the huge body of the wooden dragon, and flew directly towards the sky.

Because of the wood dragon's coma, the entanglement ability of those plants was also greatly reduced. During the struggle of the people in Shacheng, they all broke free and broke, turning into grass clippings and falling all over the ground.

Then, under the command of Shendrill and Guitu, everyone clenched the light ball tightly in their hands, raised their heads and threw the light ball directly into the sky, in the direction of Cenarion and the others.

The weight of the ball of light is not heavy, and everyone secretly used spell bonuses, so their flying speed and height far exceeded the usual level, and soon began to shatter in places not far from Cenarion and the others. It opened, and turned into light cyan light curtains, one after another, pieced together extremely fast, and then went straight to them.

"Nimengsa, come on!!" Cenarion's eyes couldn't help but turn red. He knew very well what the consequences would be if he was stained by the barrier, and he didn't care how painful his wings were. The wood-type dragon that was caught was heavy, and it flapped its wings vigorously, and flew fiercely into the sky again. In the next second, it immediately spit out a black light ball from its mouth, and directly hit a piece of the explosion that had just exploded. on the light curtain.

Then Ni Mengsha saw that the black ball of light disappeared instantly after touching the light curtain, not even a puff of blue smoke came out, as if the ball of light had never appeared before.
"It's the barrier of oblivion!!"

 Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "The Place to Gaze"!

(End of this chapter)

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