Chapter 2605

At this moment, the vicinity of the teleportation array in Land of the Undead was suddenly filled with countless aborigines of the undead tribe.

The patriarch of the undead clan stopped in front of Ji Xiaoyan in a hurry, looked her over and over carefully with his eyes wide open, and then let out a loud cry.

"My Lord Ji City Lord! Lord Ji City Lord! You really are not dead! This is really lucky, lucky!! This is great news! You said that if you were really killed by Lord Ye Shan I was killed, how can I explain to so many people in Qingcheng? Fortunately, it is simply a blessing! Master Ji City Lord, it is good that you are not dead! It is good that you are not dead!" shouted at Ji Xiaoyan.

If it wasn't for the fear that Ji Xiaoyan would get angry, the patriarch of the undead tribe would have rushed forward to make a move on Ji Xiaoyan to make sure that she was real.

"Hehe, Lord Patriarch, I'm fine! I'm fine!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help smiling when he saw the patriarch of the undead clan, and quickly said something comforting to the patriarch of the undead clan. After the countless aborigines of the undead tribe followed, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said to the patriarch of the undead tribe: "Master patriarch, I'm fine now! You should let all the tribesmen go back first, this chased Lord Yeshan all the way , they must be tired too! What's more, there is nothing else to do now, and it is useless for them to stay here!"

The patriarch of the undead clan wiped away his tears, nodded quickly, and gave instructions to the elders of the undead clan behind him. After seeing that they immediately directed all the aborigines of the undead clan to leave, he hurriedly looked again. I turned to Ji Xiaoyan and asked her: "Master Ji City Lord, I saw you being hit by Lord Ye Shan's spell and then disappeared! Where did you go? I was really scared to death. I thought that you were really killed by the city lord of Yeshan, and there was not even a body left! When I heard that Friesman said that you were not dead, I couldn't bear it. Can you believe it, what is going on?"

"I'm fine!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and said something to the patriarch of the undead clan, but after thinking about it, he didn't explain his different physique to the patriarch of the undead clan, but looked back With two eyes, he looked at the patriarch of the undead clan strangely and asked: "By the way, Lord Patriarch, did the Lord Patriarch tell Lord Yechang City Lord about the news that I am fine? Why didn't you see that he didn't come back with you?"

"It's been said! It's been said!" The patriarch of the undead tribe suddenly smiled at Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment, and then said embarrassingly: "Master Yeshan City Master said that he knew, but he just needs to rest in the back, and he will come soon." I will be back! Don’t worry, City Master Ji.”

"That's good!" Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

However, the patriarch of the undead tribe carefully looked at Ji Xiaoyan for a few more times, and couldn't help but ask Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord, Lord Yeshan City Lord attacked you this time, after he comes back , will you settle accounts with him?"

"What is the meaning of the patriarch's question?" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the patriarch of the undead clan with a puzzled expression, but smiled awkwardly at his expression.

"It's actually like this." The patriarch of the undead tribe rolled his eyes, smiled embarrassingly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord, haven't we chased Lord Yeshan City Lord so far? This way , he must be very upset in his heart! Friesman said that Lord Yeshan actually knew that you, Lord Ji, were not really dead, and he was also worried that if we chased too close, he would not be able to bear it. We did it, and then we took the people away. Now we also see Lord Ji, you are all right, maybe after Lord Yeshan comes back, he will have to settle accounts with us! So I want to ask Lord Ji first. How to deal with the matter of Master Yeshan City Lord, we can have some confidence in our hearts, right?"

Should he find a way to apologize and let the Lord Yeshan reveal this matter, or he can insist on not apologizing and question the Lord Yeshan together with Ji Xiaoyan? This matter is still very important to the patriarch of the undead clan!

"Is the patriarch worried that Lord Yeshan will take revenge on the undead tribe?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately understood what the undead tribe's patriarch meant by asking this question. After watching him and nodding in embarrassment, Ji Xiaoyan laughed He said: "Don't worry, Lord Patriarch! Those who don't know are innocent, and you don't know that this matter will turn out like this! Under normal circumstances, Lord Patriarch, you suddenly found out that I was killed, and it is only natural to chase the murderer." Ah! This is human nature, Lord Ye Shan must be very clear in his heart, otherwise he would not have run away. In fact, he is also waiting for you to know that I am still alive!"

After all, with the strength of City Lord Ye Shan, if he wanted to kill someone, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to throw a few spells?As for the aborigines of the undead tribe, how can they withstand the magic attack of the city lord Yeshan?

However, the City Lord Ye Shan didn't kill anyone, but chose to run away directly, isn't this just because he was afraid of causing trouble?So think about it, in fact, the city lord Ye Shan had already expected certain results, and that's why he made the decision!
After Ji Xiaoyan returns to the undead tribe safely, the city lord of Yeshan will probably act as if nothing happened!

Otherwise, if you really care about it, this matter will have to be more complicated!Ji Xiaoyan doesn't think Ye Shan City Lord is the kind of character who likes complicated things!

Hearing this, the patriarch of the undead clan understood what Ji Xiaoyan meant, and after thinking about it, he asked her in confirmation, "Master Ji City Lord, will this matter be over after Lord Ye Shan returns? ?”

"En! It's over!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Okay, I understand!" The patriarch of the undead clan smiled, and he understood in his heart.In fact, Ji Xiaoyan was very conniving towards the Lord Yeshan of Panchi City, otherwise, if he got hit by a spell, even if he didn't die, it would still hurt and hurt him!However, Ji Xiaoyan just showed up without saying anything, and he didn't mean to pursue Lord Yeshan at all. Isn't this conniving with City Lord Yeshan? What does it mean?
It seems that Panchi City's status in the Qingcheng Alliance seems to be more important than he imagined!The patriarch of the undead tribe couldn't help but touched his chin. After thinking about it, he took a few elders of the undead tribe and leaned directly in the direction of Friesman.

Friesman should know a lot about Ji Xiaoyan's surroundings.

However, at this moment, Friesman felt a hint of disgust and displeasure in his heart.

Their patriarch obviously only came to him when he had something to do.
Sure enough, Friesman soon heard the patriarch of the undead clan ask about those things about Ji Xiaoyan, thinking that Ji Xiaoyan had already mentioned that he should tell the patriarch of the undead clan, Friesman didn't have any concealment, and directly told Ji Xiaoyan The fact that Xiaoyan can be resurrected like the adventurers told the patriarch of the undead clan, and after seeing their shocked expressions, Friesman said again: "Xiaoyan's physique is only some important ones in our Qingcheng." My allies only knew about this matter, and Xiaoyan agreed to let me tell you, the patriarch, so I dared to say it! So, after you know the patriarch, just keep it in your heart, and don’t spread it to the outside world!”

"Well, I know this!" The patriarch of the undead clan nodded immediately, but with a serious expression, he swept around the elders of the undead clan behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Do you all remember this matter? As long as we all know it, we can’t spread it anymore!”

"Yes, Lord Patriarch!" The elders of the undead tribe nodded one after another, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with a hint of envy in their eyes!

You know, the only thing that the aborigines envy the adventurers is probably only this physique that can be revived infinitely, but they never thought that Ji Xiaoyan would get this kind of love!This is simply enviable and jealous!
The patriarch of the undead clan became even more curious, and asked in a low voice to Friesman: "Did the Lord City Lord have any adventures this time?"

Friesman looked at the patriarch of the undead clan, but his mind turned immediately. After thinking about it, he nodded and put on a serious expression on purpose: "Did the patriarch also guess it?"

The patriarch of the undead clan nodded quickly: "That's for sure. If there were no adventures, how could Lord Ji have such a physique?"

"Isn't it!" Friesman nodded immediately, but mysteriously said to the patriarch of the undead clan: "I don't know the specifics, and Xiaoyan didn't mention it. We only know that Lord God met Xiaoyan in person. On the face! Our Qingcheng can become what it is now, and it is also a gift from the Lord God. So, Lord Patriarch, it is really the most correct decision you have made to be able to form an alliance with Qingcheng!"

"Really!?" The patriarch of the undead tribe couldn't help being shocked when he heard the name of the Lord God.You know, in this world, everyone knows the existence of Lord God, but who has really seen it?But now Ji Xiaoyan has seen it before, and this Qingcheng is also under the care of the Lord God, how can the patriarch of the undead clan not be amazed?

"Of course what I said is true!" Friesman, with a look of affirmation on his face, whispered to the patriarch of the undead tribe and the elders of the undead tribe who were listening with their ears, "These news are I can’t tell you, the patriarch, but I am also a member of the undead clan. If you ask me, the patriarch, it’s not good if I hide it, isn’t it? It’s just that you have heard the news, the patriarch, and it’s rotten, can’t you? Tell other people! Otherwise, we will have too many Qingcheng alliances in the future, and it will not be a good thing for our undead clan now, will it?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Our undead tribe is not on our feet right now. If someone replaces us, it will be even more difficult in the future!" The patriarch of the undead tribe immediately nodded and said to Friesman: "Friesman, What you said! You are indeed a member of our undead clan, and you are still facing our clan at these times!"

Friesman smiled shyly, but didn't say anything.

It's right to say that he is facing the undead tribe, but more he wants to tell the patriarch of the undead tribe and others that he, Friesman, is still a little useful, and it's not that they don't want it if they want to.

City Lord Ye Shan came late, but he really brought people back to the teleportation array of the undead clan, stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan, frowned and looked Ji Xiaoyan up and down several times, curled his lips dissatisfied with the geology Asked: "Ji Xiaoyan, what's going on with you? Didn't you just die once? Why did it take so long to come here?"

Hearing what City Lord Ye Shan said, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but smile with the corners of his mouth pulled up. After seeing City Lord Ye Shan frown with some dissatisfaction, he quickly restrained his smile, coughed twice and said : "My lord, Lord Yeshan, this is beyond my control! I was killed for no reason. When I opened my eyes, I thought I was in Qingcheng, but I didn't know where I went. I finally found it. The teleportation array rushed over. There was a delay in the middle, and it's not something I can control, right?"

City Lord Ye Shan gave Ji Xiaoyan a blank look, and snorted unhappily.

Ji Xiaoyan sneered, seeing that City Lord Yeshan didn't want to argue with old man Qingmi any more, then he hurriedly said to him: "City Lord Yeshan, if everything is fine, why don't we go back? It’s okay to stay in this undead tribe, right?”

"That's natural!" City Lord Ye Shan responded lightly, but suddenly remembered his purpose of coming to this undead tribe, and immediately raised his chin slightly, looked down at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "That's right. , I came here to look for you! The corpses of those mages, give me two!"

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at City Lord Ye Shan with some puzzlement and asked, "City Master Ye Shan, what are you going to do with the corpses of those mages?"

"Does this still need to be reported to you?" City Lord Ye Shan looked at Ji Xiaoyan coldly, and said to her: "You just say, give it or not!"

"Yes, of course I have to!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said with an apologetic smile, but her heart was full of doubts.

"It's more or less the same!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, City Lord Ye Shan curled his lips in satisfaction, looked in the direction of old man Qingmi provocatively in his eyes, and then said: " Then our Panchi City needs two mage corpses. If you give it to Qingshimen, you can just give one mage corpse!"

(End of this chapter)

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