The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2813 Depressed person

Chapter 2813 Depressed person

To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan is quite satisfied with the current state.

As a newcomer to the game, she was always chasing gold coins, wanting to exchange for federal coins to maintain her life and get rid of the ants-like life back then.But, when she had some savings and changed her living environment, she no longer had the same urgent desire for certain things as before.

There are many things in this world, when you don't have them, you need them urgently; but when you really have them, you should be content, and don't expect more things!
What's more, Ji Xiaoyan feels that in her current state, she has hardly seen gold coins and federal coins, and then tried her best to study how to be good in the game and how to earn more gold coins for herself. It doesn't make sense to use it anymore.As long as she thinks of a way to make this Qingcheng and the entire alliance of Qingcheng maintain, that's enough!

So, the old man Qingmi talked for a long time, seeing Ji Xiaoyan still smiling indifferently, he suddenly became a little annoyed: "Xiaoyan girl! Are you listening to me?"

"Listen! Master Qingmi!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, with an extremely serious look: "But, Master Qingmi, we are here to find Ni Mengsha!"

Ji Xiaoyan pointed in the direction of the mountain, indicating that the old man Qingmi should not put the cart before the horse, but seeing him widen his eyes in dissatisfaction, he yelled at her.

"I just came here to look for Ni Mengsha, and I just remembered that you girl has not achieved anything until now, and I am very angry!" Qingmi old man yelled at Ji Xiaoyan angrily, and then said: "No, this matter We have to make it clear! After asking Ni Mengsha for a while, you will follow me to Qingshimen to stay for a few days. I have to let everyone train you! No matter what, I can’t make you as weak as you are now! And ah , you have to find a way to get someone to find Lin Qianye and the others! No matter what, Lin Qianye used to be considered a city lord! Although the city and people are gone, but He is still there, since he is your master, he can't be like this now, wandering around and seeing no one, so he just leaves you here? You have to go and call him back, and teach you a few more skills before he can let you go. Let him go! If you feel embarrassed to speak, I'll just tell that guy Lin Qianye!"

Ji Xiaoyan suddenly showed a wry smile, and looked at the old man Qingmi helplessly: "Master Qingmi, there is no need to be so anxious about this matter! We can talk about it later!"

"No! We must do it as soon as possible!" The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan with a face that could not be refused, "If you delay this matter, I don't know how long it will be delayed! Now that the decision is made, immediately manage!"

Ji Xiaoyan was unwilling.

"Think about it for yourself. The Lord of the City is going to take you to find that new city. If you don't have any skills, do you still expect to be able to turn around when you are cheated by the Lord of the City?" Qing Old man Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan's reluctance, and immediately said to her with resentment: "Don't even think about it, you still have to take Jiajia with you! The relationship between Xuan Mo and Panchi City is not ordinary. , it’s definitely impossible for something to happen, but what about Kaga? If something happens to it, can you still hope that the people of the sub-protoss will not trouble you?”

As for Ji Xiaoyan, old man Qingmi is not worried at all!As she said herself, the big deal is to die once, just wait for the resurrection!This is Ji Xiaoyan's privilege as half of the players!

However, Jiajia is different!If this person dies, not to mention that people from the Naya God Clan will come to make trouble, just talking about the cost of resurrection sent to the resurrection gate, they Qingcheng can't afford it!Even if Lord Luotu of the Resurrection Gate is willing to help them revive the aborigines for free in Qingcheng, he cannot afford the cost of resurrection!
Therefore, no accidents can happen in Jiajia, this is what they must always keep in mind.

"Otherwise, let's not let Jiajia go!" Ji Xiaoyan also became a little scared, and couldn't help but said to the old man Qingmi: "Now I think of what the patriarch of the sub-shen clan mentioned. I feel scared after sending Jiajia the huge amount of supplies needed to go to the Resurrection Gate for resurrection! That is simply an astronomical figure. In the current situation in Qingcheng, we simply can't bring out so many things!"

"Okay! Then you can just leave Jiajia in Qingcheng or the sub-shen clan?" Hearing this, the old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a relieved expression on his face. However, he couldn’t help reminding him: “Just, think about it carefully, why did you want to take Jiajia along with the city lord Yan Shan and the others? If you don’t take Jiajia now, it’s not good for you. Come on, will you?"

Ji Xiaoyan hadn't thought about this question, and when he suddenly heard old man Qingmi say that, he couldn't help being stunned, and after a while, he blinked at old man Qingmi, showing annoyance on his face expression came.

When they were thinking of bringing Gaga along with the city lord Yan Shan to find Linyin City, what they considered was Jia Jia's super sense of smell. If they got lost under some circumstances, Kaka would be able to bring them back anyway!
But now it's because they are worried that Gaga will die, and if they don't let Gaga go with them, then Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo must be mentally prepared, and when the time comes, they will really be cast down by the City Lord or by the city lord. If the city lord is cheated, it is very likely that they will not be able to find a way to come back, or they will not be able to find the opportunity and route to escape.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help scratching his hair immediately with a headache, looked at the old man Qingmi with an irritable face and asked: "Then Master Qingmi, what do you think we should do now? If we really take Jiajia to , in case something goes wrong, the cost of resurrection is an astronomical figure! We Qingcheng can’t afford it, and Luotu of the Resurrection Gate can’t afford it for us! But if you don’t bring Jiajia, it seems that you can’t afford it! After all, we still want to rely on its powerful sense of smell! Moreover, at the critical moment, Jiajia's running ability is also top-notch!"

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little regretful at the moment!
If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken Jiajia to find some former patriarch!See what's going on here!If they don't know anything, they can still treat it with a normal heart, and it is impossible to have such troubles now; now that they know everything, she starts to worry about this and that, for fear that something unexpected will happen to Jiajia !

Ji Xiaoyan thinks that this is really exhausting, it's better to just hand over Jiajia to the sub-protoss for protection, she doesn't care about anything, and don't think about letting Jiajia participate in anything !
The old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan, looked at her tangled expression, and said to her: "Xiaoyan girl, are you an idiot? Isn't there a ready-made candidate here? Why don't you know how to use it?"

The old man Qingmi pointed to the aborigines of the sub-protoss who were staying with the Malu sand beasts not far away, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Isn't there also two Ma Dao sand beasts? At worst, you can take them with you. Wouldn’t it be enough to just let them go? What abilities does Gaga have, and those horses and sand beasts should also have them? Not necessarily, they are more powerful than Gaga? Anyway, you just need to keep Gaga and borrow those from the sub-protoss. What's wrong with the Malu Sand Beast going to help? In the current situation, girl Xiaoyan, think about it carefully, Jiajia has already gone to the sub-protoss, even if you leave quietly, it can't come to you, right? Maybe you can arrange it again and ask Brick to give Gaga more potions, and it will run to the sub-protoss on its own, drink the potions happily and make a fuss, how can it care about you? When the time comes, you can just take those sub-protoss Malu sand beasts along with you!"

Ji Xiaoyan thinks about it, and it seems to be the same reason. His eyes fell on the aborigines of the sub-shen tribe and the Malu sand beasts. After thinking for a while, he asked the old man Qingmi worriedly: "But, Master Qingmi, what do you think? Will those people from the sub-protoss and protoss agree?"

"Why didn't you agree?" Qingmi old man said to Ji Xiaoyan with a face of course, "They come to live in Qingcheng and help us a little bit, can't you? Anyway, you took Jiajia to the sub-shen clan to find them Yes! They thank you, it doesn’t matter if they help out, right?”

"But back then they came to Qingcheng just for Jiajia!" Mentioning this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly became depressed again, and said to the old man Qingmi helplessly: "At the beginning, it was because they wanted Jiajia to follow us and fight with City Lord Jiashan. Let's go together, that's why the people of the sub-protoss came to protect Gaga with the Malu sand beasts. The aborigines of the sub-protoss knew this very well, including the two Mabo sand beasts. What is their mission? But if Jiajia is not going, then how could they help us? Their goal has always been Jiajia!"

Old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the words, and asked Ji Xiaoyan with some uncertainty: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked helpless, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Master Qingmi, there is no need for me to lie to you about this!"

Therefore, the old man Qingmi stood there thinking for a long time, and then suggested to Ji Xiaoyan: "Why don't you go and ask first? Maybe they are willing to go with you for the sake of Jiajia."

Ji Xiaoyan smiled wryly and shook his head, this is impossible.

"If you don't ask about this matter, how do you know it's impossible?" Old Qing Mi encouraged Ji Xiaoyan, without any ambiguity.

So, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to go forward and found an aborigine of the sub-protoss, and with a little hesitation, told them tactfully what he wanted their help.

It's just that the attitude of those sub-god aborigines was just as Ji Xiaoyan expected.

"My lord, we are here to protect Gaga. Except that Gaga has gone back to our sub-shen clan, we will be where it is!" Expressed very clearly.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to nod in embarrassment, looked in the direction of old man Qingmi, and saw that old man Qingmi walked quickly and aggressively, and stopped at the aborigine who wanted the Protoss In front of him, he frowned and asked him, "Isn't it okay to just borrow your Malu sand beast? Why are you sub-protoss so stingy?"

The aborigine of the sub-god race looked at the old man Qingmi who appeared suddenly, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a questioning look in his eyes, but he didn't intend to answer the old man Qingmi's words at all.

"Ahem, this is Elder Qingmi from Qingshimen, and one of my masters!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly introduced, smiled at the aborigines of the sub-protoss, looked at him and immediately nodded After nodding, the expression on his face became even more embarrassing.

"Did you hear what I just said?" The old man Qingmi didn't care about Ji Xiaoyan's expression, and asked directly to the aborigines of the sub-god race, "Just borrowing your Mabunsha beast, It's not a big deal either!"

"Elder Qingmi, this is not a matter of being stingy or not! These Malu sand beasts are extremely important to our sub-god race! It is impossible for us to lend them to anyone! So please discuss this matter with the city lord. Don't mention it anymore! We came to Qingcheng only to protect the safety of Jiajia, and we don't care about anything else! If the city lord really needs our help, he needs to go back and talk to us. After the patriarch discusses it, we can follow the arrangement of the patriarch!"

The meaning of these words is already very clear!
What Ji Xiaoyan wants the sub-gods to help with, they themselves will not agree to!But if Ji Xiaoyan went to the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan and asked him to make arrangements, then the Sub-God Clan would naturally follow the arrangement of their Patriarch!Therefore, if Ji Xiaoyan wants to do something, he must go to the patriarch of their sub-god clan and ask him to agree.

"If that's the case, let's go!" The old man Qingmi looked indifferently, looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Anyway, go to the Sub-God Clan, that is, just pass through a teleportation array, and it won't take much time! Let's go! , I'll go with you!"

But Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly grabbed the old man Qingmi, and said to him with a wry smile: "Master Qingmi, we came here to find Nimengsha! This Nimengsha hasn't even asked, so he is leaving?"

"Then hurry up!" Old man Qingmi seemed to have realized it all at once, and immediately urged Ji Xiaoyan.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan, who was speechless, could only look at old man Qingmi and sighed, then beckoned to find an aborigine of the Lusier tribe, and flew to Nimensha with a three-winged and four-legged bird. direction of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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