Chapter 2514 News
Mu Chi Mufeng frowned, looked into the corridor of the floor, and said to the federal soldiers behind him with a sullen face: "Where is the surveillance in the building? Have you checked? Look at the people in the building Where did it all go?"

"Already arranged for people to go!" A federal officer immediately nodded to Mu Chi Mufeng, and hurriedly said: "It's just that it will take a lot of time to find out where all the people have gone!"

"Yeah!" Mu Chi Mufeng nodded, and said to the federal officer, "I'll investigate the whereabouts of everyone later. Just take a look at the general situation now! I just need to know what happened to them." ..."

"Okay!" The federal officer nodded quickly, and immediately gave orders. After waiting for a long time, he finally got the feedback!
The federal soldiers went to check the surveillance of the building, but after checking the surveillance video for several days, they finally saw someone appearing in the building.

"Looking at the surveillance video, these people all left by themselves, and they left in a hurry!" The federal officer said to Mu Chi Mufeng with a sullen face, "Just looking at the looks on their faces, they didn't appear to be coerced. Seems like they just left in a hurry!"

"Leaving by yourself?" Mu Chi Mufeng glanced around, but his brows frowned even tighter. "There is still a lot of distance from here to the city wall. Under normal circumstances, this place is close to the city wall." The control tower is considered an extremely safe place. Federal residents living here, as long as there are no special circumstances and without our notice, it is impossible to leave! Why are they leaving in such a hurry? If It’s just a family or two, and they can still think about whether something happened in their respective homes! But the people who left here are people from a whole building..."

"Yeah!" The federal officer also nodded, and said to Mu Chi Mufeng: "This is indeed a bit strange! So I asked them to continue to see if they can find the reason for their departure!"

Mu Chi Mufeng nodded, thought for a while and said to the federal officer: "Arrange people, and let me know if you find any news! I'll go back to the command tower to see the situation!"

"Okay!" The federal officer nodded immediately, watched Mu Chi and Mufeng enter the elevator, and after leaving the building, the federal officer called a few federal soldiers and told them: "Surveillance video Maybe there are some things that we can’t find, so we will go to each household to see if we can find something from their homes!”

"Yes!" The federal soldiers nodded immediately, and began to search the building as ordered.

After Mu Chi Mufeng left the building, he went straight to the direction of the command tower.

After the command tower was attacked several times, the outer shell of the building has become unrecognizable. Most of the glass walls have been shattered, leaving only some bare frames.In some places, the pillars were also hit by light wave cannons, leaving a big black hole. At this moment, many federal soldiers are guarding there to clean up!
With a dark face, Mu Chi Mufeng went straight into the command tower and began to make contacts, and quickly got a clear understanding of the situation in the command tower.

"That is to say, those two mutant beasts haven't reappeared after the light wave cannon attack, and no one has found any trace of them?" Mu Chi Mufeng frowned, looking solemnly at the several federations in front of him asked the officers.

"Yes! Master Mufeng!" The federal officers looked ashamed, lowered their heads halfway, and said to Mu Chi Mufeng: "Miss Ji ordered, we must find the two mutated beasts. Traces. So after the mutant beasts disappeared, we have been looking for them, but up to now, we have searched all the places near the command tower, but we have not found any traces. The two mutant beasts are like disappeared suddenly... just like when they came, silently..."

When Mu Chi heard the news, he frowned, thought carefully for a while, and then asked the federal officers: "The area you searched is near this command tower?"

"Yes!" The federal officers nodded immediately, but they didn't quite understand what Mu Chi Mufeng meant by asking this question.

"Since this is the case, then you should make arrangements to have someone expand the range, and send a message to the city wall by the way. If you see those two mutant beasts, let them tell." Mu Chi Mufeng Seriously said to those federal officers.

"Lord Mu Feng, what do you mean by that?" When the federal officers heard this, they looked at Mu Chi Mu Feng with puzzled expressions, and asked him, "Do you think the two After being attacked by the light wave cannon, the mutated beast escaped directly from Qiyu City?"

"This possibility is not ruled out!" Mu Chi Mufeng nodded, and said to the federal officers in front of him, "Since they can come, they can naturally leave. Since we have been looking for it for so long, there is no If you find them, then there is a possibility that these two mutated beasts have left Qiyu City! What do you think, right?"

Several federal officers looked at each other, but they were a little unwilling to accept this possibility: "But, Mr. Mu Feng, Miss Ji also said that the two mutant beasts should not leave. We think that this possibility may not exist. !"

"I just said, it's possible!" Mu Chi Mufeng frowned, looked at the federal officers in front of him, and said to them: "Now I just want you to tell the city wall, right? , and only in the future can we be sure. Now we just add such a possible result, if we really don’t find those two mutant beasts by then, we don’t need to be too entangled, right?”

The few federal officers thought about it, then nodded quickly, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Taking advantage of this time, Mu Chi Mufeng contacted Ji Xiaoyan again. After confirming that she was okay and honestly hiding on the seventh floor, he breathed a sigh of relief, and concentrated on arranging the aftermath of the command tower. up.As for those who attacked their command tower, who are they and where are they going now?Whether the light wave cannon will continue to attack, Mu Chi Mufeng doesn't even think about it!

What he has to do is to ensure the safety of the command tower first.

This person, as long as he is busy, time will pass quickly.

Mu Chi Mufeng only felt that he had just started to do a little work, but he didn't expect that a few hours would fly by.

The command tower was never attacked again, but there was no news about those who attacked. As for the two mutated beasts, there was no trace of them being found. Many federal soldiers believed that the two Like what Mu Chi Mufeng said, the mutant beast came to Qiyu City quietly, and then left quietly!
However, Ji Xiaoyan was unwilling to believe the news that the two mutant beasts had left.

At the beginning, the mutated beast brought the smaller mutated beast into Qiyu City. On the one hand, it was probably hungry and came to ask Ji Xiaoyan for something to eat. On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan thought it was because of that The slightly smaller mutant beast has too many wounds, and if it is not treated in time, it will definitely be life-threatening.That's why the mutated beast brought the smaller mutated beast into Qiyu City and asked her to heal it.

However, Ji Xiaoyan only treated all the wounds on the mutant beast, and most of the wounds on the smaller mutant beast were left untreated!How could the mutant beast leave Qiyu City with the smaller mutant beast under such circumstances?Isn't this a waste of time?

Ji Xiaoyan thinks that with the IQ of that mutant beast, it should not have such an idea.

Therefore, those two mutated beasts must still be in Qiyu City, but they don't know where they are hiding!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Although it is said that the enemies of the humans in their Federation are those mutant beasts, Ji Xiaoyan has raised that mutant beast several times and been protected by it several times, so naturally he has some feelings.She also hoped that the mutant beast would be fine. Even if it didn't come to her in the future, she also hoped that they would stay away from humans and live well in that wilderness.

She really didn't want those two mutant beasts to take risks and run into Qiyu City to find her, but they were killed in Qiyu City in the end.

"Is the ground safe now?" Ji Xiaoyan showed all the surveillance cameras he could see, and finally couldn't help asking the federal soldiers around him, "Can we go up!"

Those federal soldiers were stunned when they heard what Ji Xiaoyan said. They looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some puzzlement and asked, "Miss Ji is very safe here. What do you want to do on the ground? There are still people on the ground now." If you are not safe, you can just stay here! If you need anything, you can tell us and we can arrange it for you."

"I don't need anything!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and said to the federal soldiers, "I just want to go up and have a look."

Those federal soldiers glanced at each other, and said to Ji Xiaoyan tacitly: "Miss Ji, you should stay here! If you want to see something, you can look at it in the light screen. If you still need What angle, a certain piece of monitoring, we will adjust the permissions for you now, and you can watch it directly on the light screen."

But Ji Xiaoyan kept shaking his head, and said to the federal soldiers: "No! I think this is a bit boring. I still want to go to the ground to have a look!"

"Miss Xiaoyan, it's really not safe on the ground right now!" Yu Qisi received the eyes of the federal soldiers pleading for help, and hurriedly persuaded Ji Xiaoyan: "You saw it on the light screen too! Now command The bottom of the tower has almost turned into ruins. They are all cleaning up our place. If we go up, they will not be able to help. At that time, they will arrange more people to protect your safety. Isn’t this more troublesome? We might as well wait until The top has been cleaned up. Go up again?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Yu Qisi and didn't speak, but his eyes were extremely firm.She is going to the ground!Go near the conning tower!

"Miss Xiaoyan!" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly.

"I want to go up!" Ji Xiaoyan insisted on saying something to the crowd, watching the federal soldiers look at each other helplessly.

"Miss Ji, why don't you wait and see? Shall we send a message to Mr. Mu Feng to ask?" A few federal soldiers discussed it, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan, "It's a bit chaotic up there now. , if we expose you to danger, if we don’t report to Master Mu Feng, we will definitely take responsibility in the future.”

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to push forward, and naturally understood the difficulties of these federal soldiers. After thinking about it, he nodded to them and said, "Then you can ask now."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The federal soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then directly contacted Mu Chi Mufeng.

However, not long after the call was connected, those federal soldiers told Ji Xiaoyan's request, and then heard Mu Chi Mufeng directly said in the communicator: "It's just right, you are going to protect Miss Ji and go back to the command tower now." Come! Just go to the first floor, and I will wait for you there!"

The few federal soldiers who thought Mu Chi Mufeng would reject them all immediately looked extremely surprised. After hearing Mu Chi Mufeng hang up the call, they still couldn't recover for a long time.Shouldn't it be blocked?Why listen to Mu Chi Mufeng's tone, they still have to take Ji Xiaoyan to the ground?

The confused federal soldiers could only look at each other a few times, and then passed the words to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Ji, look, are we going up now?"

"Let's go now!" Ji Xiaoyan had no intention of delaying any longer, and nodded directly to the few federal soldiers, and then said, "Go and see what's going on up here!"

The few federal soldiers could only nod their heads, and after gathering everyone together, they escorted Ji Xiaoyan onto the elevator, directly ascending from the seventh floor underground to the first flat ground of the command tower building.Then after leaving the lobby of the building, he saw Mu Chi Mufeng standing straight outside the gate, waiting for them.

"Lord Mu Feng!" Ji Xiaoyan greeted Mu Chi and Mu Feng from a long distance away, watched him turn his face, nodded to himself, and asked quickly: "How is the situation now?" what?"

"Miss Ji! There's news about the two mutant beasts!" Mu Chi Mufeng had a subtle expression on his face, and said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan. Seeing her surprised and somewhat happy expression, he hurried again. Said: "We also just got the news that the two mutated beasts are still in Qiyu City and were discovered by our people."

(End of this chapter)

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