Chapter 1788 Start

No matter how true or false the adventurers' news was, the Fox Clan still gave them some rewards, and then politely sent those adventurers out of the Fox Clan's land, let them leave, and went to give those adventurers some rewards. The aborigines returned the news, and then rushed back to Qingcheng.

And these adventurers also eagerly hope that something will happen between Qingcheng and the Fox Clan or Shacheng, so that they can make a lot of money again.

But, unfortunately, as soon as the sun set the next day, the entire game world went crazy.

The earliest news that came out was about the Fox Clan.

The people of the Fox clan chose a town near Shacheng at dawn, swallowed that town with a tree with a human face almost without any foreplay, and then set out from the town blatantly to the city. Shacheng sent a congratulatory gift to congratulate the deputy city lord of Shacheng on his appearance.

Such demonstrations and dissatisfaction naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in Shacheng.

Therefore, after a group of Shacheng guards directly stopped the fox team with gifts outside the range of Shacheng, the two sides met each other in battle, starting the first battle of the mainland war.

And when Ji Xiaoyan received the second letter from the important person of the Fox Clan, she also understood that the adventurers in Qingcheng would always become the accomplices of the Fox Clan or Shacheng. Impossible; allowing them to come and go at will may cause danger to Qingcheng.So, after thinking twice, Ji Xiaoyan sent a notice to all adventurers in the mainland in the name of the Lord of Qingcheng.

The content of the announcement is extremely simple, it is to let all adventurers choose a camp.

Qingcheng will have a strict honor system for belonging camps. All adventurers who want to only enter and exit Qingcheng must become staunch supporters of Qingcheng. They will gain honor by completing various tasks issued by Qingcheng. , Consumption, or accepting tasks, etc., all need to have honor points.

As for those adventurers who want to remain neutral, or who are unwilling to join Qingcheng Honor, they will not be able to enter Qingcheng in the future.

And if there are adventurers who joined Qingcheng but betrayed Qingcheng, they will be wanted by Qingcheng until they pay the due price.

As soon as Ji Xiaoyan's announcement came out, the game forum immediately exploded.

Some scolded her for being a dictatorship, and when she got some power, she began to squeeze other players, saying that she had brain problems, and wanted to be a queen like others, and there were also players who smelled different meanings from this announcement and started looking for news everywhere , Naturally, there are many players who are willing to support Ji Xiaoyan.

In short, people's hearts are not the same, what everyone thinks, no one can control it, right?
After the Fox Clan and Shacheng heard the news, they naturally understood Ji Xiaoyan's determination, knowing that she was going to confront them.

Shacheng is fine, it is now in the midst of a waste of time, and it is a critical moment to train the deputy city lord of Pengxing thousands of miles, and Ji Xiaoyan may be used, so he did not make any announcement about Ji Xiaoyan. However, the Fox Clan immediately understood that since Ji Xiaoyan dared to issue such an announcement, but did not receive any reply, then their old friend Mu Jiji of the Fox Clan might not be able to go back.
"Master Patriarch. Let's attack Qingcheng!"

An elder of the fox clan had red eyes angrily, and suggested to the patriarch of the fox clan as if he lost control of his emotions: "The current Qingcheng is not too powerful. We just need to ripen the seeds of the big tree of human face, and we can easily give Qingcheng to the head of the fox clan." Got it."

The patriarch of the Fox Clan glared at the elder, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't Elder Mu going to do this?"

When everyone heard the words, they fell silent immediately.

"Since Ji Xiaoyan dares to openly ask the adventurers to become Qingcheng's power to the whole continent, it means that she must know that Qingcheng has the seeds of the big tree with a face, and she is also afraid that any more adventurers will cooperate with our Fox Clan and enter Qingcheng. The current Qingcheng must be extremely well guarded, and there must be people in the city who can restrain our Fox Clan." The head of the Fox Clan said calmly to everyone, "So, now we are going to attack Qingcheng, just to let People have weakened the strength of our fox clan! Are you going to do such a stupid thing?"

The elders of the Fox Clan immediately heard the words, looked at each other and lowered their heads.

"Shacheng has now expressed its attitude. It is going to oppose our fox clan. From now on, the alliance will no longer be possible! Let people withdraw from that town, and we are going to attack other towns and spread our power. Then, do the same as Ji Xiaoyan , let’s formally absorb the adventurers from the mainland!” The head of the Fox Clan raised the corners of his mouth and said to the crowd.

"Shall we make an announcement like Ji Xiaoyan?" An elder of the fox tribe was stunned and asked a little puzzled.

"That's natural." The patriarch of the Fox Clan stood up immediately, with a very confident smile on his face, and said to everyone: "It's time for our Fox Clan to officially step into the sight of everyone in the mainland!"

Many elders of the fox clan were shocked when they heard the words, and excitedly began to study how to write this announcement to be more heroic.

But the patriarch of the Fox clan suddenly thought of the man from the Xuanmen who went to Qingcheng with Elder Mu and his party, and couldn't help asking a man from the Fox tribe beside him: "What about the man from the Xuanmen who went to Qingcheng?" What happened? Was he arrested too, or did he return to Xuanmen? Is there any news from Xuanmen?"

The fox man frowned, looked at the fox patriarch hesitantly, and then said: "The elders have sent a letter to ask, and the people from Xuanmen said that the man has sent a letter." Go back, say that you have betrayed the sect, and will not return to the sect."

Hearing the words, the head of the Fox Clan stared at the Fox Clan man, and then asked sharply: "So, that person from the Xuanmen is alive?"

The fox man nodded.

"Then why didn't anyone from Xuanmen come to take the initiative to talk to our Fox Clan about this matter?" The voice of the Fox Clan patriarch gradually became louder, causing the Fox Clan elders who were discussing excitedly to look up at him.

"Master Patriarch, the Xuanmen said that those who have betrayed the sect are no longer under their control, and they have no reason to come and accuse our Fox Clan." An elder of the Fox Clan immediately looked at the Fox Clan. The patriarch of the clan said to him: "Our cooperation with Xuanmen is still in an unstable period. If we press them too hard, without Xuanmen, we will have a very difficult time in the future!"

"Xuanmen." The patriarch of the Fox Clan couldn't help whispering angrily, and then said to the elders of the Fox Clan: "In this case, then send someone to send something to Xuanmen, and tell them that our Fox Clan needs Xuanmen." People from the sect, let them send a few here first. Since they don’t care about the people who have been sentenced to the sect, then our Fox Clan should also train a few teleporters from their Xuanmen!"

The elders of the fox clan were stunned collectively, and looked at the patriarch of the fox clan with some confusion, but honestly sent someone to deliver the letter immediately.

How could the patriarch of the fox clan not understand the sloppy disposition of Taoism?They don't care about betraying the sect?It's nothing more than thinking of setting a back road in Qingcheng, and when the overall situation is settled, their Xuanmen can share a piece of the action no matter what!

Hmph, maybe the accident of the Elder Mu of the Fox Clan was caused by that Taoist man.Not necessarily, this is Xuanmen's plan, sacrificing an elder and a team of masters of their fox clan, leaving a friendship for their Xuanmen in Qingcheng.
After confirming that the announcement was fully released and covering several continents, Qingcheng immediately closed the city again, and then asked all the teleporters in Qingcheng to start the work of completely transforming the teleportation array of Qingcheng together with the Taoist teleporter; Ji Xiaoyan Together with Manager Qing Gong, he began to study the honor system.

As for the players in the training ground in Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan has also considered it. Anyway, they need to go in and out of Qingcheng, and most of their lives focus on the real world, so they may not be involved much in these things in the game right now. There are many, so she is going to allow them to remain neutral for the time being. As long as there is no action that endangers Qingcheng, she can acquiesce that they can enter and leave Qingcheng freely.

As for Xingkong Haohan, who clearly belonged to the Fox Clan, Ji Xiaoyan had some headaches.

Although he left with a stranger and didn't appear in the game recently, his family sent five players to the training ground. No one can say for sure, what if the vast starry sky picked up from the Fox clan? Will these five players help with the mission?

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan, who had been thinking about it for a long time, solemnly sent a letter to Xing Konghaohan, telling him that the wars and missions in the game should not drag the few players he sent to the Qingcheng training ground, otherwise She will immediately cancel their quota allocation in the training ground!


Xing Kong Haohann was a little annoyed and immediately rushed to the stranger, then glared at him and said, "When will you enter the game?"

"What's the matter?" The stranger asked calmly, carefully looking at the document in front of him without raising his head.

"That Ji Xiaoyan!!" Xingkong Haohan roared angrily, seeing the stranger looking up at him with a hint of sternness in his eyes, he couldn't help but take a breath, then eased his tone, and turned to him Said: "Ji Xiaoyan actually sent me a letter from Feige to warn me! Said that if I take the task of the Fox Clan, I will not be allowed to help the players from those families in Qingcheng, otherwise my family will be disqualified from going to the training ground .Is she being too frivolously spoiled by those NPCs now?"

The stranger glanced at Xingkong Haohan, silently looked at the table again, and said, "I don't think she is so frivolous?"

"Isn't that frivolous? Why does she want to restrict my work in the game?" Xing Kong Haohan suddenly asked angrily.

"What kind of restriction is this? Xiaoyan said it when he was slaying the dragon. Qingcheng and the Fox Clan will definitely oppose each other. Since you have accepted the task of the Fox Clan, but you want to drag the players in Qingcheng to help endanger Qingcheng, then Xiaoyan You are not allowed to do this, what is wrong?" The stranger asked in a cold tone, "Using the resources of Qingcheng, but still want to use this to get rewards from the Fox Clan? Xingkong, you are wrong!"

Xingkong Haohan was suffocated when he heard the words, and he also realized that his thinking was wrong, but when he thought of the content of Ji Xiaoyan's Flying Pigeon Letter, Xingkong Haohan couldn't help but get a little angry: "I want to mess with me. Admit it, but it’s wrong for Ji Xiaoyan to warn me like this! She even threatened me with a place in the training ground!!”

The strangers did curl their lips, unwilling to talk to Xingkong Haohan anymore.


"Xing Kong, what exactly do you want to say? Whoever tells you about this matter is your fault!"

"What I'm saying now is that I don't like Ji Xiaoyan's attitude!!"

"But no matter what Xiaoyan does well or not, you don't like her?"

The starry sky was suffocated again, and finally he could only grit his teeth bitterly, and then asked the stranger: "How long will it take you to enter the game?"


"Ji Xiaoyan made an announcement in the game, saying that all players must choose a camp. Only those who choose to join the Qingcheng camp can only enter and leave Qingcheng Susu in the future. I am now in the fox camp. How do you choose? ?” Xingkong Haohan looked at the stranger seriously and asked him.

"I hear what you mean, do you want me to choose to be with you?" A smile suddenly appeared on the beautiful face of the stranger, and the dazzling starry sky could not help but smile, and then nodded persistently: "That's natural! I have accompanied you to hunt mutant beasts, so why should you accompany me to grow stronger under the influence of the fox clan!"

Seeing the smile on the corner of Xingkong's mouth, the stranger who had never met before couldn't help but licked his lips, then paused for a while, and then said to him: "Xingkong, are you in a bad state recently?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Xingkong Haohan heard the words, his face became serious, and he looked innocently and strangely at the stranger: "I don't feel any discomfort?"

"I'm talking about here!" The stranger stretched out his hand, pointed to his head, and then continued under the staring sky's puzzled gaze, "I think you're a little forgetful!"

"Forgetful? No! I don't think I've forgotten anything?" Xing Kong Haohan was startled, looked at the stranger with slightly uneasy eyes, and asked anxiously: "Susu, what did you find?"

The stranger who had never met before pursed his lips and smiled, then narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the starry sky, and said to him seriously: "You have indeed forgotten something!"

"Impossible! Impossible!!" The starry sky went crazy for an instant!Why doesn't he feel anything at all?
"Really." The stranger looked at him solemnly, and then said in a very serious tone: "If you are not forgetful, how could you possibly think of asking me if I chose Xiaoyan's camp or followed you to choose the fox clan?" What about the camp? Shouldn’t you have known about this kind of thing a long time ago?”

When Xingkong Haohan heard the words, he was struck by lightning immediately, and then looked at the stranger in pain, with a painful expression of betrayal on his face: "Susu, how could you do this?"


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(End of this chapter)

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