Chapter 2475 Closing
The aboriginals of that sealed town have no way of explaining why those fox people are not afraid of the light of the sealing power, but leave in a hurry.

Therefore, regarding the question of the patriarch of the undead clan, the aborigines of the sealed town could only shake their heads silently, and after looking at the distant world, they said to the patriarch of the undead clan: "The patriarch of the undead clan My lord, you can probably only ask the Fox Clan to understand your question! But I have no way to answer it for you!"

Hearing this, the patriarch of the undead clan immediately looked disappointed and couldn't help sighing.

"If you want me to tell you, the people from the Fox Clan were probably chasing those from the Fallen Demon Clan, so they ran away quickly!" Xing Dila stood aside, but after thinking for a while, she said to the crowd: "Think about it carefully! The Fox Clan and the Fallen Clan are allies, and they should be together in everything, right? How afraid are the Fallen Clan of the power of these seals? How could those members of the fox clan not know? Seeing that the members of the fallen demon clan have fled, it is impossible for everyone in the fox clan to watch their allies flee for their lives and stay here. Come to fight so many of us stupidly, right? It’s impossible for the fox clan to be so stupid, right? Besides, with such a relationship between the fox clan and the fallen demon clan, it’s impossible for those fox clan people to see the fallen demon clan. The people of the demon clan are in danger, they are standing aside watching the fun, don’t they want to protect and protect them? You’ve all seen that too. Those black rain monsters and mountain-suppressing beasts are all dead. He is dead, how will the people of the fox clan go back and explain? I don’t believe that the patriarch of the fallen demon clan will not pursue it?”

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I think what Master Xingdila said is very reasonable!" After hearing Xingdila's words, the aborigine of the sealed town nodded quickly after thinking about it, facing the undead The patriarch of the clan said: "I think it should be such a truth! These fox clans will do no harm if they stay, and they will run away anyway!"

The patriarch of the undead tribe nodded and thought for a while, but he said with a relieved smile: "You are right! But now I don't have to worry about the reason why the fox tribe left. I just need to know that now they are the fallen demon tribe Everyone from the Fox Clan has left, and our Undead Clan will be truly safe next time, that’s enough! Everyone, right?”

Everyone nodded immediately, with smiles on their faces.

"Under normal circumstances, this would indeed be the case!" The aborigine of the sealed town nodded, but said to the patriarch of the undead tribe with certainty: "At least in this area covered by our sealing power, On the earth, all the power of the fallen demons can no longer attack! Therefore, whether it is the black clouds, black rain, black rain monsters, or the people and mountain-suppressing beasts of the fallen demons, there is no way to attack them. One more step closer to the undead clan! But, if those fox clan members want to come in. Master patriarch of the undead clan, then our sealing power has no way to stop it!"

"As long as the Fox Clan comes back, they won't bring back such a powerful and huge monster as the Zhenshan Beast, we Undead Clan will not be afraid of them!" Face said confidently: "Don't forget, there are so many aborigines in our undead clan, and there are bone dragons! As long as there is no threat of those black rains, how can our undead clan be afraid of those fox people?" The big deal is to go to war, and then I have to take a good look at whether our undead clan is stronger or their fox clan is stronger!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled when they heard the words, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, the crisis of the undead clan was solved so easily?This is a good thing!

The rising sun in the sky gradually climbed into the sky, and it became dazzling, making the whole land completely bright.

The sealing power released by the aborigines of those sealed towns also began to disappear into the air with that little bit of light, and finally merged into the entire land, returning the world to a clear sky.

After the aborigines of the sealed town confirmed that everything was done, Ji Xiaoyan smiled easily, looked at the undead tribe, looked at the patriarch of the undead tribe, and looked at him Said: "Master Patriarch, there is no need to worry about the safety of the undead clan! After the teleportation array between our Qingcheng and the undead clan is built, we will leave! In the future, the connection between our Qingcheng and the undead clan will be better. convenient!"

"Yes, yes, yes! What the Lord City Master said is true!" The patriarch of the undead clan nodded in agreement when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words: "This time, our undead clan's affairs are all thanks to the City Master! Our undead clan is bothering, maybe our undead clan has been trampled down by that mountain-suppressing beast, and the entire undead clan has been occupied by the fox clan and the fallen demon clan! Don't worry, my lord, this Qingcheng has nothing to do with our undead clan. We, the Undead Clan, must do our best to cooperate with the family teleportation array. When there is any need or dispatch in Qingcheng in the future, our Undead Clan will definitely come as soon as possible, and the situation like before will never happen again! This point Please rest assured, Lord City Lord!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, saying in her heart that she is not happy is a lie!

This undead tribe also has some skills, otherwise she would not have thought of forcing the undead tribe to form an alliance with them Qingcheng!

Because the crisis of the undead tribe is over, and everyone has been worried for so long, the patriarch of the undead tribe is a little embarrassed, so he quickly asked the aborigines of the undead tribe to invite everyone from Qingcheng together, and invited them to the undead tribe. Take a good rest.

Ji Xiaoyan followed behind the patriarch of the undead tribe, but suddenly remembered something, he quickly stopped the patriarch of the undead tribe, and said to him: "Master patriarch, the things we took from your undead tribe's treasury have not been distributed. It will come in handy, and I will give it back to the patriarch later, you can put it away, and if you need it in the future, you undead clan will also come in handy!"

In case the undead clan really need it in the future, but they can't find it!

When the patriarch of the undead tribe heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with gratitude.

Speaking of which, the patriarch of the undead tribe also thought about how to ask for those things that Ji Xiaoyan and the others took away from the treasure house of the undead tribe.After all, there are not many things of the light department that they can use in the undead clan. Although the undead clan themselves don't like such things, and are even a little afraid, this does not prevent them from keeping them and using them in the future To deal with such dark enemies as the fallen demons?

However, thinking that Ji Xiaoyan brought the aborigines of these sealed towns here and directly saved their undead tribe, and now they just took some things that their undead tribe can't use for the time being, if they asked to go back, some It's hurtful!Therefore, even if the patriarch of the undead tribe thought about it, he didn't dare to say it
Therefore, after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's initiative to bring up this matter, the patriarch of the undead clan said to Ji Xiaoyan with some shame: "Thank you, Lord City Master! These things will indeed help our undead clan in the future! Let me shirk my responsibility." I couldn’t do it either, so I had the cheek to take the things back.”

"It's all an alliance, the patriarch doesn't need to be so polite!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, took the initiative to take out the things and handed them to the patriarch of the undead clan, and waited for the others to hand over the things before turning to the patriarch of the undead clan Then he said: "Speaking of these things. The patriarch, do you still remember the things we talked about?"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the patriarch of the undead tribe was stunned for a long time, and then he finally came to his senses, and quickly asked Ji Xiaoyan: "The city lord is talking about those bone dragons?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, smiled at the patriarch of the undead tribe and said: "If the two bone dragons can be stronger, it will be extremely beneficial to both our Qingcheng and the undead tribe! If we can make the bone dragon Wouldn't it be a good thing for us Qingcheng and the undead to come in handy earlier?"

"Yes, yes, yes! The Lord City Master said it!" The patriarch of the undead clan nodded immediately, and said with a smile to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's also because I didn't think carefully. Don't worry, Lord City Master. After you are ready, arrange a few clansmen to go to Qingcheng with you, Lord City Lord, and make arrangements for the two bone dragons, so that they can add strength to our undead clan and Qingcheng in the future!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and the smile on his face grew even wider.

Because of the guarantee from the aborigines of the Sealed Town, all the aborigines who came from Qingcheng returned to the settlement with the aborigines of the undead tribe. After the host and guest celebrated, Ji Xiaoyan waited When the teleporters from Qingcheng to the undead clan watched them connect the teleportation array between the undead clan and Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everything has been arranged, we will go back!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile on his face, looking at the patriarch of the undead clan.

"Yes! Lord City Master!" The patriarch of the undead tribe still maintained that respectful appearance at the moment, and he did not have the face of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge as others imagined, which made Ji Xiaoyan feel relieved at that time.

"Xiaoyan!" Xing Dila stopped Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly when she was about to leave. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan turning his face in doubt, Xing Dila quickly pulled Ji Xiaoyan aside Go, and whispered to her: "Qianye and the others don't know what's going on now, and there is no news at all. I think, since the land of the dead is considered safe now, why don't we find them first, and then go back Let's go to Qingcheng!"

"Master Qianye and the others are probably not here anymore!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned when he heard Xingdila's words, and said, "When the power of this seal completely enveloped the land of the undead, I thought about it." The matter of Master Qianye and the others is over. Master Qianye, like me, is from the Dark Department. Although it is said that nothing will happen if you stand in the power of those seals, it is impossible to be too comfortable after all! The people of the Demon Clan tried their best to escape, I think it is impossible for Master Qianye and the others to stay in this land of the undead and look around! Since Cheng is the culprit of all this, it is impossible for her not to be afraid of the power of these seals ,Right"

Think about it, since Cheng's mountain beasts or black rain monsters are afraid of these white lights, then if Cheng is really in this land of the dead, then when she finds the white lights of these sealing powers, she Aren't you afraid?Are you still foolishly staying where you are, waiting for the power of the seal to fall on you, and then fighting against the power of the seal?
How is that possible?
Ji Xiaoyan thought about this problem at the beginning.Therefore, from Ji Xiaoyan's point of view, even if Lin Qianye and the others found traces of Teng in this land of the dead, they would definitely follow Teng to escape from the land of the dead. How could they still stay here?
Even if it is said that Lin Qianye and the others have never found any trace of Cheng, then, when these sealing powers appeared, don't Lin Qianye and the others know what happened?They must also know what kind of consequences the power of the seal will have on the power of the fallen demon, so they will definitely find a way to find escaped people outside the power of the seal.Not necessarily, Lin Qianye and the others have left with those members of the Fallen Demon Clan?

Anyway, Ji Xiaoyan thinks that it is definitely impossible for Lin Qianye and the others to stay in this land of the dead!

Otherwise, they would have come back long ago, right?

However, Xing Dila looked unwilling to believe it, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a worried face: "Regardless of whether Qianye and the others have left this land of the dead, I still want to find it before I am reconciled! Xiaoyan !"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xing Dila, thought for a while, and then said: "Okay! Then let's look for it! I'll let the guards go back first, and leave the Lusi'er and Yi tribe behind. Fly around this land of the dead twice, if we don't find Master Qianye and the others, then we'll go back to Qingcheng and wait for news! Uncle Xingdila, what do you think?"

"Okay!" After talking about this, what else can Xingdila say?It's impossible to find people, they have been spending time outside this undead clan, right?
Xing Dila nodded, and Ji Xiaoyan immediately walked up to the head of the Elf Clan and Master Bessa, briefly explained the matter, and then asked them to take everyone from Qingcheng back.

The patriarch of the Elf Clan nodded in agreement directly, but Master Bessa frowned, looked outside the Land of the Dead, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I think they must not be here anymore! Otherwise , I will come back at this time. If you look for it, there is no point at all, it is better to send them a letter and ask about the situation!"

"It's better to find a circle to rest assured!" Ji Xiaoyan exhaled, and said to Lord Bessa and the patriarch of the elf clan: "I will trouble Lord Bessa and the patriarch to take him back!"

(End of this chapter)

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