Chapter 2556
From dozens of transport robots, to one hundred later, several large suspension vehicles for towing, a dozen large nets made of special materials, and ropes were replaced.
Finally, when Ji Xiaoyan was so tired from tying the rope that he was about to lie down, the dead mutant beast was finally pulled!

"It's moving! It's moving! It's moving!" The mutant beast researchers shouted excitedly, and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Ji, it's moving! It's moving! It can be dragged out! It can be dragged!" out!"

Ji Xiaoyan also breathed a sigh of relief at last. Seeing that the huge mutant beast's corpse finally moved, he immediately laughed, and then quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the two mutant beasts. He thought they were watching Seeing the dead mutated beast being dragged away, she had to be concerned, but what Ji Xiaoyan didn't realize was that this time, the two mutated beasts didn't even have the thought of looking up at her.

The two mutant beasts just lay there quietly with their eyes closed, motionless.

Ji Xiaoyan looked puzzled, and couldn't help asking those mutant beast researchers and federal medical staff: "Are they really going to give this mutant beast to me?"

"That's for sure!" Those mutant beast researchers nodded immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Ji, look, you have been tossing this dead mutant beast here for a long time, They have only glanced at them twice, so why would they want to stop you? Now that the mutated beasts are about to be dragged out of the warehouse, if you look at them, they simply don’t look at them. Isn’t that just not caring? I don’t mean to give it to you, what is it?”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the two mutated beasts, and then at the corpse of the mutated beast that was dragged out of the warehouse. He really believed the words of those mutated beast researchers.

If the two mutated beasts didn't want the spoils, they would have come over to stop her when they watched her drag the dead mutated beast's body away.But look, until now, those two mutant beasts have no intention of moving at all!So those mutant beast researchers were right, the body of the dead mutant beast and the two mutant beasts were really not wanted.

But Ji Xiaoyan was a little curious about this matter!Didn't it mean that this mutant beast actually valued its trophies?Why did these two mutant beasts really give her the spoils so easily?
Those mutant beast researchers thought for a while, but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Maybe this is what we thought, Miss Ji! Those two mutant beasts must be because they trust you very much, and want to thank you, That's why I gave the corpse of that mutant beast to Miss Ji! And what kind of place they are in now, these two mutant beasts should be very clear in their hearts! In our warehouse in Qiyu City Wait, there is no need to occupy the territory, or to demonstrate, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, it seemed that what these mutant beast researchers said had some truth.

"So! Ms. Ji, since these two mutated beasts have given you their spoils, why don't you just accept them? What else do you need to worry about? As long as they don't chase them out, the mutated beast will be taken away. Just take the corpse of the beast away!" The mutant beast researchers said to Ji Xiaoyan with joy on their faces, fearing that if they said something uncertain, Ji Xiaoyan would want to mutate the mutant beast. The corpse of the beast is placed outside the warehouse to observe the situation in the past few days.

At that time, the corpses of the mutant beasts will all be broken, and if they want to do research, there will be errors in the data.

Thinking of this, the mutant beast researchers couldn't help but feel a little worried, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with an expectant look on their faces, they asked her: "Miss Ji, do you really plan to put the corpse of this mutant beast in the Will it be kept out of the warehouse for a while?"

for a while?Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought for a while, and seemed to understand what these mutant beast researchers were worried about, and immediately stared at them with a smile and shook his head and said: "It's better not to let go! As long as the corpse of this mutant beast is taken out , the two mutated beasts didn't move at all, which naturally means that they definitely don't have any big opinions! When the time comes, just let someone come and pull the corpse of the mutated beast to you, otherwise it will be released. If it's outside, what if the corpse of the mutant beast breaks down? There will be many problems with the research you will do, right?

"Yes! Yes!" Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the mutant beast researchers said excitedly, "We have a special facility here to preserve the corpses of mutant beasts, and it would be the best to bring them here. Already!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then followed behind the corpse of the mutant beast, watching its last tail being pulled out of the warehouse little by little, and then stood at the door of the warehouse, turning its head towards the Glancing in the direction of the two mutated beasts, seeing that they still didn't seem to be concerned, they immediately understood that there might be no variables in all of this.

After the corpse of the mutated beast was pulled out of the warehouse, soon after, federal soldiers quietly surrounded the mutated beast, carefully wrapping ropes on the mutated beast to fix it, while looking towards the warehouse. direction, as if worried about what would happen if the two mutant beasts rushed out!

Fortunately, the two mutant beasts in the warehouse did not move until the federal soldiers had tied everything to the corpse of the mutant beast, which made all the federal soldiers feel relieved. Take a breath.

Soon afterwards, a federal soldier trotted up to Ji Xiaoyan, and asked her, "Miss Ji! The body of this mutant beast has been tied up, may I ask where are you going to send it?" Go? Or just walk a little longer and put it near here? Send it away after a while?"

"Let's send it to the Mutant Beast Research Center!" Ji Xiaoyan said to the federal soldier without hesitation, "You guys should know where that place is, right?"

"I know! I know!" The federal soldier nodded quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then let's send the corpse of this mutant beast over now, so we don't need to keep it here for a while?"

"No need! Let's transport it now! It's just that everyone should be careful when operating it. If the two mutant beasts make any moves, stop transporting them!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and still looked at the federal soldier with some worry. After saying a word, he watched the federal soldier immediately turn around and run towards the others, and immediately started to make arrangements!

Soon, many large machines appeared nearby, surrounding the corpse of the mutant beast, and then directly hooked up the ropes tied to the mutant beast, giving the mutant beast little by little. It was hoisted up from the ground, put on several particularly large transport vehicles, and finally transported directly to the research institutes of those mutant beast researchers.

At this moment, the mutant beast researchers who could no longer see any scenes on the light screen were all extremely excited, and immediately began to arrange the positions in their laboratories, preparing to make enough room for the mutant beast. The space came, and those federal medical staff also thought about it, and hurriedly organized people to go to the mutant animal research center immediately, and planned to see what the huge mutant beast looked like at the first time, by the way Check it out too, how did it die!
Everyone is extremely curious about this point!

But Ji Xiaoyan turned around and went back to the warehouse after seeing that everything had been dealt with cleanly, and stood beside the two mutant beasts, seeing how they seemed to be sleeping soundly, he couldn't help smiling smiled.

It seems that the relationship between her and these two mutant beasts really seems to be a little delicate!Moreover, those two mutant beasts seemed to be different from other mutant beasts in many ways!

After staying quietly with the two mutated beasts for a while, Mu Chi Mufeng's conversation soon connected to Ji Xiaoyan's again.

Ji Xiaoyan answered the call with some doubts, and immediately saw Mu Chi Mufeng's face with a sad expression. After seeing her, he restrained himself a little, and before Ji Xiaoyan could speak, she Hearing Mu Chi Mufeng speak to her first: "Miss Ji! Our people have all arrived near the warehouse, and now we are going to start digging according to the location found on the video surveillance. What is the state of the beasts now? Will it affect them if we start?"

Ji Xiaoyan understood what Mu Chi Mufeng was talking about as soon as he heard it, and quickly glanced at the two mutant beasts, and then said to Mu Chi Mufeng: "It seems that the two mutant beasts are There is no problem, since you are all here, let’s start digging first! If there is any problem, I will notify you directly!”

When Mu Chi Mufeng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking for a while, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Ji, I'm not there to direct now, so I need to relay what you said. , if you continue to operate like this, it will be a bit of a delay! I want to arrange for someone to contact you, Ms. Ji, so that if there is anything in the process, you can communicate! If the two mutations If there is any movement from the beast, you can also tell them directly and in a timely manner, do you think it is okay?"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and then watched as Mu Chi and Mufeng hung up the video call without any unnecessary nonsense. Look, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know what to say up.

About 1 minutes later, a strange video call connection request came over. Ji Xiaoyan quickly clicked on the connection and saw the face of a strange federal officer appear on the light screen!
The federal officer first said hello to Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked her directly: "Miss Ji, do you think it's okay if we start digging now?"

"Okay! You can start digging now!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to the federal officer, "It's just that when you dig, it's better to make less noise!"

"Okay!" The federal officer nodded, and immediately turned his face and gestured to the people on the side. Then Ji Xiaoyan watched a dozen federal soldiers digging into the ground with shovels. None borrowed.

"Didn't you use machines to dig this?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly looked at the federal officer in surprise, and couldn't help asking them: "If you don't use machines, but only use manual labor, how long will it take to dig?" Is it possible to dig it down?"

"There is no other way! Ms. Ji, if we use machinery to dig, we are worried that the sound of the machinery will disturb the two mutated beasts! If the two mutated beasts suddenly rush out to attack, it will not be very difficult. Are you in trouble?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan watched the digging movements of the federal soldiers who appeared in the screen, and after thinking for a while, he said to the federal officer: "Otherwise, this is fine! You can try using the machine first, if it is really noisy If you catch those two mutated beasts, you can switch to manual work and continue digging! Otherwise, how long will it take if you rely on manual digging for the whole process?"

"Is this okay?" The federal officer couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately nodded to the federal officer and said, "Try first, if it doesn't work, change it."

Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's insistence, the federal officer nodded without saying anything, and then arranged for the federal soldiers to prepare things immediately. Soon Ji Xiaoyan watched several small vehicles appear in the video. excavator.

"Then, Ms. Ji, let's start now!" The federal officer was still worried, and couldn't help reminding Ji Xiaoyan again. After seeing her nodding with absolute certainty, he gritted his teeth, He said to the federal soldiers beside him, "Let's get started!"

So, the first excavator immediately dug towards the ground, then picked up a large piece of soil and dumped it to the side, but stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the federal officer in the video call with some confusion, and asked him.

"Miss Ji, why don't you take a look at the two mutated beasts first?" The federal officer looked at Ji Xiaoyan cautiously, and when he saw her, he turned his head and looked behind him, then shook his head at him. The federal officer breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to say to the excavator: "Then start digging!"

The excavator quickly dug a large hole at the designated location, directly connecting with the place where the mutant beast had walked, and instantly exposed a large hole in the ground.

And until this time, the two mutant beasts in the warehouse seemed to have heard nothing, and they didn't seem to interfere with anything at all.

This made Ji Xiaoyan heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help frowning.

Why did she feel that the sensitivity of these two mutant beasts was not as sensitive as others said?

(End of this chapter)

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