The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2777 It's Okay

Chapter 2777 It's Okay

After returning to Qingcheng, Xuan Mo immediately summoned the teleporters in Qingcheng, and then waited for Cenarion to go to its dark forest to have a look, then brought the Lusi'er people with him, ready to let Cenarion escorted them to leave Qingcheng together, and went to find Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia.

However, just as he was about to leave, the people from Panchi City appeared in front of Xuan Mo along with the old man Qingmi.

Xuan Mo blinked his eyes, and gestured to old man Qingmi, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.You know, if the people from Panchi City find this place, it means that Lord Yan Shan is going to take him to find Linyin City. Towed away, what should I do?Doesn't this Qingya old man also know the situation?Why did you bring people from Panchi City to block him?If it was a little later, wouldn't they have left?

At this moment, Xuan Mo's heart is full of complaints towards old man Qingmi.

"Cough cough!" The old man Qingmi also seemed to see the meaning in Xuan Mo's eyes, and couldn't help coughing in embarrassment, then pointed to the aboriginal residents of Panchi City beside him, and said to Xuan Mo : "Xu Mo, they are the people of Ye Shan City Lord, and they are here to send you a message!"

City Lord of Yechang?Xuan Mo blinked his eyes, but breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you talking about?" Xuan Mo straightened his back, his face relaxed a little, and asked the guards of Panchi City.

"Master Xuan Mo, Master Ye Shan said, please wait for him for a few more days!" The guards of Panchi City said to Xuan Mo with serious expressions, and then saluted , directly backed away, and didn't mean to wait for him to reply.

Xuan Mo rolled his eyes, glanced at old man Qingmi, and immediately understood what he meant.

"Understood, you go back and tell Lord Yeshan City Lord!"

The guards of Panchi City nodded, thanked old man Qingmi, and left immediately.

"Xu Mo, where are you going?" The old man Qingmi saw that Xuan Mo didn't mean to blame him, so he smiled relievedly, and asked curiously: "Take so many teleporters away?" , are you going to the town in Shacheng? Has the teleportation array over there been built?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before!" Xuan Mo shook his head directly, and said to the old man Qingmi: "We are going to the Sub-God Clan!"

"The sub-shen clan?" The old man Qingmi was stunned when he heard the words, as if he had thought of something, he widened his eyes and asked Xuan Mo: "The sub-shen clan who participated in the war back then? Didn't the sub-shen clan also hide Is it? Su Mo, where are you going and what are you doing?"

"Xiaoyan is still in the Sub-God Clan!" Yu Mo thought for a while, and said to old man Qingmi, "Elder Qingmi, do you also know about the Sub-God Clan?"

"I've heard the names, and I only know that they participated in the great war and then disappeared." The old man Qingmi frowned, and said to Xuan Mo: "Didn't girl Xiaoyan go to find the former master of Jiajia? How did you find Yajia?" Protoss? You are taking the teleporter, don’t you want to build a teleportation array in the sub-protoss, right? That girl Xiaoyan, have you negotiated an alliance with the sub-protoss?”

Thinking of this possibility, the astonishment on Old Man Qingmi's face became more intense.This is unlikely!The Naya protoss are very powerful, at least in the legend, that's how it is.

"The alliance is not settled, but it is true to help the sub-shen clan establish a teleportation connection with us in Qingcheng!" Xuan Mo couldn't help but said with some pride, "Elder Qingmi, do you know who the former master of Jiajia is?"

"How do I know?" The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes, looked at Xuan Mo, saw the slightly smug and strange smile on his face, and couldn't help asking: "Xu Mo, don't tell me I, the former owner of this Gaga, is in the Naya God Clan!"

Otherwise, why didn't Ji Xiaoyan come back?This Xuanmo is going to take the teleporter to the sub-protoss again?
"That's for sure! Jiajia can also be regarded as the sub-god race's Malu sand beast! Moreover, it is the most powerful one!" Xuan Mo was full of complacency, looking at the shocked eyes of the old man Qingmi, even more He said joyfully: "Elder Qingmi, how are you doing? Didn't expect that?"

"No! Just like Jiajia, is he still the most powerful?" The old man Qingmi was not surprised that Jiajia was a sub-protoss horse beast, but that Jiajia was actually the most powerful just like Jiajia?So how weak are the mabold sand beasts of the sub-protoss race?Is this still the legendary super powerful race?What are you kidding?

"I'm not talking about the time of Jiajia now!" Xuan Mo came to his senses immediately, couldn't help but give old man Qingmi a blank look, and then said: "I'm talking about after Jiajia! Ma will be restored to become a king in the future!" Time for the rough sand beast!"

"A king-level horse-sand beast?" Old man Qingmi was surprised again, looked at Xuan Mo and frowned and asked: "Could Jiajia be a king-level horse-sand beast?"

"Otherwise, Elder Qingmi, why did you think that Jiajia was sent to the Resurrection Gate to be resurrected? It was because it was the only one of the sub-god race's king-level Ma Lu sand beast, a super powerful one, so it was sent to the gate of resurrection. He went to the Resurrection Gate!" But Xuan Mo said to the old man Qingmi with a positive face, "So, the current sub-gods are very happy to see Jiajia!"

"It's not a mistake, is it?" Qingmi old man is still a little reluctant to believe it, just like Jiajia, what about a king-level Mabun sand beast? !Even the ordinary Magu sand beasts are stronger than it!

"How could it be wrong! Gaga's identity was personally confirmed by the patriarch of the Naya God Clan!" Xuan Mo stared at the old man Qingmi and said, "Also, Gaga also went to meet its former owner and personally confirmed it!" Confirmed too!"

The old man Qingmi looked at Xuan Mo in surprise, as if he finally believed it.

"Elder Qingmi, who do you think is the previous master of Jiajia?" Xuan Mo couldn't help asking with some expectation.

"How do I know! Anyway, it's just a person from the sub-shen clan!" Qingmi old man didn't seem to care much about this matter, and after speaking to Xuan Mo lightly, he couldn't help but asked again: "What's the matter?" Jiajia has already found its former owner. Does that mean that girl Xiaoyan is going to return Jiajia to the people of the sub-protoss? You and the sub-protoss have established a teleportation array connection to make it more convenient for Jiajia to come back in the future? "

"Well, almost!" Xuan Mo nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said, "But Jiajia is not considered to be returned to the sub-protoss. Now Jiajia is said to be one in the sub-protoss, and everyone in the sub-protoss favors it." What’s more, the establishment of the teleportation array was because Jiajia insisted on coming back with Xiaoyan, so the sub-protoss had no choice but to agree! As for Jiajia’s former master, he died long ago, so there is no such thing as Jiajia. It was returned to the people of the sub-protoss."

"Dead?" Old man Qingya was surprised again.

"That's right!" Xuan Mo said to the old man Qingmi with an affirmative expression on his face: "The former master of Jiajia is the former patriarch of the sub-shen clan! How is it? Elder Qingmi, you didn't think of it, did you?"

"The former Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan?" Sure enough, the old man Qingmi was shocked again, "That is to say, the person who sent Jiajia to the Resurrection Sect and negotiated with the head of the Resurrection Sect was the former Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan?"

"That's right! Isn't it amazing!?" Xuan Mo nodded with certainty, and asked old man Qingmi.

"I really didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!" The old man Qingmi was really surprised, and couldn't help murmuring, "Then the former patriarch of the sub-god clan died, and the current patriarch will not ask Xiaoyan girl to return Kajia For the sub-protoss?"

"They really want to, but Jiajia disagrees!" Xuan Mo suddenly laughed, and said to the old man Qingmi: "At the beginning of their sub-shen clan, they were imprisoned in the clan land by the former patriarch, and they couldn't escape. It came out, and later Jiajia went to find a way to let them out of the sub-protoss. Moreover, the inheritance of the sub-protoss was broken after the death of the previous patriarch, and all the information is known now. People don't dare to force Jiajia to do something, otherwise, no one will know the inheritance of their sub-god race!"

"So, Jiajia is now the most favored among the sub-shen clan?" the old man Qingmi asked Xuan Mo with his eyes wide open.

"That's for sure! It's definitely the wind and the rain, and the moon in the sky. I guess the people of the sub-protoss will try their best to pick it off!" Xuan Mo said with affirmation. He said to the old man Qingmi.

"If that's the case, didn't girl Xiaoyan take this opportunity to ask Jiajia to make those sub-gods form an alliance with our Qingcheng?" Old Qingmi couldn't help frowning, and asked Xuan Mo, " Such a good opportunity, hurry up and get the people from the sub-god race to our side of Qingcheng!"

"The patriarch of the sub-god clan disagrees!" Hearing this, Yu Mo curled his lips helplessly, and said to the old man Qingmi: "The patriarch of the sub-god clan is so cunning, he only said that he would like to be with us. As friends, Qingcheng doesn’t talk about alliances at all! I mentioned it to Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan said that it’s like this for the time being. The people of the Naya God Clan are full of arrogance. Don’t ask too much, otherwise if you offend them, it will be more difficult to get along with in the future Already!"

Old man Qingya thinks about it, it seems to be the same thing!
"That's fine! As long as Jiajia's heart is toward us in Qingcheng, it's not impossible to form an alliance with the people of the Naya God Clan in the future!" Qingmi nodded, and then asked again: "Then you How long will it take to go to the sub-shen clan? I'm afraid the teleportation array in the town over there in Shacheng is almost ready, and Xiaoyan will have to go there with me to have a look!"

"I know I know! We went to the Sub-God Clan to connect the teleportation array and teleported back directly! It won't take too long! Elder Qingmi, don't worry!" Xuan Mo quickly smiled at the old man Qingmi .

"Okay! Then you go!" Old man Qingmi nodded, "Go early and come back early!"

Only then did Xuan Mo smile, climbed onto the back of a three-winged and quadruped bird, and signaled for the people of the Lusier tribe to go, after which the group of people was escorted by Cenarion towards the direction of the sub-god tribe.

However, Director Qing Gong who wanted to ask about Ji Xiaoyan's situation came late, and only saw Xuan Mo and the others disappear into the sky.

"I don't know how the city lord is doing now! When will he come back!"

"Don't worry, it will be soon!" The old man Qingmi smiled, said something to Manager Qing Gong, patted him on the shoulder and said: "But after you come back, Manager Qing Gong, you need to make good preparations, and take care of Jiajia Take care of yourself!"

"Why?" Manager Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi with a puzzled expression on his face and asked.

"The Jiajia after coming back is not the same as before!" The old man Qingmi smiled in a good mood, and then said: "In the future, Jiajia will also be protected by race! Moreover, it is not ordinary. What about race! Tsk tsk, Jiajia has been in Qingcheng for so long, but now he suddenly turned around!"

Manager Qing Gong looked confused, and wanted to ask old man Qing Mi clearly, but saw him wave his hand and leave immediately. He could only stand in the same place depressedly, and after staying for a long time, he stomped his feet and left.

It didn't take much time for Xuan Mo and the others to return this time. They used a few teleportation arrays on the way, and they flew faster.

As for Cenarion, he followed him from a distance with a dark face all the way, and he knew from that look that he was not happy about tossing back and forth like this!

When he finally found the entrance of the Naya Protoss Clan, Xuan Mo let all the people of the Lusie Clan land, called Cenarion to protect them, and then led the teleporters who cleared the city to find them on the hillside. Passed through the invisible door that entered the Naya Protoss.

"These sub-gods are really serious. They knew that I went back to find the teleporter, so why didn't they say they sent someone to wait for us around here? Who knows where the invisible door is!" Xuan Mo led He walked around the area he remembered for several times but couldn't find a way to enter, so he couldn't help complaining.

"Master Xuan Mo, is the entrance of the sub-protoss a teleportation formation?" The teleportation masters listened to Xuan Mo's complaints, thought for a while and couldn't help asking, "If it is a teleportation formation, let's find a way to find it." That's it!"

"Is it possible?" Xuan Mo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked.

"Well, as long as it is a teleportation array, we can definitely find it!" These teleporters are professional, if you don't ask them to do such a thing, who can you ask for it?

"Then you come, you come!" Xuan Mo immediately said happily to the teleporters, "I think their entrance should be the teleportation array, anyway, we can't see them, we only know that they will disappear when they walk over, and then they will disappear. When you open your eyes, the environment inside is completely different from here, when the seal protection has not been released, the sky in their clan land is completely opposite to ours now!"

(End of this chapter)

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