Chapter 2535 Trouble
What the federal medical staff said was very simple, but Ji Xiaoyan frowned when he heard it.

"You mean to say that this thing has already been applied for, but now I need to go through the formalities?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the federal medical staff with some doubts, and after seeing them all smiling and nodding, he felt in his heart. Suddenly, there was an indescribable feeling!

Is this all arranged?

"Those medicines are already placed outside the door, Miss Ji!" The federal medical staff seemed to have received some news, looked aside in tacit understanding, and quickly said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Miss Ji, Now you go out and fill out a form, and you can move all those medicines into the warehouse with your signature, and use them for those two mutant beasts!"

Ji Xiaoyan groaned, hesitated for two seconds, and walked towards the warehouse door honestly. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the medicine boxes piled up at the door and several federal soldiers standing far away.

Everything is just as the federal medical staff said, Ji Xiaoyan only needs to fill out a demand form, and then sign his name, and all the procedures will be completed!The boxes of medicines became the things that the two mutant beasts could use at will!

After looking around at the medicine boxes, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but glance towards the city wall, and after thinking for a while, he walked towards the standing federal soldiers and asked them, "Do you know what is happening now?" How are the wounded Union soldiers on the other side of the city wall? Is there enough medicine for them? Is there any shortage?"

Those federal soldiers shook their heads silently!The situation on the other side of the city wall will not be reported everywhere, so they naturally don't know.

"Then do you know the contact information of the person in charge over there?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then asked the federal soldiers.

She was very clear in her heart!Regardless of whether she asked the medical staff of the Federation or directly asked the strangers or the vast starry sky, I am afraid they would give her the same answer.But for this answer, Ji Xiaoyan still has doubts in his heart!So, she thought, it's better to find someone to confirm again!

If it is true that these medicines are given too much to the mutant beasts, it is better to prepare them and give them to the federal soldiers first, because the situation of the two mutant beasts looks much better than expected!

When the few federal soldiers heard Ji Xiaoyan's request, they couldn't help but glanced at each other. Then a federal soldier found a number from the communicator and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Ji , the only person we can get in touch with! If we can't help Miss Ji, I'm afraid we need Miss Ji to contact Mr. Mu Feng or Sixth Young Master directly!"

"Okay, thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded in relief, took the communicator and dialed the number, then waited.

Soon, the face of a young officer appeared on the other end of the video call, and when Ji Xiaoyan's face appeared on the other end of the video, the young officer's expression was obviously surprised, which made him a little puzzled He opened his mouth and asked, "Excuse me... are you Miss Ji?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, but she was not too surprised why most of the federal soldiers in Qiyu City knew her, but after saying hello, she asked the young officer about the city wall of Qiyu City The medical supplies of the injured federal soldiers over there, and after getting a similar answer from the young officer, Ji Xiaoyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at the young officer , thanked them, then hung up the call, then returned the communicator to the federal soldier on the side, thanked them again, then turned and walked to the gate of the warehouse, and stood at the box of boxes. After looking at the medicine for a while, he returned to the warehouse, found the transport robot, and then moved up the boxes of medicine one by one, sent them into the warehouse, and piled them on an open space.

Those federal medical staff didn't ask Ji Xiaoyan why it took so long to go there, but after watching her send all the medicines into the warehouse, they all became excited, and immediately ordered Ji Xiaoyan to take the medicine away. Various medicines were classified, and then urged Ji Xiaoyan to immediately start changing the medicines for the two mutant beasts.

Ji Xiaoyan took off the bandages on the wounds of the slightly smaller mutated beast, and it had been exposed to the air for a long time, and after that, he wiped all the wounds with those quick-healing wound medicines. , Those wounds on its body have begun to grow new flesh, but the spirit of the slightly smaller mutant beast has improved a lot, and it seems to be developing towards signs of improvement.

As for the other mutant beast, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but frown.

All the arrows pulled out from the webbed spines on the mutant beast's back were given to the federal medical staff, some of them were sent back to Mu Chi's house, and the rest were sent for testing.It's just that after such a long time, there is no news about what happened to those arrows, so Ji Xiaoyan still doesn't know anything about those arrows, and those arrows The federal medical staff can only follow their ideas and treat them first.

However, judging from the current situation, the healing progress of the wounds on the mutated beast was not as Ji Xiaoyan and the others imagined.

"There is no need to rush this matter! Miss Ji, why don't you first see how the other wounds on that mutant beast are recovering?" The federal medical staff looked at Ji Xiaoyan and frowned, staring at those webbed flesh. The condition of the wound, after thinking about it, suggested to Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan could only nod, looked away from the webbed wounds, and then changed the position of the light screen of the video call, so that the federal medical staff could clearly see the wounds on the mutated beast After that, he leaned forward to examine it carefully.

Fortunately, the wound that the mutant beast had imagined would worsen did not develop as Ji Xiaoyan was worried about.

"I think its wound seems to have healed a lot!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but said happily to the federal medical staff, then pointed to the wound on the mutant beast and continued to the crowd: "Look quickly, the flesh on its wound doesn't seem to continue to rot like before. I can see that scabs have begun to form in many places. It must be getting better, right?"

After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, those federal medical staff quickly and carefully looked at the wound on the mutated beast, and all of them became excited, and said happily to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yes! Yes! Ms. Ji, it's really improving! We saw it! In this way, the reason for the deterioration of the mutant beast's wound was indeed on those arrowheads! There must be something attached to those arrowheads! "

Ji Xiaoyan also nodded affirmatively, and then said a little unhappily: "I don't know what is hidden on those arrows! How can the wound of this mutant beast be worsened like this, but it will not have other effects on it? What? I thought there was poison hidden in those arrowheads. Looking at it now, there are probably some viruses hidden in it, which will hinder the healing ability of this mutant beast!"

When the federal medical personnel heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, they quickly nodded in agreement, then laughed again, and then said to her: "Miss Ji, this poison is not so easy to see! You Do you think it is so easy to find poisons in this federation? These are all controlled things! What's more, the poisons for dealing with mutant beasts are not just ordinary poisons. It was researched! Now it is under the special control of the federal government, and it is basically only provided to our frontline theaters to deal with mutant beasts!"

"I don't know about that!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised when he heard this household, and said, "I thought any poison would be effective for mutant beasts."

"How is that possible?" The federal medical staff suddenly laughed, and then began to briefly tell Ji Xiaoyan about the immunity of mutant beasts to many things in the Federation, and finally said to her: "So, Miss Ji, it is extremely difficult for us to find a way to kill these mutant beasts now! Without these methods, maybe our human beings will be killed by these mutant beasts in the end, or, wait until that time At that time, we humans may instead become the hunting targets of those mutant beasts."

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't imagine what kind of world it would be if such a situation really happened.
Turning his head and looking at the mutant beast next to him, Ji Xiaoyan quickly changed the subject, asked the federal medical staff how to use the medicine, and honestly cleaned up the mutant beast again. Wound up.

After several hours of this busy work, the situation on the other side of the city wall of Qiyu City has temporarily stabilized, and many federal soldiers have begun to invest in the restoration and construction of the city wall. The dead silence felt instant news, but it started to become lively.

But at this moment, Mu Chi Mufeng's face was full of sorrow, listening to the news sent by the federal soldiers under his command, he wished he could grind his teeth to pieces.

Ji Xiaoyan had guessed about him back then, saying that Qi Jia Yaxin would most likely leave Qiyu City after finding out that the situation was wrong, and run away.

But Mu Chi Mufeng was extremely confident at the time, feeling that Qiyu City was well managed by them, and now they do not allow anyone to come in and out, so Qi Jia Yaxin must not be able to escape!But Mu Chi Mufeng never imagined that under such circumstances, Qi Jia Yaxin really walked out of their Qiyu City, and it was just when they announced that Qiyu City was closed and could not enter or exit. Swaggered out after half an hour later.

What a slap in the face this is.

Mu Chi Mufeng gritted his teeth and looked at the federal officer with his head bowed in front of him. He took a few deep breaths before asking, "Did you think about interrogating him?"

"We have indeed cross-examined! Don't tell me there is no problem. We also checked their passes at the time, and everything is fine!" After Mu Feng glanced at it, he sighed and said, "Lord Mu Feng, we never thought that things would turn out like this."

"Is it possible to solve it without thinking about it now?" Mu Chi Mufeng was full of annoyance, and stared at the federal officer. Seeing his self-blame, he could only grit his teeth "Did you guys ask where they were going or something?" he asked.

"I asked! They said they were going to Siwen City to change the airship!" The federal officer thought for a while, and hurriedly said to Mu Chi Mufeng.

"Are they really going to Siwen City?!" Mu Chi Mufeng didn't know what he thought of, took a breath with a depressed face, then glanced at the federal army, and after thinking for a while, he said: " Now that the person has already run away, there is no other way! You should contact Si Wencheng now and ask them to watch carefully. If Qi Jia Yaxin really went to Si Wencheng, you must let him They've got people caught!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The federal officer nodded quickly when he heard the words, and immediately turned around to make arrangements, but was stopped by Mu Chi Mufeng again.

"The situation in the city is almost the same now. Since you lost the person, you should pack up your things and take them out to look for them too! If they haven't gone to Siwen City, then you should go and have a look. Can you find out where they really are going!"

The federal officer wished that Mu Chi Mufeng could arrange more things for him now, so that he could atone for his crimes!So after hearing his arrangement, he immediately nodded and led the people away from Qiyu City.

But Mu Chi Mufeng stood there with a depressed expression on his face. After thinking for a long time, he made a video call to the stranger and reported Qi Jia Yaxin's escape.

"That is to say, that woman Qijia Yaxin got the passes of our Qiyu City officers from nowhere, and then left in a big way half an hour after our Qiyu City was closed?" Xing Kong Haohan, who was beside him who had never met him before, immediately widened his eyes when he heard Mu Chi Mufeng's words, and asked with surprise on his face.

"Yes! Master Lu. That's how things are!" Mu Chi Mufeng could only nod his head, and said to Xingkong Haohan expressionlessly: "Now we have begun to investigate the owner of the pass, and I believe there will be news soon of!"

"What's the use of finding out? They must have stolen it!" Xingkong Haohan frowned and said to Mu Chi Mufeng: "In the end, we can at most find out where they stole the pass. If it doesn’t work, can you go to trouble the owner of the pass? Maybe he doesn’t even know how he lost it!”

(End of this chapter)

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