Chapter 2508 Treatment
At this moment, the federal soldiers and medical staff in the command tower were all shocked. They imagined that when Ji Xiaoyan dropped the knife on the mutant beast, would the mutant beast do anything? , or, when the medicine was applied to the wound and caused pain, that mutant beast would threaten Ji Xiaoyan's safety.

But none of this series of imagined possibilities happened.The mutated beast just glanced at Ji Xiaoyan lightly for a few times, then stood obediently where it was, except that it was eating meat, and waited until Ji Xiaoyan cleaned up all the wounds on its body. The mutant beast didn't even intend to move more.

All this shocked all the federal soldiers and medical staff.

This is the only one in the Federation! Who has ever seen someone who can use a knife on a living mutant beast like this, let alone being attacked, this mutant beast can be so honest?
"This video... Shall we send a copy to the sixth young master?" A federal soldier thought for a while, and couldn't help asking the federal officer beside him, "If Miss Ji made these, if they are sent to the family Go, it will definitely cause an uproar... This seems to be a good thing for Miss Ji!"

Hearing the words, the federal officer thought for a while with some hesitation, and then said to the federal soldier: "Whether the video will be sent to the family, that's not what we care about, you can make arrangements to send the video to the family." Master Six will do!"

Hearing this, the federal soldier nodded quickly, and immediately took the two of them to make arrangements.

Yu Qisi, with a nervous expression on his face, stuck tightly to the glass of the window, watching Ji Xiaoyan take care of the wounds on the mutant beast, and packed his things to go to the smaller one. When the mutated beast passed by, he couldn't help but asked the federal officer beside him: "Miss Xiaoyan has to deal with the other mutated beast's injuries? What if that mutated beast attacks her?" what?"

"This mutated beast didn't attack at all, so the other mutated beast won't attack either?" The federal officer thought for a while, and said comfortingly to Yu Qisi: "That mutated beast was raised by Miss Ji. Well, since it will bring the other mutant beast to Miss Ji, then it must want Miss Ji to help treat the wound of the mutant beast. Thinking about it this way, even if the other mutant beast will have What's the change, that mutant beast raised by Ms. Ji will also protect Ms. Ji."

"But, what if this doesn't develop as we thought?" Yu Qisi asked the federal officer with a worried expression on his face.

"This kind of thing, we have to think in the best direction!" After hearing Yu Qisi's words, the federal officer said to her very seriously: "If we don't go in a good direction Thinking, is it possible, we have to think about whether Miss Ji is really in danger?"

Yu Qisi opened his mouth, but finally he could only nod his head.She naturally hopes that everything is the best, and Ji Xiaoyan will not suffer any harm!However, the ferocious appearance of those two mutant beasts made her feel uneasy!
"Let's just watch carefully!" The federal officer looked at Yu Qisi still looking very worried, comforted her, then looked out the window, and said to her: "Look. , Miss Ji started walking towards that mutant beast!"

When Yu Qisi heard it, how could he even think about talking to that federal officer?Immediately, he turned his gaze out of the window again, staring closely at Ji Xiaoyan's movements.

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan pushed the medicine box and took a few steps towards the mutated beast she was raising. Seeing that the mutated beast didn't have any intention of stopping her, she passed it and approached the mutated beast. The smaller mutated beast then stopped two or three meters away in front of it and did not go away.

The slightly smaller mutated beast opened its eyes, looked at Ji Xiaoyan steadfastly, couldn't help moving its nose, sniffed the air, and then looked in the direction of the mutated beast, as if Confirming something against it.

But the mutated beast seemed to see that Ji Xiaoyan had no intention of going any further, and took a half step forward with some dissatisfaction, lowered its head and pushed Ji Xiaoyan's body, signaling her to move forward.

Ji Xiaoyan turned his head nervously and glanced at the mutated beast behind him. After confirming the affirmation and encouragement in its gaze, he took a deep breath, dragged the medicine box, and approached the mutated beast cautiously. The smaller mutated beast looked into its eyes nervously and defensively, but Ji Xiaoyan slowly stretched out his hand, and said to the smaller mutated beast, "Relax. Relax, I'm here to treat your wound!"

Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly turned around halfway, pointed to the treated wound on the mutated beast behind him, and said to the slightly smaller mutated beast: "Look, it will be a little bit like this. It hurts, but I didn't mean to hurt you!"

The slightly smaller mutated beast looked at Ji Xiaoyan vigilantly for a few times, then glanced at the mutated beast, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan's box on the ground, and gradually calmed down. down.

The mutated beast whined urgingly, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand what it meant, so he looked at the smaller mutated beast and looked at the mutated beast with some grievances. , bit the bullet and leaned towards Ji Xiaoyan reluctantly, and took stock of her height, then lay down on the ground in dissatisfaction, and closed her eyes directly.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the slightly smaller mutated beast in surprise, then turned to look at the mutated beast behind him. After seeing it beckoning him to move quickly, Ji Xiaoyan laughed and turned towards the mutated beast. The mutant beast nodded, pushed the medicine box, stood beside the smaller mutant beast, took out a new anesthetic syringe, and selected the smaller mutant beast. A wound on the mutant beast's body was stabbed lightly.

The slightly smaller mutated beast seemed to have sensed the abnormality in its body, opened its eyes immediately, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a sharp look.

It's just that before the smaller mutated beast made any other moves, the mutated beast gave a whining warning, so the smaller mutated beast could only glance at Ji Xiaoyan, and then silently Putting his head on the ground, with an extremely aggrieved look, he silently endured Ji Xiaoyan wielding the knife on its body.

Everyone behind the window was really excited at the moment.

"No, no! After Miss Ji comes back, we must apply to the sixth young master and ask him to promise to let Miss Ji come to our medical center to learn about wound management and other knowledge. If this mutant beast is injured again in the future It will definitely be easier for Ms. Ji to deal with it!" The leading medical staff said excitedly to the crowd behind him, "Remember all of you! When Ms. Ji comes back, we will give the sixth young master a Mention. Oh, yes, we have to convince Ms. Ji first."

"Where did you arrange for Miss Ji's affairs?" The federal officer immediately said to the leading medical staff with some dissatisfaction, "What Miss Ji wants to do is Miss Ji's business. What kind of medical knowledge do you want Ms. Ji to learn? Do you think we don’t know, and it takes a lot of time to learn? How much time do you think Ms. Ji will have to follow you to learn? "

"It's not a bad thing to learn some medical knowledge!" Hearing this, the leading medical staff immediately said to the federal officer with some dissatisfaction, "Besides, who said that these mutant beasts will not be injured in the future? Want me Tell me! Since the mutant beast raised by Ms. Ji can bring the mutant beast to heal this time, it may not be possible, it will bring the mutant beast again next time! If that is the case, Miss Ji has learned Medical knowledge, won’t it be easier in the future? Otherwise, take a look, Miss Ji is dealing with the wounds on this mutant beast, how many hands are there?”

The federal officer, however, glared at the leading medical staff dissatisfiedly, and said coldly: "So what if you're born raw? Who is Miss Ji? If something like this happens again in the future, why don't you ask me I have called you to help, and what to do when the time comes, can you just tell Ms. Ji?"

"Then what if we don't have time? We still have to rely on Ms. Ji herself!" The leading medical staff suddenly frowned and said to the federal officer.

"I believe you don't have time! Is it possible that other people don't have time?" The federal officer rolled his eyes and said to the leading medical staff, "Besides, if you don't have time, it's possible that the doctors in the entire Federation No time? Is there no more powerful doctor than you in Mu Chi's family?"

The leading medical staff blushed when he heard the words, looked at the federal officer, snorted angrily, and stopped talking.

The federal officer snorted, and then looked out of the window again, and happened to see Ji Xiaoyan finish treating a wound on the slightly smaller mutant beast, and seemed to find that the medicine was not enough, so he stood up and stood up straight. Walked back in their direction.

"Quick, quick, quick! What are you still doing?" Seeing this, the federal officer ordered the other federal soldiers without hesitation, "Hurry up and get Ji Xiaoyan some water and some food." Come on! Treating mutant beasts requires physical strength!"

Hearing this, several federal soldiers immediately ran behind, not knowing where they went, but after Ji Xiaoyan counted the medicines, they ran back panting.

"Miss Ji" Several federal soldiers shouted at Er Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that she didn't intend to leave immediately, they were greatly relieved, and handed the things in their hands to the federal officer.

"Miss Ji!" The federal officer hurriedly took the things, handed them to Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her, "It must take you a lot of time and energy to heal those mutant beasts in the middle of the night, so let's eat something first." Slow things down!"

Hearing what the federal officer said, Ji Xiaoyan seemed to suddenly remember it, and his stomach growled.

Feeling embarrassed, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at everyone, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the two mutant beasts on the balcony, then nodded, and said to the federal officer, "Thank you!"

"Miss Ji, you're welcome!" The federal officer smiled and shook his head, thought for a while and said to Yu Qisi: "Miss Ji's hands may be inconvenient, otherwise, please ask Miss Yu to help feed Miss Ji thing?"

Without any hesitation, Yu Qisi directly took what was in the hands of the federal officer, let Ji Xiaoyan sit on the chair prepared by the side, and began to deliver food to her mouth one by one.

"Miss Xiaoyan, you are really scary!" Looking at the carrion and blood stains on Ji Xiaoyan's hands, Yu Qisi couldn't help but said to her: "The two outside are mutant beasts! You If you treat them like this, not to mention the mutant beast you keep, this other one, it can be regarded as without any formal identity! What if the people in Qiyu City attack it? ? At that time, these two mutant beasts will not think that you are also an accomplice, and they will misunderstand you by then?"

Ji Xiaoyan chewed the food in his mouth twice, signaled Yu Qisi to feed her a sip of water, and then replied: "I don't think so! If they don't believe me, they won't come to me! "

"Not necessarily. They came to you because they were hungry!" Yu Qisi said to Ji Xiaoyan with some stubbornness.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, watched Yu Qisi feed himself another mouthful of food with a worried face, Ji Xiaoyan shook his head immediately, swallowed all the food in his mouth, and then said to Yu Qisi: "Qisi, they took the risk of being attacked and sneaked into Qiyu City to let me treat them."

Yu Qisi pursed his lips, somewhat puzzled why Ji Xiaoyan was so sure!Those two mutant beasts can't speak!
"The injury on the smaller mutant beast is more serious, and it may take more time!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but turned to look at the federal officer waiting not far away, and then said: "You guys Let someone arrange it, and when I finish treating the wound for the smaller mutant beast, I'll see if I can let them stay and observe and you can choose a suitable place where they can rest in peace!"

The federal officer nodded excitedly when he heard the words, and after watching the federal soldiers behind him run out immediately, he immediately reported to Ji Xiaoyanhui: "Miss Xiaoyan, the video surveillance of the mutant beast you just rescued, we all After sending it to the Sixth Young Master, the Sixth Young Master was also very surprised and happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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