Chapter 2661 find
At this moment, Luotu was eager to jump off the city wall and leave this ghostly place in Shacheng immediately, so after seeing Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly not moving, he immediately couldn't help shouting at her, but he didn't expect, As soon as he finished speaking, he felt Ji Xiaoyan slap him on the shoulder, and the painful Luotu wanted to scream in an instant.

However, Ji Xiaoyan's palm covered it even faster, and he forcibly blocked Luotu's voice that was about to spit out.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" yelled at Ji Xiaoyan with wide eyes.

"Shut up!" Ji Xiaoyan stared, and whispered to Luotu: "There are guards from Shacheng patrolling above! Master Luotu, do you want all the aborigines in Shacheng to find us?"

Hearing this, Luotu calmed down instantly, quickly raised his head to look at the top of his head, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, waiting for her to release the hand covering his mouth, he quickly became nervous He asked calmly: "Master Ji City, is what you said true? Are there really guards from Shacheng patrolling here? Then we can't leave now?"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, and said to Luotu: "I see that there are quite a few guards up there! If we jump down right now, we will definitely be found. It's bad luck, I guess it's just a matter of time." You will be shot into a sieve! Master Luotu probably doesn’t want us all to come here with great difficulty, but die outside?!”

"That's natural! That's natural!" Luotu nodded quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then Lord Ji, when will we wait? If we stay above, aren't we unable to leave? Is it possible that we will always be trapped here?"

"Let's see the situation first!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, said something to Luotu, and then signaled everyone to be calm, then stuck his head out of the gap in the city wall and observed for a while. After the sound, he said to Luotu and the others: "The guards in this Shacheng don't seem to be patrolling, they should be stationed here. It's impossible for them to leave right now!"

"Then what should we do?" Luotu's expression turned ugly again, and he couldn't help feeling a little desperate in his heart!

"Let's do this!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Luotu with a very serious face: "You guys just wait here, I will go out from the Shacheng to have a look, and contact Lord Yanshan to find a way, Bring people to the vicinity, first attract the attention of the guards of Shacheng, and then you will find a chance to jump down, and we will leave immediately! How about it?"

"Master Ji, do you mean that we stay here by ourselves?" Luotu's eyes widened in an instant, and he said to Ji Xiaoyan unwillingly: "This is the juncture, if you leave, What if we are discovered here by the guards of Shacheng? They only need to walk a little towards the gap, and if they look down, they will find us? At that time, we will have nothing to do Already!"

Luo Tu didn't want Ji Xiaoyan to leave at all, so when he heard her words, he immediately became nervous.

"Lord Luotu means that I don't want to go?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately when he heard Luotu's words, and asked him, "But, if I don't go to find City Lord Lushan My lord, is it possible to let the disciples of the Resurrection Sect go? Once they appear, they will be directly caught by the people of Shacheng! Or, Lord Luotu wants everyone to stay here and wait for luck?"

Luotu opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

On the other hand, the disciples of the Resurrection Sect looked at Luotu, then at Ji Xiaoyan who was standing on the edge of the gap, and said, "Master Ji City Lord, you can go at ease! We will protect Lord Luotu, Waiting for your return!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the resurrection disciple who was speaking with some relief, and his eyes lingered on Luotu for a few seconds. He nodded and said, "Then you all be careful, and adapt to whatever happens! I will Come back as soon as possible! If you are really discovered by those guards in Shacheng, then jump out! As long as our people in Shacheng can arrive, we will definitely send your corpses to the gate of life!"

As long as they are sent to the Resurrection Gate, these disciples of the Resurrection Gate will naturally be resurrected, right?
"Then, Lord Ji, be careful!" Luo Tu watched Ji Xiaoyan move past him, and couldn't help but said, "We are waiting for you here!"

"Mmm! Master Luotu, you should be more careful!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and didn't say anything more. After passing all the disciples of the Resurrection Sect, he stood on the edge of the gap where he crawled in. He looked down and saw nothing. After the aborigines of Shacheng did not appear, he quickly jumped down, put on his cloak and walked straight towards the outside of Shacheng.

However, this time, when Ji Xiaoyan arrived at the gate of Shacheng, he found that the gate of Shacheng had already been closed.

"My lord!" The guards guarding the city gate saw Ji Xiaoyan, and immediately came forward to stop her and said, "Now someone outside the city is attacking our Shacheng, the gate cannot leave!"

"Open a gap and let me go out!" Ji Xiaoyan said in a calm voice to the guards in front of Shacheng: "I'm going out this time for those who attack our Shacheng! This is A mission arranged by Master Shendrill and Master Ghost Map!"

The Shacheng guards who guarded the city were stunned when they heard the words, they couldn't help but looked at each other, but they said to Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment: "But, sir, we dare not open the door!"

"Master Shendrill and Master Guitu, do you dare not open the door? I didn't ask you to open all the gates of the city, but just opened a gap to let me out! This task was originally carried out quietly. There is no need for any big fanfare and, after I go out, life or death is my fate, and you are not responsible for it, what are you worried about?" Ji Xiaoyan emphasized his tone, facing those evil spirits The guards of the city said, "Hurry up, don't delay my mission! Before the people from outside the city attack here, let me go out quickly, otherwise, if I am killed by you later , it’s all your fault!”

Hearing this, the guards of Shacheng couldn't help looking at each other, but they were really undecided.

"What are you still doing?" Ji Xiaoyan yelled anxiously at the guards of the evil city, "Or, are you planning to find Lord Shendrill and Lord Guitu to come over and personally Tell you to open the door and let me out?"

"Don't dare!" The guards of Shacheng were shocked when they heard the words, and quickly shook their heads at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "My lord, let's open the door now! Open the door now!"

"Hurry up!" Ji Xiaoyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and while following the guards of Shacheng towards the city gate, he said to them, "Remember all of you! Maybe there will be someone later I was sent here by Master Shendrill and Master Guitu, and I also want to go out to do things like me. At that time, you don’t want to delay our affairs like now, do you understand? Those people from outside the city , we are going to find out their details and kill them all, understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes, my lord! We know!" The guards of Shacheng were startled by Ji Xiaoyan, they nodded vigorously, then opened the city gate cautiously, and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan said: "My lord, please hurry up, otherwise, if people outside find our city gate opened and rush in, then our crime will be serious!"

"Understood! Don't worry, before I came, Master Shendrill and Master Guitu were optimistic. There are no enemies here at the city gate. Otherwise, do you think Master Shendrill and Master Guitu would send me over to die? ?” Ji Xiaoyan asked in a questioning tone, said a few words to the guards of the evil city, and then quickly looked outside the city gate to confirm that there was no one outside the city gate, and would not accidentally injure him After myself, I quickly got out and told the guards of Shacheng: "Shut the gates of the city! When the next person is about to come out, remember to hurry up!"

"Yes!" The guards of the evil city really seemed to be deceived by Ji Xiaoyan, they nodded vigorously, and closed the gate of the evil city with a bang.

Ji Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and glanced at the city wall, seeing the movements of the several Shacheng guards stationed there who were illuminated by the fire and saluted her immediately after seeing his gaze, but Ji Xiaoyan He didn't even nod, he just turned around and went into the night.

As the master of Shacheng, I should be a little arrogant, that's what I should do!

Seeing that he was far away from the city walls of Shacheng, and guessing that the aborigines of Shacheng on those walls could no longer see him, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly turned around, and headed towards the people of Qingcheng with a feeling of boredom. After spotting someone from a distance, he hurriedly lifted his cloak and rushed over quickly. After finding a few guards of the Qing City, he immediately asked them to find the guards of the city lord, Friesman and others. Location.

After waiting for a few minutes, a guard from Qingcheng came to report their location, and Ji Xiaoyan rushed over immediately, and after seeing everyone together, he immediately said: "The people from the Fusheng Gate have been taken by me. I went to hide in a gap in Shacheng, but the guards of Shacheng were guarding nearby. If I jumped out directly, I would definitely be discovered. So now I need to take people there to attract those The sight of the guards of Shacheng, to see if they can create a better opportunity for those people from the Resurrection Gate to let them out; secondly, if there is no way, at least make sure that after they jump out of the gap in the city wall, We can guarantee their safety! So, City Master Xie Shan, take your people and follow me there!"

"Me?" City Lord Yan Shan was stunned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he couldn't help frowning and said: "City Master Ji, if I leave here, I'm afraid everyone will be unable to bear it! "

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, and then looked at the city master Yan Shan and pointed in the direction of the evil city.

"Master Ji, take a closer look, who is there on the wall!?" Lord Yan Shan said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, without waiting for her to answer, he said directly: "That is not the person from this evil city!" What about Shendrill and Guitu? I remember, Lord Ji told me that the strength of these two people is not weak! If I go with you, the people who are attacking Shacheng now, That would cost more than half of the casualties! Does Master Ji think it's worth it?"

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, glanced at the figure on the city wall, then gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, you are right, Lord City Master! It's because I wasn't considerate enough, so please ask Lord City Master. Alright, I'll take Friesman and the others there!"

As he said that, Ji Xiaoyan looked around and saw Friesman nodding and leading others to stand out, then he turned his attention to Xuan Mo who was about to go together, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Xu Mo, You can stay here with the city lord Yan Tan!"

After seeing Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan felt relieved a lot.At least, Friesman must have told Xuan Mo all her demands. As long as there is Xuan Mo staring at Lord Yanshan, she doesn't have to worry that Lord Yanshan will mess around!Therefore, since Ye Shan City Lord can't do things under his nose right now, it's the best choice to keep Xuan Mo.

When Xuan Mo heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he was taken aback for a moment before reacting, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Okay! Then Xiaoyan, you all be careful, if you need help, send someone over to call us!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and left with Friesman.

However, after watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others walk away, Lord Yan Shan looked at Xuan Mo with some doubts and said, "I look at you and seem to want to follow you? Why did City Lord Ji say to let you stay?" , did you stay?"

"Could it be possible, Lord Yan Shan thinks that it's right for me to be disobedient?" Xuan Mo couldn't help but roll his eyes at City Lord Yan Shan, and said lightly: "If Lord Yan Shan has In your free time, why not think about it, how to deal with the magic mandrill and the ghost picture in a while! The two of them are not easy to save fuel!"

"As long as they dare to do something, I will naturally deal with them!" City Lord Yan Shan said to Xuan Mo with a non-worried expression on his face, "In fact, it is a good thing that City Lord Ji keeps you here! To cooperate with you, My ability can get twice the result with half the effort. Thinking about it this way, I have more confidence in dealing with this magical mandrill and ghost map. So, Xuan Mo, you have to cooperate with me when you turn around! This will help Qingcheng is working!"

(End of this chapter)

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