Chapter 1927 Dust
Luotu knew very well that the Qingwan City Lord in front of him was complaining to him, and he just wanted to discredit Ji Xiaoyan and exaggerate his ability!

It doesn't matter, it's even better for him to have such an easy-to-guess mind!

So Luo Tu kept smiling and agreeing, and after watching Qingwan City Lord frothing for a long time, he nodded and said: "It seems that if you leave the matter of catching Mr. Lehe to Qingwan City Master Qingwan If we come to do it, it will definitely be better than that hosted by Ji Cheng from Qingcheng?"

"That's natural! That's just an adventurer! What can he do!" Qingwan City Lord said with a snort.

Luo Tu nodded in satisfaction, turned his head and gestured to the disciple of the Resurrection Sect behind him, and watched him immediately turn around and run towards the inside of the mountain gate, and then said under the slightly curious eyes of the Qingwan City Master: "The one who just came out is a little anxious , I forgot to bring things out for City Master Qingwan! City Master Qingwan has worked so hard for our Fushengmen, if we Fushengmen are not grateful, it will be very unreasonable."

City Lord Qingwan smiled shyly, not daring to make much contact with Luotu.

What she said was somewhat true or false, could she not count it?What she needs most now is to get some rewards from the Resurrection Gate, and then use these things to recruit people on the mainland, see if she can make a comeback, become a new force, and let others see!
As a member of the Resurrection Gate, few ages and appearances are the same.The Resurrection Gate has stood on the mainland for so many years, but the number of people has only increased, not decreased. Everyone knows the reason.For example, Luotu seems to be only in the 20s, but his age is probably much older than old man Qingmi and the others!

Naturally, the older you get, the different your experience and vision.

For an aborigine like City Lord Qingwan who puts everything on her face, Luotu can easily see what plans are in her mind!
Soon, a disciple from the Resurrection Gate came out of the mountain gate with a big red bag in his hand, and handed the bag to Luotu cautiously.

City Lord Qingwan's eyes fell on the bag, slightly disappointed.

"City Master Qingwan is absolutely sincere to us, and our Resurrection Gate's reward should not be too light!" Luotu looked at City Master Qingwan with a smile, not caring about the disappointment on her face, and said to himself: "There are some things in this parcel bag, maybe it's what you need, City Master Qingwan. I only hope that the next time I see City Master Qingwan is when you come back with our Master Lehe from the Resurrection Gate."

As soon as Luotu's words fell, the disappointed expression of the Qingwan City Lord just now suddenly changed, his face was full of surprise, he looked at Luotu in disbelief, his eyes were firmly fixed on On the bag in his hand, he asked in disbelief, "Lord Luotu, is this a parcel bag?"

"That's natural." Luotu nodded with a smile, looked at the greedy Qingwan City Master Qingwan with a hint of cunning in his eyes, and then said: "City Master Qingwan will never think that the only gift we can give you from the Resurrection Gate is this. That's a lot in a small bag, right?"

"No, no! How could I think that way!" City Lord Qingwan quickly shook his head, restrained the greedy look in his eyes, then adjusted his expression, and said to Luotu with a reserved face: " Master Luotu is really too polite."

"City Master Qingwan, you deserve it." Luotu smiled and handed the bag to City Master Qingwan. Seeing her tangled expression of wanting to see it but being embarrassed to check it out immediately, he didn't want to waste any more time with her, just He said, "Then look forward to our next meeting! City Lord Qingwan"

"Master Luotu, don't worry, I will take this matter of the Resurrection Sect to heart." City Lord Qingwan nodded immediately, and said with a serious face, until he saw Luotu smiling, turned around and followed the disciples of the Resurrection Sect back to the mountain gate After Nei disappeared, she suppressed the excitement in her heart, and greeted the guards to go all the way down the mountain. She waited until the gate of the Resurrection Gate could not be seen, and then excitedly opened the bag and took a closer look. .

Luotu gave a lot of things, including property, treasures that could be sold to the aborigines, and a few pieces of clothing and equipment that could be sold to adventurers.However, City Master Qingwan watched for a while, but still couldn't help frowning.

These things are not worth a lot of gold coins!If it is used to recruit soldiers and horses, it is not enough at all!
The guards all looked at City Lord Qingwan, looked at her slightly frowned brows, thought for a while, and couldn't help persuading: "Master City Lord, when we catch that Resurrection Sect's Le He, the Fusheng Sect will definitely return." Give more rewards! At that time, even if we want to get a few places to resurrect the aborigines, it will be no problem!"

City Lord Qingwan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he took a closer look at the bag in his hand, then nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, you are right! Now our relationship with the Resurrection Gate is different. You all heard that Lord Luotu asked us to come to the Resurrection Gate next time. This is our strength and capital! Those towns and races who hope to have channels to send people to the Resurrection Gate will naturally understand this the value inside."

The guards nodded one after another, echoing what City Lord Qingwan said, everyone looked forward to it for a long time, and then walked down the mountain resignedly.

There is a saying that going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, and this walk takes a day and a night!

By the time they reached the foot of the mountain, City Lord Qingwan and the others were basically going to be abolished.

"It is impossible for this gate of resurrection to have only one way in and out, otherwise so many aborigines who came to ask for help could persist in running like this?" City Lord Qingwan looked up at the mountain behind him exhaustedly, and couldn't help frowning and said, "You must find someone to inquire about it later! Otherwise, the next time we catch Lehe and send him here, he will get tired before he is sent up. It would be bad to give him a chance. Already!"

The guards nodded one after another, dragged their tired bodies and followed behind City Lord Qingwan, and walked into the distance.

After the city lord Qingwan and others left, the men of the Moxi tribe let out a sigh of regret: "What a pity! If they have money, we can make a lot of money by going up and down the mountain. less!"

"Isn't it? It was so hard to wait for so many people to come, but it turned out to be the city lord who lost the city"

The men of the Moxi tribe sighed with regret, then looked up at the peak of Fushengmen, and then said: "I don't know if Master Luotu saw them?"

"Whether we see you or not, what do we care about?" A man of the Moxi ethnic group who looked very authoritative said suddenly, "We just send people up and down the mountain, and we don't care about other things! Remember, see you next time If you come to them, don’t get close to them!”

"What if they get rich next time?" A man from the Moxi tribe suddenly asked in confusion.

"It doesn't work if you have money!" The man turned his head to look at the few people behind him sharply, and then said, "Don't forget that the Resurrection Gate has now formed an alliance with Qingcheng, and that woman used to be the city owner of Qingcheng. You are the master of Qing City, so you are at odds with this woman! Do you want to offend City Master Ji for such a small amount of money to go up the mountain?"

The aborigines of the Moxi tribe shook their heads quickly when they heard the words.

Master Luotu said that now all the aborigines of the Qingcheng forces and their Resurrection Gate can be called friends. If they are offended, Lord Luotu will be unhappy at that time and will not let them Moxi tribe What can I do here relying on the Resurrection Gate to earn a living?

Seeing that everyone understood the seriousness of the relationship, the man in the lead nodded in satisfaction, and said directly to everyone: "Let's go! It is estimated that no one will come here for a while, so leave someone alone to watch." That's it! The rest of the people follow me back to the village!"

Everyone nodded, followed quickly, and disappeared into the woods in a few steps.

City Lord Qingwan never knew that when she first appeared at the foot of the Fushengmen Mountain, the natives of the Moxi tribe wanted to provide her with convenience. It was only later that she discovered her identity and did some research. They didn't move, and let them go up the mountain and down the mountain by themselves.
Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief when he got a reply from Luotu, telling her that no one was found, just be more careful next time, and then immediately asked Manager Qing Gong, and it was indeed true that Master Besa left Qingcheng. After receiving no reply, Ji Xiaoyan took a group of guards without hesitation, stepped onto the teleportation array, and teleported to the outside of River Water City.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes on the teleportation array, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being startled.

The teleportation array, which should have been well managed, is now full of dense black heads, including aborigines and adventurers.

"What's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan was surrounded by the guards, but he quickly pulled an aborigine and asked.

"Master Ji City Lord?"

Obviously, Ji Xiaoyan, who had been Lord Bessa's fiancée for a period of time, was very impressive in the hearts of many residents of River Water City. As soon as he saw her, the aborigine quickly shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, let's go!" Let it go, let it go! Lord Ji City Lord is here! Lord Ji City Lord is here!"

As soon as the voice was spoken, a channel for one person to walk was abruptly and quickly opened up outside the crowded teleportation array just now, ignoring the unhappily shouting adventurers, the aborigines of River Water City hurried He said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord, hurry up and go to our River Water City to have a look! The Lord City Lord and Hess have been inside for a day after all, and they have temporarily driven us out, saying that it will be a few days later." A genius can go in! We don't know what happened!"

Drive out the whole city?
Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately looked around the teleportation array. Sure enough, there was no gap at all on this wide beach at the moment.

"Did Master Bessa not say what it is?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning and asked.

The aborigines in River Water City shook their heads. If they knew, they must have told her directly!

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, glanced in the direction of River Water City, and then asked, "Can I go in?"

"Master City Master only said that we are not allowed to enter the city, but he did not say that City Master Ji is not allowed to enter!" Some of the original residents rolled their eyes and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "However, City Master Ji, our City Master My lord said that it might be a bit dangerous in the city, that's why we all waited outside the city. If you go in, you have to be careful!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and looked carefully at the beach, and found that most of the crowd were ordinary aborigines, and there were not many guards of River Water City, so they immediately raised their vigilance, After ordering the guards behind him to be careful, he led the people along the passage in the middle of the crowd, and stopped in front of the gate of River Water City.

At this moment, River Water City did not open the city gates like in the past, but closed the city gates tightly.

Ji Xiaoyan was a little worried!If the city gate is closed from the inside, how will she get in?
"Try it, see if you can push it away!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked at the tall city gate, and said something to the guards behind him, seeing ten guards rushing towards the gate, heartbroken Can't help tightening.

Fortunately, under the force of the Qingcheng guards, the city gate slammed, and soon a gap opened, and a dusty wind came out from inside, blowing into Ji Xiaoyan suddenly. In his mouth, he choked her several times.

"Go, go in and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan coughed several times, and quickly said something to the guards, and then walked into River Water City through the gap.

The scenery in River Water City has not changed much in peacetime, the only difference is that there is always maroon dust floating in the air, falling on the roofs of countless buildings, making the whole city feel dilapidated and decayed. .

"who is it?"

At this time, a voice came from a distance, and then shouted loudly: "Close the city gate! Didn't I tell you that I can't come back for the time being? Why don't you listen to the orders of the city lord?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked in the direction of the voice, and soon saw a guard wearing the light armor of River Water City running out of the maroon dust, with a distraught look on his face, until he ran in front of her and found them After that, the expression on his face turned into full of surprise and respect.

"Master Ji, why are you here?" the guard of River Water City asked in a daze, and then directly shouted at the guards of Qing City: "Quick, quick, quick, do me a favor, first close the city gate. Lock it up! You can't let this dust fly out of the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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