The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2963 Can You Help

Chapter 2963 Can You Help

No matter whether it is the Lord of the City, or the Lord of the Night, they have never thought about what Lin Qianye said that they can find a way to repair the teleportation array, and naturally they have never thought that Lin Qianye is going to find a way to repair this The teleportation array of Rinyin City will go to the guardian beast of Rinyin City for help!
From the eyes of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan, the guardian beast of Linyin City has always maintained a neither salty nor indifferent attitude towards their authentic city lord, and even because of those of Linyin City. The aborigines fought with them, so this guardian beast is obviously not easy to get close to!What's more, the masters of the city masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan think that it is impossible for such a guardian beast to easily interact with anyone, even if their real city masters want to let the Linyin City If your guardian beast does something, it will most likely not respond!

Lin Qianye went over, and the guardian beast couldn't possibly talk to them.So when seeing Lin Qianye walking towards the guardian beast of Linyin City with Pudi and Yousi, the city lord Yan Shan and the city lord Ye Shan just looked at each other in surprise, but they didn't. He didn't mean to stop Lin Qianye, but stood there and watched their movements while frowning, only waiting for Lin Qianye and the others to be warned by the guardian beast behind the approaching guardian beast. Give it a slap, and when the time comes, won't there be a good show to watch?
When Lin Qianye and the others are photographed flying, they will know that in Linyin City, they are the only ones who can ask for help!

Lord Yan Shan and Ye Shan raised the corners of their mouths tacitly.But what happened next was beyond the imagination of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan!
Lin Qianye took Yousi and Pudi, approached the guardian beast of Rinyin City a few meters away, then stopped, and seemed to yell at the guardian beast twice, and then the city lord and the Ye Shan City Master looked at the patron saint of Rin Yin City who fell asleep again after slapping them, and he opened his eyes immediately, looked in Lin Qianye's direction, and straightened up. Come on!
"It's over, Lin Qianye and the others will definitely be shot away by that guardian beast! This time there will be a good show!" Lord Yeshan City Lord couldn't help but gloated, thinking that it would be possible in the future. Seeing Lin Qianye and the others being beaten into a panic by the monster, they did not expect that after the guardian beast straightened up, it lowered its head to look at Lin Qianye and the three of them fiercely. He didn't immediately open his mouth wide to pounce on Lin Qianye and the others, but tilted his head, restrained the fierceness in his eyes, and moved his probe towards Lin Qianye!

"What's going on here? Why don't you attack them?" Lord Ye Shan couldn't help becoming a little nervous when he saw this situation, and then whispered: "Could it be that this is trying to swallow them up? But , why don't you open your mouth? Are Lin Qianye and the others really not afraid?"

"If they're afraid, they won't pass!" Lord Yan Shan frowned tightly, and said something to Lord Ye Shan with a solemn expression, and after thinking about it, he asked: "I also want to Go over and have a look, do you want to go there?" "What are we going to do in the past? Night" Lord Shan City Lord couldn't help looking at City Master Yan Shan when he heard that Yes, but City Master Ye Shan didn't expect that City Master Yan Shan didn't want to answer him, and ran towards Lin Qianye and the others directly.It seems that I am worried that if I go late, I will lose something!
Seeing this situation, how could Lord Yeshan dare to delay?Immediately followed, the two hurried towards the direction of the huge guardian beast, but their eyes were fixed on the movement over there, afraid that something would happen!
I saw that the guardian beast of Linyin City did not devour Lin Qianye and the others in one gulp, as the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan had imagined before, but approached Lin Qianye with its head Afterwards, they sniffed lightly, then retracted their heads again, and just looked down at Lin Qianye and the others without any movement! "Lord Qianye, what are you going to do?!" The city lord Yan Shan had just stopped by Lin Qianye's side, and couldn't help but shouted at him, but looked at Lin Qianye with a smile on his face. Turning his head to look at them, the doubts in the heart of the city lord Zhu Shan became even stronger!
What's so funny about that?What the hell are Lin Qianye and the others trying to do? ! "Lord Qianye!" Lord Yan Shan couldn't help but darken his face, and shouted at Lin Qianye: "Master Qianye, do you know that this is the guardian beast of our Linyin City, if it attacks If you say it, maybe even we can't beat it together. Aren't you afraid?"

"Scared? I must be a little scared! But, you can't stop asking this guardian beast for help just because you're scared!" Lin Qianye had a bright smile on her face, and she looked at it without worrying at all. The Lord of the City Lord Yanshan and the Lord of the City Lord Yeshan glanced at each other, and then continued: "Why did the two Lords of the City come here? Do you want to hear how I asked this guardian beast for help?"

Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at Lin Qianye with a serious expression, and then asked unhappily: "Lord Qian Ye, what exactly do you want?" Don't put on such an expression, if you don't know, you think I'm going to do something that won't help you! I don't want to do anything!" Lin Qianye shrugged, but smiled at Lu Shan The city lord said: "I just want to ask this guardian beast to help, and let's take a look at the teleportation array with us!"

"This is just nonsense!" Hearing the words, Lord Yan Shan couldn't help shouting at Lin Qianye, "What can such a guardian beast do? It's not a person with mana, so how can it repair anything? Teleportation array!? How could it be of any help?!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Lin Qianye said with a smile on her face, and said to Lord Yan Shan: "Most of the missing parts of the teleportation array are just energy stones. It's not necessarily true, I have invited you This Guardian Beast of Yin City went to help, and how many energy stones can he toss out? Isn’t this a great help?” “Lord Qianye, you are talking nonsense!” Yan suddenly frowned tightly, looked at Lin Qianye in confusion and annoyance, and shouted at him: "Master Qianye, this is impossible. It may not even have mana, why? Come up with energy stones? You are talking nonsense!" "City Master Xie Shan, how do you know it's impossible if you don't try everything?!" Lin Qianye didn't want to listen to the words of the Lord Xie Shan at all. Meaning, he said something directly to them with a smile on his face, regardless of how complicated and strange the expressions on the faces of the Masters of City Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan were at the moment, they looked directly at the huge guardian beast and shouted at it : "You are the guardian beast of Linyin City, right? We would like to ask you a favor now, can you? Anyway, you are quite free now!"

The guardian beast of Linyin City looked at Lin Qianye coldly, as if it didn't understand anything.

Seeing this situation, City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, but when they were about to speak to urge Lin Qianye and the others to leave, they did not expect that the guardian beast was at this time. Tilting his head, he glanced at the teleportation array in Linyin City, and then looked at Lin Qianye again.

Sure enough, the smile on Lin Qianye's face became even brighter.

"Look, you also know what we are talking about! If you promise to help us, I can treat you to delicious food! Why don't you try it?!" Lin Qianye seemed to be coaxing a Like a three-year-old child, he waved at the guardian beast of Linyin City with a smile on his face. Seeing it seemed a little disbelieving, he quickly reached out and took out the same food from his bag. Holding it in his hand, he shouted at the guardian beast of Linyin City: "Look, these are all for you to eat. Can you believe our sincerity now? Anyway, the city of Linyin City is now The protective barrier has been opened, you don’t have to worry about the monsters outside, and you have time to help us! You won’t be delayed!” The guardian beast tilted its head, and its eyes fell on Lin Qianye The pile of food in his hand looked at him with some hesitation, then slowly stretched his head over, put his nose close to the food in Lin Qianye's hand, and then stuck out his huge tongue He rolled it directly into his palm, rolled all the food into his mouth, and swallowed it directly into his stomach without chewing much.

Seeing this, Lin Qianye smiled happily, looked at the guardian beast of Rin Yin City and asked, "How is it? Is it delicious?! If you like it, wait for you to help us put the teleportation array After it is repaired, we will go to the city to bring you delicious food, how about that? Or, let Chen Guang find some delicious food for you in the future, that’s okay! What do you think? "

"Lord Qianye, are you crazy?" Lord Yan Shan heard Lin Qianye's words, but he couldn't help but shouted at him: "You actually use this to a guardian beast! The means? Using food to lure it, don't you think this is a bit too much?"

"Excessive? Where is it excessive?" Lin Qianye raised her eyebrows and asked City Lord Yan Shan, without waiting for his answer, she continued on her own: "I didn't force the guardian beast to do anything, but It's just a deal with it, I don't think there's anything too much to do! Moreover, we asked the guardian beast to help, it's just a small matter, it's not a big trouble, and it's a big deal for it. It's extremely easy, where is it too much?! Besides, at the beginning, you and Ye Shan, the city lords, agreed to let us repair the teleportation array and then left, but now if the two city lords don't have time, we will find you Lin Yin It is also reasonable for the guardian beasts of the city to help! Could it be that, City Lord Xi Shan, you still want to continue to prevent us from leaving? Or, have you thought of any reason to stop us?"

"I haven't thought about this! Lord Qianye, please don't wrong me!" Hearing this, City Lord Yan Shan immediately frowned and looked at Lin Qianye. How dare he admit these thoughts in his heart!It's just that after Lin Qianye heard the words of Lord Yan Shan, he immediately turned his head to ask Lord Ye Shan for his opinion, and after getting almost the same statement, Lin Qianye laughed again, and then turned to the city owner. Lord Shan City Lord and Lord Ye Shan City Lord glanced at each other, and then continued: "Since the two Lord City Lords have said it and have no intention of stopping us, please get out of the way! We have to invite this Only guardian beasts are going to help!"

"Lord Qianye, if you are going to invite this guardian beast to help you, are you really willing to do so?" Lord Yeshan City Lord couldn't help but sneered when he heard Lin Qianye's words, "Just now Didn't Lord Ye see that this guardian beast even beat me and Yan Shan, and it doesn't show any affection at all!" Lin Qianye looked confidently at the man with a smile on his face. The guardian beast asked politely: "Guardian beast, are you willing to help us?"

The guardian beast looked at Lin Qianye quietly, but did not move.

Seeing this, Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but sneered immediately, and then said to Lin Qianye: "Look, Lord Qianye, this guardian beast can't even say whether it wants to go with you or not, maybe it will listen to you." I don’t understand what you are talking about, how do you let it help? I don’t know what you are thinking, Lord Qianye! How can you be sure that it will follow you to help?”

"I think it will agree!" Lin Qianye smiled and said something to City Master Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, then looked at the guardian beast of Linyin City, It beckoned again, pointed in the direction of the teleportation array in Linyin City, and continued: Look!The place we're going to is over there, just follow us there, it's just some small things, you can definitely help! "Master Qianye, it won't listen to you, so don't waste your efforts!"We are the city lords of Linyin City, even if it wants to be obedient, it should listen to us! Seeing Lin Qianye's appearance, Lord Yan Shan suddenly said something to him with dissatisfaction, but he didn't wait for Lin Qianye's reply, he could only watch Lin Qianye slowly move forward , seems to be getting closer to the guardian beast.

But the huge guardian beast seemed to be bewitched. It just watched Lin Qianye approaching, and then waited to wave at it again. After walking a few steps in the direction of Linyin City, the guardian beast He really tilted his head and took a step forward with his paws!
(End of this chapter)

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