Chapter 2543 Pay

For Qi Jia Ya Xin, Ji Xiaoyan said he didn't mind, that's impossible!
Women are always a little bit jealous, aren't they?Not to mention, what kind of posture this Qi Jia Yaxin puts on when dealing with strangers.

Ji Xiaoyan doesn't like her at all!
But precisely because he didn't like Qi Jia Yaxin, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being concerned about her affairs.

"So, the Qijia family is now offering a reward to find Qijia Yaxin?" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes, and asked the stranger with some doubts, seeing him nodding , and then said: "And the news of the reward is only known to their Qijia family and your Mu Chi family!"

The stranger continued to nod.

"And because you guys are not happy with Qijia's family, Susu, you plan to spread the news so that everyone in the federation will know about the reward and let them all participate in the reward? At that time, whether it is Who caught Qijia Yaxin, Qijia's family will offer this reward?" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, but he asked excitedly, but he was thinking in his heart, if they found Qijia Yaxin, can I also go to Qijia's house to exchange for a bounty?
I feel like this thing seems to be fun.

The stranger also smiled, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I have already released the news! At this time, I am afraid that the entire Federation should know the news. I am afraid that Qi Jia Yaxin wants to hide it. It's easy! As for Qijia's family, I'm afraid it's not so easy now!"

"Susu, wouldn't this be a little bad?" Ji Xiaoyan thought of something, frowned slightly, seeing the stranger looking at him suspiciously, and then continued: "What I mean is, since only your two families know this news, if it leaks out, the Qijia family must know what's going on? Now that the entire Federation knows the news, the Qijia family must know it. Will you hate your Mu Chi family? Is this really good? I remember you said that many supplies of Mu Chi’s family were purchased from Qijia’s family. They are equivalent to a huge supplier of Mu Chi’s family. Wouldn't it be good if the merchants offended them like this?"

After that, if Mu Chi's family buys more supplies, what will the Qijia's family do if they deliberately toss about it?

"No, don't worry about this!" After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the strangers smiled at her and shook their heads and said, "The Qi Jia family has cooperated with the Mu Chi family for so many years. Intricate! How could Qi Jia Yaxin be completely torn apart because of Qi Jia Yaxin alone? Our Muchi family needs to buy supplies, and their Qi Jia family also wants to earn federal currency? Who can afford to live with federal currency? Their Qijia family is a supplier, and our Mu Chi family is still a big sponsor, don’t you think so?”

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and it seemed to be the truth.

"The contradiction between us and Qijia's family now is that Qijia Yaxin has caused these things. After the people of Qijia's family found out, they didn't give us an apology! That's why we need to let them know. Our Mu Chi family has been their benefactors for so many years, so it should be they who come to beg us, not their Qi Jia family, if they want to control us, they can control us!" There was a trace of confidence in the corners of the strangers' mouths. Smiling, he said to Ji Xiaoyan, but looked at her with some doubts.

"Let's put it this way!" The strangers thought for a while, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "When the mutant beasts came to attack our Qiyu City, Qi Jiayaxin colluded with others and took our seven Most of the command towers in Yucheng were destroyed, and it also caused some civil strife in Qiyucheng, and there were even casualties among federal residents! If we didn't stop her in time and let her escape, think about it Look, what might our Qiyu City look like now? Is it possible that the entire Qiyu City will be invaded by mutant beasts and eventually destroyed or destroyed?"

Ji Xiaoyan imagined such a situation, and quickly nodded to the stranger.

Think about it, if those mutated beasts really invaded from outside Qiyu City, what kind of chaos would it be like?Not to mention, if the command tower is also destroyed, then all the deployment in the entire Qiyu City will go wrong?Maybe even the communication of the whole Qiyu City will become a problem in the end. Under such circumstances, how can they fight against the mutant beasts?Not to mention, there are civil strife going on here!
Isn't the final result that Qiyu City was completely destroyed?
"So! What Qi Jia Yaxin did to our Qiyu City is not a small act of revenge, but can be directly classified as a heinous act of planning to destroy the city!"

"Is it that serious?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looking at the stranger and asked.

"Of course it is very serious! Our Qiyu City is now one of the front-line cities of the entire Federation! If it is really destroyed, the next front-line city will become Siwen City, and the defense line of the entire Federation will be reduced by a hundred. Do you think the situation is serious? Needless to say, there are still so many federal residents in Qiyu City, how many of them can survive in the end? There are still so many federal materials, and the construction of the entire city is not It can be done with a little federal currency!" The face of the stranger turned serious, and he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As long as this Qijia Yaxin is really successful, then our Qiyu City will cease to exist!"

After hearing the words of the stranger, Ji Xiaoyan understood completely!

"So, Qijia Yaxin's behavior is not a small revenge, but is defined as an evil deed that almost destroyed the entire Qiyu City, right? So you told Qijia's family about this matter, originally I thought they could apologize to you, and even make up for the losses in Qiyu City! But I didn’t expect that Qi Jia’s family didn’t mean to apologize to Mu Chi’s family now, but secretly wanted to It's your plan to protect Qijia Yaxin, that's why you're thinking of getting revenge on Qijia's family, right?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and asked the stranger as if asking for proof.

"That's right! This is what's going on now. The Qijia family's idea is very simple. If they find Qijia Yaxin first, then lock her up and wait until all the resources in her hands are found. Will consider whether to hand it over to our Mu Chi family to deal with. However, this process is uncertain, it can be several years, it can also be decades, and even after Qi Jia Yaxin dies, directly It is also possible to send a pair of bones!" The stranger sneered, and continued to Ji Xiaoyan: "Under this premise, their Qijia family has never said that they will compensate us until now. The loss in Qiyu City, so all they said is obviously trying to delay time, not to apologize to our Mu Chi family, and to see if we will swallow this breath for future cooperation!"

Ji Xiaoyan quickly nodded in agreement.

"So why do we need to take care of their emotions?" The strangers smiled suddenly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Their Qijia family has cooperated with our Mu Chi family for these years, and they think that we really have to spoil them. That's why I talked with the owner's grandfather for a long time, and finally thought that if Qi Jia Yaxin was found by our Mu Chi family, we would ask us to send them there, so I gave something as a thank you! The meaning of gratitude and apology is different! Think about it, how is that possible? Our Muchi family can’t let their Qijia’s family climb on top of them and go wild. So, since they say that Qijia Yaxin is valuable, Then let the value of Qijia Yaxin be announced to the entire Federation, so that everyone can care about it. Not necessarily, in the end, their Qijia family won’t have to thank our Muchi family.”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help laughing immediately.

Inexplicably, she feels that the practice of being strangers is a bit gratifying?
"Na Susu, you have announced what Qijia Yaxin did to the entire Federation, so that everyone in the entire Federation will know what she did in Qiyu City, and why did the Qijia family pay a lot of money to redeem her?" Go back?" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and asked excitedly looking at the stranger.

"That's natural!" The stranger nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, but said with an extremely gentle face: "We can't let our Mu Chi family suffer for nothing like this? The loss of our Qiyu City , but is it real? What's more, there are so many federal soldiers and federal residents who have sacrificed, why can't all the scapegoats be blamed by the mutant beasts?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan nodded frantically: "Yes, yes! Qi Jia Yaxin can't be cheap! She's dead!"

The stranger suddenly smiled, but said with some regret: "Hey, now that I think about it, I sent this news, but it is equivalent to giving away all the value of Qi Jia Yaxin to others. It feels a little bit of a loss! "

"Then what do you want to do? Also send someone to find Qi Jia Yaxin?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously at the stranger.

"Forget it! It's too troublesome!" The stranger smiled, hugged Ji Xiaoyan lightly and said, "I think it's better to arrange people to sell some news, and maybe earn more!"

"Sell some news?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his head to look at the stranger with a puzzled face, but touched his chin immediately, seeing his gentle eyes like spring water looking at him, his mind suddenly Some dizzy up.

The atmosphere was a little hazy at this moment.

The stranger who had never met before smiled slightly, lowered his head and kissed Ji Xiaoyan's forehead, but didn't mean to go any further, then put his chin against her head, and continued to say to her: "Since the entire Federation is now Everyone wants to get this bounty from Qi Jia's family, so there must be many people who want to find Qi Jia Yaxin's whereabouts. There are also many people from our Mu Chi family in the Federation. If we find Qi Jia Yaxin If you sell the news directly, there will definitely be many people who will buy this business. As long as Qijia Yaxin is not caught and returned to Qijia's house, it can be sold again and again! The profit is not small, why? So, Xiaoyan, what do you think?"

Ji Xiaoyan was held in his arms by a stranger, and was still immersed in his warm embrace and the light kiss just now. When he suddenly heard the question he asked, he was dull for several seconds, and then he couldn't believe it. He said, "Susu, why didn't I realize that you are so cunning?"

"Is there?" But the stranger raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then I am only cunning with others, but I am very honest with you!"

Ji Xiaoyan suddenly blushed and smiled, and then asked: "Then do you have any news about Qi Jia Yaxin?"

"Not yet!" The stranger shook his head, thought for a while and said, "But since she is going out from Qiyu City, there is a great possibility that she will pass through Siwen City. We have already said hello to Siwen City. Yes, as long as we find her trace, we will immediately post the news, and then our first business will start."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan laughed even brighter.I'm afraid Qi Jia Yaxin never thought that she destroyed the Qiyu City, and now she has to rely on her own escape and running news to exchange money to return them to Qiyu City, right?
"At that time, all the money I earned will be saved for you, Xiaoyan." Ji Xiaoyan was thinking wildly in his mind, but suddenly he heard a stranger say something in his ear, and suddenly looked at him with some surprise. over him.

"Susu, what did you say? Save it for me? Save what? Federal currency?" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, and he looked at the stranger with a puzzled expression and asked, "Isn't this money used to repair Qiyu City?" What? What do you do for me? I have money, so I don’t need it!”

"The maintenance of Qiyu City is naturally in the charge of the federal government!" But the stranger shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and then said: "We are the front line here, and we are attacked by mutant beasts. Can't Mu Chi's family repair it by themselves? Qiyu City is not our Mu Chi's city, it's a federal city, so the federal government is naturally responsible for it!'

"But you don't have to give me that money! You earned it, you keep it yourself!" Ji Xiaoyan still shook his head.

"What am I keeping?" The stranger said with a firm expression on his face, "I've heard people say that the money this man earns can't be kept by himself, it must be handed over to his wife." , to spend for my daughter-in-law! Later, I will clean up all the things under my name, and I will hand over all of them to you, so naturally this money will also be handed over to you for collection!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, his face immediately became hot, and he was a little stunned, looking at strangers!I just feel that under his solemn expression at the moment, those eyes are full of colors that make people's hearts beat endlessly.
(End of this chapter)

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