Chapter 2864 Discovery
Manager Qing Gong was still a little disappointed.

For him, Xing Dila and the others are all headed by Lin Qianye. In terms of strength, they must be Lin Qianye's strongest!What's more, Lin Qianye is still from the dark department. If she is going to deal with those aborigines of the dark department, her strength will be absolutely oppressive, and she is not afraid of being polluted by the aborigines of the dark department. It can be said that she is the best candidate .

However, Director Qing Gong also knew that Xing Dila and the others were worried about Lin Qianye. He also saw Lin Qianye's appearance when she returned to Qingcheng, and he also understood that if they had no choice, they might still be chasing that fox clan. The former Saintess, she will not come back yet!

So, in the end, Manager Qing Gong didn't say anything, just nodded to Xingdila, and followed them, leading a few guards from Qingcheng, and teleported directly to that town.

Unexpectedly, when Chief Qing Gong arrived at the town, the patriarch of the elves had already arrived.

"Lord Patriarch?!" Manager Qing Gong looked at the patriarch of the Elven Clan in surprise, and after seeing her wave her hand to signal to go outside the town, she immediately followed. I saw the huge figure of Cenarion, fighting with the aborigines of the dark forces outside the town, while the aborigine of the light department was still standing in the protective barrier of the town, and didn't want to go out to help at all. the meaning of.

"Yi Chu!" Director Qing Gong knew the name of the aborigine of the Guangming Department from the guards of Qingcheng, so when he saw that he looked like he had nothing to do with him, he couldn't help but shouted at him After yelling, seeing the aborigine of the light department turn his head to look at them, Manager Qing Gong couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Why are you still watching here? Why don't you go out and help a bunch of Cenarion? If something happens to Cenarion, how do you want us to explain to Lord Santo?"

The aborigine of the light department had a calm expression on his face. He looked at the patriarch of the elves and Xingdila, and then said: "Isn't there a problem? I didn't force it The one who went out to fight the aborigines of the dark forces wanted to prove its power and ran out by itself!"

"Then you can't just watch it like this and ignore it!" Director Qing Gong couldn't help shouting loudly at the aborigine of the light department, "What if Cenarion gets injured?"

"Isn't it normal to be injured? Who doesn't get hurt in a fight? Don't you think it's okay now? Don't worry, it won't die for a while!" said.

"How could you do this!!" Director Qing Gong couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words of the aborigine of the light department, but he was so angry that he was speechless!

"It's okay, it's okay!" The aborigine of the light department still waved his hand at Manager Qing Gong indifferently, and then said, "That's a giant dragon, thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and of the dark department. There is no need to worry about those aborigines of the dark system who can easily take it down! Just watch it, and when it really fails, I will definitely help! At that time, you also go out together, No matter what, it can be saved, right?!"

Having said that, the aborigine of the light department paused again, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "However, if it doesn't want to come back when the time comes, it will be another matter!"

Manager Qing Gong was short of breath, he could only take a few short breaths, and then looked at Xingdila and the others: "Master Xingdila, please see what to do! This Cenarion is outside the town, obviously It’s a bit invincible! So many natives of the dark system are fighting it!”

Naturally, Xingdila and the others couldn't be like the aborigine of the light department, who would just stand there and watch the show with a face of indifference.Therefore, after seeing Cenarion being attacked by the aborigines of the dark forces, Xingdila and the others couldn't help feeling a little worried and scared!

"When will the aborigines of the Sealed Town arrive?" Xingdila thought for a while, and couldn't help but glance at the patriarch of the elves, but shook her head directly at her.

"We sent the news as soon as we got it! People of the Sealed Town, we didn't have to wait!"

"Master Xingdila, take a look, can you go out and help Cenarion directly? Or, go and persuade it!" Qing Gong frowned tightly, looked at Xingdila and said: "Cenario will still listen to you!"

"I don't think so!" You Si shook his head directly at Director Qing Gong after hearing the words, and then said, "If Qianye is here now, I think it is still possible! After all, Qianye can directly Anyone who beats Cenarion, no matter how unwilling it is, will listen to Qianye! But as far as we are concerned, Cenarion may not necessarily listen!"

"Then what should we do?!" Manager Qing Gong turned around anxiously.

"If you want me to tell you, don't worry!" The aborigine of the light department couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard what Manager Qing Gong said, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "That giant dragon is coming again! I'm not an idiot, I'm about to die, and I don't know how to run back! I don't understand, what are you all worrying about here!"

Director Qing Gong didn't want to talk to the aborigine of the light department at all, and when he heard his words, he just gave him a hard look, and then set his expectant eyes on Xing Dila and the others.

"Otherwise, let's persuade him! If Cenarion is willing to come back, we'll help him get out immediately?" Xingdila frowned, looking at the situation outside the town, looking at Yousi and Pudi asked a question.

"I'm fine! You can do whatever you want!" Pudi nodded indifferently, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that the three of us are not from the dark department. If we go out to help, we still have to Only with the blessing and protection of light spells!"

"This is no problem! I can still do it with you guys!" The aboriginal of the light department immediately nodded when he heard what Pudi said: "I can't recover from the large number of people, but just you A few or a dozen, I can still handle it!"

Xing Dila nodded, and glanced at the patriarch of the elves.

"If necessary, we elves can go there together! Don't worry about this!" The patriarch of the elves nodded and said without hesitation.

"Okay! Then I'll go and talk to Cenarion!" Xingdila breathed a sigh of relief, said something to everyone, then walked directly to the protective barrier of the town, and shouted at Cenarion stand up.

However, Cenarion, who is being besieged by countless aborigines of the dark forces, has no time to respond to Xingdila!
Therefore, despite Xingdila shouting for a long time, Cenarion had no intention of answering.

"Wait! Why am I looking at something wrong?"

Just when Xingdila frowned and was about to greet the patriarch of the elves and was about to go outside the town together, the native of the light department suddenly discovered something, and immediately rushed to the protective barrier of the town. He stared wide-eyed and looked out of the town. After a few seconds, he hurriedly asked Xingdila, "Can you see the outside? Can you see it?"

Xingdila nodded affirmatively, and then said: "Of course we can see! We all have night vision potions!"

"Then take a look!" The aborigine of the light department heard the words, pointed directly in the direction of Cenarion, and asked Xingdila: "Look, there is a black line on the dragon's back. Is it wiggling?"

Upon hearing this, Xingdila quickly looked in the direction of Cenarion, but after looking for a long time, she didn't see anything, and couldn't help but look suspiciously at the aborigine of the light department.

"It's on the back of that giant dragon! Can't you see it?" the aborigine of the light department suddenly asked Xingdila anxiously. to others.

"I can't see anything either! I don't see any black lines!" Yousi also shook his head immediately, and said to the aborigine of the light department.

On the contrary, the patriarch of the elf clan seemed to see something, frowned and looked at it for a long time, and then said to the native of the light department: "I seem to have seen it!"

"Did you see it?! Did you really see it?" The aborigine of the light department seemed very pleasantly surprised, and immediately looked at the patriarch of the elf clan and asked. After seeing her nodding with affirmative expression, he relaxed. General in one breath.

"What's the black line you're talking about? Is Cenarion in danger?" Manager Qing Gong looked at the patriarch of the elves with a confused expression, and then at the aboriginals of the light department, extremely nervous He turned to him and asked: "Tell us quickly, is Cenarion in danger?"

"No, no!" The aborigine of the light department quickly shook his head, couldn't help but put a smile on his face, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "There is such a black line on the back of that giant dragon. But a good thing! You should be happy!"

"Good thing? What good thing!?" Manager Qing Gong's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at the aborigine of the light department with disbelief, and asked him suspiciously: "It's not you who said it on purpose. Are you here to lie to us?"

"Lying to you? What are you doing lying to?" The aborigine of the light department rolled his eyes directly, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Is there any advantage in lying to you? I am from the light department, and This dark-type person is born to be the enemy, so for some situations, he can see and understand more clearly than you! If I say it is a good thing, it must be a good thing!"

"What good thing is that, you tell me!" You Si couldn't help but frowned, looked at the native of the light department and asked, "What's the matter!"

The aborigine of the light department smiled, and then smiled at everyone with an unfathomable face, and then said slowly: "Before, I told you, the city lord, that this giant The strength of the dragon is not good! With my ability, although I can't beat it, but I can contain it and prevent it from hurting me. That's no problem at all! At that time, the dragon was still angry! But your city lord asked it to work harder and become more powerful. This giant dragon is not very happy! Now it is fine! Just watch it, let it be attacked outside for a while, it There will definitely be changes!"

"What change? Become more powerful?" You Si frowned suddenly, looking at the aborigine of the light department and asked.

"That's right! The one that doesn't change is even more powerful. How did it beat the aborigines of the dark forces!?" The aborigine of the light department laughed a little more happily, and said to everyone: "Then A black line, if the elves can see it, it means that I am not the only one lying here! Therefore, the giant dragon of your city lord may be able to advance to a higher level soon! Isn't this a great thing?"

"Really?" Manager Qing Gong had a look of disbelief, and couldn't help but look at Cenarion, who was surrounded by the aborigines of the dark forces outside the town and could hardly move, and looked suspiciously at the bright The aborigines of the department said: "This matter is not a joke. If something happens to Cenarion, none of us will be able to explain it!"

"It's true! Why don't you believe it!?" The aborigine of the light department also looked helpless, rolled his eyes at Manager Qing Gong, and said, "Didn't you just always Are you calling that giant dragon? Didn’t you hear it answer? Look at the current state, if there are any problems, even if it doesn’t want you to help, then when you hear someone calling it, it will Why do you always take a look, or answer it? But after calling so many times just now, this giant dragon has never answered a single word, let alone looked back, do you know why?"

Everyone shook their heads directly, expressing their incomprehension.

"Because it's very painful now! I can't hear or say anything at all!" The aborigine of the light department immediately said with a smile, looked at Manager Qing Gong, and widened his eyes in horror, wanting to When he opened his mouth to say something, he immediately interrupted: "Don't worry! I've said it's a good thing, and it's normal even if it hurts! After this period of time, the active black line on the back After putting it on its head, everything will be fine! Just wait and see!”

"If this is not what you said, what should we do?" Director Qing Gong took two deep breaths, looked at the native of the light department and asked.

"Impossible! The facts are exactly as I said!" The aborigine of the light department had an affirmative expression on his face. Seeing that Chief Qing Gong was still reluctant, after thinking for a while, he said helplessly: " All right! All right! If this giant dragon is really not what I said, if something happens to it later, I will be in charge of the head office, right? If it dies, I will kill it, all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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