Chapter 2567 Arrangement
For those who know the inside story, what kind of treatment did Qiyu City experience before, they don't know?Now think about it, if it was them, they would want to take revenge no matter what they seized this opportunity!Therefore, the current plan of Starry Sky is still understandable to those from the Federation.

Therefore, even if they were treated like this, these people from the Federation could only swallow their anger.

Who told Qiyu City to kill hundreds of mutant beasts this time!Now, for the entire federation, Qiyu City is truly a heroic existence, and it is also a wealth-like existence!
Yan Foil Liliu frowned and looked in the direction of those flying ships. After thinking for a long time, he asked the people around him: "Then we can just watch here from now on? I really don't need to go over and supervise ?”

"If you don't supervise, if there is something wrong with the corpse of the mutant beast that was sent back, who will be to blame?" Some people immediately smiled at him when they heard Yan Foil's words, but they didn't have the same contempt at the beginning. His expression seems to be because of the performance of Yan Foil Wandering is really good this time, and he changed his attitude towards him: "We didn't have a good rest all night, and now we finally have a comfortable place. Naturally, we need Take a good rest! Look at the speed at which they are carrying the corpses of the mutant beasts. If you think about it, you will know that they will not delay for too short a time! So, what we have to do now is to take a good rest first, and wait until we After you have recovered your spirits, go and see how those federal soldiers pretended to be the corpses of those mutant beasts!"

Yan Foil Liuli blinked, but before he thought of what to say, he looked at everyone and smiled at each other, and immediately dispersed, and each went back to the room he had chosen, leaving him alone He also stood there in a daze.

"That's it?" Yan Baoliu said something to himself with a surprised look on his face, then he frowned and thought for a while, then stepped into the elevator and went straight down to the first floor, ready to Go around.He knew what the outcome would be like last night, so he naturally didn't go to trouble those federation soldiers as stupidly as those from the federation, but chose a place to rest.So the current Nightmare Foil is not sleepy at all, where would he have the idea to go to sleep and rest again?

However, when Yan Foil was about to leave the building, he did not expect to be stopped.

"What does this mean?" Nightmare Foil Liuli looked at the federal soldiers in front of him in surprise, and couldn't help frowning and said to them: "I'm a guest from the Federation and I'm not suspicious. What am I going to do next?"

"Sorry, no one is allowed to leave this building at will without the consent of the higher-ups, so please go back to your room, or wander around the building is also allowed!" With an emotionless smile on his face, the federal soldiers blocking the gate spoke to Yan Boliai.

"What do you mean, after we come in, we can't go out?" Yan Foil Liao suddenly thought of what this situation was like, and immediately asked the federal soldiers.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood!" The federal soldiers smiled and said to Yan Foil: "Of course you can go out, it's just because our Qiyu City is not peaceful now, if you go in and out, It still needs the consent of the above! Therefore, if you want to go out, you can get the consent of the above. After you get the pass, you can naturally come in and out at will. However, if you don’t have a pass now, you can only temporarily Stay in the building first."

Yan Foil Liai frowned, but looked at the federal soldiers in front of him and said: "I understand what you mean. That is to say, it is impossible for us to go out now, right? It can be regarded as being under house arrest by you." Here it is, right?"

"Hehe, you're joking. This is not house arrest!" The federal soldiers suddenly laughed awkwardly when they heard the words, looked at Yan Foil and said, "This is for your safety! You are from the Federation. My guest, if there is any mistake, we can't explain it to the higher-ups, can we? So, please don't make things difficult for us. If you want to come and go freely, you should apply to the higher-ups and get a pass!"

Get a pass?Yan Foil's wandering heart knew very well that this might not be possible!

He just said, why Xingkong Haohan agreed so readily for them to come and rest in this building, and after a long time, he was preparing to lock them up like this!However, they were all sent by the Federation, so they just supervised the loading of the corpse of the mutant beast into the spaceship, and nothing else would happen. Why did the vast starry sky guard against them like this?
Could it be that there are some secrets in Qiyu City?
Thinking of this, Yan Foil immediately thought of the gossip he had heard from others when he was sent to Qiyu City.
There is something strange about the mutant beasts in Qiyu City.

But what is the strangeness?Yan Foil Liuliu frowned and looked outside the building, but he was helpless.

"Who do I need to apply for this pass?" Yan Foil, who was standing in the gate for a while, thought about it, and couldn't help but asked the federal soldiers, but everything was as he expected. The federal soldiers smiled directly at him, shook their heads and only pointed in the direction of the top of their heads.

Come on, asking is tantamount to asking in vain, I guess I will have to find the vast starry sky in the end!

However, will the vast starry sky give them a pass?Nightmare Foil Displacement is very suspicious.

Since this gate can't go out, then naturally it can't wander around in Qiyu City.

Therefore, Nightmare Foil could only return to the building silently, and then began to wander around layer by layer.Anyway, those federal soldiers said, as long as you don't go out, this building is a place where you can wander around at will, isn't it?
It's just that, after wandering around, Yan Foil's wandering felt even more strange.

In this building, except for some patrolling federal soldiers, he didn't see any federal residents at all!

This is a bit strange!
After walking around the whole building, Yan Foil drifted back to his room in the end, stood by the window, looking at the scenery of Qiyu City outside the window with a pensive look on his face!
And Xingkong Haohan returned to the stranger with a little regret and a face of pride, told him about the people from the Federation who had tossed himself, and then said with great regret: "If it weren't for that nightmare If they are displaced, those people from the Federation will not be able to live in such a comfortable room! They should be left hanging there for another night!"

Hearing the words, the strangers just nodded lightly, and after thinking about it, they asked Xingkong Haohan: "Have all the family members in our Qiyu City contacted? How are they preparing?"

"They were ready a long time ago!" Xing Kong Haohann heard that it was serious business, and immediately said to the stranger: "Susu, you should know, they have been waiting for this all the time! Waiting for the arrival of this batch of mutant beasts!" After the corpses are transported away, they can follow along. As long as the corpses of those mutant beasts are transported back to their families, then they are all great contributors! Think about it, they will not be more active ?"

The stranger nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said, "How many days are you going to pretend to be the corpses of the first batch of mutated beasts?"

As for the fact that Xingkong Haohan only pulled one mutant beast corpse over at a time, the strangers naturally knew about it, so he asked Xingkong Haohan with some doubts.

"Susu, if you want me to play for a few days, I can do it for a few days!" Xing Kong Haohann squinted his eyes when he heard the stranger's words, and said to the stranger with a look of asking for a reward.

"I said let them go before dawn tomorrow, can you do it?" The stranger squinted at the starry sky, saw his surprised expression, frowned and asked: "Why? No way ?"

"No, Susu! It can be done before dawn tomorrow, of course! I'm just a little surprised, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Xingkong Haohan shook his head directly at the stranger, and looked at He asked: "How rare is this opportunity now? They came to Qiyu City in a hurry to take away the corpses of these mutant beasts. We shouldn't just toss them now and let them wait Is it?"

Under such circumstances, the people from these federations should be made to wait longer, and they should die in a hurry!But why do strangers think so?
Moreover, let these people who represent the federation wait, those who are waiting to accept the corpses of the mutant beasts from the federal government will not be able to calm down!This is a torture method that serves multiple purposes!I don't know each other but I don't want to take advantage of it. What do I want to do?
"Susu, what on earth are you thinking?" Xing Kong Haohan frowned and asked the stranger.

"Just send them away as soon as possible! What can you think?" The stranger frowned, but said a little unhappy.

Xingkong Haohan looked at the stranger carefully for a few times, and then he suddenly reacted, and asked the stranger: "Susu, are you worried about the wandering of the ghost, so you let him go so soon?" Did they leave?"

The stranger stared at Xingkong Haohan.

"Susu, they are all locked in the building now! What are you worried about!" Xingkong Haohan suddenly cried out, and said to the stranger: "Ji Xiaoyan is now guarding the mutated beast. How can there be a chance to come out? I really don’t know what you are worried about! What is there to worry about when Yan Foil drifts away? Are you still worried that Ji Xiaoyan will run away with him after meeting him?”

Hearing this, the strangers looked even more annoyed at the starry sky.

"Susu, you can't do this!" Xingkong Haohan was not afraid at the moment, looking at the stranger and said: "Such a good opportunity is when we put pressure on the federal government to protest. If you catch it, it will be difficult to operate next time! This opportunity can't just be let go!"

Think about it!These people from the Federation came for the first time, and they had a lot of trouble. After they went back, they would definitely file a complaint with the federal government. At that time, the federal government would ask them what kind of attitude they had in Qiyu City, or in other words, You can see clearly what kind of tolerance you can have!

However, if this is the first opportunity missed!When those federal people come back for the second time, if they operate like this again, isn't it clear that they are confronting the federal government?At that time, it was just a matter of probing, but it turned into a troublesome matter. Isn't this nothing to do for yourself?
Thinking of this, Xingkong Haohan said to the stranger with disapproval on his face: "Susu, we can't just let them go like this! The federal government's attitude towards our Qiyu City, and your wooden The attitude of the Chi family depends on this time to take a good look at it! If it is really easy to let them go back within a reasonable time, then the people of the federal government must think that we are all easy to bully? After that What should I do?"

The strangers heard the words, but they didn't say anything.

Xingkong Haohan immediately understood that what he said was on point, so that strangers could not refute.As a result, Xingkong Haohan suddenly regained his energy, and after thinking for a while, he continued to persuade the stranger: "Susu, in fact, it doesn't make sense for you to do this! Really! Think about it, this Ji Xiaoyan can She came to Qiyu City from the Federation to look for you, she must be true to you! What are you worried about? What kind of thing is this nightmare? If that woman Ji Xiaoyan would like Nightmare, it’s not too early Like it?"

The stranger frowned and looked at the vast starry sky.

"Change your eyes! What are you doing looking at me with such eyes?" Xingkong Haohan immediately laughed, and said something to the stranger, regardless of whether he changed his eyes, and continued: "Susu, you Think about it. Back then when we came to Qiyu City, didn’t we leave Ji Xiaoyan alone in the federation? If she was interested in that Yanfoil drifter, shouldn’t she go directly to that fellow Nightmare flier? Where is it possible to come to Qiyu City? Are you right?"

"At that time, Xiaoyan was still trapped in the game and couldn't get out!" He didn't know what happened before, but he didn't know what was going on.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xingkong Haohann froze for a moment, nodded quickly, and said to the stranger: "But after Ji Xiaoyan woke up, she didn't go to find Yanbo! Did she? She was straightforward at that time. I came to our Qiyu City to find you! Susu, you have to have confidence in yourself! When did you become such a Youroupai character?"

(End of this chapter)

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