Chapter 2857
Ji Xiaoyan never imagined that Cenarion would be so decadent, and he didn't even have the slightest thought of becoming stronger!How could she try to persuade Cenarion to train it according to what Nimengsha said?Could it be that Cenarion is really going to be forced to become stronger?
How bad is that?After all, twisted melons are not sweet!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning immediately, looked outside the town, and then asked Cenarion: "Cenario, haven't you thought about it? Is it stronger than that aborigine of the light department? Think about it, he may not be able to beat you now, but people have also said that it is very easy to contain you! That is to say, if If the two of you fight, he may not be able to hurt you, but you will not be able to hurt the aborigine of the light department! But, you are a dragon! Think about it, if one day, if the light If the aborigines of the department become more powerful, how easy is it to defeat you? Didn’t you say Cenarion? Their light department is naturally restrained by the dark department, don’t you want to be stronger than him? ?”

Hearing this, Cenarion couldn't help frowning, he seemed to have finally heard Ji Xiaoyan's words into his mind, and looked in the direction outside the town, although he didn't see the light department at the moment. The aborigine, but Cenario's mind recalled the appearance and expression of the light-type aborigine just now when he spoke to it, so Cenanio couldn't help frowning.

"Cenario, you don't want to be bullied by other aborigines of the light system in the future, do you?" Ji Xiaoyan seemed to see the unwillingness in Cenarion's eyes, and quickly said to it while the iron was hot: "Think about it." Look, the aborigine of the light department I found now may not be very capable! But he must be able to deal with those dark forces outside! Such a native of the light department The residents are so powerful that they can restrain you, not to mention that there are more aborigines of the light department on this continent, and there is even a temple of light! So, think about it, Cenarion, then How many aborigines of the light department are there in the temple of light? If one day our Qingcheng suddenly confronts their light department people, have you ever thought about how you will help us? Is it possible that our Qingcheng Everyone is going to deal with the aborigines of the light department, and you are hiding in Qingcheng by yourself? Then everyone has to say what you look like? But, if you are not convinced, you have to follow us to deal with the aborigines of the light department , but as soon as you left Qingcheng, you were repulsed by those people of the light department, and that would be shameless! You are Lord Julong, and you are very powerful in the hearts of so many aborigines in Qingcheng!"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Cenarion frowned a little bit, as if he could already imagine the pictures Ji Xiaoyan said!
"Cenario, don't you think that maybe one day if you become powerful, you will be able to trample all those light-type people under your feet?" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly, and immediately looked at Cenarion His eyes lit up.

"You really think so?" Cenarion seemed to be a little interested when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and couldn't help asking her: "Do you think I can be better than them?"

"That's for sure, you are the dragon!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and said to Cenarion: "You see that you are stronger than that native of the light department! He can only restrain you, I can't beat you! If you are stronger than him, then if you meet people of the light department in the future, you won't be afraid of them, will you? You don't want to be chased by the aborigines of the light department in the future Hurry up?"

"That's natural! I'm Lord Giant Dragon! If I was driven away by these aborigines, how embarrassing it would be? Isn't it a joke?" Cenarion nodded immediately, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with affirmative expression. Said: "Then how do you think I can become more powerful? Do you have a way?"

Asked this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being stunned, looked at Cenarion with some doubts, then frowned and asked: "Cenario, don't you have these things in your memory inheritance?" ? This Lord Dragon, no matter what, he has the ability to improve his memory, right?"

"No! I don't have one!" Cenarion shook his head directly, but said to Ji Xiaoyan with an incomparably sure face, "If I had, I would have become stronger by now! Can I still be like this now? Be you mount?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent!The plot should not be written like this!

"Or, you don't even have the ability to make me stronger, so you are urging me to find a way to become stronger? Aren't you kidding me?" Cenarion seemed to see something, and couldn't help it. Zhu Zhu complained to Ji Xiaoyan.

"I'm not teasing you!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to dampen Cenarion's enthusiasm, which was finally stimulated, and quickly said to it: "It's okay, Cenarion! If you have no choice, then I will help you!" You just have to think of a way! If it doesn’t work, don’t we still have Nimengsha in Qingcheng? It’s also Lord Dragon, so it must know a lot of things! I’ll ask later, Nimengsha must be able to find a way! I will definitely ask you back! It’s just that Cenarion, if you promise to work hard to become stronger, then when I find a way later, you have to work hard!”

"That's natural, I'm the dragon, I keep my word! No matter what, I have to be stronger than those natives of the light department!" Cenarion raised his neck and affirmed to Ji Xiaoyan Seeing the smile on Ji Xiaoyan's face, Cenarion couldn't help squinting his eyes, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that if I become stronger, why don't you work harder?" ?"

"Me?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, wondering why Cenarion brought this topic up to her again?

"That's right, it's you! Didn't Qingshimen just get you into their sect to learn your skills? They all wanted you to become more powerful, but you came back after only a long time? Seeing that you have become more powerful! Then if I have worked hard, shouldn't you work hard too?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help laughing embarrassingly, but he didn't dare to answer Cenarion's words.

"You don't just want to make me stronger, but you don't do anything yourself?" Cenarion seemed to see what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, and couldn't help but stare at her with wide eyes. Said, "I can tell you, that won't work! Since you let me be your mount, I can't become stronger while you stay here, right? As the city lord of Qingcheng, you should also You just need to become more powerful! Otherwise, the strength of our entire Qingcheng will be lowered by you, aren't you ashamed?"

But Ji Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly, looked at Cenarion for a while, then took a deep breath, sighed and said: "Okay, okay, I understand! I will definitely look for it later as long as I have time. If there are more people to learn from, this will be the head office.”

Cenarion raised his chin, but he looked like he didn't quite believe Ji Xiaoyan!
Just thinking that Ji Xiaoyan is just an aboriginal and different from it, Cenarion didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and then said: "Anyway, you can figure it out, if you are really too weak, it's not me who will be ashamed .”

Ji Xiaoyan could only smile awkwardly, and then said to Cenarion: "Let's go, let's stop standing here, and go to the protective barrier of the town to see the situation!"

Cenarion was more than happy to mention this.

It must want to see how powerful the aborigine of the light department is, and how he can deal with those dark forces!
So upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Cenarion nodded without any hesitation, and then took the lead to go out of the town.

However, the aborigines of the houses that were destroyed because of Cenarion could only stand helplessly around the house, and after seeing Cenarion go far away, they rushed to Ji Xiaoyan's side and greeted her Asked what to do with these houses.

With a face full of helplessness, Ji Xiaoyan could only appease the aborigines in those towns, agreed to them, let them pack their things first, and immediately sent people from Qingcheng to rebuild their houses for them, and finally sent them away up!
Complainingly, Ji Xiaoyan chased after Cenarion, and hurriedly shouted at it: "Cenario, next time you can't just destroy other people's houses like this!"

"Is that what I thought?" Cenarion looked at Ji Xiaoyan with contempt, and then said, "If you had told me that the aborigines of those sealed towns were here, I would have been able to fly to Ji Xiaoyan." Get out? Isn't it too late to stop, so I can only fall to the ground? I smashed the house, that's not what I thought. Do you think I won't hurt when I fall?"

Ji Xiaoyan was speechless, helplessly watching Cenarion not speaking.

She never imagined that the giant dragon in front of her could push the pot so easily and naturally.

Refresh your cognition!

Not long after walking in the direction outside the town, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw the gate of the town, and naturally saw the aborigines of the light department directing the guards of Qingcheng to stand in line, and then raised the magic weapon in their hands The stick swung around at the guards of the Qing city, and pieces of golden light fell on them.

Then Ji Xiaoyan saw that the patches of black outside the protective barrier of the town suddenly surged, and seemed to be a bit jealous.

"Those people from the dark forces outside the town discovered that aborigine of the light department!" Ji Xiaoyan had a look of joy on his face, and couldn't help saying something to Cenarion, watching the aborigine of the light department move toward him. After everyone in Qingcheng nodded, they immediately walked in the direction of the town's protective barrier.

Almost at the same time, all the people of the dark forces outside the town's protective barrier immediately broke away from the town's protective barrier as if they were frightened, and the black shapes immediately gathered into human shapes, and then stood in line With that, he took two steps back towards the outside of the town.

Just at this moment, all the blackness in the entire town disappeared, instantly making everything in the entire town brighter, and making all the aborigines in the entire town happy.

"It seems that the aborigine of the light department is still very powerful!" Seeing this scene, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but said something to Cenarion, but seeing Cenarion pouted with disdain, he couldn't help but He smiled and said, "What's the matter? Cenarion, you still don't admit it?"

"What's so great about him, isn't it that he can't beat me?" Cenarion curled his lips directly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that those dark-type people outside are too weak, so they are afraid of him. If I go out, they will be more afraid."

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, then quickly nodded to Cenarion and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Cenario, what you said is so reasonable!"

"That's the truth!" Cenarion raised his chin and said to Ji Xiaoyan as a matter of course.

Ji Xiaoyan could only laugh dryly, and cast his eyes outside the town, watching the aborigine of the light department lead the guards of the Qing city directly through the protective barrier of the town, and stood outside the town, toward The aborigines of the dark forces rushed in the direction.

Unsurprisingly, when the aboriginals of the dark forces saw the Qingcheng guards and the aborigine of the light department appearing, they immediately became a little flustered, and quickly retreated in the direction they came. , is to prepare to run away directly.

The native of the light department immediately raised his staff, and in a very short time, a warm white light condensed, which instantly gathered into a giant bow and arrow, and then shot directly at the people of the dark forces .

When the huge bow and arrow fell to the ground, all the light was like bursting fireworks, instantly scattered into countless starlight, and then seemed to have life, and went straight towards the aborigines of the dark system It rushed over in the direction, leaving only extremely slender threads tied to the ground, entangled the aborigines of the dark system, making them unable to move immediately.

"Is it so easy for the light department to deal with the dark department?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being a little surprised, and quickly asked Cenarion.

"Then who knows!" Cenarion pouted at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Anyway, I haven't paid attention to it, it's probably like this! But this light is the ability of the aborigines, if they want to trap me impossible."

Ji Xiaoyan is skeptical about this.

Outside the town at this moment, after being entangled by the light, the countless aborigines of the dark forces immediately drew their weapons and slashed towards the light in a panic. Cut off the light, and then quickly fled in a further direction, and the aborigines of the dark forces who were entangled and unable to move were not very good, they could only face the Qingcheng guards rushing towards them up.

(End of this chapter)

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