The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1947 Go in and take a look

Chapter 1947 Go in and take a look
The land of black rain is getting more and more lively.

Since a forest and grassland grew there, more aborigines and adventurers wanted to enter the land of black rain.

Of course, the guards of Qingcheng who can create anti-black rain props are more popular.However, in the face of too many monks and too little porridge, the [-] umbrellas brought by the Qingcheng guards every day are still not enough for the aborigines and adventurers in each area to snap up, so adventurers and aborigines unite to demand that the Qingcheng guards We must go back to Qingcheng, please think about sending more umbrellas to City Lord Ji.

"Boss Qing Gong, what do you think?" Ji Xiaoyan, who was about to send off the patriarch of the elves and was about to start recruiting people, heard the news from the guards, and couldn't help but look at Boss Qing Gong.She didn't know the details of the umbrella shop, so if she could ask, Qing Gong, the friend of nature, was in charge.

"There are indeed many people who want to explore in the land of black rain now." Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The stock of umbrellas in the store is very sufficient now, if the city owner wants to release a little more Come, it is also possible."

"Can you guarantee that we will use it this time to the Land of Black Rain?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded and frowned, looking at Manager Qing Gong and asked.

"Of course this can be guaranteed!" Manager Qing Gong laughed easily when he heard the words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Did the Lord City Master forget that the adventurer is already researching more convenient rainproof armor? I heard that Now the cloak that can prevent the rain can be made, but the duration is not satisfactory. The adventurer is still researching, and I believe it will not be long before he can research it! And now he has all the umbrellas. We handed it over to the aborigines in Qingcheng, if the demand for umbrellas increases, we can send some more people to help, and we can just tell the adventurer when the time comes."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and couldn't help laughing easily: "So, after we have assembled everyone, the research on the adventurer's cloak will almost come out, and we won't need to do that at that time." The number of umbrellas can be traded to those aborigines and adventurers, is that what you mean?"

Director Qing Gong nodded, he is very precious to that little orange lantern called the Darkness, in just a few days, that kid has already earned a lot of gold coins, and they have a share of Qingcheng in it!Not to mention, that kid will have to pay the shop's rent and taxes in the future
That's an adventurer who can lay gold!

"In this case, let each guard bring twice as many umbrellas to sell in the land of black rain!" Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "We must ensure our own needs, and the rest All the umbrellas are sold out! If we go to the Black Rain Land to find the Fox Clan Saintess this time, the Black Rain Land will definitely change. I don’t know if it will still be as it is now. Taking advantage of the fact that there are still so many adventurers and aborigines who are curious about the land of the black rain, let's earn more gold coins."

Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said to Manager Qing Gong: "The quantity and price of the fox clan cannot be changed."

Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Lord City Master, I still know about this."

"That's good! That's good!" Ji Xiaoyan felt relieved immediately, and couldn't help asking curiously: "We don't allow adventurers to sell umbrellas to people from the Fox clan. Are there any adventurers who sell umbrellas?"

"Yes." Manager Qing Gong sighed slightly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Your City Master, you know that there are always some adventurers who don't want to be held hostage by our Qingcheng, and sell their umbrellas to people from the Fox Clan at a high price However, there are still very few such adventurers. Most of them are the aborigines who wanted to earn more gold coins and sold the umbrellas they snatched to the fox clan. Lord City Lord, do you think we should also restrict those aborigines? Residents?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Let's not bother with the aborigines, and the Black Rain Land is not necessarily a good place for the Fox Clan. Bringing the people of the Fox Clan with us means that the relationship between the two races is not as harmonious as we imagined, so the people of the Fox Clan will not be allowed to enter the land of black rain and clash with the Fallen Clan , No way! In fact, this is very good. We earned the gold coins of the fox clan, and it would be more interesting to let them be strangled by us into the land of black rain, wouldn't it?"

Director Qing Gong looked at the somewhat cunning smile on Ji Xiaoyan's face, couldn't help but also laughed, then nodded and said: "Yes, yes, yes! What you said, Lord City Master, is right! What's more, the fox clan now The power of the holy girl has exploded, and she is also a dangerous person. If someone from the fox tribe finds her first and brings her out safely, we can save some losses if we go to Qingcheng to rob people!"

"That's the reason!" Ji Xiaoyan responded with a nod and a smile, and Manager Qing Gong chuckled for a while, then ordered him to arrange for the umbrella, and then he thought about organizing a trip to the Land of Black Rain The candidates, and then sent someone to notify.

Thunder Kitten and Nightmare Cleaner, who had received Ji Xiaoyan's message from Feige, went to help her find a group of adventurers who were willing to take on this mission at the first time. After organizing the people, they all let them join The forces in Qingcheng, sent them to Qingcheng, and asked the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to send news to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Just let the adventurers wait outside the city lord's mansion and just let the nightmare cleaner and thunder kitten in." Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then gave an order to the guards of the Qing city, watching the guards nod and leave , and then hurriedly arranged the matter in hand to other people, and immediately went back to the palace to wait.

The Thunder Kitten and the Nightmare Cleaner didn't stay in Qing City's City Lord's Mansion for a long time, and happily told Ji Xiaoyan that after they helped her bring more than 200 adventurers, they gave the rewards they had discussed with those adventurers. I told Ji Xiaoyan once, and seeing that she didn't intend to object, I asked her for the mission and the next arrangements, and went directly to arrange work for the more than 200 adventurers.

So, when the sun of another day appeared in the game world, dozens of adventurers with a lot of umbrellas were already waiting outside the city lord's mansion.

There was a sound of "da da da" iron chains, and the suspension bridge of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion was lowered, and countless aborigines walked out of it.

Thunder Kitten watched Ji Xiaoyan appear with a smile, and immediately leaned forward. When she walked over the suspension bridge, he quickly said to her: "Xiaoyan, we are all ready, each of us has two hundred umbrellas, Enough for us to follow you into the land of black rain, and then we can give the remaining umbrellas to other aborigines."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and thanked those adventurers politely. After seeing them looking at him excitedly and waving their hands, he said gratefully to Thunder Kitten: "I really want to thank you this time. And nightmares. I don't know where I would find adventurers if you didn't find them for me."

She doesn't dare to use it for ordinary adventures, but there are two hundred umbrellas, which are worth four hundred gold coins.Who knows, among the adventurers I found with a bounty, will someone escape with an umbrella and sell it for gold coins?Please Thunder Kitten and Nightmare Cleaner's initial intention was just to let them find someone to be a messenger in the Black Rain Land, but now the Black Rain Land has changed, and these adventurers want to step into the Black Rain Land safely. Even in the rainy land, where can we find Lin Qianye and the others?

So now the role of these people has changed, it has become the role of helping them bring umbrellas, if they meet Lin Qianye, they will give them all the remaining umbrellas, and then send them back to die
"Xiaoyan, why are you being polite to us?" Thunder Kitten burst out laughing when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and pointed to the dozens of adventurers standing not far behind him and said, "How can they be so polite?" They are all very happy. Now they know how expensive this umbrella is in the Land of Black Rain. It’s great if you let them use it for free, and you can give rewards afterwards. If they find anything in the Land of Black Rain , things can still be given to them, what are they dissatisfied with? Isn't this equivalent to you giving them umbrellas for nothing to let them explore, and let them send things by the way? This is a great thing, I can assure you, if the news It is said that there are many adventurers on the mainland who are willing to help!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and smiled, and said with a sigh: "If I ask someone else to come, I'm afraid they will take the umbrella and run away! It's the person you helped me find, so I can rest assured."

Thunder Kitten liked Ji Xiaoyan's words very much, and immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said indifferently: "You ask us for help, and we will naturally do it for you."

"Thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan said sincerely to Thunder Kitten, looked up at the sky, and waited for the Qingcheng guards behind him and some disciples of Qingshimen, the aborigines of the Elf and Vine tribes to arrive. After getting all together, he said to Thunder Kitten: "You guys go to the middle of the team, if you encounter something in the black rain land, you will be safer."

Thunder Kitten nodded, turned around and greeted the dozens of adventurers who had all interspersed in the aboriginal team, thought for a while, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "We will go with you, the nightmare they waited for that little After Ju Deng makes the new rain equipment, how will they enter the Black Rain Land to find us? Would it be dangerous for them to leave by themselves?"

"The elders from Qingshimen will escort you at that time, don't worry!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a slight smile, "How could I let them go to the Black Rain Land and die so easily!"

Thunder Kitten smiled reassuringly, turned around and returned to the team. Following Ji Xiaoyan's order, the aborigines of Qingcheng stepped onto the teleportation array. After going around a few places, they arrived at a town. Then he left the town on foot and walked directly towards the land of black rain.

There are still countless aborigines and adventurers watching outside the Black Rain Land.

However, the aborigines and adventurers at this moment are not as unfamiliar as usual, but seem to be unusually harmonious.

After some guards listened curiously to the conversations of the aborigines and adventurers, they immediately returned to Ji Xiaoyan in surprise and told her the news they had heard.

"The monsters in the Black Rain Land are really that powerful?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then looked at the guard in surprise, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes: "The elders and patriarchs of the Fox Clan are all very powerful people, right? ? They can't beat those monsters?"

This news, even if you think about it, is it impossible?If the monsters in the Black Rain Land are so powerful, how can they get in?
Isn't that the material to die?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned involuntarily.

"Those aborigines said that the people of the fox clan were very embarrassed after they came out, but they firmly refused to admit that they were made into this by one or two monsters! They all said that if there were only one or two monsters, there was nothing to be afraid of. What they met was a large group, and there was a huge gap in number, so they escaped in embarrassment." The guard in Qingcheng said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously, "It's just that the aborigines didn't believe this, and there were quite a few of them. Many adventurers have stepped into the land of black rain, but no news has come out, and I don’t know if it’s just the fox people who encountered monsters due to bad luck.”

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked deeply at the land of black rain several times, thought for a while, and then found the aborigines of the Vine and Elf tribes, and told them the news the guards had heard , and asked them: "Do you think, with our current team, can we go in? If we encounter monsters, can we all get out?"

The patriarch of the elves didn't intend to come to the land of black rain to have a look. He only sent a few powerful elders of the elves to bring a group of young elves, so now Ji Xiaoyan can ask questions. Just an elder of the elves.

I saw the elder of the elf clan think for a while, silently looked at the aborigine of the rattan clan who had been looking at the land of black rain, and after seeing him nodding slightly, he said: "My lord, if the strength of those monsters Really that high, even if we can't kill them, we should have no problem getting out."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little happy.

The young man from the Vine Clan nodded slightly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Our Vine Clan can control some vines to entangle those monsters."

"But won't those black rains hurt the vines?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked in puzzlement.

Even if plants grow in the land of black rain, that doesn't mean that other plants won't be corroded anymore?Didn't you see that all the plants in this land of black rain are black?Maybe these plants are the products of Heiyu, but they are different from what they usually see
(End of this chapter)

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