The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1917 Has already treated you very well!

Chapter 1917 Has already treated you very well!
Players will never know how vengeful the NPC natives are!Just like men never know what a woman is thinking.

No one can understand the grief and indignation in Sha Yiwan's heart. What everyone can see is that he was kicked out of the teleportation circle time and time again, and then he was stabbed by those dumb-faced Qingcheng guards. The land is directly sent back to the teleportation array again.

Killing a warning to Wan didn't know how many times he had died, but he knew very well that it was impossible for him not to be vindicated today.

Wanting the level that has been accumulated so hard for such a long time, there is a depressing urge to kill as an example.Now he only hopes that after being vindicated, he will be released from Qingcheng by the aboriginal NPCs in Qiyun Town!At that time, it's a big deal to spend some gold coins and find someone to take me to kill monsters!Although it is a waste of time, it is the most time-saving and worry-free way.

However, as far as the current game world is concerned, there are actually very few players who have been vanished, and it can even be said that there are hardly a few.What's more, even if there is a conflict and who should take the blame, it is usually the player who does it, and it cannot be the NPCs.

Therefore, in some cases, it is not known at all to make a warning.

So when the system notification sounded again, telling Sha Yiwan that all his professional skills had been removed, he didn't recover for a long time!

Isn't it just round white level?

Resurrected from the teleportation array in a daze, felt the pain in his butt again, and ran out uncontrollably, and could only stare wide-eyed at the long knives in the hands of the Qingcheng guards swaying coldly. Looking at himself, all the colors in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and the world became endless gray and white again.

He didn't want to get up.

If it's a level, spend some money to find a team of players who can reach at least level [-] in ten days and half a month, right?Afterwards, no matter how hard I am, it is impossible to recover my vitality!But it's different now!The skills he had learned were cleared, and the profession naturally could no longer exist. Everything became a blank board, even worse than a player who just entered the game world with an account!How does this make him live the next day?
Players who entered the game under the new account at least have no NPC enemies!Now that the NPCs in Qiyun Town can set up traps to make him lose everything, I believe that his life in the game world will not be easy in the future! !How does this allow him to take over what the Gan family is going to do in the game, and go with Yunteng Wanli and Nightmare Foil Wandering to seize the territory of the Fox Clan?
These NPCs in Qiyun Town simply ruined his future!

"Ah!!" Thinking of this, Sha Yiwan, who had just been forcibly resurrected from the teleportation formation, roared angrily, and the aborigine of Qiyun Town who was standing in the teleportation formation panicked and kicked him on the ass. His strength became a little stronger, and before the swords of the Qingcheng guards fell on Sha Yi Jing Wan, they watched him fall directly to the ground, and turned into white light in the blink of an eye, standing in the teleportation array again .

"Did he be thrown to death just now, or was he kicked to death?" Ji Xiaoyan stood on the shore, his eyes widened in surprise, and asked Mayor Ni Yun beside him. The bright smile after revenge did not mean to explain to himself at all, he could only let out a breath, and then asked: "Mayor Ni Yun, are you planning to kill to the end?"

"That's natural." Mayor Ni Yun seemed to have only heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said in a good mood: "If you don't teach him a profound lesson, he won't know how powerful it is."

"Isn't Mayor Ni Yun afraid of stealing chickens and losing money? What if he is pushed into a hurry?" Ji Xiaoyan also said a little bit impatiently.

To be honest, she still felt a little uncomfortable seeing Sha Yi Jing Wan like this.After all, people have spent countless energy and time in this world to achieve their current strength, but because of Mayor Ni Yun's revenge, everything is gone, it seems quite unhuman.If it is interesting to kill this person as an example, and you have killed him so many times, you can go directly to negotiate with him, talk about reason, and sign the oath, there is nothing you can't let go.

However, Mayor Ni Yun was not happy.

In his opinion, adventurers who betrayed the good intentions of all the aborigines in their entire town can only be forgiven after letting them all vent their anger.

"Don't worry, my lord! When the killing is almost done, I will personally reason with him and let him sign the oath of never revealing the secret." Mayor Ni Yun said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "As for the hatred Let's let him hate it! After all, we have vented our anger, and that is the best."

"Mayor Ni Yun, you are relying on the fact that you will hide in Qingcheng from now on, so you won't be retaliated against?" Ji Xiaoyan raised an eyebrow and glanced at Mayor Ni Yun. After laughing at himself, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help snorting, then turned his head to Manager Qing Gong and said, "Since this is the case, then we don't have much fun to watch, Manager Qing Gong, let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion !"

Director Qing Gong nodded quickly, looked in the direction of Sha Yi Wan Wan, shook his head silently, and immediately followed behind Ji Xiaoyan, stepped into the city gate all the way, unwilling to talk to that crazy man again. Qiyun Town
The ending of killing one to warn others is naturally very bad.

After being completely turned down to level zero by the Qingcheng guards, he found in despair that he had nothing but a character name.

The gold coins in the package are gone, the medicines and sundries are gone, and even all the equipment on his body is gone!Except for a pair of white bottoming underwear hanging brightly on his body, he has nothing!
It's just being killed, why is everything gone! ?

Sha Yiwan really wanted to go offline to complain to customer service, but after trying, he still couldn’t log off and was still in a fighting state!He didn't know how many times the aborigines in Qiyun Town wanted to kill him before it was over! !
After being sent back to the teleportation array with a knife by the guards of Qingcheng again, he was about to go crazy for killing a warning.

This is not just a simple reincarnation of being killed, resurrected, then killed again, and resurrected again. Every player feels the lowest pain, and the sword light falling on the body is definitely not a good memory, let alone, After the despair in the bottom of my heart expands infinitely, it affects a person's mind very much.

Chi Hong stood on the teleportation formation, waiting for the never-ending kick behind him to kick him, and vowed to kill everyone that if there was such a day in the future, he must become stronger, and then he would kill the NPCs in Qiyun Town Kill them all!all
However, after waiting for 2 minutes, the expected pain did not appear on my back, and I was not pushed out of the teleportation array, so I couldn't help but take a deep breath immediately, then turned my head suspiciously towards the person behind me. The aborigines of Qiyun Town took a look.

"Okay, we've almost lost our anger! Let's go, the mayor is still waiting for you on the shore." The aborigine of Qiyun Town couldn't help sighing when he saw Sha Yiwan's frightened eyes. He took a deep breath, and then said, "Think about it for yourself, why did we treat you like this!"

Why?Isn't it because you aboriginal NPCs are stingy?

Killing a warning was roaring in his heart, but he didn't dare to reveal any emotions, he was afraid that the aborigines in Qiyun Town would be upset if he turned around, and they would torture him again!

The guards of Qingcheng heard the words of the aborigine of Qiyun Town, and looked at Sha Yi Wan indifferently, and immediately turned around neatly, and went back to standing under the city gate, doing their own work with all their heart and soul. , as if the person who just killed countless times to make an example was not him.

Walking along the wooden bridge all the way to the shore, he caught sight of the refreshed mayor Ni Yun with his red eyes.

"Originally, our relationship can be very good!" Mayor Ni Yun glanced at Sha Yiwan with satisfaction, and said so, seeing that Sha Yiwan was a little excited to speak, and quickly raised his head. Stopped him with his hand, and then said: "Don't talk, just listen to the mayor."

Killing Wan Wan could only snort coldly. Although the current situation was extremely bad, his arrogance still existed a little bit.

"We gave you the position of deputy mayor, we all did it with a heart of gratitude, but we didn't expect that we paid so much, but what we got was the dismissiveness of you, an adventurer, and it can even be said to be disgusting. !" Mayor Ni Yun looked at Sha Yi Wan with a bit of heartache, seeing that he only looked at himself with hatred, and then continued: "You still don't understand that what we gave you is a great thing, It's just that you don't want to cherish it, and you want to leave, but you didn't tell us, instead you asked someone else, and then you planned to use the mayor of this town to achieve your purpose and kill everyone. This is not how we know you! !"

Sha Yi rolled his eyes to warn Wan Wan, and glared at Mayor Ni Yun.This NPC said it as if he knew him very well!
"Do you still remember the agreement we made when we were in the Northern Continent?" Mayor Ni Yun seemed to be lost in memory, and suddenly asked Sha Yi Wan Wan, watching him frown and not saying a word, he just took care of himself He said confidently: "At the beginning, the mayor of our town told you the secret of our town, and he also told you that this secret must never be taken out."

"I haven't told anyone, and I haven't betrayed you!!" Hearing this, Sha Yiwan immediately thought that Mayor Ni Yun and the others planned to put him in such a state, thinking that he had leaked the secret, so He yelled: "I did nothing wrong, but you guys are going to treat me like this!! Are you treating me as a benefactor?"

"Naturally a benefactor!" Mayor Ni Yun nodded calmly, ignoring the madness and anger in Sha Yiwan's eyes, and continued: "It is because I regard you as a benefactor that this mayor agreed to help you. You dismissed the position of the deputy mayor, otherwise, if you want to retaliate against you, why are you in such a state now?"

"This state? Haha, isn't this already the worst state?" Sha Yi immediately said mockingly after hearing the words.

"No, that's not true." Mayor Ni Yun shook his head with a deep smile on his face, and then said: "You have to know, if you are the deputy mayor of our Qiyun Town, then, you Don't even think about seeing any sky again!"

"What do you mean by that?" Sha Yiwan asked Mayor Ni Yun with an angry look. His intuition told him that what Mayor Ni Yun said was true, and something even more terrifying would happen!
"When you were killed, you should have always thought about running away, right? Flee to the place where the lord god gave special favor to you adventurers?" Mayor Ni Yun had a secretive smile on his face. , looking at Sha Yiwan staring at himself blankly, continued to smile and said: "But, you found that you have been doing nothing all this time, and there is no way to escape, right?"

Sha Yi pursed his lips to warn Wan Wan, not understanding what Qi Yunzhen was trying to elicit by saying this.

"As long as you escape, I believe that the next time you show up, you will be able to step directly on Qingcheng's teleportation array and leave safely, right? But, let's make an example. If I don't promise you, then you, as our The deputy mayor of the sealed town wants to escape from us but has not obtained consent, then it can only be regarded as a betrayal! As for the punishment, the lord god will bestow eternal darkness on you, and you will never see any light and color." Mayor Ni Yun raised his expression slightly, and seemed to become more and more excited as he talked more, seeing the slight disapproval on Sha Yiwan's face, he immediately took two steps towards him, and then stretched out his hand Holding his face, he said in a low voice: "Are you still thinking, if this happens, you can just leave our world and go to the house that Lord God gave to you adventurers?"

Killing one to warn others is naturally thinking like this!All players in the game world will think so.

There is a trouble in the game. If you don’t go offline and figure out a solution to solve it, then enter the game. What are you still wasting time in the game for?
However, the mayor of Ni Yun hooked his lips and smiled thankfully, then leaned close to Sha Yi Jing Wan's ear, and murmured to him: "It's just, don't you know? If you get to that You will never be able to leave that darkness!! You will always be with the darkness until the end of your lifespan!!”

Sha Yiwan carefully recalled Mayor Ni Yun's words, and suddenly widened his eyes to look at him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

This is just a game world, how could there be such a bug?Eternal darkness, isn't that to completely imprison players in the game world and prevent people from going offline?If this is not offline, how can the human body withstand the long-term test with the nutrient solution in the game room?

Moreover, in the darkness, who can last long?Then he would go crazy within minutes, how could this game deal with players like this?
"I don't believe it!! I don't believe it!!" Sha Yi's eyes were red again, and he roared at Mayor Ni Yun.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 110713230633578" for the monthly pass! .Qianqian also shamelessly begged for a subscription! !
(End of this chapter)

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