The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2974 Unexplainable

Chapter 2974 Unexplainable
The Masters of the City Lord Yan Shan and the Lord Ye Shan City never imagined that things would turn out like this.

Obviously they saw Lin Qianye and the others sneaking into the city lord's mansion of Linyin City, and they just wanted to catch Lin Qianye and the others' faults and suppress Lin Qianye's arrogance!However, the masters of Yanshan City and Zengzhu of Yeshan City never thought that after talking about this matter, it turned out that Lin Qianye and the others were helping them in Linyin City and Panchi City, while Xuan Mo and Chen Guang However, there is a problem with the city town stone.

Thinking of this, Ye Shan City Lord couldn't help frowning immediately, looked at Xuan Mo and Chen Guang again and again, then looked at Xuan Mo worriedly and asked: "Then what is the situation of Chen Guang and you now?" is it serious?"

"If you say it's serious, there's still some time to delay, but if you say it's not serious, it's pretty serious!" Xuan Mo thought for a while and said calmly to Lord Ye Shan, "Our current mana can be used even if we don't use it. , has been passing away slowly, without any sign of recovery at all, and Chen Guang's mana consumption in a coma like this is faster than this recovery speed, if this continues, if you don't care, you will definitely run out of mana! Now if not Because of the potion given by Xiaoyan and the others, Chenguang and I can’t hold on for long! Therefore, Lord Yeshan City Lord, what we urgently need to do now is to restore our mana as soon as possible!”

"I know this! But the question now is, is there any way to make your mana recover faster? What are you looking for in this city lord's mansion? Is there anything here that can make your mana recover faster? " Lord Ye Shan frowned, but looked suspiciously into the city lord's mansion, and asked Xuan Mo.However, Xuan Mo shook his head, and said seriously to Lord Ye Shan: "Master Qianye and the others originally wanted to use the teleportation array to take us out to see the situation, but now the energy stone for repairing the teleportation array is ready. Yes, but just putting the energy stones on the teleportation array can't restore the teleportation array. There are other things that need to be done! So Master Qianye and the others are going to look for it in the city lord's mansion to see if it can There can't be any other clues that can help us restore the teleportation array as soon as possible!" Do you need to do other things?Master Qianye, don’t you know what this teleportation array needs to do to restore it? Lord Ye Shan frowned, looked at Lin Qianye and the others in confusion and asked, but he didn't believe it!
And Lord Yan Shan frowned when he heard the words, and after looking in Lin Qianye's direction, he asked Xuan Mo: "This teleportation formation was abandoned because the energy stones were exhausted. Yes? Now that Master Qianye and the others have collected all the power stones, why can’t they restore the teleportation array?”

"How can it be that simple?" Xuan Mo sighed, and said to the Lords of the City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "This teleportation array can be used just by putting energy stones on it? How is that possible! The teleportation array has not been used for such a long time, and it still needs to be repaired. After the repair is completed, it needs to be reactivated to restore it! How can it be as simple as we thought?" Hearing this, the lord of the city is a little displeased. Said to Xuan Mo very clearly: "You said that the teleportation array needs to be repaired, I believe it! Ye Shan and I also went to see the situation of the teleportation array, and it was indeed damaged due to years of neglect. Great places, but there are not many such places, and they are all concentrated on the edge of the teleportation array, the core position, there are only some small scratches, and such small scratches should not affect the use of the teleportation array ! As for activating the energy stone you just said, how do you do this?"

Xuan Mo sighed, but shook his head and said to Lord Yan Shan: "I don't know the specifics. Anyway, no matter what it is, I need to find someone to do it. And the teleportation array of Linyin City, At the beginning, it was not only because the power stone's energy was exhausted that it became what it is now." "Xu Mo, what do you mean by that?" After hearing the words, Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan couldn't help but He looked at Xuan Mo in shock, but really wondered where did Xuan Mo's words come from?

"That's what I've agreed with you!" Before Xuan Mo could answer, You Si stood up and looked calmly at City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan, and said to them: "Before Qianye Let's go back to Rinyin City first, because we want us to find clues about the teleportation array in Rinyin City. It's just that Rinyin City has been abandoned for a long time, and it's still very difficult to find something! So Yousi and I walked around the city and found nothing of value. Then we went to the city lord's mansion to look for it, and found a book in a nearby house. "

"In the house near the city lord's mansion? My lord, don't you remember it wrong? Finding books and other things, shouldn't books exist in the city lord's mansion of our Linyin city? What's more, it's about this teleportation array!" Lord Yan Shan frowned suddenly, but his face was full of doubts, "Or, this book was actually found by you, Master Yousi, in our City Lord's Mansion, and now it is not Care to tell us?"

When you heard this, you couldn't help but rolled your eyes, and said to Lord Yan Shan, "City Master Yan Shan, don't accuse me indiscriminately! We are checking things, but we didn't think about turning over if nothing happened. I came to your city lord's mansion to search around! Even if we did find something in your city lord's mansion, we didn't steal it or something, so the two city lords don't have to do this, it seems that we are robbers Generally speaking, this is detrimental to our image!"

"Then you are also entering our city lord's mansion now?" The city lord Yan Shan suddenly sneered twice, glanced at You Si, and then directly motioned him to continue, but You Si didn't want to go any further. He continued to explain something to the city lords Jia Shan and Ye Shan, and immediately turned his face away!
Seeing this, Pudi glanced at You Si with some amusement, thought for a while, and then said to the Lords of the City Lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "The book was really found outside the City Lord's Mansion, but the There are not many things recorded in this book, it seems to be just a manuscript! It is only mentioned above that if the two cities are merged into one, this town will definitely be different from before! As for the recovery method of the teleportation array , it only said that you need to find another book!"

"What do you mean by that?" Hearing the words, Lord Yan Shan immediately looked at Pudi and asked, but looked at Pudi and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what the meaning of the book is! I'm not the one who wrote the book, not to mention that we also found the book in an empty house, and we didn't meet the aborigines of Linyin City at that time. Ask them to help explain. So we took the things back, followed Qianye to live next to the city lord's mansion, and studied it all night, because we found something wrong with Xuan Mo and Chen Guang, so we guessed Come out with seven or eight points!" Hearing the words, the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan couldn't help but looked in the direction of Chen Guang and Xuan Mo, and after thinking for a while, they asked them: "In other words, Now that Chen Guang and Xuan Mo are in a state of depletion of mana, is it because of their two town stones?"

"That's natural!" Pudi nodded to Lord Yan Shan with a positive face and said, "If these two town stones are close together, there must be accidents. It is clearly written in the book! Now Mo and Chen Guang stayed together, getting along so close, and Chen Guang is in a coma right now, there should be a reason for this situation!" "Since you all know, why don't you just let Xuan Mo leave?" How about staying away from Chen Guang? As long as the two of them don’t get close, wouldn’t it be fine?” Lord Ye Shan looked in the direction of Xuan Mo with an unhappy face, and said something to Lin Qianye and the others , and then beckoned Xuan Mo to come to his side, and said to him: "Since you and Chen Guang are too close to cause some accidents, then you will follow me from now on, and we will stay away from them." All right!"

"I'm afraid it won't work anymore!" Xuan Mo shook his head at City Lord Ye Shan with a positive face, and then said: "Now that the accident has happened, it doesn't make sense to separate me from Chen Guang now! "

"What do you mean by that?" Lord Ye Shan frowned a little more.

"When I first came to look for Linyin City, I knew that if the two town stones met together, there would definitely be changes! Now that there are changes, it is normal! I have already prepared in my heart, and I have not What a big deal! At least, the current situation is better than I imagined!" But Xuan Mo smiled indifferently, and said to Lord Ye Shan.

"Okay? Is this okay now? If your mana is exhausted, you will die!" Lord Ye Shan said to Xuan Mo with a worried face, but he looked at the wry smile on his face, He could only take a deep breath, then looked at Lin Qianye and the others and asked, "Tell me, what do you want us to do, Lord Qianye? How can we get Xuan Mo and the others back to normal!"

"We don't know about this specific matter!" Lin Qianye shook her head, and said to Lord Yeshan: "The only way we can think of now is to leave Linyin City as soon as possible. It is not conducive to their recovery! After leaving Linyin City, we will separate Xuanmo and Chenguang. If they can recover after a long distance, then everything will be easy to handle! If not, you can only go to Time to figure it out!"

"Okay! Then go to toss that teleportation array now!" Lord Ye Shan didn't hesitate at all, and urged Lin Qianye directly, but he didn't expect that the Lord Ye Shan, who was beside him, was a little uncomfortable. willing.

"Ye Shan, whose side are you on?" Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at Lord Ye Shan with dissatisfaction, and asked him.

"I'm on Xuan Mo's side!" Lord Ye Shan didn't hesitate at all, and said directly to Lord Yan Shan, "Chenguang is the town stone of Linyin City, and you can still watch him helplessly Is something wrong? You can see the past, but I can't! I'm going to send them away from Linyin City now!"

"Ye Shan!" Lord Yan Shan had an angry look on his face. He wanted to explode, but he looked at the persistent expression on the face of Lord Ye Shan, and then looked at the way Lin Qianye and the others looked at him. City Lord Yan Shan could only take a few deep breaths, and then said angrily, "I want to see how you can restore the teleportation array and left!"

"As long as you don't stop the Lord of the City, we will definitely find a way!" But You Si laughed, and said something directly to the Lord of the City, and watched him leave angrily after shaking his sleeves. Only then did he look at Lord Yeshan, and asked him: "So, is Lord Yeshan willing to help us now?"

"I'm helping Xuan Mo!" Lord Ye Shan snorted coldly, but looked at Xuan Mo worriedly. After thinking for a while, he took out a few bottles of potion from his package and handed them to Xuan Mo to let him He drank it first, then looked at Chenguang, and gave Xing Dila a little potion, and asked her to feed it to Chenguang when the time came.

"I didn't expect that, the Yeshan City Lord is a little more soft-hearted than the Yanshan City master!" Seeing this situation, the others couldn't help muttering in a low voice, and then they heard the Yeshan City Lord ask them, Find out what to do.

"Next, we need to find the book that can restore the teleportation array in this city lord's mansion!" Yousi immediately put on a serious expression, and said to Lord Yechang: "The book we found before That is to say, after Linyin City and Panchi City are separated, once there is no city lord around, the protective barrier will disappear and the teleportation array will be abandoned. So the last city lord had predicted everything , so I specially prepared the corresponding tools and methods, all recorded in a book, we just need to find that book!"

"Then you haven't found it yet?" Ye Shan City Master nodded, but asked with some doubts.

"If we found it, we would have rushed to the teleportation formation!" You Si sighed, pointed at the buildings of the City Lord's Mansion behind him, and said to Lord Ye Shan, "We just sent the City Lord's Mansion I searched all the places I could find, but I didn't find any books at all! But Chen Guang said at the beginning that he had read a lot of books in this Linyin City, we just can't figure it out now, Where are the books he read at the beginning! Or, where did he read the books! "

(End of this chapter)

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