The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2546 Digging a Big Pit

Chapter 2546 Digging a Big Pit

The movement of the two mutated beasts became louder and louder, and a big hole was dug in the corner of the warehouse, and the soil on the side was also piled up. It seemed that they had no intention of stopping.

And the slightly smaller mutated beast seemed to have tested the diameter of the big pit. After sniffing against the big pit for a while, it simply poked its head in and continued to dig down. up.

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and couldn't help but zoom in on the light-screen lens, wanting to see what it was like over there, but unexpectedly, in the end she could only see the It's just the neck position of the smaller mutant beast, and the rest can't be seen at all!Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan could only frown slightly, and waited patiently.

If the two mutant beasts really dug up something, she should be able to see it then!
It's just that Ji Xiaoyan had patience, but the mutant beast researchers and the federal medical staff couldn't wait, and became extremely curious.

They couldn't figure out what the two mutated beasts were digging in the corner of the wall, and what could be in the underground of the warehouse?Tormented by such thoughts, both parties couldn't sit still looking at the picture taken by Ji Xiaoyan on the light screen, as if hesitating to speak.
Seeing that the big hole dug deeper and deeper, and almost couldn't see anything, Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but slightly couldn't help but walked a few steps in the direction of the two mutant beasts, looking at the two mutant beasts as if Not intending to pay special attention to her, Ji Xiaoyan tentatively stood between the two of them, and couldn't help but move the communicator in his hand forward.

And the mutated beast that was still standing under the wall seemed to realize that Ji Xiaoyan was approaching, stopped digging, stared in Ji Xiaoyan's direction with wide eyes, and looked at it nervously. Ji Xiaoyan looked at each other for a few seconds, but the mutated beast turned its face away very calmly. After seeing the smaller mutated beast buried most of its body in the big pit, it finally Somewhat hesitantly, he moved to the side, as if to signal to Ji Xiaoyan that he could go up to have a look again.

Such a good opportunity, naturally Ji Xiaoyan would not give up?

Not to mention those mutant beast researchers, they are even more excited now, so, Ji Xiaoyan imagined, I am afraid that they should take good care of their mood and take a few steps forward to see.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan held up the communicator and took a few steps forward without hesitation. When she stopped, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the mutant beast slightly unhappy and looked at her hand. The communicator inside, and the light screen floating above the communicator
Ji Xiaoyan was a little nervous at the moment, thinking that the mutated beast would be the same as before, stretching out its claws to try and destroy the communicator!It's just that she waited and waited, but she didn't expect that this time the mutant beast only glanced at the communicator, and after expressing its dissatisfaction to her, it looked away, but it didn't want to do anything. Meaning of any action!
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being a little surprised by this. It seems that these two mutant beasts have changed a little bit?

The mutant beast researchers who had been staring at the light screen discovered this situation, but they became even more excited at the moment, they all looked at each other excitedly, and then put all their attention on Ji Xiaoyan's shooting On the screen in the direction of the big pit, he began to mutter in a low voice.

At this moment, the corner of the wall has been dug out of shape, and the slightly smaller mutant beast continued to go down, digging out the soil dug out from the ground, and piled it on the ground randomly, even Accidentally hit Ji Xiaoyan several times without knowing it!

"Ji Xiaoyan, you are standing here, but you still can't see anything! Can you go a little further? Try to take a picture of the bottom, we think, maybe you can see it more clearly!" Those mutant beasts studied The viewers seemed dissatisfied with the shooting situation in front of them, so they couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk?" Before Ji Xiaoyan could answer, the federal medical staff suddenly heard the voices of those mutant beast researchers, questioned them without hesitation, and then said in a low voice : "What the hell is going on with you? Didn't you agree not to speak? What if this angered the two mutant beasts? Do you see that we are so excited and excited, have we ever talked?"

"We don't talk? Aren't you talking too?" It seemed that the two mutant beasts didn't want to care about Ji Xiaoyan's communicator, so the researchers of the mutant beasts immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan angrily. To the federal medical staff, he said to them: "What are your eyes looking at? Didn't you see that the two mutated beasts didn't intend to destroy this communicator again? In this state, even if we ask It's okay for Ms. Ji to take two steps forward. If you don't speak, how can you tell Ms. Ji what we think?"

The federal medical staff immediately glared angrily at the mutated beast researchers and wanted to speak again, but Ji Xiaoyan lowered his voice and told them not to quarrel. As a result, the two sides could only stop silently, and then cursed in their hearts as if they were hurting each other by staring at each other.

And Ji Xiaoyan was also very curious about the behavior of this slightly smaller mutant beast, and naturally wanted to take two steps forward to see what happened, so after thinking about it, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the mutant beast After taking a look, seeing that it happened to be looking at him at the moment, but there was no other strange behavior, Ji Xiaoyan took another two steps forward tentatively, stopped at the position closest to the big pit, and hurriedly Passed the communicator forward.

However, the smaller mutant beast had already buried most of its body in the big pit. No matter how close Ji Xiaoyan moved the communicator, he could only photograph the back of the shrunken mutant beast. That's all, other things are impossible to see again!
This can't help but make Ji Xiaoyan a little disappointed.

"You said, this mutant beast just wants to dig for fun, right?" Ji Xiaoyan tried for a while, but couldn't get any useful pictures, and suddenly couldn't help frowning in depression, He asked in a low voice to the people in the light screen.

"It's probably possible!" The mutant beast researchers frowned when they heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and continued after thinking about it: "However, Miss Ji, if they are just digging for fun , why did the smaller mutant beast walk around the warehouse for a long time before starting? If it was necessary to dig, wouldn't it just start somewhere? What's more, the larger mutant beast is still helping, if They just dug because they wanted to, so why did that mutant beast come together?"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked and looked at the serious expressions of the mutant beast researchers analyzing for her in the light screen, Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I feel that what you said is quite true. reason."

"It must make sense! We are researchers of mutant beasts!" When those researchers of mutant beasts heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, they immediately raised their chins a little proudly and said something to her.

"Don't be ashamed!" The federal medical staff heard this, but they collectively said something tacitly. After seeing the mutant beast researchers looking at them with hatred, the federal medical staff raised their eyebrows. He raised his chin, and said slowly: "I don't even think about it. With your identities, why can't you explain why this mutant beast made these abnormal movements now? What are you talking about? You are researchers of mutant beasts? What about researchers? Can’t even answer a simple question!”

The mutant beast researchers' eyes widened when they heard the words, and they didn't know how to refute for a while.

As a result, the federal medical staff got back a round, and all of them became happy.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the two groups of people in the light screen with a speechless expression, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.She couldn't figure it out, they were supposed to gather together to help each other, how did they become like this now?
"Stop arguing, all of you!" Ji Xiaoyan said helplessly to the crowd, and after seeing both parties in the light screen calmed down and looked in their direction, Ji Xiaoyan said: "They didn't I like the communicator too much, let's be quiet!"

The mutant beast researchers and the federal medical staff immediately nodded a little ashamedly when they heard the news, but as Ji Xiaoyan asked, they calmed down obediently.

And the smaller mutated beast seemed to have stopped here, and stopped digging any further.

Ji Xiaoyan suddenly took a step forward curiously, wanting to see what happened, but saw that the slightly smaller mutant beast seemed to be retreating from the big pit, so he quickly leaned to the side, and then felt Then the other mutant beast bypassed itself, and appeared directly behind the smaller mutant beast, stretched out its claws, and dragged it to the ground.

Ji Xiaoyan quickly stuck to the wall, watching the smaller mutant beast being pulled out of the pit.

It's just that the slightly smaller mutant beast didn't seem to be any different except that it got a lot of dirt on its body.

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help staring at the two mutated beasts with wide eyes, and then looked at the big pit. He couldn't figure out what they were trying to do after they dug a hole.What's even more frustrating is that even if she asked, the mutant beast couldn't answer. If she couldn't find out the answer by herself, she wouldn't know anything!
"Tell me, what happened to them?" Ji Xiaoyan, who had no choice but to look at the mutant beast researchers for help, said to them, "Do you have any experience that you can learn from?"

"Miss Ji, we also want to have one!" When the mutant beast researchers heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, they immediately turned bitter, and said to her: "But all the animals we have been able to study these years are dead animals. The mutant beast, where can there be such an opportunity to get close to the mutant beast and observe it carefully? If you ask us some questions about the mutant beast, maybe we can answer it. But, you ask us this now. We I really can’t answer it at all!”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he also sighed with a depressed face!

After the two mutated beasts stood up, they just glanced at the big pit, and then walked back to the place where they were lying, as if nothing had happened.This can't help but make Ji Xiaoyan even more depressed!

"Are they just for fun?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"This. We really don't know much about it!" What can those mutant beast researchers say?He could only smile wryly and shook his head helplessly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Or, Miss Ji, would you let some federal soldiers in and let them go look under that big pit?"

"Let people in? How is that possible!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to the mutant beast researchers, "The two mutant beasts will not agree! You have never seen it before, as long as someone approaches this warehouse , Both of them will be on guard. If someone comes in, why don’t they attack directly? I can’t let the federal soldiers take risks.”

"Isn't this Miss You Ji?" The mutant beast researchers immediately smiled and said, "Miss Ji, you must be able to stop those two mutant beasts? Let those federal soldiers come in to see Look at the big pit, it is necessary! Otherwise, we will never know what the smaller mutant beast is trying to dig the pit for?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, but still shook his head: "What if I don't stop those two mutant beasts, and it's not about killing people? Let's forget it."

The mutant beast researchers could only sigh silently when they heard the words, and stopped talking.

They suggested this, but they couldn't make any decisions!Since Ji Xiaoyan is unwilling to arrange for federal soldiers to check the big pit, what power do they researchers of mutant beasts have?
But those federal medical staff suddenly thought of something, saw that Ji Xiaoyan was silent with those mutant beast researchers, and then said hesitantly: "That...Miss Ji."

Ji Xiaoyan raised her eyebrows and looked at the federal medical staff, signaling them to just talk.

"You just mentioned that those mutated beasts are sensitive to the approach of strangers?" The federal medical staff said to Ji Xiaoyan with serious expressions: "And their biggest performance is that they may attack those people who are close to them." Right? Then, for the abnormal behavior of the two mutant beasts at this moment, can we also consider that someone appeared in the place where they dug a hole?"

(End of this chapter)

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