The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2622 Meet the master

Chapter 2622 Meet the master
Luotu couldn't hear Ji Xiaoyan's polite words?
If he really wanted to help bring Lehe back, he would have gone there long ago. How could Ji Xiaoyan come to their Resurrection Gate?Even if he wants to come, it must be because of Lehe, right?

Therefore, Luotu understood these words in his heart, but it was impossible to say them out, so he could only smile wryly at Ji Xiaoyan twice: "We all know that the Lord Ji is enthusiastic. If there is a need, we will naturally come to trouble Ji Xiaoyan." The city lord helped."

Ji Xiaoyan squinted his eyes and nodded with a smile. After thinking for a while, he quickly changed the topic to those people in black cloaks, and asked Luotu: "Master Luotu, we have already given away the corpses of those mages. When I went to the undead tribe, I just wanted to find out what their origins are. You see, since this matter has something to do with Lehe, can the corpses of those mages, the Resurrection Gate, go and have a look, let's study it together? "

Luo Tu seemed to have remembered what Ji Xiaoyan said this time, frowned slightly and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord said that those mages are controlled by others?"

"Yes! Use some iron chains!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then nodded to Luotu.

"We haven't heard of this!" Luotu tilted his head, thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji is sure that those mages are all dead?"

"It must be dead now!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Luotu: "We also looked carefully at the beginning, anyway, we saw with our own eyes that several mages should be dead, but suddenly Stand up and attack again! After the person who controlled those mages was killed, those mages never moved again!"

Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but frowned, and said to Luotu: "Actually, Master Luotu, I think it's a little unclear for me to tell you this now, so it's better for you Follow me to the Undead Race to see the corpses of those mages! You Resurrection Sect has also done a lot of research on these corpses. Is it something that Lehe did? You can easily see it if you think about it! If you find it troublesome , I’m going to let people go to the undead tribe and send some corpses of those mages, it’s also possible!”

When Luotu heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he looked up at her, and then said with a smile: "Forget it, it's troublesome to bring the corpse here, why don't I send someone to follow Master Ji City?" !"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded happily, looked at Luotu and asked, "It's just that Lord Luotu won't go with you?"

"For the time being, don't use it!" Luo Tu smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We still have a lot of things to deal with in the Resurrection Sect, so I'll leave as soon as I say it, don't tell me, right? First send some people to follow City Lord Ji to the Undead Tribe to look at the corpses of those mages, and if they don’t understand anything later, come back and talk to me, and I’ll look at the situation again!”

"Okay then!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to say anything else, he just nodded and watched Luotu immediately recruit a few aborigines from the Resurrection Gate.

"You all followed Master Ji to the Undead Clan, and you all looked carefully! If you have any questions, write them down and report them back. I will invite Lord Master to come and discuss them together!" Luotu looked at those few people with a serious expression. The aborigines of the Resurrection Gate, after giving them an order, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a smile: "If Lord Ji has any questions, you can ask Lord Master Ji when you come next time." !"

"Master Luotu thinks that you don't know about this matter?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he heard Luotu's words, and looked at him and asked, "If that's the case, why not let me know?" Just send the corpses of those sorcerers to the Resurrection Gate, and when the time comes, why don’t you just show it to the Master Sect Leader? It will save you so much trouble!”

"Master Ji, our sect master is also very busy!" Luotu smiled unnaturally when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her: "So, let our sect first Disciple, go and check the situation, and trouble the head master when the time comes! What do you think?"

What can Ji Xiaoyan say?The meaning of this Luotu has been expressed very clearly!He just wanted to instruct the disciples of the Resurrection Sect to check the situation first.If there is a problem, the head of the Resurrection Sect will come out to solve it. Maybe it's just some simple excuses!

Ji Xiaoyan sighed silently in his heart, he could only agree to this arrangement, and led the people and the disciples of the Resurrection Sect to leave the Resurrection Sect, heading directly towards the direction of the Undead Clan.

On the other hand, Luotu was standing in the palace, watching Ji Xiaoyan and his group disappear, the expression on his face became gloomy. After standing there for a long time, he turned around and walked towards the highest point of the Resurrection Gate. Go to the palace.

The person living there is naturally the head of the Resurrection Sect who has lived for an unknown number of years.

Outside the palace, there were only a few middle-aged disciples guarding them. No matter their age, seniority or seniority, they were much higher than Luotu, so when Luotu stood outside the palace, he had to ask these guards The middle-aged disciples saluted and respectfully asked them to report.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged disciple who was going to report came out of the palace and nodded to Luotu.

thanks! "Luo Tu hurriedly thanked him, bowed his body and stepped into the palace, but he didn't dare to look around, walked all the way to the deepest part of the palace, saw the figure of the head of the resurrection gate, and then knelt down on the ground.

"What's the matter! Master Luotu, tell me directly!" An aborigine who was serving the head of the Resurrection Sect waited for Luotu to finish his salute, and immediately asked him a question, and then explained: "The head of the sect has some I'm tired, I have to rest soon."

"Yes!" Luotu quickly raised his head from the ground, looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect who was recuperating with his eyes closed on the gorgeous couch directly above, and condensed the news sent by Ji Xiaoyan. After a while, he carefully looked at the face of the head of the Resurrection Sect, and said to him: "Master Ji City Master said that he can confirm that Master Lehe is in Shacheng now. So, I think, Master Lehe is going to meet with you." Shacheng formed an alliance, or went directly to join Shacheng"

Hearing the words, the aborigine who was serving the head of the Resurrection Sect couldn't help turning his head to look at the head of the Resurrection Sect, quickly took a step aside, and said in a low voice: "Master Sect Leader, we're leaving first! "

"En!" The voice of the head of the Resurrection Sect had a deep feeling, and he responded lightly. He waited until the other people in the palace had left, and only he and Luotu were left. Then he slowly opened his eyes. Opening his eyes, he looked at Luotu and asked, "Is this what City Master Ji said personally?"

"Yes!" Luotu nodded quickly, but his heart was a little nervous, "Because it involves Mr. Lehe, I thought I should tell Mr. Sect Leader first, so Mr. Ji City Master asked me to go to the Undead Race to see those I refused the matter of the mage's corpse, and sent a few disciples to rush over to have a look!"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, but rather agreed with Luotu's arrangement: "You don't have to worry about the corpses of those mages, they are all Lehe's business!"

Hearing this, Luotu couldn't help but look at the head of the Resurrection Sect in astonishment: "Master Master, Master Ji said that those sorcerers are all wearing iron chains, and some people use iron chains on their bodies. These iron chains are used to control those mages. Is this really done by Mr. Lehe?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?" The head of the Resurrection Gate said in a flat tone, "Could it be that you think that the city lord of Shacheng is capable of doing such a thing?"

Luo Tu was a little speechless, and knelt on the spot silently.

"Lehe has been in the sect for a long time, and he can do more things than you. You don't have to worry about these things, just learn slowly in the future!" Seeing clearly what he was thinking in his heart, "When I have time later, I will teach you more things. Lehe is gone, and you will need to take care of many things in the Resurrection Gate in the future. It is also helpful to learn more things." Good."

"Yes, disciple, thank you Master for your cultivation!" Luotu hurriedly kowtowed his head in fear, but he couldn't help feeling a little excited in his heart.He came to the head of the Fushengmen just to tell him Lehe's whereabouts, to see how the head of the Fushengmen planned to deal with it, and whether he would find a way to go to Shacheng to catch Lehe back, but he didn't expect I got the promise from the head of the Resurrection Sect by accident. Is this a surprise?
"You just need to work harder!" The head of the Resurrection Sect showed indifference, waved his hand at Luo Tu lightly, and then continued: "It's just that although the matter of Lehe in Shacheng is about Ji The city lord confirmed it, but we haven’t seen it with our own eyes, so we can’t believe it completely. You still need to find a way to get someone to confirm this matter.”

"Yes, Master Sect Leader, I'll think of a way when I turn around!" Luotu nodded quickly, with a look of excitement on his face, "It's just, Master Sect Master, if Mr. Lehe joins Shacheng or forms an alliance with Shacheng If so, will we have to fight against Shacheng in the future?"

"Isn't this Qingcheng also an enemy of Shacheng?" Hearing Luotu's words, the head of the Resurrection Sect asked directly. Frowning slightly, he said, "Our Resurrection Sect agreed to form an alliance with Qingcheng, so in a certain sense, we are already an enemy of Shacheng, isn't it?"

Luotu opened his mouth, and only after a while did he say: "Then, Master Sect Leader, do you mean that you don't need to be afraid of Shacheng?"

The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Luotu, but he sighed deeply, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Luotu, what is Shacheng? The other disciples don't know it, but you should know it." I told you that at the beginning."

"Yes, my disciples remember it!" Luo Tu's heart was full of complaints in an instant.It was because he knew that he was a little afraid of Shacheng, so he worriedly asked the head of their family just now, if he wanted to make an enemy of Shacheng?But the head of their family talked for a long time, what is the main idea?

He said that he should be afraid of Shacheng, but the tone of the head of their family seemed to tell him not to be afraid, since he was in an enemy state anyway; Does he not remember the background of Shacheng that he told himself at the beginning?

Is this going to scare him, or not?

Luo Tu suddenly felt that the head of their family just simply disliked him and was not as happy as he was!That's why he deliberately ambiguously spoke like this, and let him guess for himself. When the time comes, if he does the right thing, it's okay, and if he does the wrong thing, isn't it all his own responsibility?

This is to play him to death!
Countless tears burst out of Luotu's heart in an instant.

The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Luotu's obviously ugly face at the moment, did he not understand what was going on in his heart?He could only shake his head, and said, "Forget it, go and confirm Lehe's affairs in Shacheng first, and see if he has formed an alliance with the city lord of Shacheng, or just borrowed Shacheng's place to hide." Just leave it at that. Let’s talk about other things after the investigation is clear!"

"Yes, Master Sect Master!" Luotu nodded quickly, his expression slightly improved, "Sir Master, do the disciples need to bring back the corpses of those mages to have a look? This time, Master Ji City Master came to our Resurrection Gate just for those The corpse of the mage is here, and when she comes back with our disciples, she will definitely ask for an explanation."

"You don't need to bring it back, I've already told you, that's what Le He did!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said impatiently, then thought for a while and then asked: "The Lord Ji City Lord is concerned about the corpses of those mages. , what is there to be interested in? Did she mention it?"

"No!" Luotu shook his head immediately, and said with a faint and guilty heart: "I asked about it at the time, but Master Ji said that we should go and see the corpses of those mages first, and I thought I couldn't." Let Lord Ji stay at our Resurrection Gate all the time, so as not to delay the disciples from reporting the news about Lord Lehe, so let the disciples of the sect follow Lord Ji to the Resurrection Gate first, and Lord Ji also said that there is something wrong , Come back and talk about it!"

The head of the Resurrection Sect frowned, but nodded as if he was tired, then nodded to Le He and said, "In this case, when Lord Ji City Master comes to our Resurrection Sect, tell her that it is all about Le He Qian. Let's see if she has any questions then, come and talk to me after you listen!"

"My lord, don't you want to meet Master Ji in person?" Le He looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect with a little curiosity when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask.

(End of this chapter)

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