Chapter 2688 Agreed
For the first time, Ji Xiaoyan felt what it was like to be treated sincerely as a guest in this resurrection gate.

Luotu stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, first asked how her shopping was going, and then asked the disciple of the Resurrection Sect who brought Ji Xiaoyan to visit if he asked Ji Xiaoyan to bring more things, and then he was happy. Said: "Master Ji City, if you need anything in the future, just say it. As long as we have what the Resurrection Sect has, I, Luotu, can do it, and I will try my best to help you achieve it!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu flattered, and could only nod and smile, and then asked: "Master Luotu has met the head of the family, what did the head of the house say?"

As soon as the head of the Resurrection Sect was mentioned, the smile on Luotu's face faded a bit, and while motioning for Ji Xiaoyan to follow him into the palace, he said in a low voice: "I will tell you what happened in Shacheng these few days. I have told the master, and I have also told the master, I did see Lehe in Shacheng, but the master does not look like I imagined!"

"Lord Luotu imagined what the head of the sect would look like?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu curiously and asked.

Luo Tu was stunned for a moment, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a confused gaze, and after careful consideration, he said: "Probably... He will say that he is going to bring Le He back, or some other attitude!"

"Bringing Lehe back, will Mr. Luotu feel at ease?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu and asked, "I remember Mr. Luotu said that in fact, Mr. Luotu's attitude towards Lehe is still relatively biased. His, it is possible that after Lehe returns to the Resurrection Gate, he will be locked up and punished, but after a certain period of time, it is also possible that he will be allowed to return to the door, given how much the head master loves Lehe. Become the next head of this Resurrection Sect, right?"

Luotu's face suddenly darkened, and he nodded silently.

Luotu knew this very well in his heart!As far as the current situation is concerned, no matter what Lehe has done, as long as they have not touched their resurrection gate, basically the head of the resurrection gate will forgive him as time goes by!After all, Lehe is the successor he has trained for many years!
Therefore, as long as Lehe is not dead, it is a threat to Luotu.Not now, but will be in the future!

"Although I know all of this now, there is nothing I can do!" Luo Tu looked at Ji Xiaoyan helplessly, his eyes full of sincerity, and said to her: "Master Ji also understands my difficulties, so naturally he also understands my difficulties." You should know that Lehe is clean and immortal, and that is a threat to me. When the city owner of Jiji told me that Lehe was in Shacheng, I sent the news to the master, but the master The master didn't say much, he just said that it might be a rumor, let me confirm it! Now that I went to Shacheng personally, I also confirmed that Lehe is in Shacheng. I thought the master would arrange it anyway. I want people to go to Shacheng to demand people, or to send the arrest warrant to Shacheng again, no matter how bad it is, it’s good to make a statement! At least let me know what to do next! But I watched for a long time, The head master didn't seem to be surprised at all. After listening to me, he was expressionless and let me go! I really can't figure out what to do next! Let Le He Staying in Shacheng? Being protected by the people of Shacheng, and then making so many smoky things out, let me stay in this resurrection gate and go crazy?"

"Then, what do Lord Luotu think?" Looking at Luotu's current state, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help uttering something.

Luotu raised his eyes and looked at Ji Xiaoyan in confusion, not knowing what to say for a while!
"Master Luotu, does he want to capture Le He and hand him over to the master, or does he want to kill him outside?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu seriously and asked him.

"Naturally, he was killed outside!" Luotu's eyes suddenly turned fierce, and he said to Ji Xiaoyan, "This way we can avoid future troubles forever!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded: "Okay! Then Master Luotu, don't worry about Master Sect Leader! Just do it according to your idea!"

"Master Ji City Master, what do you mean by that?" Luo Tu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression.

"That is to say, Master Luotu can handle things according to this plan! Since the master didn't say anything, knowing that Lehe is in Shacheng now, he really didn't say anything, then it means that at this moment , Master Sect Leader temporarily adopts an attitude of letting nature take its course! Since Mr. Luotu was not ordered to go to Shacheng and kill Lehe, then, what will happen to Lehe, Master Sect Leader That’s why I don’t care about it!” Ji Xiaoyan winked at Luotu, and said seriously: “So, Master Luotu is ready to find a chance to kill Lehe, it’s not impossible isn't it?"

"Master Ji City Lord, with me like this, how can I kill Lehe?" When Luotu heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he suddenly smiled wryly, and said to her helplessly: "Our Resurrection Gate Those who are good at resurrecting the aborigines are just going out to kill people, but there is no advantage at all."

Not to mention going to Shacheng, maybe they were killed by the aborigines of Shacheng before they got close to that city!This time, if it wasn't for Ji Xiaoyan's protection, how could they, the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate, come back safely?As far as this self-knowledge is concerned, Luotu still has it!

"Lord Luotu, I didn't ask you to take someone to kill Lehe!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes at Luotu speechlessly, feeling that his thoughts were a little bit broken, "I mean, Let you arrange some, let people kill! You are now the heir to the head of the Resurrection Sect, besides the head, you are the most powerful, right?"

Luotu thought about it carefully, then nodded: "To a certain extent, it is like this!"

As for the people who guard the gate of the Resurrection Gate, Luo Tu respects them, that's just being polite, if something happens, don't they all have to listen to him?
"That is to say, in a sense, what you said represents the Resurrection Gate!" Ji Xiaoyan stared at Luotu seriously, and said to him: "Then, Mr. Luotu, think about it." The last time Lehe escaped from the Resurrection Gate, the Resurrection Gate issued a wanted warrant. How many people on this continent have stepped forward to help find clues and people? Now that we know where Lehe is, then Lord Luotu will issue another If a wanted warrant is released, won’t anyone go to Shacheng to keep an eye on it? Isn’t this much easier than asking them to look for a needle in a haystack?”

When this matter was mentioned, Luotu immediately thought of Qingwan, the city lord of Qingcheng.He remembered it very clearly, that Qing Wan even came to the Resurrection Gate on purpose.
Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on Luotu's face: "Yes, Lord Ji, you are right! I can send the news of Lehe and let the aborigines on the mainland help me Kill him! As long as this matter is not let the master know!"

But Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu worriedly and asked: "Lord Luotu thinks, if you directly say that you want to kill Lehe, will the head master not know?"

"Shouldn't you know!" Luo Tu was stunned for a moment, but he frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Sect Master will not leave the sect on weekdays, as long as I keep the news tightly covered, there will be no news If you send it to the resurrection gate, the head of the gate should not know anything!"

"Master Luotu is so confident?" Ji Xiaoyan sighed and shook his head, and said to Luotu: "Master Luotu never thought that there is no wall that does not leak in this world? Someone will always send the news to the head Where is the adult!"

"Then what does City Master Ji think I should do?" Luotu stared, unable to resist asking Ji Xiaoyan for advice.

"Tomorrow will definitely not work!" Ji Xiaoyan said helplessly to Luotu, "Since Mr. Luotu knows the attitude of Mr. Sect Leader towards Lehe, why bother to make Mr. Sect Leader unhappy! Since your Resurrection Gate issued a wanted warrant before, shouldn’t it be all right to follow the content of the wanted warrant now?”

"But, Lord Ji, didn't you say that you wanted to borrow the hands of the aborigines on this continent to kill Lehe? There was no such thing in the arrest warrant of our Resurrection Gate back then!" Luo Tu heard But Yan couldn't help frowning, and said to Ji Xiaoyan worriedly: "What I said at the beginning was just to provide clues to Lehe, or to find him and send him to our Resurrection Gate. You can get the reward!"

"That's what you said, but as long as you release some small news, can the aborigines on the mainland still not understand?" Ji Xiaoyan winked at Luotu, seeing that he still had a confused expression. , and then said: "Master Luotu, why doesn't he understand! The arrest warrant is still the same as before, but we can release some news, saying that Lehe who hoped to be sent back to the Resurrection Gate is dead. Or, as long as Lehe's head is sent back! At that time, the reward will be doubled, and the aborigines on this continent will still not know the meaning of the news? When the head master asks, Luotu Your lord can also shirk responsibility! This news is not from the Resurrection Gate, nor from you, Mr. Luotu, and you don’t know anything about it! In this way, Mr. Luotu understands?"

Luotu's eyes widened, and after looking at Ji Xiaoyan for a while, he seemed to have come to his senses, and his face immediately brightened.

"Master Ji City Lord, your idea is really good!" Luo Tu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with great joy, and felt that he was in a good mood: "Everything has nothing to do with me, they are all aborigines on the mainland. You imagined it yourself! Even if the head of the sect wants to blame you, you can't blame me!"

"That's right!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, looked at Luotu and said, "As for this villain, I don't need Mr. Luotu to worry about it. I will let someone arrange it! Mr. Luotu just needs to send another Just one arrest warrant that is the same as last time! Even the news that Lehe is hiding in Shacheng does not need to be released by Mr. Luotu, we will do it together in Qingcheng!"

"Master Ji!" Luotu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with great emotion when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her, "Master Ji, you help us with the Resurrection Gate like this, but what do you want us to do?" How can I express my gratitude?"

"Master Luotu is serious, my gang is not the Resurrection Gate, but Master Luotu!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Luotu with a deep expression, and smiled as if suddenly enlightened when he saw Luotu After getting up, he smiled hahaha, and then bid farewell to Luotu.

Now that the resurrection of the Qingcheng guards has been settled, and the matter about Lehe has also been arranged, and even closer to this Luotu, and took so many things from the resurrection gate, let's stay what to do?Go back early and arrange all kinds of things, that's the business!
Luo Tu felt a kind of hatred for Ji Xiaoyan, and wanted to keep her to talk about Lehe in detail, but thought that if Ji Xiaoyan was in their resurrection gate, If you stay for a moment longer, the head of the Resurrection Sect will be a little more suspicious, so Luo Tu can only nod his head, and say to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then I will send Lord Ji City Master out!"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile, and then walked side by side with Luotu towards the gate of resurrection.

"Master Ji, if you need anything in the future, you must send me a message!" Standing in front of the gate of the Resurrection Gate, Luo Tu reluctantly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As long as I can help you Yes, neither I nor Resurrection Gate will refuse!"

"Thank you, Lord Luotu!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, thought for a while and then said to Luotu: "In the future, if Lord Luotu needs anything, you can also send us a letter to Qingcheng! We are all alliances now Well, it’s natural to have the same blessings and enjoy the same difficulties, right? So, when Mr. Luotu needs help with something, don’t be shy, just come to me at any time! If I’m not in Qingcheng, the rest of us in Qingcheng can do it Help spread the word!"

"Okay! I am really grateful for the words of Lord Youji!" Luo Tu looked at Ji Xiaoyan, his eyes were full of joy.This time, their Fushengmen and Qingcheng are truly an alliance. No matter what they do in the future, it will be much more convenient!
Thinking of this, the smile on Luotu's face became even brighter. He and Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and the two reached out their hands to shake each other tacitly. Then Ji Xiaoyan led the guards of Qingcheng down the mountain together. , Back to Qingcheng!
Soon, the arrest warrant for the Resurrection Gate spread across the mainland again, and at the same time, there was also a hunting mission!
(End of this chapter)

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