Chapter 2584

"What the hell are these mages!"

Before the elves opened their mouths, the patriarch of the undead clan widened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face, watching the mages couldn't help swearing, and shouted loudly: "Why can their spells work?" So powerful?"

Ji Xiaoyan also had a look of surprise on his face. Looking at the arrow that disappeared in the air, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the aborigines of the elves. Seeing their backs seemed to be a little stiff, he frowned. Frowning, he said to the Yi people beside him, "Go with the Lusier people and cooperate with the elves and be careful."

The members of the Yi tribe immediately nodded excitedly, and then jumped into the sky together with the people of the Lusi'er tribe, even rushing out of the protective barrier of the town.

And after those mages destroyed the arrows shot by the elves, they didn't even stop for a second, and then condensed their spells again, and threw them towards the protective barrier of the town. Countless magic star flowers exploded on the protective barrier of the town.

Everyone in the elves also frowned, looked in the direction of the mages, and immediately pulled the bowstring for the second time, divided it into three different directions, and shot directly towards the mages.With the sound of wind and lingering attack, the arrow cut through the air, and rushed towards the direction of those mages!
It's just that those mages were still extremely calm. After throwing out the condensed spells in their hands, they swiped their hands in front of them leisurely a few times, condensing a wall of spells, and throwing out the spells again. The arrows shot by the elves were wiped out in the air.

"There's something wrong with their spells!" The man at the head of the elves frowned, couldn't help muttering, and then hurriedly said to the aboriginal of the Juli tribe standing by him: "Let the wings first Don't go there with people from the Lusi'er and Lusi'er tribes, or they will be injured!"

Hearing that, the Juli man immediately yelled twice to the aborigines of the Yi tribe and the Lusi'er tribe in the sky not far away, and after seeing that they still obediently stopped in mid-air, Then he looked at the aboriginal elf standing on his shoulder and asked, "What's wrong with the spells of these mages?"

"It's very wrong!" The aboriginal leader of the elf tribe said in a deep voice, then jumped off the shoulders of the Juli aborigine and said to him: "You stay on guard first, I'll go and tell Lord Ji Say it!"

The man from the Juli tribe nodded, and watched the mages condense their spells and throw them at the protective barrier of the town again, and couldn't help frowning.If the protective barrier of this town is really destroyed, it will take a lot of time to recover!What are these mages in front of them trying to do?Why have you been staring at the protective barrier in that town?

While thinking about it, the natives of the Juli tribe frowned, and looked boredly at the other people in black cloaks who were desperately attacking the protective barrier of the town, regardless of their Juli tribe. Li couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

After the Juli tribe called the Yi tribe and the Lusi'er tribe to stop, Ji Xiaoyan saw the man who was the leader of the elf tribe walking towards him, and couldn't help but secretly speculated that this elf tribe might I found out something.

Sure enough, when the aborigine of the elves walked up to Ji Xiaoyan and told her that there was a problem with the spells of those mages, Ji Xiaoyan knew that this matter might not be that simple.

"The clear goal of these people in black cloaks is the protective barrier of our town! They don't care much about other things!" The man who led the elves frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan: " These men are going about their mission with precision and will only fight back against those threats when their lives are threatened!"

"Well, I can see this!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to the man who led the elves: "You just said that there is a problem with the spells of those mages. What's the problem!? I just looked at their spells. It's all magic!"

"Spells are spells, of course! But their spells are a bit wrong!" The elf native frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Master Ji, take a closer look. They threw The spells used to protect the enchantment in our town are all smooth! What kind of powerful mage can achieve such an effect? ​​Not to mention, these people in black cloaks have persisted here for such a long time, Will their mana never run out?"

This question is not only expressed by the man from the elves, Ji Xiaoyan, the patriarch of the undead clan and others are also very confused!

As long as the mage uses spells, he will face the situation of mana exhaustion!However, these mages don't seem to worry about this problem at all, which is very strange.

"Do you think it is possible for these mages to eat something like me to ensure that the mana will not be exhausted?" Friesman stood behind Ji Xiaoyan, couldn't help but said something, looked at After everyone looked at him, Friesman said without hesitation: "Think about it, isn't my physique the ability to restore mana just by eating? Not necessarily, they are also the same as me? It's just that they were all hidden in their cloaks, and we didn't see them eating!"

Hearing what Friesman said, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look at the mages, and then said to Friesman: "I don't think they are eating anything to supplement. They look, just It seems like you’ve been using mana all the time! And, Friesman, I don’t think anyone on the continent can have the same physique as you! You don’t replenish your mana by eating, but as long as you don’t eat, you can I don't even have the strength to walk and talk!"

As far as Friesman's weakness is concerned, he is a recognized food-indispensable patient!If it hadn't been for the flesh and blood of some giant dragons to hide, it is estimated that no matter who saw Friesman, he would be able to recognize him because he kept eating.

Friesman didn't look embarrassed or blushed when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but he sighed helplessly, and then said: "Xiaoyan, this is not what I thought! There is a way!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled immediately, but nodded, agreeing with Friesman's statement.

"And, Xiaoyan, those mages are all hidden in their cloaks, how can you tell that they haven't eaten?" Friesman was still a little unwilling, and said with a curled lip: "They hide so tightly, even if they haven't eaten, Then you can definitely eat other things? For example, secretly drinking a bottle of potion, this is also possible!"

"If you want to talk about potion, I'm afraid there is no potion on this continent that can maintain mana time like this?" The man in the lead of the elves frowned, but said in disbelief: "It is true that their mana continues. Very strange!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and rubbed his chin, after thinking for a while, he looked at the man who was the leader of the elves and said, "We won't study the issue of mana maintenance for now, and if we can't find any results, let's continue talking about you." The problem with spells is good! What’s the problem with those mage’s spells?”

"Their spells are too powerful!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the leader of the elves immediately turned serious, and said to her: "Besides, the time for their spells to congeal is really too fast! "

"The spell is too powerful? Too fast? Is this a problem?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little, and looked at the man who was the leader of the elves in puzzlement. After seeing him nodding with affirmative expression, he looked at Fu again. Riesman.

"Don't look at me! My spells are basically self-taught!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's gaze looking at him asking for help, Friesman quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't understand many things about spells. I just don't understand them now." I can only use magic!"

Well, Ji Xiaoyan gave up and could only look in other directions.

After looking around, she guessed that besides City Lord Yeshan, she probably couldn't ask anyone better!It's just that Ye Shan City Lord has already rushed out of the town's protective barrier with Qing Mi at this moment, fighting for who can kill more people in black cloaks
Therefore, in the end, the answer Ji Xiaoyan wanted could not be found.

The man in the leader of the elves frowned, watched Ji Xiaoyan say nothing for a while, and then continued: "The city lord knows our elves! The arrows of our elves are very lethal. Generally speaking, , It is not so easy to be destroyed! But you have seen the situation just now, Lord City Master! Our arrows almost disappeared completely under the attack of those magics! This situation, but It's just wrong!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, looked at the man who led the elves, and waited for him to continue explaining!
"Under normal circumstances, those mages are obviously still attacking the protective barrier of this town. Watching our arrows pass by, from the moment they discover it and react, until they condense their spells, our arrows should be able to hit them But the situation just now was not like this! Those mages even waited for the arrows to arrive in front of them, and then condensed the spells. While blocking the arrow attacks, it even put our All the arrows were destroyed! The magic power required for this is beyond the reach of ordinary mages!" The man in the lead of the elves frowned tightly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In this situation , it's a little weird."

"You mean, these mages shouldn't have such powerful spells to destroy your arrows so quickly?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but felt that he understood somewhat what the man who was the leader of the elves said. these words.

"There is a little bit of this meaning, but my lord, I am even more confused. If these mages really have such powerful spells, why don't they just use such spells to attack the protective barrier of our town?" The elf leader The man frowned tightly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Master City Master, think about it, as long as such a powerful spell is thrown on the protective barrier of this town, it will take only a few hits, that is, it will be able to destroy the town. The protective barrier was broken! But, why did they not use it to attack the protective barrier of this town even though they had such a powerful spell? "

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he frowned immediately.She was very happy in her heart, the well-regulated activities of those mages gave them a chance to get tough!But, in the same way, it was said by the man who was the leader of the elves, and he was a little confused.

These mages can obviously capture the protective barrier of this town very quickly, why didn't they do that?So what are they coming here to attack this town?

"I think they didn't come to attack this town as you imagined, because of the mana problem?" Friesman thought for a while, but said to Ji Xiaoyan and the elf leader man seriously, "This The more powerful the spell, the more it consumes! They are now attacking the protective barrier of the town bit by bit, and the mana can never be exhausted. Recover within a period of time, supply them!"

"What if it's the same as what you said, what did they eat? It's not impossible!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and said something to Friesman, looking at him immediately After frowning and looking thoughtful, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the man who was the leader of the elves again, and said to him: "If the spells of these mages hit people, they will become What's it like?"

The man in the lead of the elves frowned, thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "Probably the same as the arrows of our elves, Lord City Lord, since he will be sent to attack our Qingcheng town , so under normal circumstances, these people's ability is either the best or the worst, so that we first pull down our defense, so they can attack our town faster and better! However, these mages obviously So powerful, but they didn't mean to attack the town in a hurry? This is really strange. Moreover, we have never seen the kind of spell they used just now after walking on the mainland for so many years! You Say, isn’t that weird enough? These people don’t know what’s going on in their heads.”

(End of this chapter)

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