Chapter 2645 Find a way
At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan's heart is full of resentment and dissatisfaction with Luotu. How could he know that because of this incident, Luotu's trust and gratitude for her in his heart have increased countlessly, so that in the future, in Qingcheng and Fusheng In the cooperation between the two, Luotu will invisibly tolerate and protect Ji Xiaoyan and Qingcheng a lot.

Along the way, he carefully led Luotu and the others back to the dilapidated house. Ji Xiaoyan really wanted to scold Luotu, but the disciples of the Resurrection Sect looked at the surrounding disciples with tears in their eyes and expressions of joy. After looking at it, she could only swallow all the words in her stomach, and then looked at Luotu and said: "I have walked around this evil city, and basically visited all the places that I can leave. There is no place to leave!"

"Can't you leave?" Luo Tu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words: "Then Lord Ji City Master, what should we do now?"

"Wait here first!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought for a while, then said to Luotu and the others, "You don't have to worry about the food, if you need it, I can go outside and buy it for you! It's just Lord Luotu You can't go out and wander around anymore, if this is discovered, I really can't save you!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Master Ji City Lord, don't worry! Without your consent, I will never step out of this house on my own initiative in the future. Really, I promise!" Luotu heard Ji Xiaoyan's words After saying this, he immediately recalled the situation when they were hiding in the haystack, and hurriedly assured Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well, that's good!" Looking at Luotu's serious look at the moment, Ji Xiaoyan really couldn't blame him anymore, so he nodded silently, and then said: "There are still many people in Shacheng now. A few guards are patrolling, and we are probably the ones looking for, so we wait in the house first, and I will go out to have a look when it gets dark!"

"Okay!" Luotu didn't have any temper at all, he almost listened to whatever Ji Xiaoyan said, and honestly stayed in this broken room quietly with other disciples of the Resurrection Sect, it was true Be honest.

No matter how tough the day is, it will eventually be over.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark again, Ji Xiaoyan shook the cloak he was wearing, and said to Luotu and the others: "I'll go out and have a look, be careful yourself!"

"Okay!" Luotu nodded quickly, watched Ji Xiaoyan go out gratefully, and immediately ordered the disciples of the Resurrection Sect to find a piece of wood to use as a door bolt, and directly locked the door. He knew whether he was afraid that someone would break in suddenly, or that he couldn't help himself and would run out with someone!
After Ji Xiaoyan got out of the dilapidated house, he walked slowly along the city wall of Shacheng. When he met the aborigines of Shacheng who came to say hello again, he didn't mean to talk to him at all. He put on a cold face The incomparable appearance made those Shacheng aborigines who wanted to come forward silently back away, not daring to continue to follow at all.

The location of the collapsed city wall to the west of Shacheng was basically cleared out at this moment. All the aboriginals of Shacheng who were pressed under the city wall at the beginning were dug out. Naturally, they were dead and injured. .It's just that with Lehe's promise, those aborigines who died in Shacheng can be resurrected, which didn't cause any gloomy atmosphere for Shacheng!

As for whether Shendrill and Ghost Map have sent people to search around Shacheng after the end, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know.

Walking along the city wall to the west, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the guards standing near the big opening in the city wall, Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but instead of turning around and leaving, he walked straight over, and then Stepping directly on the stones of the ruined city wall, he looked outside the Shacheng City and walked.

The guards of Shacheng saw Ji Xiaoyan, and their eyes fell on her, but they didn't intend to stop her at all. Instead, they silently looked at Ji Xiaoyan the moment she stepped out of Shacheng. She made a salute.

This is the benefit of having too much kill value!
Ji Xiaoyan didn't even look back, and left Shacheng all the way. After seeing that the guards of Shacheng couldn't see clearly, he hurried towards the direction of the teleportation array where they came, and was going to find Xuan Mo They had a good discussion about how to rescue Luotu and the others. She couldn't go in and out of Shacheng freely, but left Luotu and the others inside, right?

However, when Ji Xiaoyan came near the field teleportation array, he really didn't see anything, what's more, the field teleportation array also lost its function, it seems that it should have been destroyed by someone.

As for Xuan Mo and the others, if nothing happened, they should have left here too!There were no traces of fighting around, so Ji Xiaoyan could only believe that they all left safely.

However, looking at the teleportation array that has no light at all, Ji Xiaoyan only feels a bit of a headache!Who knows where the next teleportation array is?If she went to find the teleportation formation, what if the delay was too long, and Luo Tu and the others had some messy thoughts in that shabby house, and ran out to send the head?She is not acting alone now, she has to take care of that guy Luotu.

Whenever Ji Xiaoyan thinks of this, his head hurts.

Standing on the teleportation array and watching for a while, the helpless Ji Xiaoyan could only turn around silently, walked in from the direction of the gate of the evil city, and then went straight back to the dilapidated house.

As soon as Luotu waited for Ji Xiaoyan to return, he hurriedly went forward expectantly, and asked her, "Master Ji, how is the current situation in Shacheng City? Can we get out?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head silently, looked at Luotu and looked at him with disappointment, then thought about it again, and said to him: "Now there are guards everywhere in Shacheng, I really want to take you away It is also unlikely. I went out of the city to see it, and I wanted to arrange for Xuan Mo and the others to prepare for it, and let the bone dragons of the undead tribe come over to see if they could create a little chaos and give us a chance, but, I Went to the teleportation array and found that Xuan Mo and the others were not there, and the teleportation array was also destroyed!"

"The teleportation array was destroyed?" When Luotu heard the news, his eyes widened immediately, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Did someone from Shacheng do it?"

"Maybe!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and said to Luotu: "No matter who did it, if the teleportation array is destroyed, we will definitely not be able to go anywhere. I am coming back now to tell you all , and then prepare to go out of the city again, first find a teleportation formation, teleport back to Qingcheng, and arrange all the people to come over!"

Otherwise, they would never be able to leave Shacheng.

Ji Xiaoyan is clear about this, and Luo Tu is also very clear in his heart.

However, when he thought of Ji Xiaoyan leaving them, if he couldn't come back to this Shacheng, the people from the Resurrection Gate would most likely die here, Luotu couldn't help but want to cry: "Master Ji My lord, can't you find a way to send a letter to Qingcheng? Do you have to go back in person?"

"Message delivery? Master Luotu, do you think it is safer to send Feige to Qingcheng in this Shacheng, or is it safer to run by yourself? I can travel freely in Shacheng now, but if I send Feige to Qingcheng As for the book, if someone finds out that my flying pigeon was sent to Qingcheng, how do you think this matter will be resolved?"

"But, Lord Ji, how long are you going to delay? What if you can't come back to this evil city, what shall we do?"

"I will definitely come back! Master Luotu, do you think I will leave you guys behind?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu, but wanted to bring up the past again, and asked if Luotu regretted not listening to her at the time If so, I left earlier with her.However, looking at Luotu's pitiful expression at the moment, Ji Xiaoyan still held back his words, and said to Luotu: "I came here on purpose, just to tell Mr. Luotu about this matter first, So that you know what's in your mind. Because I don't know how many days the delay will be!"

To put it bluntly, I was afraid that Luotu and the others would panic.

Luotu stared at Ji Xiaoyan eagerly, then nodded silently after a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yes, Lord Ji, we all know that you are here for us."

"Master Luotu, you just need to understand!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Luotu comfortingly, "I've also prepared food for you, so you can just hide here and wait for me to come back!"

While talking, Ji Xiaoyan dug out all the things in the package, handed them all over to Luotu and the others, and after thinking about it, he warned: "If I don't come back, you must not go out! No matter whether I find the teleportation array or not, I will be back before the day after tomorrow! So, Master Luotu, you must hold your breath!"

"Okay!" Luotu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with tears in his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a look of aggrieved children: "Master Ji, if you bring back people, there will still be no chance for us to escape in the end." , you can go directly to our Master Sect Leader! I think, we are trapped in this Shacheng, and the Master Sect Leader came to ask for someone, and the Lord Sect Leader of the Shacheng City should still be able to give our Master Sect Leader some face! "

If that's the case, great!
Ji Xiaoyan sighed silently in his heart, but he was very pessimistic that the head of the Resurrection Sect would really come back to save Luo Tu and the disciples of the Resurrection Sect. If he was only asked for the corpse, Ji Xiaoyan felt that More likely.

However, these words cannot be said to Luotu.

"Okay, I understand, Lord Luotu! Don't worry!"

After leaving the room again, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help turning her head to look at Luotu and the others who were hiding in the crack of the door and watching her, then took a deep breath, and quietly entered the alley again, this time it was It went out directly from the gate of Shacheng.

On weekdays, the gates of this Shacheng are almost always closed. I don’t know if it’s because the wall on the west side of the Shacheng has collapsed. Even at night, the gates of this Shacheng are still open, only for guards. The power has only been partially increased.

After leaving the gate of Shacheng, Ji Xiaoyan started to walk into the wilderness.

However, after walking not far, he heard a commotion coming from the direction of the city gate, and turned his head to look in the direction of the city gate. Ji Xiaoyan quickly found a big tree and hid it behind, then looked at An incomparably gorgeous carriage drove out of the city gate, and ran directly in another direction, before disappearing into the night.

Ji Xiaoyan had seen that carriage before, it was the city lord of Shacheng who once sat in it.

So, this is the city lord of Shacheng who has left the city?But, if this is the case, why didn't Shendrill and Ghost Map follow?

Or, the person sitting in this carriage is not the city lord of Shacheng!So, who is sitting in it?
Ji Xiaoyan stood behind the tree. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out. He could only honestly walk in the direction he had chosen to find a teleportation array hidden in the wild.In other words, find a teleportation array in a town and use it.

There are more monsters in the night than in the daytime, and they are stronger and smarter.

Ji Xiaoyan was walking alone, but he was still very worried about encountering groups of monsters. It would not be scary to die, and he might even be able to go back to Qingcheng directly to be resurrected, but Ji Xiaoyan was still a little scared That kind of pain, if you can not die once, it is naturally better not to die.

Besides, if he died, how would he find the route to the teleportation array?

Therefore, along the way, Ji Xiaoyan was a little apprehensive, afraid of encountering any accidents.Unexpectedly, within the scope of this Shacheng, those monsters are unusually small, and they are not very powerful, which makes her feel a lot easier.

From dark to dawn, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how far she had traveled. The field teleportation array didn't find it, but she finally saw a town appearing in her sight.

That town isn't that big, it's probably the lowest kind of town.

There were four guards guarding the entrance of the town, and they didn't see any aboriginals or adventurers coming in and out. It seemed extremely deserted.It's just that all of this doesn't matter in Ji Xiaoyan's eyes, she just needs to borrow the teleportation array in this town and go back to Qingcheng!

Quickly walking in front of those guards, Ji Xiaoyan first observed the expressions of those guards, seeing that they looked at him in such a cover-up manner, but they looked at him with incomparably respectful expressions, It was immediately clear that this town should also be within the range of Shacheng.

Because, these guards should have seen that the killing on her body is worth a lot.

"My lord, do you want to enter our town?" Sure enough, as soon as Ji Xiaoyan approached, a guard immediately came up to ask a question respectfully. Ji Xiaoyan hardly needed an answer, and quickly saluted and said, "There is nothing in our town." Yes, adults can look at everything they have!"

(End of this chapter)

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