Chapter 2579 Attack
For the patriarch of the undead clan, even if it is the power that can be borrowed, it is not as reliable as his own power.For their undead clan, if they are strong, that is the most important thing.

Therefore, even though Ji Xiaoyan spoke bitterly for a long time, the patriarch of the undead tribe still did not agree to her giving up the idea of ​​refining bone dragons.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman with some headaches, and couldn't help feeling helpless.

"Master Patriarch!" Friesman naturally knew what Ji Xiaoyan was helpless, and after thinking for a while, he looked at the patriarch of the undead clan and said to him: "Xiaoyan has already told you everything that needs to be said, Qingcheng's You know the difficulties! So if our undead tribe wants to refine the bone dragon, there is no problem at all. After all, the decision-making power is in your hands, the patriarch! However, if you want Xiaoyan to promise to give the clan It is definitely impossible to provide the things for refining bone dragons here. Even if Xiaoyan agreed, it is impossible for Chief Qing Gong to agree. What's more, our Qingcheng Alliance also includes Panchi City, River Water City, and Qingshi City. Gate, Qianhuamen, etc.! If the patriarch really agreed to this, think about it, if other people also come to ask, what will Xiaoyan do?"

Hearing Friesman's words, the patriarch of the undead tribe looked at Ji Xiaoyan longingly, hoping that Ji Xiaoyan could say something different from Friesman's.

But, how could Ji Xiaoyan speak at this time?She also counted on Freesman to convince the patriarch of the undead clan!
"Master Patriarch!" Friesman looked at the patriarch of the undead clan staring at Ji Xiaoyan, who was obviously still a little unwilling, so he could only shout at him again. After seeing the patriarch of the undead clan looking at him, Friesman Then he continued: "There is no way to discuss this matter. If you want to refine the bone dragon, you can go back and do it! But, do what you can, otherwise the news will leak out. It is estimated that Elder Qingmi and Lord Yeshan City Lord will definitely come over as soon as possible. Lord Patriarch has also heard about what the two of them did in our Qing City!?"

The patriarch of the undead clan couldn't help frowning when he heard the names of City Master Ye Shan and old man Qing Mi.

Those two guys didn't even give Qingcheng any face, they beat them whenever they said they wanted to!If this really makes them unhappy, if they go to fight with the undead tribe, who will bear the loss then?Their undead clan can't stand the toss!

Thinking of this, the face of the patriarch of the undead clan became a little ugly.

"Master Patriarch, if there is a real need in the future, Xiaoyan can help us, and he will definitely help our undead clan!" Seeing the undead patriarch's expression of unwillingness to agree, Friesman thought about it and said quickly: "And you You have to think about it too! Our undead tribe has never shown our face in front of other people! If you join Qingcheng and ask for the leader of the clan, can other people be willing? If you really have any ideas, sir, you have to let them Our undead tribe made a contribution in Qingcheng, let everyone see how powerful our undead tribe's bone dragon is, so that we can convince others, right?"

What Friesman said was very reasonable, but it really made the patriarch of the undead tribe hesitate for a while.

"Master patriarch, let's put this matter aside for now!" Ji Xiaoyan saw that the patriarch of the undead clan was really moved by Friesman, and quickly nodded and said: "Let's take it easy."

"Let's talk about it after our undead tribe has made a contribution! Isn't this convincing?" Friesman also said hastily, looking at the patriarch of the undead tribe with a hint of nervousness.

If he still can't convince the patriarch of the undead tribe, Friesman doesn't know what else he can say!
In the palace, it was quiet for a while.

The patriarch of the undead clan was contemplating, while Ji Xiaoyan and Friesman looked at him nervously. They were very worried that the patriarch of the undead clan would think about it for a long time, and if he was still a muscle, it would be over.

But at this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the palace, and soon a group of Qingcheng guards appeared at the door, and then rushed directly into the palace, reporting loudly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord , in the direction of the town west of our Qingcheng, a large number of attackers have appeared, and now Elder Qingmi has led people there."

"The town to the west has been attacked?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news, then he stood up and asked the Qingcheng guards who came to report the news: "Who is it? But someone Know?"

"I don't know yet!" The guard of Qingcheng shook his head, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "The news only said that he was under attack, and Elder Qingmi had brought his people there. Now the town over there is asking for support, so I came here to report To you, Lord City Lord, I beg you to send troops over there!"

"Send! Send now!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and immediately said to the Qingcheng guard: "Did the town say how many people are needed? Or, how many people are there to attack?"

"Just say as much as possible!" The Qingcheng guard frowned, and after thinking about it, he said, "Why don't we send a letter to ask now?"

"What are you asking? Immediately arrange the manpower, we will teleport there now!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't sit still at this moment, and said directly to the patriarch of the undead clan: "It happens that you are also here, take the bone dragon with you ! Let's go to the town to see!"

The patriarch of the undead clan was stunned, and suddenly realized what a good opportunity this is?He quickly nodded, and asked the aborigines of the undead tribe who were waiting to make arrangements immediately, and then let the aborigine of the undead tribe who was supporting him quickly put himself on his back, and followed without hesitation Behind Ji Xiaoyan, he reached the teleportation array all the way, and arrived at the town under attack almost without wasting time.

As soon as he appeared in the teleportation, Ji Xiaoyan saw that all the protective barriers of the town had been opened, and countless magic balls fell on them. It looked like the end of the world, and it made people feel a little fear in their hearts.

"Who are these people?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning, and ran towards the edge of the town, but on the way, he met a few disciples from Qingshimen who were rushing towards the shops in the town.

Ji Xiaoyan quickly grabbed one person and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Master Ji City?!" The disciple of the Qingshimen was surprised for a second when he saw Ji Xiaoyan, and then quickly said to the others: "You guys send the things back first, and I will come back after I finish talking with Ji Xiaoyan. "

Several Qingshimen disciples nodded and hurried into the shop.

"Is the situation over there not so good?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning as he watched the Qingshimen disciples go to the shop to get things.

"Yes!" The captured Qingshimen disciple nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "I don't know which side the people who came to attack us are from. They are the same as those from the dark camp. They are all dressed in black. The cloaks, but the spells they use are not those of the dark camp, but everything. Elder Qing Mi said, this group of people is probably from another force!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, frowned and asked, "Then what's the situation over there now?"

"Those people started fighting as soon as they came, without even saying a word!" The disciple of Qingshimen frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Fortunately, the town is used to opening the protective barrier, so those people always They came to attack, but they couldn't attack directly, and now they are blocked by the protective barrier of this town. It's just that the protective barrier can't last long, so Elder Qingmi took people out to deal with them from time to time, but After going out, someone was injured, and now the supplies over there are a bit lacking, so Elder Qing Mi asked us to come over and move some things first."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the sky above his head and the countless exploding magic spells, thought for a while, then let go of the disciple of Qingshimen, and said to him: "Then take your things and hurry over there."

The Qingshimen disciple nodded immediately, turned around and entered the shop, carried a bunch of things and went straight to the edge of the town.

Ji Xiaoyan was also unambiguous, and immediately ordered the Qingcheng guards behind him to go to the shop to carry the things, and then said to the shop owner: "Record all the accounts, and I will let the manager Qing Gong come over later!"

"Yes, Lord City Master!" The shop owner nodded without any worries, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If it's inconvenient, Lord City Master can ask someone to pay the bill in the future!"

Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, smiled at the shop owner, and then hurriedly led the people towards the direction where the battle was most intense.

Just like what the disciple of the Qingshimen said, outside the town at this moment, there are a lot of people holding various weapons and beating on the protective barrier of the town, and there are many people calmly throwing weapons in the distance. The spell was thrown directly at the protective barrier of the town, it seemed that it didn't mean to be tired at all.

"Who are these guys? Don't you need to breathe while throwing this spell?" The old man Qingmi's voice resounded in the crowd, making it easy for Ji Xiaoyan to spot his position, and hurried towards his Fang Xiang leaned over, and then heard the old man Qingmi shouting again: "There are these people, what kind of monsters are these? I have cut off my hand, does he not feel pain? He is still here to chop this town Protecting the enchantment, aren't you afraid of losing too much blood and dying?"

"Master Qingmi!" Ji Xiaoyan finally walked in front of the old man Qingmi. Hearing him keep on cursing, he couldn't help shouting. After seeing the old man Qingmi turned his head to look at him in surprise, this He quickly asked, "What's going on now?"

"When did you come?" The old man Qing Mi was stunned for a moment, but frowned and said: "Director Qing Gong, didn't the old man say that you have been asleep all this time? When did you wake up?"

"I didn't wake up for too long!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the old man Qingmi with some embarrassment, and then asked again: "What's going on now?"

"What else can happen? Just what you see now!" Old man Qingmi suddenly became a little irritable, pointing directly at the people in black cloaks outside the protective barrier and said: "Look for yourself! This, see? The hand on the ground is his.”

Ji Xiaoyan looked in the direction pointed by the old man Qingmi, and saw a man in a black cloak swinging a long sword in his hand, mechanically cutting towards the protective barrier of the town, and under his feet, Then one arm fell to the ground, and there were still a lot of blood stains on it.

"I cut it down with a knife. I thought he would walk away in pain, but the result was good. The hand fell to the ground, but the man didn't even hum. He took the knife and continued to chop. What kind of aborigines are these? They are just like monsters! I have never seen such a stubborn monster!" Qingmi frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a displeased expression, and said, "I really don't know what the hell is going on with these things. Who is it that suddenly came to attack us!"

"So far, no one has come to call for formation?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the people in black cloaks outside the protective barrier, and found that none of them showed their faces, and all of them hid their faces in the cloaks, so they couldn't see at all. !

"It's still so loud! I've been asking here for a long time, and there's not even a single person to talk to!" Qing Mi's old man became even more irritable when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, "Look, I see, this group of people are all fucking Dumb!"

"It's impossible to be dumb!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Where can we find so many dumb people? I think there must be a commander among them, and this person has not appeared yet , must be hiding behind and watching us."

"Isn't what you said nonsense?" The old man Qingmi gave Ji Xiaoyan a white look, and then said to her: "It's just that I've been looking here for a long time, but I just couldn't find that person! Look over there... It's a mage!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked far away from the town, only to see a dense crowd of people in black cloaks holding up their staffs, and spells emerged from the front of their staffs, then flew into the sky, and finally landed on the town's protective barrier superior.
"I've been watching it for a long time. These mages have always acted like this, and they almost don't want to rest!" The old man Qingmi frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan in a deep voice: "Ordinary mages can After using a few spells to take a break, no matter how bad it is, the hand that has been holding the staff should also be put down to take a rest! But these mages are not the same at all. It’s as if they don’t get tired, this is a bit weird. Just like the cloaked people we are looking at now, they seem to have no consciousness at all! Do you think this is strange?”

(End of this chapter)

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