The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1906 Save You Once

Chapter 1906 Save You Once

The muscular man nodded obediently, picked up the severed arm that had fallen on the ground as Lehe ordered, and followed him cautiously, quickly fleeing towards the distance.

However, before the two of them ran far, another roar of the earth hit again, accompanied by a breath of destruction, like a huge wave, directly knocked Lehe and the muscular man to the ground. Moved.

"Master Lehe. Are you alright?" The muscular man's face is covered with blood at this moment. Because he protects Lehe, his back has been scratched with countless wounds by the turbulent rushing air waves. , appearing extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Le He spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked fiercely at the soil that had swallowed his own blood before turning his head to look at the distance behind him, seeing that the soaring black light was a little more intense , and the intention to continue to spread, he took a deep breath, reached out and wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth, and said to the muscular man, "It's okay, I can still go."

The muscular man nodded, endured his pain, gritted his teeth and supported Le He, and continued to run forward in a panic.They knew very well that if they couldn't leave this area quickly and attack again, they would really stay here forever! !

There was a trace of panic and fear in Lehe's eyes, and there were thousands of thoughts in his heart.He didn't understand, in such a place, what was the black light printed on!Is it aimed at him.
Soon, the black light at the other end of the mountain peak became more intense, and began to surge with the wind, gradually forming a bunch of vortexes, spreading towards the surroundings, turning the countless people on the mountain peak into The ashes of black stones, plants, etc. were all rolled up into the sky, and they even brought up strong winds with strong suction, drying up and greedily plundering them in all directions.
"Over there, there must be something extraordinary." Le He felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere behind him. He couldn't help but turned his head and glanced in the direction of the mountain. Seeing the abnormality of the black light, he stared at his muscles in shock. The man muttered: "That thing seems to continue to spread."

The muscular man hummed, but didn't say much.His injury is a bit too serious, if he speaks, it will waste more energy
Le He frowned, as if he had noticed something wrong with the muscular man, and then looked at the blood spots left on the ground behind him, Le He couldn't help pursing his lips, and glanced at the muscular man , then closed his mouth and walked forward with difficulty.

At this time, a group of people were rushing out of the woods in another direction, with a trace of panic and anxiety on their faces, they looked in the direction of the black light in fear, and then hurriedly rushed towards the distance as if fleeing for their lives. and go.

Naturally, they saw Le and the two in a panic.

"Master City Lord, do we want to help the leader?" A man in soft armor looked in Lehe's direction, couldn't help but look at a woman in front of the team, and asked in a low voice: "The wounded man The men who are heavier seem to be a bit uneasy, if we save them, he will definitely be willing to join us when he recovers from his injuries."

In front of the team was a beautiful woman riding a wildebeest. She was wearing an off-white dress. Although there was panic in her eyes, her face was extremely calm, and she suppressed all the panic in her heart. People can see the slightest.

And this beautiful woman is exactly the Qing Wan City Lord of Qing City.

After hearing what the man guarding behind him said, City Lord Qingwan looked in the direction of the muscular man and frowned slightly.

It is true that just like what my subordinates said, that muscular man is not a simple person at first glance, his back is bruised, and he can continue to run for his life. This is an extremely remarkable thing in itself, not to mention, He also supported another commoner man!

From this courage and perseverance alone, City Lord Qingwan couldn't help but look sideways.

"Can we spare a wildebeest?" City Lord Qingwan turned his head and glanced at the vortex of black light that had gathered behind him, frowned and asked the guards behind him in a low voice, "If we can't free , there is no need to save them."

The guards looked at each other, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, my lord! If the two of us ride together, we can spare a wildebeest for them."

"That's it, bring them!!" City Lord Qingwan nodded immediately without hesitation, and instructed the two guards to ride towards Lehe and the others on their wildebeest.

The galloping sound of the wildebeest gradually sounded, faintly carrying something called hope, Yin Lehe and the muscular man couldn't help but look behind them, and then saw the two guards very clearly.

"You two, do you need help?" A guard quickly rushed to the side of Le and the two and stopped, and then said to them: "There is something weird on the other side of the mountain, and no one knows when the next attack will come again. According to your current speed and situation, if we meet again, we probably won’t be able to leave. Our city lord thinks that meeting is fate, so we can help you if we can, and we are willing to spare a wildebeest for you, but you do you need?"

Le He glanced at the City Lord Qingwan who had passed them on a wildebeest not far away, but he didn't show any pretense, so he nodded and said, "So, thank you City Lord over there!!"

The guard nodded with a smile when he heard the words, quickly got off the wildebeest, threw the reins to the muscular man, and then got on another wildebeest, sat down with the guard on the wildebeest, and looked at the muscular man guarding the wildebeest. Zhuo Lehe got on the horse, turned over and sat up, the guard said, "Let's go!"

The muscular man didn't say a word, he swung the rein and slapped the wildebeest's body fiercely. After feeling his body lighten and rushed out immediately, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.This speed will definitely ensure that they can escape safely!
Just after everyone ran a distance of about one mile, the flow speed of the black light vortex in the sky became a little faster, and soon everything near the mountain peak and within several miles was sucked in, and it was in the sky. A huge ball of black light formed in the center, and then fell from the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye, smashing hard to the ground.


There was only a deafening muffled sound, and the huge black light turned into an endless ball of light and hit the ground deeply, causing the ground to vibrate violently, and immediately one after another huge cracks followed the force towards the ground. The earth spread in all directions, like lightning, splitting countless ground, revealing deep ravines.
And those black lights swallowed everything, forming an endless black smoke that enveloped the sky, swallowing everything in it, and after a long time, it slowly disappeared, revealing the sky.

Listening to the movement behind him, the Lord Qingwan looked in the direction of the mountain in shock, only to find that the mountain disappeared, and the earth also disappeared.
No, it should be said that the piece of land they saw was eaten away, and a huge deep pit appeared, which was covered with black ash.
"If there were no wildebeests, we would really be dead this time." City Lord Qingwan glanced behind him with lingering fear, looked at the cracks spreading under his feet, and couldn't help but say something thankful, Immediately after confirming that there was no more movement after the black light disappeared, City Lord Qingwan's heart couldn't help warming up, and he turned to the guards beside him and asked, "Tell me, what happened over there? Will it be?" Will there be any treasure?"

The guards looked at each other and shook their heads silently.

They don't think it's a baby, maybe it's dangerous!They were attacked a few times just now, but they almost died!
Thinking of what City Lord Qingwan meant, some guards immediately persuaded him: "Master City Lord, it's extremely dangerous over there, let's go as soon as possible!"

"Let's go?" City Lord Qingwan really got a little interested, licked his lips, and tentatively directed the wildebeest to step forward, and found that there was no strange feeling when the black light appeared in the air, so he couldn't help turning around Rolling his eyes, he said to the guards behind him, "It seems that everything is over. Shall we go back and have a look?"

The guards immediately turned bitter when they heard the words, and protested silently!
"It should be all right. You see, those black lights have disappeared!" Qingwan City Lord smiled embarrassingly, seeing that the guards still looked at him with a disapproving look, he couldn't help frowning immediately, and then Then he turned to Lehe and the muscular man at the back of the team and asked, "You guys also escaped from there? Do you know what caused what happened just now?"

The muscular man shook his head silently, while Le He lowered his head halfway, looking at the disappearing mountain and land for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Master City Lord, we are all injured to some extent, so we should not go there." A guard following behind City Lord Qingwan couldn't help but persuade again, "Even if you want to go over and have a look, we can't be the first One!!"

"But, don't be the first one, what if it's beneficial and not be taken away?" City Master Qingwan suddenly curled her lips and said unwillingly.

"My lord, there are only a few of us." The guard looked embarrassed, glanced at the dozens of guards behind him, and then continued in a deep voice: "If you really want to go and have a look, we will naturally I am willing to serve you according to your orders. However, if something happens to us, what will you do in the future, my lord? We can't worry about you."

City Lord Qingwan was startled when he heard the words, the curiosity and excitement in his eyes calmed down immediately, he looked sideways at the guards who followed him all the way away from Lockerbie City Lord, and after a moment of contemplation, he gritted his teeth and nodded, Then he said, "Okay! I won't go, let's find a place to recuperate."

The guards breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile could not help but appear on their faces.

Le He glanced at City Lord Qingwan and the guards several times in surprise and complicated eyes, then looked at the black land again, followed behind City Lord Qingwan and their team, and left all the way.

Lehe doesn't know the city lord Qingwan, so he doesn't know why there are only dozens of guards behind a city lord, and it seems that the city lord still has some ideas.
However, this is also a good thing.

Lehe's eyes were deep, and he looked at the back of Qingwan City Lord.

The main thing is that he doesn't reveal his identity, and it should be no problem to follow the city lord back to her city and have a good rest.At that time, it would be a good idea to leave to find other "ambush soldiers" after he has recovered from his injuries.

It's just that Lehe doesn't remember any cities nearby!I don't know which city the city lord in front of me came from.

After following City Lord Qingwan and the others for a long time, the group finally saw a town.

The outside of the town is extremely empty at the moment, and there are no aborigines or adventurers at all, which seems a bit abnormal.

The Lord Qingwan frowned, stopped at a place far outside the town, and then sent a guard to check the situation.

"Why don't we just go in? What are you doing here?" Le He licked his dry lips, and couldn't help but ask Qingwan City Lord curiously.

City Lord Qingwan glanced haughtily at Lehe, but she didn't answer, but a guard beside her said, "The situation in the mainland is unstable now, we have to go and see if the town in front belongs to that faction. "

"That power?" Le He froze for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

"Yeah, right now on the Eastern Continent, there are Fox Clan, Qing City, and the Dark Faction. If we go in without asking about the town's situation, what should we do if something goes wrong?" The guard nodded, saying yes Zhuo Lehe explained a sentence lightly, but his eyes fell on the muscular man. Seeing his pale face, the blood on his back was almost drained, he couldn't help but asked with some worry: "What's the matter?" Are you guys alright?"

Le He glanced sideways at the muscular man behind him, saw that he closed his eyes slightly and said nothing, frowned involuntarily and said, "If you can find a therapist in the town, you should be fine."

"Then you can only hope that that town doesn't belong to any faction!" The guard sighed with some regret, and took a deep look at the nuclear muscular man before turning his gaze away.

Soon the guard who went to check the situation of the town ran back, panting heavily, UI the Qing Wan City Lord with joy on his face and said: "Master City Master, the town is fine, we can go in!"

"Why are there no aborigines and adventurers coming in and out of the town?" City Lord Qingwan asked without moving immediately.

"The commotion over there was too much, and it scared the aborigines and adventurers in the town, so they didn't dare to leave the town, and they wanted to wait until they were sure there was no danger." The guard let out a sigh of relief. Said to City Lord Qingwan, and then pointed in the direction of the town, "I told them that we escaped from there, and the aborigines told us to go in quickly."

 Thanks for the two monthly passes to "The Fat Bear in the Coconut Tree"!Thanks to "Book Friends 110713230633578" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the monthly ticket of "How can a person who is originally thin and cool warm others"! !
(End of this chapter)

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