Chapter 1854 Questioning
If the head of Qing Miao and the others still don't understand the meaning of Lehe's words, they are really stupid!

"So, Master Lehe admits that your Resurrection Sect has indeed done some ulterior things to Qing San?" Qing Miao's head shot a sharp light in his eyes at this moment, staring at Lehe closely, Asked him sharply!
And Lehe's expression at this moment has long since lost the eagerness to cover up and a little cautious look just now. A sneer of contempt gradually appeared on his face, and then he looked at the head of Qingmiao and other people in the Qingshimen, but his mouth remained the same. He didn't want to admit it directly, and then he said after a while: "Master Qing Miao, don't wrongly wrong our Fushengmen, and put such sewage on our sect! Regarding Qingsan's resurrection, our Fushengmen has exhausted all Heart! I don’t want to discuss the alliance with you Qingshimen again. It’s not because our Fushengmen have any guilt. It’s just because your Qingshimen’s questioning of our Fushengmen makes our Fushengmen feel very uncomfortable, so we don’t want to talk about it anymore. Yes! There are no reasons for this as you speculated! I hope you can figure this out!"

When the head of Qing Miao heard the words, he looked at Lehe angrily.

It's just that Lehe looked indifferent, and then continued: "Now that we have no intention of discussing an alliance with the Qingshimen and the Fushengmen, then please don't stay here anymore It’s better for everyone to leave earlier!”

"We want to see the head of the sect!" The head of Qing Miao looked completely unwilling to compromise, and yelled at Lehe, then glanced at the old man Qingmi, and said: "Our Qingshi Whether the door should leave or not is not up to Mr. Lehe! We only listen to Mr. Sect Leader."

After finishing speaking, everyone at Qingshimen immediately put on their poses, ready to rush out of the stone room.

It's just that Lehe seemed to have seen through their plans, and directly reached out and nodded to the natives of the resurrection gate behind him, and then saw countless disciples of the resurrection gate rushing out of nowhere like a tide , directly blocked the outside of the stone room, blocked all the space, and with an extremely tough attitude, asked everyone in Qingshimen to leave immediately!

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning and glanced nervously at the disciples of the Resurrection Sect at the door, then he turned his eyes to the backs of the elders of the Qingshi Sect, and couldn't help but feel worried.

With such a huge disparity in the number of people, if there is a fight, will Qingshimen have a chance of winning?

Sure enough, Lehe, who saw the actions of the people in Qingshimen, immediately sneered and looked at them, and then said: "Master Qingmiao, don't you think that our Resurrection Gate can do nothing but resurrect the aborigines. Yes! We are not as weak as you seem on the surface! If you really want to do something, don’t blame us for injuring you in case of a heavy hand, and turn around so that you can’t all go back to Qingshi door!"

"Whether you can return to Qingshimen safely depends on whether you are cruel enough, Mr. Lehe?" The head of Qingmiao sneered when he heard this, and then ordered everyone to prepare to attack.

At this moment, there was a loud voice from an aborigine suddenly outside the stone room where there were only the sound of everyone's breathing: "Lord Lehe, Master Sect Master asked me to ask if the elders and sect masters of Qingshimen have passed away?" I finished checking Qingsan's situation, if possible, please go to the main hall as soon as possible to discuss the next thing, the master said that he was a little tired and wanted to go to rest!"

Le He trembled when he heard the words, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the stone platform outside the stone room with red eyes.

I saw that at this moment there was a disciple of the Resurrection Sect with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes standing there bowed, as if he didn't see anything.

Le He naturally knew this disciple, and he was the next person to take his place.

To be precise, he is Lehe's successor and also his competitor.

At this moment, when the head of Qing Miao and the others heard this, their faces suddenly became happy, and even brought a hint of joy that they had survived a desperate situation.

Everyone looked at Le He with a livid face, and immediately put away their aura with a smile, then waved to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Since the Master Master summoned us, we still need to delay! Xiaoyan girl , let's go to see the head master right away. As for Qingsan's matter here, just let Qing Mi and the others stay here! We can come back when we get a reply from the head master!"

After finishing speaking, the head of Qing Miao didn't wait for Lehe's reaction, he took Ji Xiaoyan and rushed out towards the aborigines of the resurrection gate who were besieging the entrance of the stone room. Yan Yan, who didn't even dare to stop me any more, couldn't help but smiled, and then after passing Lehe, raised his chin slightly and glanced at him, then said: "By the way, Lehe My lord! What you said just now, let’s go to the main hall and talk about it in front of the head master! Anyway, our Qingshimen listens to the head master.”

Hearing this, Le He stared dangerously at Qing Miao's head, and then poured all the anger in his eyes into Ji Xiaoyan's eyes!From Le He's point of view, the series of incidents caused by this are all because of Ji Xiaoyan's words. If she is the culprit of the whole incident, she deserves her name!
Thinking of this, Le He gritted his teeth and looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her, "I hope Lord Ji will not beg to come to our Resurrection Gate in the future! Otherwise, it would be bad to return disappointed!"

"Well, Master Lehe, don't worry about that!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled when he heard the words, as if he didn't care at all, and then said to Lehe: "If you really ask for your Resurrection Gate at that time, If you want to help resurrect someone? I will definitely go to find Master Sect Master, and I will not trouble Master Lehe!"

Le He heard the words, the sneer on his face suddenly froze, his whole expression collapsed instantly as if cracked, and then all changed into layers of anger, and he endured it until Ji Xiaoyan left with Qing Miao's head. He flicked his sleeves vigorously, then glanced fiercely at the old man Qingmi who was staying next to Qingsan in the stone room, and greeted the disciples of the Resurrection Sect beside him, and hurriedly walked from the other side of the resurrection land Headed towards the main hall!

He wanted to reach the main hall before the head of Qing Miao and the others arrived.

And the head of Qing Miao, who came out of the stone room all the way, did not act arrogantly because of the urging of the head of the resurrection door. They almost didn't stop at all. The disciples and the guards of Qingcheng hurried towards the main hall without any delay.

It's just that when they arrived at the main hall, they still couldn't help but sigh with some regret.

Because Lehe had already stood back to his place on the ninth floor of the main hall, waiting there with a blank expression on his face!

Sect Leader Qing Miao couldn't help frowning, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some distress, then led them all the way into the main hall, and once again accepted the baptism of the eyes of countless disciples of the Resurrection Sect in the main hall.

The head of the Resurrection Sect is still the same as before, lying lazily and quietly on the huge main seat as if he was asleep, and trembling slightly after hearing the greeting from the head of Qing Miao He rolled his eyelids a few times, then hooked his fingers to signal them to sit down.

However, without waiting for the head of Qing Miao to speak, Le He squinted his eyes slightly, looked at them expressionlessly, and said lightly with a cold light in his eyes: "Since the head of Qing Miao You guys have also visited Qingsan, so let’s get down to business! About Qingshimen and Qingcheng wanting to form an alliance with our Fushengmen, our master has already considered it, and we have also discussed with the disciples in the sect. Let me tell you. It’s just that the head of Qingcheng is not satisfied with the conditions that Qingcheng proposed to give us to the resurrection gate. I hope to discuss with Qingcheng’s Lord Ji and Qingshimen’s Qingmiao. I don’t know. Are you two willing?"

Hearing the words, the head of Qing Miao immediately raised his eyes and took a deep look at Le He. He didn't say anything for a moment but turned his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan, as if asking for her approval.

But Ji Xiaoyan shook his head silently at Qing Miao's head.

Seeing this, the head of Qing Miao gritted his teeth immediately, and then his whole body changed, and he immediately looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect, and said in a high voice: "We can talk about the alliance. It's just that Before that, there are still some things about Qingsan and our Qingshimen and the Resurrection Gate, and we need a reasonable explanation from the master. I just don’t know if the master has time to give us some doubts?"

Hearing the words, the head of the Resurrection Sect trembled his eyelids that had not moved, then opened them slightly, and looked straight at the head of Qing Miao.

And Lehe's eyes suddenly shot out a dark and sharp light.

If the gaze could become real, the light in Lehe's eyes must have turned into countless sharp knives, all of which fell on the head of Qing Miao and Ji Xiaoyan, and Ling Chi executed them!
Le He thought that after finally returning to the main hall, he gained the right to speak for the head of the master again, and then brought up the matter of the alliance in the first place, so that the two city lords and the head of the sect will be acquainted Follow his words, forget all the unhappiness just now, and then concentrate on negotiating the alliance, and then, for the sake of the alliance, discuss Qingsan's matter with him quietly. People who put the bigger picture in mind will do it!
However, Le He never expected that Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Miao would turn the cart before the horse and want to investigate Qing San's matter first. How could Le He feel at ease?
Thinking of this, Le He suddenly shook his face, turned his eyes towards the direction of the master behind him, and then said loudly to the master Qing Miao and the others: "Master Qing Miao, what we are going to talk about now is As for the alliance, as long as we form an alliance between the Resurrection Gate and the Qingshi Gate, our relationship will naturally go further! As for Qing San, I took you to meet him just now, and it only takes a month for him to return. Qingshimen is here! You two don’t have to worry about anything. Let’s talk about business first!”

Saying that, Le He narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the head of Qing Miao and Ji Xiaoyan as a warning.

In this scene, the disciples of the Resurrection Sect who had seen it still had a rigid appearance as if they hadn't seen anything, and just stood there indifferently without moving.

Looking at this scene, Ji Xiaoyan felt more and more that the Resurrection Gate had an incomprehensible weird feeling.

After listening to Lehe's words, the head of Qing Miao didn't want to look at him at all, but looked at the head of the resurrection door intently.

The head of the Resurrection Sect seemed to have noticed something, and looked in the direction of the head of Qing Miao, then slowly raised his hand and gestured to an aborigine beside him.

Ji Xiaoyan's gaze followed the movement of the head of the Resurrection Sect, and then fell on the aborigine, and then found that that person had come out of the stone room not long ago to urge them to return to the main hall, thus avoiding the harmony and the soldiers. The Aboriginal man I met.

"Master Sect Leader said, if there is any problem, Sect Leader Qing Miao will bring it up! If you can explain it, Lord Sect Leader will naturally tell you." The man had an extremely gentle expression on his face. It is also clear and rhythmic, so as soon as he speaks, the favorability of Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Miao's head towards this man will instantly increase a lot.

Therefore, the head of Qing Miao, who did not hesitate, immediately told the head of the Fusheng Sect about the matter in the stone room, and then squinted at Le He, and asked: "I want to ask the head of the door right now. What are those red things under Qing San that City Master Ji saw? Also, is Master Lehe's attitude justified by the word "guilty"? He really has the right to change you, Master Master. The decision to drive us Qingshimen away from the Resurrection Gate?"

As soon as the head of Qing Miao said, the head of the Resurrection Sect on the main seat's reclining chair suddenly moved his eyes, and all his eyes fell on Lehe.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't see any fear or worry on Le He's face, so he couldn't help but sink in his heart.

The head of the resurrection door can appoint Lehe as the next head of the resurrection door, so he naturally has a different liking for him.So, even if Lehe did something wrong, wouldn't the head of the Resurrection Sect not pursue it?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan looked worriedly at Qing Miao's head, and then saw Qing Miao's palms clenched involuntarily.

And the man who was only standing on the third step turned his head to look at the head of the Resurrection Sect on the main seat after listening to the words of the master Qing Miao. After a while, he turned his face and looked at Qing Miao. The head and Ji Xiaoyan said: "Master the head said, since Master Lehe is the next head of our Resurrection Sect, he naturally has the right to decide many things."

 Thanks to "Youyou Xianyue" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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