Chapter 1834

When Ji Xiaoyan heard what Consul Wofni said, he didn't have any intentions to stay in Lifei Town with Master Bessa for a moment.

Therefore, she immediately wanted to teleport back to Qingcheng from Libo Town!It's just a pity that the moment she opened her mouth to say she wanted to leave, Consul Wofni sighed helplessly, then stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the teleportation formation, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Master Ji, look at our Li The teleportation array in Boiling Town has been closed at the moment, if you open the teleportation array before the city upgrade is completed, it may cause some unnecessary troubles, so you may be inappropriate if you leave now!"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately understood what Governor Wofni meant!
Now that the news that Libo Town has been upgraded to a city has spread throughout the game world, naturally there will be countless players who want to rush into Libo Town immediately after hearing the news.

At this moment, I am afraid that the teleportation array in every town is full of countless adventurers waiting there, asking the teleporters to try to teleport them here, so as to get some benefits from the upgrade of Libo Town, right?Therefore, as long as the teleportation array in Li Fei Town is opened, countless adventurers will flock to the teleportation array before Ji Xiaoyan leaves!

At that time, how will Li Fei Town have the energy to drive away these adventurers?
This is a worthwhile thing!

So, after listening to the words of Woffney Consul, Ji Xiaoyan fell silent instantly, and then nodded helplessly after a while, agreeing with Woffney Consul's words, and decided to continue to stay in Lifei Town for the time being!

Hearing the words, Consul Woffney finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on his face, and then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan curiously, and turned his puzzled eyes to Master Bessa, looking at After he put on a look of ignorance and shrugged his shoulders again, the governor of Wufuni rolled his eyes, thought about it, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "City Master Ji wants to go back to the city now." Is it because of the letter of guarantee that you just mentioned?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked up at Consul Woffney, as a tacit consent.

Therefore, Consul Wofni smiled again and said, "Master Ji, you are worried that you will lose the letter of guarantee if you are not in Qingcheng, right? In fact, you don't have to worry about it at all, Master Ji."

"Why? If it is dropped, it will have an impact on Li Fei Town, right?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, looking at the Woffney Consul and asked.

"It's Libo City now!" Master Bessa suddenly reminded Ji Xiaoyan a little unexpectedly, and after watching her correct her with a blink of an eye, she looked at Consul Wofni and listened to him continue to speak. .

"The letter of guarantee is to wait until our Libo City has been officially upgraded, the Lord God has sent all the things that will be given to us in Libo City to the city, and the teleportation array is officially opened to let the adventurers enter the city. Then the letter of guarantee will be issued. They were sent to Qingcheng and Ruifushuicheng! Therefore, even if you go back to Qingcheng, Lord Ji, the guarantee letter will not appear! So, don’t worry, Lord God will definitely put that thing in your hands !"

"You mean in person?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and a bright light suddenly shot out from his eyes, "Will Lord God appear?"

Consul Woffney didn't find any problem with his words, he thought for a while and said, "I've seen the records of a certain town's upgrade to a city, and it just said that the letter of guarantee will be sent by Lord God to guarantee In the hands of the city lord, it is not clear whether it will appear or not! But, I think, this can be regarded as a kind of personal delivery, right?"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded slightly disappointed when he heard the words, and stopped talking. Then he honestly let go of his thoughts and followed Governor Wufuni and the others into the governing hall, looking at all the aborigines in the governing hall. The faces of the NPCs were filled with happy and excited smiles, and they were running around in a hurry, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded.
Half a day actually passed very quickly!Almost at the time when Ji Xiaoyan was in a daze, night came.

Soon, there was a rumbling sound outside the governing hall, causing the whole earth to shake a few times.

Ji Xiaoyan was startled by this voice, and immediately came back to his senses. He couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Lord Bessa in surprise, and then saw that Lord Bessa was sitting calmly in his seat, smiling. Holding the fruit and eating it, I couldn't help admiring it.

Isn't Master Bessa not afraid of such a big commotion?

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It should be that the outer walls of Li Fei City started to appear." As if knowing what Ji Xiaoyan was curious about, Lord Bessa said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Outer city wall?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little confused: "Isn't this outer city wall needed to be built by Li Feicheng himself? Could it be that these are also built by Lord God?"

"Well! If this kind of town upgrades the city, the city wall doesn't need to be built by Li Feicheng itself, but the Lord God will use miracles to surround the city for them and erect the city wall!" Master Bessa thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan : "In addition to the city wall, there will be many other things that will be given by the Lord God. This is the best benefit that the Lord of Wufuni wanted wholeheartedly!"

"Thinking about it this way, after the successful upgrade of Li Fei City, a lot of things can indeed be saved!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a clear face, then looked at Master Bessa inquiringly, and then said with a smile: " Master Bessa, didn't you say that you don't know much about these things? Why do I look at you as if you know everything?"

"Master Ji, when you were in a daze, the maids in Li Feicheng were already talking about these things! It's just that you didn't listen to it at all." Master Bessa raised his eyebrows calmly, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some astonishment. To himself, and then looked around in embarrassment, then smiled in a low voice, and continued to eat the fruits at hand.

Moreover, when the news of Li Feicheng's successful upgrade was announced by Lord God to the entire game world, in the stone house in the remote deserted town in the Eastern Continent, the Lord Qingwan kept his eyes wide open, with an unbelievable expression on his face, sitting all the time. There was no speech or movement in the house for a long time, as if it had become a lifeless puppet.

And the guards standing outside the stone house also had bitter faces, with extremely worried expressions on their faces.

After night fell, sporadic lights appeared at the far end of the street outside the stone house, slowly approaching with a group of figures.

It was the man who had discussed the matter with the Qing Wan City Lord in the stone house, and now he was returning from the teleportation array with a group of guards with a dusty face!Seeing this, the guards outside the stone house hurriedly bowed down and saluted. They waited worriedly for the man to approach, and then hurriedly said, "Lord Lockerbie, you are back. Lord Qingwan has been inside for a long time. There is no movement, no water has entered, we are a little worried that something will happen to her."

The man glanced in the direction of the stone house, frowned slightly, then nodded, turned his head and whispered a few words to the guards behind him, then pushed open the door of the stone house, and lit a lamp himself. After the oil lamp, I saw the Qing Wan City Lord who was sitting in a dark corner of the stone house!

"What are you thinking?" The man, that is, the Lord Lockerbie looked at the Lord Qingwan curiously, then walked towards her, seeing her staring at him with empty eyes, he couldn't help it. Zhu frowned and sighed, sat directly beside her, and then asked in a low voice: "Is it because Li Fei Town became Li Fei City that you look like this?"

Upon hearing this, City Lord Qingwan couldn't help but focus his slightly empty eyes in the direction of City Lord Lockerbie, and then opened his mouth and asked bitterly, "Say, I went to Libo Town, what? Didn’t do anything, just brought people back like that, did I do something wrong?”

"Why do you say that?" The Lord Lockerbie looked at the Lord Qingwan strangely, and then asked, "Is it because you didn't intervene to prevent them from becoming Li Fei City, so you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart? Or, do you just feel that you Didn't seize the opportunity to turn Li Feicheng into an ally on our side, so are you unwilling?"

City Lord Qingwan didn't say a word, but the breath she exuded at the moment naturally answered the question of City Lord Lockerbie!
Therefore, after a long period of silence in the stone house, the voice of the Lord of Lockerbie continued to sound: "Some things are God's will, and no one can stop them! Think about it back then? When you were the Lord of the Qing City, you were proud of yourself. At that time, did I ever think that one day Qingcheng would be taken away by me? And then, I never thought that Qingcheng would be taken away by an adventurer! And now who would have thought that the two of us should be like water? Huo, who is destined to become an enemy, can also cooperate tacitly like now, and prepare to conquer the entire continent together?"

City Lord Qingwan pursed her lips, her expression remained unchanged, she just couldn't be reconciled!

"Some things are missed if you miss them, and there is no need to regret anything!" The Lord Lockerbie didn't know what he thought of, and said to the Lord Qingwan with a sigh, seeing that she still didn't have any touch, thought for a while, and then said : "Today Li Fei Town has become Li Fei City, which seems to be a good thing for Ji Xiaoyan, but who can guarantee that it will become a bad thing one day? God's will, no one can tell, Isn't it?"

When City Lord Qingwan heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and the depressed atmosphere dissipated a little.

"However, when I think about it, I still feel unreconciled! I have already been to Libo Town, so why didn't I notice this at the time? Thinking about it now, I really looked at the Woffney Consul and Ji Xiaoyan’s expression was a bit wrong. I thought they were just like what you said. It was just because I was unwelcome as an uninvited guest. I never thought that they stopped me because they were worried about being discovered by me and destroying the town’s upgrade. I was not allowed to go to the governing hall! If I had spent more time in Lifei Town, it might be different now!"

Upon hearing the words, the Lord Lockerbie immediately looked at the Lord Qingwan with some disappointment.

However, she continued as if she hadn't seen anything, "At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and the others may be hiding in Lifei Town and laughing at me for missing a huge opportunity! Thinking of this, my heart It's very uncomfortable! Lockerbie, my heart is aching with anger!"

"So what?" The Lord Lockerbie no longer had the gentle and comforting expression on his face at this moment, but directly glanced at the Lord Qingwan tonight, and then said: "This is the end of the matter. Can you still break into Libo Town and destroy it? The past is the past, no one can change it, you have to focus on the future!"

City Lord Qingwan pursed her lips and did not speak.

The Lord Lockerbie thought for a while, and continued: "I've already discussed the alliance. At dawn tomorrow, we can teleport over there, and then meet up with the others, ready to start our first battle!"

When City Lord Qingwan heard the words, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he looked at Lockebie and asked with some excitement: "What you said is true? Are you talking about everything?"

The Lord of Lockerbie nodded affirmatively, and then said: "It's not true, is it false? Do you think I will talk about this kind of thing casually? However, tomorrow's battle will be the future conclusion between us and them." The most critical opportunity for the alliance relationship, so you put aside everything about Li Fei Town, and you must show up in your best posture tomorrow, you know?"

The Lord Qingwan nodded quickly, and almost stretched out his hand to pat his chest to reassure: "Is the target of the attack determined? Should we go to Qingcheng first or try the newly upgraded Lifeicheng?"

Hearing this, the Lord Lockerbie immediately looked at the Lord Qingwan like an idiot, and then said, "Neither of them! Don't look so narrowly, can't you look farther away? Our goal is the Eastern Continent, even For other continents in the future, Qingcheng is just a city that we want to take back by the way!"

When City Lord Qingwan heard this, his face suddenly became ugly, and then he looked at City Lord Lockerby several times, and then gritted his teeth and asked: "Rockerbie, to be honest, do you always feel that from my You are very proud of taking Qingcheng away in your hands? So you have always looked down on me?"

The Lord of Lockerbie twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, and said calmly, "Satisfaction? Well, of course there is some pride! After all, Qingcheng would be ruined if it fell into your hands! And, if it wasn't because you brought that Ji Xiaoyan goes back to Qingcheng, how could I lose Qingcheng in the end? As for looking down on you...Qing Wan, don't forget, there is still a grudge between us! Isn't it right to look down on you?"

 Thank you for the "Lonely Single Ear Piercing" safety talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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