The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2714 It's okay to be greedy once

Chapter 2714 It's okay to be greedy

There was no sound, nor any smell.

The swamp nightmare beasts in the crevices of the canyon were burned to the ground by a fire, leaving only a dark thing on the ground, exhausting the last bit of fire.

"My lord, do you want to take this thing back?" A Qingcheng guard looked at the black thing left on the ground, and couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan, "It seems that this thing is probably these swamp nightmare beasts. The crystals and the like that are left behind after we burn them may not be of any use!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at this black crystal and frowned.To be honest, according to her personality, she would pick it up and take it away, but when she thought about bringing this swamp nightmare beast back not long ago, Cenarion, the giant dragon, told her Suddenly, Ji Xiaoyan hesitated again.

What if this is another bad thing?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan said to the Qingcheng guards beside him: "We don't know much about this thing, so it's better not to take it back easily. You go back alone, ask Cenarion, if it says it's ok Take it back, we will take it back! If Cenarion is not sure, you can go to Xuan Mo and ask him to escort Brick over here!"

Those Qingcheng guards nodded immediately, and immediately arranged for one of them to sit on the three-winged and four-legged bird of the Lusi'e tribe, and ran back in the direction of Qingcheng!
Ji Xiaoyan didn't have to wait long, and the Lusi'er tribe came back with the Qingcheng guard, and there was no one else with him, so it means that Cenarion thinks this thing can be brought back?
Sure enough, as soon as the Qingcheng guard landed on the ground, he smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "My lord, Sir Cenarion said that that thing is the crystallization of the Swamp Nightmare Beast. As long as you burn the Swamp Nightmare Beast, you can burn it." I brought it back! Moreover, Master Cenarion also said that this thing is also effective in restraining mages, so it is a good thing to keep it!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly asked in surprise, after thinking for a while, he threw a fireball spell and landed on the last remaining black crystal, watching the fireball disappear before approaching, I couldn't help it A little surprised, and then asked the guards of Qingcheng to light the crystal with an open flame. After confirming that the crystal could not be burned anymore, Ji Xiaoyan immediately put away the crystal and stepped on a The back of the three-winged and four-legged bird greeted everyone and returned directly to Qingcheng.

When he returned to Cenarion, Ji Xiaoyan excitedly handed the black crystal to Cenarion, and said to it: "I tried it, this thing can't swallow spells, But it can make the magic disappear before it gets close to it! That is to say, if I wear this thing, I will not be afraid of magic attacks in the future, right? Cenarion!"

Cenarion gave Ji Xiaoyan a blank look, and said lightly: "The truth is this, but if you carry this thing, you will also not be able to use any spells. Then can you still be a mage?"

Ji Xiaoyan suffocated, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Then give this thing back to Master Qingmi and the others, they will definitely be able to use it at Qingshimen!"

Cenarion nodded lightly, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Didn't you say you want me to go somewhere with you? When exactly?"

After being reminded, Ji Xiaoyan immediately nodded, looked at Cenarion with some doubts and asked: "Cenario, don't you still have to go to the Dark Forest to deal with some monsters? Wait until you finish cleaning up those monsters." It’s fine for us to talk about departure, I see you in a hurry!”

Cenarion heard the words, but immediately gave Ji Xiaoyan a supercilious look, and then said to her: "How long will it take me as a giant dragon to clean up a few monsters? Do you think it's you?"

"Then what do you mean, it's already finished?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, seeing Cenarion's chin raised and looking at her with disdain, he could only smile hehe, looked up at the sky, Then he said to Cenarion: "After dark, I have to take the aborigines of Xuanmen to the town on the other side of Shacheng to build a teleportation formation. If I want to do the business of Jiajia, it may be after dawn. Otherwise, Cenarion, you go to rest first?"

"If you're not in a hurry, why are you urging?" Cenarion immediately rolled his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a dissatisfied expression.

"Didn't I think I still have a lot of time after I finished cleaning up that swamp nightmare beast? But look at the sky, if we go out now, we won't be able to go far and it will be dark, and then I have to Hurry back!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Cenarion with a helpless expression.

"Alright, it's up to you! Since we're leaving after dawn, then I'll go back to the Dark Forest first!" Seeing that he had nothing to do, Cenarion said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan before leaving.

"Wait, wait!" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly thought of something, excitedly stopped Cenarion, saw him looking at him suspiciously, and then asked Cenario eagerly : "The Swamp Nightmare Beast Crystal is still useful, right?"

Cenarion looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, not understanding what she was trying to do.

"Look at the cracks in the canyon, so many swamp nightmare beasts burned out such a small crystal, it shows how precious this thing is, right?"

"Only one piece was burned, which proves that there is only one swamp nightmare beast. The rest of the swamp nightmare beasts you saw were born after it absorbed mana. To be precise, they are all one swamp nightmare beast. It’s just his clone! Do you understand?” Cenarion looked at Ji Xiaoyan with an idiot look on his face, and said to her.

"I don't understand!" The smile on Ji Xiaoyan's face disappeared at once, and he frowned and said to Cenarion: "According to what you mean, the two I brought back last time may not be real swamps." Nightmare beast, but its clone?"

"Yes!" Cenarion said to Ji Xiaoyan with an affirmative expression on his face, "This thing is like this! After absorbing the mana, it will grow continuously, and grow countless. Then the clones in it are absorbing After a certain amount of mana is filled, it will become a real Swamp Nightmare Beast, and after burning it will crystallize! So, if the two Swamp Nightmare Beasts you brought back really stayed in Qingcheng, they would be Many swamp nightmare beasts have been derived, and in the end, all of them can be burned to crystallize, so do you understand?"

In other words, those swamp nightmare beasts can give birth to countless swamp nightmare beast clones. After absorbing full mana, these clones can grow up and become real swamp nightmare beasts.Well, that's probably what it means!

Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-understanding, and then said to Cenarion: "Anyway, these swamp nightmare beasts have a strong reproductive ability, but after they become real swamp nightmare beasts, they can be burned to produce these crystals. Right?"

Cenarion looked at Ji Xiaoyan, nodded after a while: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled suddenly, looked at Cenarion and asked, "Cenario, do you want to take revenge?"

Cenarion frowned, looking at Ji Xiaoyan quietly.

"Aren't there many swamp nightmare beasts in the place where I saved you?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Cenarion with a smile.

"You want to get the idea of ​​the nightmare beast in the swamp?" Cenarion understood the meaning of Ji Xiaoyan's words immediately, but looked at her in astonishment, and asked her: "Ji Xiaoyan, something is wrong with your brain Right? You still want to burn all the nightmare beasts in that swamp?"

"No, no, there is such a big swamp of nightmare beasts, how can I burn them all!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hands, but said without humility at all: "I just thought, there are quite a lot of people in Qingshimen. I only have one crystal, even if I give it to the head master and the others, it’s not enough, right? If I can have a few more crystals, they won’t have to worry about distributing them at that time, right?”

Cenarion just looked at Ji Xiaoyan quietly, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You really dare to think!"

"Can't it?" Ji Xiaoyan heard Cenarion's words, and immediately couldn't help asking with some worry: "Can't those swamp nightmare beasts in the dark forest be burned?"

"You dare to think about it, why don't you dare to burn it?" Cenarion sneered, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I just feel that your idea is really bold!"

Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Cenarion expectantly: "Then, do you think it's feasible?"

"It's up to you! Anyway, I'm not the one who wants those crystals!" Cenarion said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, "It's just that you have to be ready! If you burn all the nightmare beasts in the swamp, there will be no more." !"

"That's natural, that's natural! After the past, can't we just catch a few swamp nightmare beasts and put them away?" Ji Xiaoyan thought very well, and said to Cenarion: "Prepare them How do you feel about raising a spirit embryo?"

Cenarion was really shocked at the moment.

Ji Xiaoyan is completely preparing to raise those swamp nightmare beasts in captivity!
"Are you going to mass-produce these crystals?" Cenarion couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan, his face was full of horror!

"No! It's not what you said. Do these swamp nightmare beasts need mana to reproduce? This spirit embryo is to replenish mana, so it's just right for them to reproduce! Otherwise, if I send the mages there, what if these If the Swamp Nightmare Beast eats up all the mages, what should I do? Then I will lose more?" Ji Xiaoyan said to Cenarion seriously.

Therefore, Cenarion was completely speechless towards Ji Xiaoyan.

"As you please!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Cenarion and blinked, seeing that it didn't mean to talk to him at all, after thinking about it, he asked: "Then I'm going to prepare people and things now?"

Cenarion didn't say a word, just sat quietly under the tower.Anyway, Ji Xiaoyan talked to it so much, it just wanted to let it lead the way, and it just had to do this role well.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan, who was extremely happy, immediately arranged for the guards to prepare things, and then excitedly took the crystal to find old man Qingmi, and used it in front of his interview, seeing old man Qingmi was very excited immediately, Carefully holding that piece of crystal, he hurriedly said: "Master Qingmi, there are such swamp nightmare beasts in the dark forest, I am going to burn some more crystals like this, and then I will give them to the head master and others." Prepare one piece for each person, and you can see that it can be inlaid on the body. In the future, not to mention that it can completely offset the attacks of mages, at least say, it can offset most of it? This will come in handy for you. "

"Yes, yes, yes! This is a good thing!" The old man Qingmi nodded happily, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of relief and said: "You are the most filial girl, Xiaoyan, and think of us when you have good things. Hahaha! It’s not in vain that we are all facing you!”

Ji Xiaoyan also smiled happily, and then signaled the old man Qingmi to take the disciples of Qingshimen to the Dark Forest.

Because they had to rush back after dark, Ji Xiaoyan and the others almost brought people from the Lusier tribe with them on this trip. Immediately after leaving the teleportation array in the dark forest, they immediately put everyone on three-winged and four-legged birds. Then he sat on Cenarion's back and flew directly to the endless black swamp.

"It's here?" Old man Qingmi had never seen a swamp nightmare beast before. Seeing that everyone fell to the ground, he couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan, "Where are all the monsters you mentioned? We need to find them." come out?"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled and shook his head, pointed at the blackness in front of him, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Master Qingmi, it's right in front of you! Take a closer look, what are these black things!?"

The old man Qingmi was stunned, took a few steps forward suspiciously, then squatted down and looked at it for a while, then retreated to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and asked her in surprise: "Is this all? Seeing that they still have eyes, how can they be such a monster of virtue?"

"That's how it is!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "Master Qingmi, look at how many swamp nightmare beasts there are here!"

The old man Qingmi looked up, and all he could see was black, and he couldn't help becoming a little excited: "Tsk tsk, if these are all the swamp nightmare beasts you mentioned, after burning them all, how much will be left below? Is the crystallization here? Can all the disciples of our Qingshimen have a piece of their hands?"

"You think it's beautiful!" Hearing what the old man Qingmi said, Cenarion couldn't help but said: "This swamp nightmare beast has been here for a long, long time, and there is no doubt that a more powerful swamp nightmare beast has been born. .If you really want to kill them all like this, I don’t guarantee what kind of things will happen to you.”

Therefore, you can burn it and be satisfied!
Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Swamp nightmare beasts won't move without mana attraction, so we just move them out and burn them!"

(End of this chapter)

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