Chapter 2506 Original
Yu Qisi had never seen a mutant beast so close before!
In her impression, mutant beasts are spread through the Internet or TV, thus impressing them in the minds of federal residents.From Yu Qisi's point of view, those mutated beasts have huge bodies, ferocious faces, and extremely fierce temperaments. No matter from any point of view, mutated beasts are extremely ferocious beasts, and they are ordinary federal residents. All need to be respected!

Therefore, no matter who sees the mutant beast, the first reaction is definitely to run away immediately, and the only thought must be to never be discovered or caught by the mutant beast, otherwise, it will definitely only mean death .

Therefore, even after hearing those federal soldiers say that Ji Xiaoyan raised a mutant beast, Yu Qisi was somewhat skeptical, imagining in his mind that maybe the mutant beast Ji Xiaoyan raised was about the same size. It's just a child-sized, just-born cub of that kind of mutant beast.Such a mutated beast, even if it went crazy and wanted to bite people, many federal soldiers could directly control the mutated beast, so as to protect Ji Xiaoyan's safety.

Therefore, when Yu Qisi, who had such thoughts in mind, suddenly saw two huge mutant beasts appearing on the balcony, she instantly became a little dazed.

This situation is not what she imagined at all! If those two mutant beasts went crazy and attacked Ji Xiaoyan, what should they do? Those are two super-sized mutant beasts!Just open its mouth, and the mutant beast can swallow Ji Xiaoyan!

Yu Qisi's heart started beating crazily, and he wanted to stop Ji Xiaoyan with his eyes wide open, or let the federal soldiers hold her back, but the words in his heart that wanted to yell at Ji Xiaoyan, But she couldn't speak her throat at all, she could only open her mouth and watch Ji Xiaoyan walk towards the two mutant beasts step by step as if panting heavily.

And those federal soldiers were all cautiously standing against the window, staring at Ji Xiaoyan's every move and the reaction of the two mutant beasts, for fear that Ji Xiaoyan would be attacked by those mutant beasts if he was not careful. up.

But at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan, who was stared at with concern by everyone, was actually a little scared in his heart, afraid that the two mutant beasts would behave unexpectedly!

But in Ji Xiaoyan's impression, the mutated beast that she raised would at most take advantage of the darkness and try to find a way to enter Qiyu City secretly. After finding her, she would ask her for some food, and then eat After drinking enough, he left without any regrets, and hardly left any disturbances in Qiyu City.

So, tonight, when Ji Xiaoyan thought that the mutated beast would come, he made a plan in his heart!After seeing the mutant beast, let it eat and drink enough first, and then find a way to take it away from the podium, find a place to settle down, and wait until the attack of the mutant beast outside Qiyu City is over, After the turmoil in Qiyu City subsides, let's see if we can communicate more with that mutant beast...

But what Ji Xiaoyan never imagined was that the mutant beast she raised had indeed entered Qiyu City, found her easily, and was obediently standing on the balcony to eat by herself What they had prepared was served with an extremely calm gesture.

But the problem is, standing next to that mutant beast, there is another mutant beast with a smaller size at this moment!
These are two mutant beasts!The other mutated beast was indeed one that had never been seen before, it was completely unfamiliar!
Therefore, after discovering this situation, it is absolutely impossible for Ji Xiaoyan not to be surprised and worried!
From Ji Xiaoyan's point of view, the mutant beast he was familiar with would not attack her, so if that mutant beast appeared, he would not be attacked if he went to meet it.However, the situation today is different!The mutant beast I'm familiar with won't attack me, but that doesn't mean the other mutant beast it brings won't attack either?
When Yu Qisi went to find the communicator and hadn't come back, Ji Xiaoyan also stuck it to the window and hesitated for a long time, observing the situation first before speaking.

However, that mutant beast didn't intend to make Ji Xiaoyan think about it.After landing on the balcony, the mutant beast brought another mutant beast and started to eat. After eating for about 1 minute, the mutant beast stared at Ji Xiaoyan several times. , and even gave those federal soldiers a warning look, and seeing that Ji Xiaoyan had no intention of coming out of the house, he walked up to Ji Xiaoyan and patted the door with his paws. The glass window, the window that was shot directly, slapped and slammed.

Ji Xiaoyan thinks that if the window wasn't made so strong, the glass window would have been rotten and shattered with just a few taps from that mutant beast.

Ji Xiaoyan carefully glanced at the mutated beast, and saw that it raised its paws to continue patting the glass with an unhappy face, then quickly waved at it, looking at the mutated beast with a puzzled look on its face. He withdrew his paws and went back, pawed at the window dissatisfied, and quickly pointed in the direction of another mutant beast.

However, the mutated beast didn't seem to understand what Ji Xiaoyan meant. Seeing that she didn't intend to move, it immediately grabbed it with its claws.

Ji Xiaoyan, who was afraid that if the mutant beast broke in, would hurt those federal soldiers, he could only quickly wave his hand at the mutant beast, seeing that it looked at him suspiciously, and then moved towards the door. He walked two steps in the direction, and carefully opened the door with a gap, seeing that the mutant beast had no intention of rushing in, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the federal soldiers beside him.

The mutated beast followed Ji Xiaoyan, and when the door opened, it immediately sniffed it. It seemed that after confirming Ji Xiaoyan's smell, it squinted its eyes happily, but it didn't want to urge Ji Xiaoyan any more. Instead, he turned around and returned to the pile of food, and started to eat obediently together with the other mutant beast.

Ji Xiaoyan hesitated for two seconds, finally opened the door, and got out by himself. When he turned around to close the door, he watched the federal officer who had been following him quickly pull the door, leaving a gap Come, shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan.

Just kidding, if the door is closed, if there is an accident on the balcony, wouldn't these federal soldiers waste an action and time to open the door?
Ji Xiaoyan looked at the federal officer and nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, but couldn't help but look in the direction of the mutated beast. After seeing that the two mutated beasts didn't seem to be moving, he turned to the federal officer. The officer nodded and said in a low voice: "Be careful too. If they rush over, close the door immediately!"

The federal officer nodded immediately, but that was not what he was thinking.

Taking a deep breath, Ji Xiaoyan turned around and walked in the direction of the two mutant beasts, taking every step cautiously.

It was at this time that Ji Xiaoyan had time to carefully look at the mutant beast that was brought in.

At the very beginning, Ji Xiaoyan thought that the slightly smaller mutant beast might be a female beast of the opposite sex, so the size would be different, and that mutant beast could be brought into Qiyu City. .But after taking a closer look, Ji Xiaoyan was a little uncertain.

The slightly smaller mutant beast is obviously of a different breed from that mutant beast. It has two huge horns on the top of its head, which are twisted and twisted, as if it has been twisted several times by someone. There is an extremely slender tail. When eating, the tail will slap on the ground like a whip, making a crackling sound.

The most different thing is that there are many wounds on the body of the slightly smaller mutant beast, and the skin and flesh have been turned out in many places. It may be because of the weather or time, the flesh and blood have begun to rot and stink. up.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look towards the mutant beast he was familiar with, and as expected, he also saw two wounds turned up on its abdomen.

For no reason, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly understood something, then quickly turned around and went back to the door, and said to the federal officer who was about to open the door to welcome him in: "Go to the infirmary and ask if there is any healing For things like medicine, it’s best to arrange for two medical staff to come. Well, tell them that we are going to treat the mutant beasts, and ask them to prepare enough medicine. If you don’t understand anything, quickly ask those researchers Mutant beast researchers!"

Hearing the words, the federal officer was stunned for two seconds, and then quickly nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and in response, he directed to the federal soldiers beside him, "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up!" Arrange! Ask the people in the infirmary to bring the medicine immediately and let them prepare some simple tools!"

The federal soldiers nodded immediately and hurriedly made arrangements.

"Miss Xiaoyan!" At this moment, Yu Qisi, who had recovered his breath, yelled at Ji Xiaoyan with a worried expression on his face, and asked her, "Miss Xiaoyan, what are you going to do?" ?”

"The two mutated beasts are both injured! They should come here to ask me to help heal their injuries!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Yu Qisi and the federal officer without any intention of hiding, "So, I have to help them."

"But, Miss Xiaoyan, what if they hurt you and attack you?" Yu Qisi's mind is full of bad images at the moment, and he is almost about to cry: "Ms. Just let the staff do it! You come in first!"

"Qisi, besides me, who do you think those two mutated beasts will get close to?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Yu Qisi with a sigh, seeing her face turn pale by two points in an instant, Then he let out a sigh of relief and said to Yu Qisi: "Okay, Qisi! I know you have always been worried about me, so you don't want me to take risks. I just hope that I will always be protected. But, July [-]th! Everyone has something they can do, and now only I can get close to this mutant beast, so all these things are within my ability, so I will naturally do them."

Yu Qisi's eyes were full of worry, he didn't know what to say when he looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

"The two mutant beasts came to ask me for help, so I should do what I can do. Although I don't know medical knowledge, those medical staff can guide me, so I will definitely be careful and try my best to Don't hurt those two mutated beasts and make them lose their minds!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Yu Qisi, and after thinking about it, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and then said: "Of course, I I feel that since these two mutated beasts can find here and know that I can help them, they should not easily attack me."

"I'm just a little worried!" Yu Qisi couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well, I know!" Ji Xiaoyan gave Yu Qisi a consoling smile, and then said, "Qisi, take it easy! Look, I'm not nervous!"

Yu Qisi couldn't laugh, so he could only look at Ji Xiaoyan with an extremely ugly expression, and then said in a muffled voice, "Then, Miss Xiaoyan, I'll come out to accompany you too! You give those two mutants Beast healing, I will pass you tools or medicine by the side!"

"Qisi, just stay here and watch!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head directly, and said to Yu Qisi: "Those two mutant beasts will attack you! It's not safe for you to go out! "

Yu Qisi opened his mouth, but his expression was full of frustration.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan could only tell the federal officer to take good care of Yu Qisi, and then waited by the door for the medical staff to come with their things.

And the two mutated beasts were eating by themselves with obedient expressions, and they didn't intend to urge Ji Xiaoyan at all, as if they knew that if she wanted to help them, she had to wait for the medicine to arrive.

The efficiency of those medical staff is still very fast!
That is to say, 10 minutes after Ji Xiaoyan ordered to go down, more than a dozen medical staff in white coats rushed to the vicinity of the balcony. They stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan with expressions of fear and nervousness, but excitedly pretending to be calm , I couldn't wait to glance at the mutant beast on the balcony, and then put all the medicines they brought in front of Ji Xiaoyan with great anticipation, and said to her: "Miss Ji, we follow your As I said, I have prepared these things and tools first. You can see if it is applicable! If you need anything else, just tell us, and we will arrange for someone to go back and get it right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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