The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1851 Pick up someone?

Chapter 1851 Pick up someone?
It is said that counting from the beginning of the game world, how old is the already existing head of the Resurrection Sect? Ji Xiaoyan waited until he walked into the main hall and had a clear vision. Second come!

There are [-] jade steps built in the center of the main hall of the Fusheng Gate. Above the steps is a wide platform with countless exquisite jade sculptures and railings. There is a large carved chair several meters wide and extravagantly decorated. It is covered with all kinds of extremely gorgeous precious furs and decorated with countless precious stones.

And on those gorgeous furs, there is a wrinkled old man lying halfway at the moment, he is the most powerful person in the entire resurrection sect, the head of the resurrection sect who does not know how old he is.

The head of the Resurrection Sect has a fair face, but his whole body is surrounded by endless white.His hair and beard are no longer black, but all turned into a vast expanse of white. It seems that they have never been trimmed, and it is impossible to see how long they are. On the chair and the ground, his whole body was covered like a snow-white cloud, and the vicissitudes of life were clearly visible!
Master Qing Miao led Ji Xiaoyan all the way to the bottom of the [-]th step carefully, looked up at the Master of Resurrection Sect on the main seat, and then quickly saluted him respectfully, Then he greeted in a low voice.

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded slightly, and raised his hand to gesture to the head of Qing Miao and the others. He didn't speak, but pointed to the chair next to him, letting them sit by themselves.

Seeing this, the head of Qing Miao smiled clearly, without any expression of being slighted, but turned his head to Ji Xiaoyan for a moment, and then led her and everyone towards the rows of people on both sides of the main hall. After sitting on the seat, he looked up at the head of the Resurrection Sect on the main seat with a smile and asked, "Master, about the things I mentioned to you in the letter, is it convenient to talk about it today? "

Hearing the words, the head of the Resurrection Sect seemed to sigh faintly, but without moving his eyelids, he stretched out a finger and hooked an aborigine beside him.

The next moment, Ji Xiaoyan saw a man walking out of the shadow standing in the corner of the main seat.

It was a man in his 40s, dressed in snow-white clothes, and the decorations on his body were also very simple, except for a round green jade pendant and red tassels that glowed around his waist.His complexion is fair and delicate, his hair is half white, and his eyes are piercing. When he looks at people, he can't help exuding an aura of calmness and prestige.

I saw the man walked down half of the steps, stood after the ninth step, looked at both Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Miao's head from a distance, and then said: "The head of the door wants to listen first. Listen to the specific content of the matter you want to talk about, head of Qing Miao, and then discuss it!"

The head of Qing Miao didn't care at all when he heard the words, he turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and then carefully explained some of the content and conditions that they had briefly discussed in Qingshimen, and then read To the middle-aged man and the head of the Resurrection Sect, he said to them: "This is probably the case for the alliance. It depends on what the head master wants, and we don't care!"

Even though I said that, everyone present understood that the head of Qingshimen came to Fushengmen without the intention of leaving in disappointment.

The head of Qing Miao smiled and paused for a moment, and then without waiting for the man from the Resurrection Gate to speak, he continued directly and said: "By the way, we have something we want to do together this time. If possible, we also want to By the way, take back Qingsan from Qingshimen! Hey. Thinking about it, the head of the Resurrection Gate promised us to take him back within a year! I just don’t know How is Qing San's situation now?"

As soon as these words came out, how could everyone in the palace not understand what the head of Qing Miao meant by mentioning Qingsan at such a sensitive time?
It's just that everyone knows that they know, but they can't show it on the surface.

Sure enough, when the middle-aged man from the Resurrection Sect heard this, he frowned slightly, then lifted his eyelids, and glanced sharply at the head of Qing Miao, then nodded lightly, and then spoke Said: "If the head of Qing Miao wants to pick up Qing San, I'm afraid we still need to send someone to see how his situation is before making a decision! I hope you don't mind!"

Sect Leader Qing Miao nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course it's possible, everything is up to the Sect Leader!"

The man from the Resurrection Sect nodded silently, then turned his head and glanced at the head of the Resurrection Sect on the main seat, as if he was asking.

However, at this moment, the head of the Resurrection Sect is like a statue, quietly half-lying on the wooden chair of the main seat, without any movement at all, and I don't know if he didn't hear it, or he was meditating, or he just closed his eyes and fell asleep. caught.

The man at the Resurrection Gate didn't dare to say anything when he saw this, he just stood there silently and waited.

The atmosphere in the whole palace was tense for a while, and Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked nervously at Qing Miao's head and the others, but when they looked at Qing Miao's head, they were all indifferent and not in a hurry She suddenly couldn't help but secretly feel sad.
Maybe, it's just that she is worrying too much!

After about ten full minutes, the head of the Resurrection Sect on the main seat who thought he was still immovable finally reacted, slightly raised his eyelids, and looked towards the blue sky below the main hall. Head Miao and the others took a look, then turned his slightly cloudy eyes, glanced at the man standing on the steps of the Resurrection Gate, and then stretched out his fingers to tick him, indicating that He went forward.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly stepped up the steps respectfully, walked all the way to the head of the Resurrection Sect, knelt down on one knee, listened to his mouth for a while, then nodded, and then returned to the first stage again. At the nine steps, he said to Sect Leader Qing Miao and Ji Xiaoyan, "Sect Leader Qing Miao, City Master Ji. Our Master Sect Master has said that regarding the alliance you proposed, the Master Sect Leader still needs to consider a little bit more." Second, if you are not in a hurry and want to reply now, you can go to the side hall next to us to have a rest with some pastries, and then after we have seen Qing San's situation, please come over and continue the discussion. I don't know what you think Sample?"

Upon hearing the words, Sect Leader Qing Miao immediately glanced in the direction of the Sect Leader of Resurrection, then immediately stood up with a smile and nodded, saying: "Of course this is possible. I just need to trouble the Sect Leader."

The head of the Resurrection Sect closed his eyes silently, without moving much, he just closed his eyes again.

Seeing this, the man from the Resurrection Sect immediately waved his hands behind him, and seeing several female disciples from the Resurrection Sect greeted him immediately, he then told them: "Take all the guests from the Qingshimen Sect and Qingcheng The guests are going to the side hall to have some cakes, so please treat them well."

The female disciples of the Resurrection Sect nodded in response, bowed respectfully and politely to Qing Miao and the others, and then led them all the way out of the main hall, from the long corridor outside the main hall to a corner far away from the main hall. They were in the side hall, and after they were allowed to sit freely in the palace, countless delicacies were brought to them, and then they carefully retreated outside the hall to wait, leaving the head Qing Miao and the others to speak freely. space!

Sure enough, not long after sitting down, the old man Qing Mi became impatient.

"Brother Sect Leader, do you think we can return home satisfied this time?" The old man Qingmi looked at the surroundings and asked the Sect Leader Qing Miao worriedly, and then said in a low voice: "I see that The head of the sect seems to be a little unhappy. This attitude will definitely affect the result of our alliance. And when we mentioned Qingsan, I could clearly see that the eyelids of the man from the Resurrection Gate were a little unhappy The ground trembled, do you think that Qing San didn't get any better during the year he was in Fushengmen?"

"It shouldn't be!" Hearing this, the head of Qing Miao smiled reluctantly at the old man Qing Mi after thinking for a while and said, "When we sent Qing San here, it was their Resurrection Sect who proposed it themselves, and used it to Qingshimen didn’t miss the sacrifices of resurrecting Qingsan and the gift given to them at Fushengmen. Under such circumstances, it’s impossible for them to be passive and sabotage, leaving Qingsan there. What's more, they still gave us a deadline! Once the deadline is up, no matter what, the Resurrection Gate will return us!"

"Hey, I'm just looking at their current attitude, and I'm a little uneasy!" Old man Qingmi naturally understood this truth, but he still couldn't help but feel a little worried. After hearing what Qing Miao said, he sighed silently. Then he looked into the palace, feeling a little complicated.

"Master Sect Master is old after all, so he may not like to move a little bit, this is also a very normal thing, don't think too much about it!" Sect Master Qing Miao seemed to understand the old man Qingmi's worries, and after thinking about it, he comforted everyone Said: "You also heard that the Moxi people said that the head of the family has been in a bad mood and unwell for the past year. That is very normal! He is not willing to talk to us directly. Talk, then leave it alone! We want results."

When everyone heard the words, they could only nod their heads and sigh silently, but they couldn't say anything.

The head of Qing Miao saw that everyone stopped talking about this matter, so he glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her: "Xiaoyan, if the Fushengmen and the others are really willing to cooperate with us in the future, maybe the conditions will be good. Improve it a little bit more. At that time, you should think about it carefully, and if you can agree, then agree! After all, their position in the mainland of the Resurrection Gate is there, and it is normal to want to wait for more. Everyone You can talk about it, but you just don't want to say it to death in annoyance, and that's fine if the head master offends you!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately when she heard the words, why didn't she understand the stakes?
Seeing this, the head of Qing Miao immediately smiled reassuringly, and while calling Ji Xiaoyan to start eating quickly, he introduced some basic information about the Resurrection Sect to her with a smile. Can't help but relax.

Everyone waited for a few hours.

Afterwards, the female disciples of the Resurrection Sect stepped into the palace again, with a gentle smile on their faces, and then they fell in front of the head of Qing Miao, and said to them: "Guests, we Master Sect Master, please go to the main hall to discuss the next thing!"

Hearing the words, the head of Sect Qing Miao immediately clapped his hands, a tinge of joy naturally appeared on his face, and after he exchanged glances with everyone, he led the people of Qingshi Sect along with Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and then moved to the Inside the hall of the main hall.

And at this moment, the main hall of the main hall of the Resurrection Gate no longer had the cold and empty appearance it had when they visited not long ago.

On both sides of the main hall, there are already countless aborigines from the Resurrection Gate.

When they saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others appear, everyone's eyes were filled with curiosity and surprise, and then they looked at them without any concealment, and then looked at the people at Qingshimen and Ji Xiaoyan and the others entering After being seated in the palace, he slowly put away his curious eyes, and stood quietly on the spot without turning his eyes.

And on the ninth step toward the chief seat, there is still the man who speaks for the head of the Resurrection Sect.

After watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others take their seats, the man turned his mouth slightly and began to speak.

And the first thing he said was naturally about the aboriginal Qingshimen named Qingsan!
"Everyone in Qingshimen, we have just sent someone to check on Qing San's current situation! It's just that if you want to take him back today, I'm afraid it's a bit impossible!" The man from the Resurrection Gate felt a little regretful. He said something to the head of Qing Miao and the others, and then he looked like he was waiting for their reply, and refused to continue to explain.

"Is that so? Then I don't know how long Qing San will stay in the Resurrection Gate?" Hearing this, the head of Qing Miao couldn't help but asked the man with concern, the worry in his eyes was evident exhaustive.

"We've figured it out, if you want to take him away, you'll have to wait half a month at the latest!" The man thought for a moment, said something to the head of Qing Miao and the others, and then smiled He said again: "However, with Qing San's current situation, it would be better to wait a month or even a little longer!" If you, the head of Qing Miao, feel that you are not in the right direction, you want to go and see Qing San first. It doesn’t matter what happened! We can take you to see him now, and come back later to talk about other things.”

(End of this chapter)

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