Chapter 2971

The guardian beast of Rinyin City didn't care what Lin Qianye wanted it to do at all. After hearing Lin Qianye's words, the guardian beast turned around and looked around the teleportation array in Rinyin City. After taking a look, he chose a slightly more open place, curled up and fell directly on the ground, and fell asleep immediately, without any worry or displeasure at all!
Lin Qianye glanced at the guardian beast, and there was no worry on her face.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked in the direction of the guardian beast, and looked at Lin Qianye with some doubts, then while collecting the energy stones, he asked Lin Qianye: "Master Qianye? , the Guardian Beast agrees just like that? No comments at all?"

"Otherwise? What else do you want it to do? Beat me up?" Lin Qianye smiled when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This guardian beast wants to save Chen Guang, of course, knows that everything we do can achieve this goal, so let it help with something, why worry? It’s not about letting it destroy Linyin City, why is it unwilling? We have found this power stone, and it is quitting now, isn’t that too ridiculous? As for the city masters of Yanshan and Yeshan, it will be fine even if they come back soon! They don’t have any guardian beasts at all. There is a way. As long as the guardian beasts want to help us, they have no way to stop them! So, we can do what we need to do with peace of mind, and don't worry about the rest!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, although he was a little worried, but seeing Lin Qianye's sure and relaxed appearance, he could only nod his head.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan reappeared in everyone's sight.

At this moment, the two of them were sweating profusely, and as soon as they stopped panting, they immediately looked in the direction of the guardian beast. Seeing it curled up and sleeping beside it, Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan could only grit their teeth. He looked at Lin Qianye and the others, but in the end he didn't do anything, he didn't say anything, he just sat on the floor and stared at Lin Qianye and the others' actions, which gave Ji Xiaoyan a sharp edge back feeling.

"Don't worry! They won't do anything!" Lin Qianye seemed to see something, and immediately said comfortingly to Ji Xiaoyan, "We do what we do, just let them stay there!"

"At that time, won't the city lords of Yanshan and Yeshan stop us? I think they are accumulating power now, and they will come to destroy us after we put the energy stone on the teleportation array. ! Or, before that, they will come to wreak havoc after resting!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lin Qianye with a worried look on his face, and whispered to him.

"It's impossible!" Lin Qianye smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "If we really do that, we'll tear ourselves apart! After weighing the pros and cons, the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan are different from each other. You are stronger than Xiaoyan! The only thing they can expect now is that the teleportation array cannot be used after putting energy stones on it, that's all! Otherwise, as long as they do it, it is tantamount to killing the aborigines of Linyin City. Losing the prestige of the city lord in their eyes, if this is the case, they will regret it even more! They will not do such a stupid thing!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and glanced at City Masters Lu Shan and Ye Shan, but he did not intend to continue to care and pay attention, and concentrated on helping Lin Qianye sort out the energy stones according to their colors, and then Then he watched Lin Qianye start to pick and choose among them, and put together all the energy stones that jumped out of it one by one.It seems to be reclassified again.

"Master Qianye, do I still need to choose this energy stone? Isn't it enough to just choose the same color?" Ji Xiaoyan was full of curiosity, wondering what Lin Qianye was doing all this time, so he could only look at him She asked curiously, but watched as Lin Qianye casually took out two thumb-sized energy stones and put them in her hands.

"Xiaoyan, can you see if these two power stones are the same?"

"It's different!" Ji Xiaoyan hardly looked at it carefully, and shook his head and frowned, and said to Lin Qianye, "Their sizes and shapes are different, you can tell it at a glance!"

"It's all irrelevant!" Lin Qianye smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "The main thing you need to see is whether the color of these two power stones is one dark and the other light?"

Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan quickly took a closer look, nodded immediately, and after thinking for a while, asked Lin Qianye in surprise: "Master Qianye, what you mean is that the energy stone with a darker color Is the energy of the lighter color more abundant? Is it the opposite of the light color?"

"Smart!" Lin Qianye smiled and nodded immediately, took the two energy stones back from Ji Xiaoyan's hand, and then continued to say to her: "Since we want to restore this teleportation array, we want to ensure it It can be recovered at one time, so naturally we must choose the best energy stone! This can ensure that we will not waste our efforts, right? So these energy stones with sufficient energy must be selected first, so as to ensure the energy we will fuse next The energy of the stone is bigger, so it won't be wasted!"

"So what we have to do now is to choose?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately asked Lin Qianye knowingly, and after watching him nod with a smile, he immediately called for Xuan Mo to help.

It's just that the few people haven't picked out too many energy stones, so they watched Yousi and Pudi running out from behind a remnant wall in Linyin City panting, and saw the figures of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan Afterwards, Yousi and Pudi hurriedly straightened their clothes, suppressed the expression on their faces, walked directly to Lin Qianye's side, raised their eyebrows at him and sat down, but looked at Lin Qianye carelessly. Qianye and the others asked, "Qianye, what are you going to do now?"

"It's just picking the energy stones, you all understand!" Lin Qianye said to Yousi and Pudi with a natural face, after watching them start picking energy stones beside her, Lin Qianye finally He looked in the direction of the Lords of the City Lord Yan Shan and the Lord Ye Shan, and saw that they were all frowning and looking at him, and their eyes fell on You Si and Pu Di. After thinking about it, he smiled and lowered his head. He turned to Yousi and asked them, "How is it? Any news?"

"Yes!" You Si immediately couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, carefully glanced in the direction of the Lords of the City Lords Lushan and Lord Yeshan, and then whispered to Lin Qianye: "I think this teleportation array Ah, if only relying on such a little power stone, I'm afraid it won't be able to activate it!"

"Then it's still useful for us to do this now!?" Lin Qianye raised an eyebrow.

"It's useful! It's useless!" Yousi nodded immediately, and then said: "Without energy stones, the teleportation array can't be restored! It's just that the recovery process is a little more difficult than we imagined! It just needs Make more efforts!"

"How much harder is it? [-]%?" Lin Qianye couldn't help but asked worriedly, but looked at You Si and shook her head with a smile.

"It's so powerful! It's just one or two more things, it's very simple!" You Si said to Lin Qianye with a smile, and the action of picking the energy stone in his hand was unambiguous at all!
"That's good! We're not afraid to do more!" Lin Qianye immediately felt relieved, and she no longer wanted to talk to Yousi and the others. After sorting out all the energy stones in front of her, she finally The fusion started.

To say that the energy stone fusion process is very simple!
But for Ji Xiaoyan, it was extremely rare!

Ji Xiaoyan always thought that the fusion of energy stones needs to be processed slowly with mana, so that all these energy stones can be fused together. The process must be a very energy-consuming and time-consuming process, but Ji Xiaoyan Xiaoyan did not expect that Lin Qianye just picked out those energy stones and grabbed them all in his hand, and then started to rub them vigorously with the palm of his hand. Not long after, a bigger energy stone appeared on Lin Qianye's hands.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen his eyes immediately, and looked at Lin Qianye in disbelief, and looked back and forth between him and the larger energy stone in his hand several times. Finally, he couldn't help asking: "Master Qianye, how did you do it? How could you fuse this energy stone so quickly? Does it have no mana?"

"Where do you need to use any mana!" Lin Qianye smiled and shook her head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The fusion of the energy stones is actually very simple! You only need to put together the energy stones of the same attribute, and directly Just knead them together! No mana required!"

"It's that simple?!" Ji Xiaoyan was still shocked, looking at Lin Qianye and asked.She couldn't imagine it at the moment, how could something that should be so difficult be done so easily?

After seeing Lin Qianye nodding her head affirmatively, Ji Xiaoyan immediately took out two energy stones from her hand, and rubbed them together vigorously. She really couldn't believe what Lin Qianye said It's all true, but I hope that everything is false. It is impossible for her to successfully fuse these two power stones together so simply!But when Ji Xiaoyan felt that the two energy stones really fused together, Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Qianye again in shock, and then looked at the energy stone in his hand, I was speechless for a long time.

"How? Simple!" Lin Qianye looked at the surprised expression on Ji Xiaoyan's face amusedly, and asked her, and when she saw Ji Xiaoyan opened her mouth and looked towards her, Lin Qianye Only then did Ye continue to ask Ji Xiaoyan: "What's the matter? Still don't believe it?"

"Master Qianye. It's really that simple! Doesn't it mean that anyone can fuse this energy stone?" Ji Xiaoyan really has no words at all, he doesn't know what to say!
"Not necessarily!" Lin Qianye said with a smile, "If you let the aborigines of Linyin City come, then it won't work! The fusion energy stone also needs a certain amount of strength, just Xiaoyan, your current strength must be enough, so you can fuse these power stones so easily!"

"That's okay! That's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't tell what he was feeling, so he could only exhale and nod.

"Then everyone should hurry up and work hard to get out these power stones first, and let's talk about whether they can be used later!"

Yousi and Pudi didn't have any objections, they nodded immediately, each chose a color and started to fuse these power stones, while Ji Xiaoyan stared at the two fused power stones in his hand for a long time, this Then he took action, fused the pile of energy stones of the same color in front of him little by little into a fist-sized energy stone, then looked at Lin Qianye, and asked him: "Master Qianye, What are we going to do next?"

"Next?! Let's rest now!" Lin Qianye glanced in the direction of City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan from the corner of her eye, but said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on her face, and then looked directly at Looking around at the aborigines of Rinyin City, he waved at a few of them casually, and waited for the aborigines of Rinyin City to trot over, then asked them with a smile: "Let's see It's getting late, and I want to stay in Linyin City for one more night, but I don't know where I can rest?!"

The natives of Rinyin City seemed surprised. They thought that Lin Qianye and the others were going to leave immediately, but they didn't expect them to stay for another night, so they immediately thought about it and looked around a few times, feeling a little embarrassed Facing Lin Qianye and the others, he said, "My lord, I'm so sorry! We only have these buildings in Linyin City right now, and there are not many buildings that can shelter from the wind and rain. If the adults really want to rest, there are none. What a great place!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Qianye said to the aborigines of Linyin City with a smile, "Just find us a place to make do for the night. I’ve been there, it’s no big deal!”

Besides, isn't there still ink?
If there is no house here, wouldn't it be enough for Xuan Mo to build one with land or stones?Lin Qianye is not worried about this at all!

The aborigines of Linyin City breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news, nodded quickly and immediately pointed to the north of the teleportation array, and said to Lin Qianye and the others: "We all live near the City Lord's Mansion now. If the adults want to live, they can just find a place around there, as long as there is no one there, they can stay!"

"Thank you so much!" Lin Qianye smiled immediately, and after thanking the aborigines of Linyin City, she walked in the direction of the guardian beast, regardless of whether it was really asleep or not. The one who was sleeping said directly to it: "Guardian Beast, our preparations are almost done today, but we still need to do some other things to restore the teleportation array! You may have to wait a little longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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