Chapter 2817 Clues
For those players, they don't have much hope at all, and they can really find any clues about those aborigines in this town!So in this second search, although these players searched more carefully than the last time, they were all thinking about it. They couldn't find any clues anyway, just to let the priest follow them with peace of mind. Leave, just put on a show!

Therefore, several players still did not find anything in this search, but they were not too disappointed.

"Are you all here?" Several players gathered together again, looked at each other, and after counting the number of people, they looked at the tree standing not far from them, looking depressed at the moment. The priest player that Dashu was watching shouted at her: "Everyone is here, let's go!"

"I'm not leaving!" The priest player shook his head when he heard the crowd's words, and said to the crowd with a stubborn face: "I think there must be something we haven't found, it's in this town! We have to stay Let's go after you find something."

"Stop making trouble!" The warrior player couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said to the priest player: "We have checked all the places in this town twice, it is really I didn’t find anything! So don’t waste any more time here, go and get the supplies ready first, and if you still want to come here later, we’ll bring you back then! We’ll follow you , don’t worry about it anymore! Let’s go shopping now, and our packages need to be cleaned up too! These two things are what we need to do now, and you know it very well!”

The priest player heard the words, but his mouth was flattened reluctantly. After looking around at the crowd, he asked: "You don't actually believe me, right? You don't believe my intuition!"

"It's not a question of whether you believe it or not. The facts are right in front of you. We searched twice according to what you said, but we couldn't find anything. We can't waste time here all the time. Right? If you really want to come, we have all agreed. We have emptied everyone's packages and packed the supplies. Then we will come again. Why rush at this moment? You don't Maybe if you stand here, you can find some clues, right? The truth has been told to you countless times, and you have to listen to it! We are a team, everyone follows you, and you have to follow Don’t you care about everyone?” The warrior player said bitterly with a look of helplessness on his face.

"But, I don't think there are any clues if you don't have to stand up?" The priest player looked at the crowd with some grievances, and said in a low voice, "Maybe we can wait a little longer!"

"How is that possible!?" Everyone looked at the priest player with amused and helpless expression upon hearing the words, and felt that the little girl's mind was a little twitched?Otherwise, how could such a strange idea come up?

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about this anymore! Let's go first and go to other towns to see! If you want to come, I will come with you later, okay?" The mage player also said cautiously. He coaxed the priest player, but the priest player still insisted on his face, and he didn't seem to want to leave at all.

"If you all want to go, then otherwise, you go first, I'll just stay here and wait!" The priest player seemed to have thought of a good idea, pouted, and looked forward to it With arms folded, he looked at everyone and said, "Anyway, it's just shopping, you just go! There is no danger here, and I will wait for you here."

"Are you kidding me?" The mage female player stared at this, and looked at the priest player with some displeasure, and said to her, "We will do whatever you want, don't play tricks now Little temper, so willful! Although this town says that there are no aborigines, it is not very safe! There is no protective barrier outside the town. If you stay here alone, in case monsters come over What should I do? You are a priest, can you kill all the monsters? Follow us, if you want to come back, everyone has promised you that they will let you come back!"

The priest player looked aggrieved, and couldn't help muttering: "I'm not afraid of monsters."

"We're afraid, let's do it!" The warrior player also looked helpless, and said to the priest player, "We are afraid that after your level drops, it will affect our healing in the future. So, a few Obey the majority, you still go with us to buy the things, and then we come back! Can you still run away from this town?"

"But I'm afraid, if we leave now, if someone comes and finds clues to this town, wouldn't we be at a loss?" The priest player squeezed his hands aggrievedly when he heard this, and looked at Everyone said: "I really think this town has missions and clues! We just need to wait, and we will definitely be able to wait! I don't want everyone to miss the opportunity."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Everyone nodded quickly, but said to the priest player with a look of comfort, "But we can't stay in this town forever in this situation! Everyone's package is out of medicine , If you meet other people, what should you do in case of a fight? Just rely on you? How much potion can you have on your body? Can it support us to keep fighting with others? Some things are yours, then they are yours. It’s not yours, you can’t get it no matter what! So, just let it happen!”

"It's such a truth!" The female mage player also hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, said something to the priest player, then stepped towards her, took her hand, and said to her: "Don't Be wayward with us, we'll be back soon!"

The priest player looked at the crowd, and then at the big tree beside him, so he nodded silently, and then said to the female mage player beside him, "Okay then! You should hurry up when the time comes." , we'll be back soon!"

"Okay! Okay!" Everyone nodded immediately, but all of them agreed flatly, "Just don't worry, you must come back quickly! Anyway, we also want to prove whether the intuition of the little sister in our team is super accurate What about it? Do you think so?"

When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter.

The priest player pouted with some grievances, and muttered to everyone: "After all, you just don't believe me."

"Hahaha, no! No!" Everyone quickly said with an embarrassed smile, and then signaled the mage player to take the priest player to leave this town. Those things are all exchanged for gold coins, so I feel at ease, right?
However, when the priest and player reluctantly looked in the direction of the big tree, and was about to leave, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the town, blowing the leaves all over the town involuntarily. From then on, a small tornado gradually formed, rolled the leaves all over the ground and rushed to the sky, and disappeared completely.

"What's the matter?" Several players couldn't help but look around in surprise, and couldn't help feeling nervous, "It feels like something is going to happen!"

"Should we leave now?" The male player in soft armor immediately said to everyone, "We can't run into any trouble in this situation! Otherwise, we all have to go back to the city to be resurrected!"

"Be careful, let's go!" The warrior player nodded immediately, and said to everyone seriously, and he was about to leave the town with his people.

But at this moment, the priest player yelled: "Look quickly! Look quickly!"

With puzzled looks on everyone's faces, following the direction the priest player pointed, they saw that the leaves of the big tree she had been standing and looking at just now were almost blown away by the wind, leaving only a black lacquer. The lacquered clothes were still hanging on the branches, shaking.

"A piece of clothing?!" The warrior player came back to his senses first, and said to everyone: "It doesn't look like our player's equipment, but it looks like the clothes of the aborigines! Do you want to take it off?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The priest player nodded immediately, with a look of great surprise: "This must be the clue to the aborigines we are looking for! Hahaha, let me tell you! I will say that in this town There must be something left for us! We must be able to pick up some tasks this time!"

The other players in the team glanced at each other, and then watched the warrior player walk under the big tree in three steps, spit on the palm of his hand twice, and climbed up the tree trunk. He took off the black dress, held it in his hand and looked at it for a few times, then jumped to the ground and handed the clothes to everyone: "This dress doesn't seem to have anything special! It's just It's just a black aborigines' clothes!"

Such a thing, I am afraid that there will be no task to touch it!
The priest player didn't believe it, and hurried to the warrior player, took the black dress in his hand and looked at it again and again. Although she was reluctant, she had to admit in her heart that the dress It's really just like what the warrior player said, nothing special at all!It seems that it is impossible to be contaminated by any task!

"We can't see it, maybe those aborigines can see it?" The priest player who was still unwilling to give up thought for a while and said seriously to the crowd: "We players and aborigines can see different things! Anyway, aren’t we going to other towns? Just take this clothes and show it to the other aborigines! I believe that this thing must be a clue!”

Everyone looked at each other and could only nod helplessly.Anyway, it's not a big item, they can still take a piece of worn-out clothes away!
So, the satisfied priest player no longer forced everyone to do anything, and happily ran towards the nearest town with the other players in the team!
It's just that, after walking through several towns like this, they found that the towns around here are almost all the same.

Empty building with nothing inside!

"Did we fall into some special plot mission?" The male player in soft armor couldn't help but asked the crowd worriedly, "It's impossible that so many towns are deserted! "

"Otherwise, let's go further?" The mage player also frowned, and said to the crowd: "Maybe, if we look again, we can find a town with people? Otherwise, can we find a town that can It is also possible to use the field teleportation array!"

"Yes! If there is no teleportation array, we will have to waste the rest of our time walking!" The warrior player also looked worried, and said to the crowd: "The aborigines in these towns don't know What happened, why did they disappear? We don’t have any supplies at all, if we encounter monsters, we will go back to resurrect directly!”

"Actually, it's not bad to be able to go back and be resurrected directly!" The male player in soft armor suddenly reacted, and said to everyone: "I'm just worried, if we really trigger some missions, we won't be able to complete them until we finish the missions." If we leave, we’re doomed! We don’t even have supplies, and if we can’t hang up and go back to resurrect, we’re going to be trapped in this plot circle! What you should worry about is this!”

Everyone seemed to have realized this, and couldn't help but widen their eyes in fear.

"Say, why don't we give it a try and just resurrect it and go back!" The warrior player couldn't help swallowing, and said to everyone: "Only after the test, we will know whether we can go back! If we can't go back If so, it’s best to figure it out sooner!”

"We won't be so unlucky, right?" the mage player couldn't help but asked with some worry.

"No one knows now!" The warrior player frowned tightly, his eyes couldn't help falling on the priest player, seeing her still holding on to the black dress of the aborigine with some excitement, I couldn't help but sighed from the bottom of my heart, and after thinking for a while, I said, "Why don't I hang up and try? If I come back to life, I'll send you a flying pigeon to pass on the letter after I go back?"

"What if it doesn't work? It's impossible for us to know where you went!" Hearing this, the player in soft armor shook his head and refused: "This is not possible! This is not acceptable! If you want to die, we all go together Let's go! Otherwise, whoever stays will have no idea what they will face! Since we are a team, it is best to face it together!"

(End of this chapter)

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