Chapter 2591 Counting
The old man Qingmi didn't stay in front of the strange man's head for a long time. After reading it, he returned to the dead man's body. Are you going to take it all down?"

The aborigines of the Juli clan glanced at each other, but shook their heads silently, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "The Lord City Master did not tell us to wait until the iron chains on those mages are removed." After they are all cut off, why don’t you just bring people back like this?”

"Untie the iron chains and leave them alone!" Qingmi old man thought for a while, and said to the aborigines of the Juli tribe, "I want to see, this is tied up with iron chains. What does this weirdo look like?"

The aborigines of the Juli clan looked at each other, nodded silently, and agreed to the old man Qingmi's request.

"Choose those iron chains that have been cut off, and start to untie them now!" Seeing that the aborigines of the Juli tribe didn't move, the old man urged him directly: "When you're done untwisting, let someone call me, I'll come back to see it then!"

Everyone in the Juli tribe immediately nodded, and after watching old Qingmi turn and leave, they began to pick up the iron chains scattered on the ground, and began to untie them around the strange man.

The old man Qingmi looked at the strange man again, and then returned to Ji Xiaoyan's side.

"Did Master Qingmi see anything?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the solemn expression on the old man Qingmi's face, and couldn't help asking with some anticipation, but seeing the old man Qingmi shook his head silently, suddenly Somewhat disappointed, he said: "I thought Master Qingmi, you could see something!"

"No matter how much I've seen and learned, I don't necessarily know everything!" Old man Qingmi gave Ji Xiaoyan a blank look when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he said again: "I asked those members of the Juli clan to take that Untie the iron chains on the weirdo, and then take them back to Qingcheng separately!"

"Huh?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at old man Qingmi in surprise when he heard what old man Qingmi said, and asked, "Master Qingmi, what do you mean is that the corpse of that strange man will also be sent back to Qingcheng for collection?" Get up? Put it with those mages?"

"Don't keep them together, keep them separate!" Old man Qingmi thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious face: "We will deal with it after we find someone who understands it and read it. I think that strange person and these mages There are quite a lot of secrets in them, we can take them back and study them carefully, it is also possible!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but took a deep breath.

Research?Who will study it?In the end, it's not enough to let the guards of Qingcheng guard it. It's going to be very difficult to find the aborigines who understand the situation!

The final result, it is estimated that there will be another batch of such mages and weirdos to fight outside their Qingcheng towns.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed.

"Where's that guy Ye Shan?" The old man Qingmi looked around, he didn't seem to find the figure of the Lord Ye Shan, but asked Ji Xiaoyan curiously: "Has that guy Ye Shan left?" ?”

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to old man Qingmi, "City Lord Ye Shan has gone to town!"

"What are you going to do?" The old man Qingmi regained his energy immediately, staring at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Is he trying to do something bad again?"

"I don't know about that!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head silently, and said to the old man Qingmi: "I just watched him bring people in!"

"Maybe I just ran away!" The old man Qingmi suddenly became a little excited, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "That guy Ye Shan probably knows that he has killed everyone, and he is afraid of seeing you. Sit on the teleportation array and go away"

Ji Xiaoyan reluctantly twitched the corner of her mouth and didn't answer.

She didn't think that City Lord Yeshan would run away because of such a thing. Who is afraid of her, Ji Xiaoyan? It is impossible for City Lord Yeshan to be afraid, right?
Sure enough, not long after standing with old man Qingmi, City Lord Ye Shan appeared with someone.

"You didn't leave?" Seeing the figure of City Lord Ye Shan, the old man Qingmi couldn't help but screamed in astonishment, stared at him with wide eyes and asked, "Didn't you leave?"

City Lord Ye Shan glanced at old man Qingmi indifferently, but looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan, then pointed at those mages and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "These are those mages? Are they all dead?"

"Almost!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and told City Master Ye Shan what he had told old man Qingmi before, and then asked him to look at the iron chains on the legs of those sorcerers, and then said: "It seems that the one who controls these mages is the strange man Ye Shan who committed suicide over there. If you are interested, you can go and have a look at that strange man!"

"What's so interesting!" City Lord Ye Shan said in a flat tone, "Anyway, everyone is dead, so you can clean it up."

Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then smiled slightly.Sure enough, Lord Yeshan City Lord is a bit colder!

"Cut, you have to go and see something famous!" The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes when he heard what City Lord Ye Shan said, and said something to him, then looked at City Lord Ye Shan The eye knife was sent over, and the old man Qingmi immediately responded back rudely.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two became tense again.

"That." When Ji Xiaoyan saw this situation, he secretly thought that it was not good, and quickly opened his mouth and shouted at the two of them. After seeing the old man Qingmi and Lord Yeshan turning their heads to look at him, Ji Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly. , and then said: "The threat to this town has been lifted, and the next step is to restore and tidy up, Master Qingmi, you and Master Yeshan don't need to stay here any longer."

If so, let them go back to their respective territories!The province here is like fighting as soon as you see it.

However, Ye Shan City Lord was obviously unwilling to leave like this. After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately looked at old man Qingmi, and then said coldly: "I seem to remember that someone wants to be with you. Let's compete in Panchi City, who will kill more people!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of City Lord Ye Shan, he immediately knew that the troublesome thing Friesman said was coming.

Sure enough, the old man Qingmi's eyes widened immediately, and he said to City Lord Ye Shan with disdain: "Who killed the most people? Naturally, our Qingshi Gate killed the most people! How many people can you kill in Panchi City?" Huh? Just you, Ye Shan, how many people can a mage kill in close combat? If you go back to celebrate now, maybe there won’t be even twenty people?”

"Have you checked it?" Ye Shan sneered nonchalantly, said something to old man Qingmi, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Ji Xiaoyan, you send someone now Just go and count it, save me, after I report the numbers, some people are still unwilling to admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat? Ye Shan, your tone is not small! Can our Qingshimen kill fewer people than your Panchi City?" The old man Qingmi looked at the Lord Ye Shan with a sneer on his face, and stared at him. One sentence, and then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Girl Xiaoyan, go! I immediately arranged for the guards of Qingcheng to go and count them. I still can't believe it. They can kill more people in Panchi City than we at Qingshimen. Our Qingshimen is the main force in the battle, how could we kill fewer people than them?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the old man Qingmi with a little difficulty, and then at the Lord Yeshan City Master, and finally he could only signal to a few Qingcheng guards to take people to count the corpses immediately.

"Actually, such a competition is meaningless!" After watching the Qingcheng guards leave, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but smile, and said to the old man Qingmi and the Lord Yeshan, "They are all helping to defend against the enemy. !"

"Who said it's meaningless?" Qingmi old man said directly and forcefully when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words: "In terms of killing, how could he kill me at Yeshan? What's more, our disciples of Qingshimen No matter what, they are stronger than the guards of their Panchi City. If Ye Shan refuses to admit this fact, then we have to let him take a good look at it and accept it! Save him a day to put on such a terrific Come and show off in front of me. I don't know where the confidence comes from!"

"Old man Qingmi, I'm just advising you not to be too confident!" City Lord Ye Shan sneered when he heard what old man Qingmi said, and looked at him and said lightly: "If you do an inventory in a while, You Qingshimen have killed fewer people than our Panchi City, let me see where you put your face!"

"You are dreaming!" Old Qing Mi said directly to City Lord Ye Shan with a look of disbelief.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan became a little worried.

She felt that the attitude of City Lord Ye Shan seemed to have a well-thought-out plan!If it is really cleared up, if Panchi City killed more people than their Qingshimen people, would old man Qingmi have to explode on the spot or something?When the time comes, they will fight with City Lord Yeshan again, what should we do?

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help turning her head to look at Friesman, also seeing his worried look, then whispered to Friesman: "Who do you think is more and who is less?"

"It's better to tie!" Friesman didn't even think about it for a second, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Only in this way, there will be no trouble!"

Ji Xiaoyan also thought of a tie, but the probability is so low that it is almost impossible.

The guards of Qingcheng quickly ran back, glanced at Lord Yeshan and old man Qingmi, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Let's see what your Lord City Master is doing? Just report the numbers!" Old Qing Mi stared at the guards of the Qing City and directly ordered.

"Report it, so that old man Qingmi can feel inferior!" City Lord Ye Shan had a confident smile on his face, looking at old man Qingmi and urged the Qingcheng guards.

"My lord, do you want to report it?" The leading guard of Qingcheng looked embarrassed and asked Ji Xiaoyan. After watching her nod, he took a deep breath and turned to look at Ye Shan and Ye Shan. The old man Qingmi said: "We counted, and the number of people killed in Panchi City is eight more than that of Qingshimen!"

"Impossible!" The old man Qingmi yelled immediately when he heard what the Qingcheng guard said: "Only our Qingshimen killed more people than their Panchi City, how could their Panchi City kill us more than our Qingshimen?" more people? Are you counting wrong?"

"Elder Qingmi, we have counted carefully, there is no mistake!" The Qingcheng guard immediately looked at old man Qingmi, and said to him: "When we counted, the disciples of Qingshimen all looked at the old man. There is nothing wrong with it!"

"How is this possible? When we were killing people, we also watched them in Panchi City. How could they kill eight more people than us?" Qing Mi's expression was disbelieving, and he stared at City Master Ye Shan with wide eyes. At this moment, the complacent expression on his face was faintly filled with anger in his heart: "Ye Shan, did you get a trick out of it?"

"Old man Qingmi, those who wish to concede defeat! Your Qingshimen kills fewer people than our Panchi City, and you are still unwilling to admit this fact?" City Lord Ye Shan really looked at old man Qingmi in a very good mood, and said to him : "As for the ghosts and the like, don't talk nonsense! If you lose, you lose. If you admit it, it's fine. I won't care about anything with you!"

"It is impossible for our Qingshimen to lose!" The old man Qingmi was unusually firm, staring at City Lord Yeshan and roaring.

"The facts are right in front of your eyes. The guards of Qingcheng went to count them. Could it be possible that there are fakes? If you really don't believe it, it's okay." City Lord Ye Shan smiled, and said to the old man Qingmi indifferently. : "Old man Qingmi, you can take your people to count and count, anyway, I'm not afraid of you going to count again!"

The old man Qingmi stared, his face was full of anger as if he couldn't find a place to vent it, he could only clenched his fists tightly, looking at the extremely smug look of City Lord Ye Shan, he couldn't find an outlet to vent it!

"Elder!" At this moment, a Qingshimen disciple who came back with the Qingcheng guard couldn't help but opened his mouth. After seeing Elder Qingmi looking at him, he took a deep breath and said loudly: " Elder, the people in Panchi City demanded that the last dozen people we left behind be counted on their heads. Otherwise, seriously, our Qingshimen would have killed more than a dozen people than them!"

"What?!" When the old man Qingmi heard this, the dangerous aura that was about to explode all over his body seemed to have found a place to release it, and immediately dissipated most of it. He looked at the Qingshimen disciple and asked, "You just said What? The people in Panchi City counted the dozen or so people left behind in the number of people they killed? Are the people in Panchi City so shameless now?"

(End of this chapter)

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