Chapter 2704

The disciple of the Resurrection Gate that Luotu found in front of him was not very old, he seemed to be just a very ordinary middle-aged man, but Ji Xiaoyan knew that the age of this aborigine in this game world was about Not just as small as it seems.

"Master Ji City!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect greeted Ji Xiaoyan politely, and after watching Ji Xiaoyan signal him to go aside to talk, he quickly followed and waited until he turned to a person in the palace. The corner just stopped.

"Master Luotu told you about what I want to ask?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the aborigine of the Resurrection Gate, and after thinking for a while, he continued: "I have a mahogany sand beast, you just came here You should have seen it then, right?"

The disciple of the Resurrection Sect nodded quickly: "Yes, Lord Ji. Lord Luotu already told me about the matter when he was looking for me. It was about the matter of resurrecting the mahogany sand beast back then!"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, "I haven't seen many mammoth sand beasts, and I can't tell what's different about them. You saw my mammoth sand beast just now, right? I don’t know if there will be any special marks on it to prove whether it is the revived mammoth sand beast.”

"This is very difficult!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect shook his head helplessly at Ji Xiaoyan when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and after glancing at Luotu who was also standing beside him, he said: " Master Luotu also knows that we generally resurrect the aborigines in the Resurrection Gate. The appearance of each aborigine, or other identifications, are very high. Almost speaking, after being resurrected, we don’t need to pay special attention. You can identify them by leaving any mark. Just to avoid any trouble in the future, the aborigines who are resurrected at our Resurrection Gate will eventually be identified by us quietly leaving a mark, but this mark is ordinary people They are invisible! They all need a special potion from our Resurrection Gate to appear!"

"So, the aborigines who are sent to your Resurrection Gate generally need to be checked to see if they have been resurrected?" Ji Xiaoyan understood now, and after watching Luotu and the others nodded, he suddenly looked expectantly Asked: "That is to say, the mammoth sand beast that was revived at the beginning also has such a resurrection mark. As long as it is sent to apply a little potion, the revived mark can also be seen ?"

If this is the case, then things are much simpler!Just thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned suddenly!

its not right!If things were really that simple, when Luo Tu told her about the Ma Da Sand Beast, he would immediately ask her to send Jia Jia to check it out!But Luo Tu said so much and didn't mention this matter!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but glanced at Luotu, and then asked worriedly: "Master Luotu, don't tell me that there is something wrong with the mark on the revived mammoth sand beast! "

Luotu shook his head silently, motioning for the disciple of the Resurrection Sect to continue.

"Master Ji City Lord, there is no mark on the revived mammoth sand beast at all!" The disciple of the Resurrection Gate said to Ji Xiaoyan helplessly, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's surprised expression, he continued Said: "According to the rules of our Resurrection Gate, after the Mahogany Sand Beast is resurrected, it must be left with a mark before it can leave our Resurrection Gate. But there were some problems at that time. Lord Luotu I should have told you, City Master Ji, that after the revival of the mahogany sand beast, it was discovered by its owner, and it was different from the way he asked for the resurrection at the beginning!"

"Well, Master Luotu said it. But I don't understand, what is the difference!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and asked the disciple of the Resurrection Sect curiously: "Is it the physical condition, or is it something else? Is it different?"

"On the surface, the mammoth sand beast looks exactly the same as when it was delivered. After all, when our Resurrection Gate revived the aborigines, if the aborigines had scars on their bodies, We also have to find a way to help him recover, and then we can resurrect the aborigines as before! The mammoth sand beast is no exception!" The aborigine of the resurrection gate said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously, " When it was sent in the first place, the mammoth sand beast had countless scars on its body, and the place where it finally died was a big hole in its head. When it was sent to our resurrection gate, many disciples were curious. I have seen it in the past. After all, it is the first time someone sent such a big monster and prepared a generous resurrection reward. Lord Sect directly agreed, and even Lord Lehe didn’t receive the news at that time!”

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan also felt a little surprised.

From this point of view, the owner of the revived mammoth sand beast knew the head of the Resurrection Gate.

"Afterwards, it took a long time to revive the mammoth sand beast, and it took a lot of things, but it was almost no loss for us at the Resurrection Gate, because everything was the mammoth. The owner of the rough sand beast prepared it, and the rewards are calculated separately. After entering our resurrection gate, those things were directly sent to the treasure house of the sect. I heard from the disciples who moved things at that time, it really cost a lot of money Yes!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect still has an expression of amazement when he thinks about it, "The owner of the mahogany sand beast has always lived in our Resurrection Sect. In the palace, but none of the disciples have seen it with their own eyes, so we don’t know if it’s true!”

"And after that!" Ji Xiaoyan doesn't care about these things anymore, she just wants to ask what happened to the mammoth sand beast among them, and who is the owner of that mammoth sand beast!

"After the mammoth sand beast was resurrected, we naturally healed all the wounds on it. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, so we went to invite its owner to take a look, and then waited for the completion Task, ask him to take that mammoth sand beast away!"

"The mammoth sand beast has been confirmed by you to be fine. Don't you leave a mark of resurrection on it? Didn't you say that it will stay after it is resurrected?"

"No! I didn't keep it at that time!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Because the resurrection of the mammoth sand beast was directly intervened by the head of the sect, and the sect at that time There are rumors all over the place that the owner of the mammoth sand beast lives with the master. We naturally guess that that person must be a distinguished guest of the master. He spent a lot of money to send the revived monster. We If you leave a mark on the mammoth sand beast without his consent, what if you offend him? At that time, the master will not be happy if he says it may not be! So we discussed it and finally It's up to Mr. Lehe to decide. When the person comes to confirm that there is no problem with the mammoth sand beast, and when he wants to take it away, he will mention this marking thing to him. If he is not willing, he will report. Where is Master Sect Master, it would be good to invite Master Sect Master to make a decision! After all, we are just ordinary disciples, and we cannot make decisions without authorization!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, motioning for the disciple of the Resurrection Sect to continue.

"At that time, we all thought that there was nothing wrong with the mammoth sand beast, and it was recovering well. After we went to see its owner, we immediately started to prepare for marking. But no one thought that when After that person came, things changed!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I heard from the disciple who accompanied him at that time, that when that person saw the mahogany sand beast The expression on his face changed, and after a few words with that mammoth sand beast, he asked that mammoth sand beast to wait obediently, then hurriedly left, and went directly to the master!"

"The first time I saw that Mahogany Sand Beast, did my face change?" Ji Xiaoyan also frowned and became puzzled, "Didn't you say that the Mamoth Sand Beast recovered well? How could he see it when he saw it?" That mammoth sand beast changed its expression?"

"We don't know either!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect also looked confused, "Actually, up to now, we don't understand what's different about that mammoth sand beast! When it was sent back, the whole body It was all wounds, but we healed it, and the big hole in the head was mended, and he was allowed to come to see it after it was healed. But he felt that we didn't treat the mammoth at a glance. The Sand Beast is resurrected, so I went straight to the Master Sect Master!"

"And after that!?"

"Afterwards, the Master Sect Master followed that person himself!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and said seriously to her: "At that time, all of us were frightened. Even the Master Sect Master was alarmed. , we don’t know what we did wrong and what caused the problem! The Mastodon Sand Beast was resurrected well!”

"Did the head master say anything after he came to see it?" Ji Xiaoyan became even more curious.

"No!" The resurrection gate disciple shook his head.

"No?!" Ji Xiaoyan was even more surprised, why not?
"Really, Lord Ji, there is nothing!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect also frowned tightly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled look on his face: "The Lord Sect Leader was standing there with that person at that time. Staring at the mammoth sand beast for a long time, he waved his hand and led the people back to the palace. Not long after that, a message came, saying that we don't have to leave any traces on the mammoth sand beast. Put down any resurrection mark, just send that mammoth sand beast out!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the disciple of the Resurrection Sect, not knowing, "Didn't the mammoth sand beast be taken away by its master?"

"It was taken away, but it was sent out by us." The disciple of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Our Resurrection Sect is dedicated to resurrecting the aborigines. Generally speaking, we As the benefactors of the aborigines, in terms of attitude, our Resurrection Gate naturally feels a bit superior. So after the aborigines were resurrected, they left directly or were picked up by their relatives and friends. Those of us at the Resurrection Sect will not send it out in person. But that mahogany sand beast and its owner were sent out by all of us, the Resurrection Sect disciples who participated in resurrecting it!"

In other words, this move was an apology from the head of the Resurrection Sect to that person!
Ji Xiaoyan was even more puzzled. After the revival of the mammoth sand beast, what was the difference?

"After the man and the Mamo sand beast were sent away, we later heard that all the rewards he sent to our Resurrection Gate were returned to him at the discretion of the Master Sect Leader, together with Some of the things that came to revive the Madao Sand Beast, our Resurrection Sect returned half of it!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect sighed, and continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "But, after that, the Madao Sand Beast No one knows exactly what went wrong. I heard that Mr. Le He also asked Mr. Sect Leader, but he still didn’t get an answer. This matter is like this, it’s over!”

"That is to say, you don't know what's wrong with that mahogany sand beast, and you can't recognize it, right?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, looked at the disciple of the Resurrection Sect, and asked. After watching him nod affirmatively, his brows frowned a little tighter, "Then, do you know who the owner of that mammoth sand beast is? Or, do you know his identity?"

"I don't know!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect also had a look of regret, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We only know that the relationship between that person and the head of the sect should be very good, otherwise it would be impossible to wait until we got that one After all the mammoth sand beasts were revived, the master didn't ask for any reward, and let us send them away!"

"That is to say, now only the master knows who that person is?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and asked seriously: "And, only the master knows that the mammoth sand beast has been resurrected. After that, what went wrong!?"

"Yes! It should be like this!" The disciple of the Resurrection Sect nodded affirmatively, and then continued: "We all thought that, as the next head of the sect, Mr. Le He would definitely know some news. Maybe it's just him I just don’t want to tell us! But later, I heard someone say that Mr. Lehe was too curious about this matter, so he went to ask Mr. Sect Leader, but he was scolded by Mr. Sect Leader in public, and his temperament changed after that.”

(End of this chapter)

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