The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3 Novices who are not in the Novice Village

Chapter 3 Novices who are not in the Novice Village

Standing under the 2.3-meter-high city gate in front of him, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the NPC Diloc who was walking in front of him speechlessly.What is this?A higher-level town that is one level larger than Xinshou Village?The difference of one level is only that big, she guessed it must be several levels.Not to mention those spiders in Xinshou Village, she walked around half a street in the village, and also went outside the village to look.What's the matter, the "wall" of Xinshou Village, which used bamboo slices on the ground as a fence, and the current 2.3-meter-high bluestone city wall are several grades apart!Although she didn't see what the "village gate" in the village looked like, but the thickness of the gate in front of her was at least as big as her palm. Ji Xiaoyan was very moved, the big city is really awesome.While thinking, she followed her NPC grandfather along the city gate and walked towards the town.

There are many guards standing at the gate of the city, holding spears and shields. There are many patterns on the shields. Even if you look at them from a distance, you think they are very delicate and valuable.Well, in Ji Xiaoyan's opinion, these things are directly equated with money.The city gate is huge.From time to time, a lot of players of all kinds come into town noisily.Of course, some players still focused on Ji Xiaoyan.However, it is basically estimated that Ji Xiaoyan is a "bumpkin" who climbed up from Xinshou Village to New Town with great difficulty.

Although when choosing Xinshou Village, everyone can choose by looking at the picture, but from Xinshou Village to New Town, the village head will randomly send it to you.In Xinshou Village, basically nothing will be exposed to you. There are NPCs in the village who will give you some small tasks, so that you can also do some tasks while fighting monsters and leveling up. Get out of Xinshou Village and go out to harm others.So, basically when you arrive in a new town, you're still wearing the novice outfit you were born with.So Ji Xiaoyan, a rookie who came to the new town at zero level, didn't attract everyone's special attention at all, otherwise, she might be surrounded by crowds and so on. The setting of the game "Revelation" is also very real. The monsters in the game basically do not drop gold coins, and the drop rate of equipment is also very small.Gold coins, silver coins, etc., can only be dropped by humanoid monsters. Think about it, do beasts use money?Of course, there are some special animals that will drop gold coins, that is, animals that naturally like to collect shiny things. Can you use an example to illustrate? Everyone knows that dragons will definitely drop gold coins.However, at this stage, it is estimated that it is the dragon slaying people. If you want to slay the dragon, just wait!If you want money in the game, it’s easy to do. Take NPC tasks, or kill monsters, get some monster hair, skins, etc., NPCs will still take money.Of course, the quickest way is to directly exchange the federation currency for game currency.However, if you haven’t left Novice Village, you don’t have to think about it. There is an exchange hall in the town.

After entering the city gate, as soon as Ji Xiaoyan saw the crowded street shops, he felt his blood rush to the top of his head.So excited, so many people, this is just a small town that the NPC grandfather said, so many people = equipment can be sold = federal currency.Of course, at this time, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know that money can be exchanged directly. She thought that she took a screenshot of the equipment like in her previous life, hung it on some trading platform, and then traded the equipment in the game, and the bank card will be credited later. of.Ji Xiaoyan stood there with a smirk on her face and looked at the crowd. Dillock walked a few steps and turned around to find her new granddaughter standing there dumbfounded. She thought she was dumbfounded by the prosperity of the city.Turning back to her side with a doting face, stroking her head and saying, "Son, don't just stand there stupidly, go home with grandpa first, and you'll have plenty of time to watch slowly later."

Ji Xiaoyan came back to his senses, nodded excitedly and said, "Yes, yes, good grandpa." We should be sweeter, this is our future backer, Ji Xiaoyan thought to himself.

Following Diloc along the street, the players around were all busy with their own affairs, even if they saw Ji Xiaoyan and Diloc walking in front of her, not many people paid attention. The NPCs in "Revelation" have a lot of freedom, they can also go shopping, shopping and so on.When the game was launched, many people tried to find NPCs to pick up hidden missions, followed the NPCs, and kept asking.As a result, the NPC was furious and directly killed the player.Later, Shengshidai Company came forward to give players a piece of advice. Hidden missions and the like depend on the player's luck. NPCs also have lives. If players keep pestering them, the favorability of the NPC will drop, and the NPC can kill you.In a word, it is your luck to find the NPC to accept the hidden mission.Later, the players calmed down, and only when they found that the NPC was suspected of encountering difficulties, they came to help enthusiastically. Of course, very few of them actually encountered hidden tasks.

After going around several street corners, Ji Xiaoyan finally followed Dillock to the gate of a small courtyard. Dillock took out a key, unlocked it, and said to her, "My child, this is our backyard. Your grandma Jasmine is in front of you." What about the courtyard guard shop, will you live here with us from now on?
"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan said simply.

Diloc happily led Ji Xiaoyan into the small courtyard, where there was a row of wooden houses and a small garden.Walking to the side of the row of huts, Dilloch pointed to the small door next to a lush tree, and said to her: "From now on, you can live in this room, go in and see if you like it, if there is anything missing, tell grandpa , Grandpa will go out and buy it for you in a while."

Ji Xiaoyan pushed open the door, and saw the neat furniture and many beautiful pendants inside, and was a little moved.When I got here, I lived in the hut assigned by the "beggar gang". It didn't even have any decent furniture, a few wooden boards and a few rags for the bed, it seemed that the wind could blow the wooden walls.Compared with the bright and clean hut now, it's a whole world away!Although this is just a game, Ji Xiaoyan is still very moved. The cheap grandpa in front of him is really kind to him.In the game, there is no need to worry about the NPC's plans for her, she is just a little character of level 0 that can be seen everywhere.Moreover, Dilloch's heartfelt smile made her feel so warm.

"Thank you Grandpa, I like it very much. There is no need to buy anything."

Dillock patted Ji Xiaoyan's small shoulder affectionately, "Don't save money for grandpa, just tell grandpa what you want."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at Diloc in front of him and said, "I really don't need anything, Grandpa, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, okay, good boy, come on, put your things down with grandpa, grandpa will take you to the shop in the front yard, and meet your grandma Jasmine, she must be so happy." Diloc said happily.

Putting down the things he brought from Xinshou Village, Dillock asked Ji Xiaoyan to change into a new set of clothes. When Ji Xiaoyan held it in his hand, he looked at it carefully. It had no attributes, typical decorative clothes.Go through the small garden and come to the shop in front.There are many cabinets in sight, and there are many glass bottles filled with colorful water on the cabinets.

"These are potions sold to adventurers. The red ones are vitality potions, and the blue ones are magic potions..." Dillock briefly introduced to Ji Xiaoyan.But Ji Xiaoyan was thinking in his heart, this recognized grandfather is worth it, just kidding, selling potions, this is the most prosperous business in the game, whoever kills monsters does not bring some potions for self-defense.

"Molly, Molly," Dilloch called out loudly.Ji Xiaoyan saw an old woman who was selling things to the players on the counter in front of her, hastily collected the money, and turned her head.Dillock waved to her, beckoning her to come.So, Jasmine explained to the young man who was selling things next to her, and walked over.

"Jasmine, this is Ji Xiaoyan, our granddaughter." Dillock happily introduced Jasmine to you.Seeing this kind old lady, Ji Xiaoyan looked at her in surprise, then pulled Diloc and asked, "Old man, what's going on?" Diloc was very excited and Jasmine talked about meeting Ji Xiaoyan.After listening to it, Jasmine also felt that the little girl in front of her was quite pleasing to the eye, and she didn't have the kind of eyes that other adventurers had when they saw them.

"Old man, you have to hurry to the government hall and help the child register and settle down." Jasmine said in a good mood seeing Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well, I'm going to go right away. Why don't I show you this to make you happy?" Dilloch was also very happy, as his wife also liked the new granddaughter.

"Go, go, I'll take care of the child." Jasmine hugged Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away, seeing how anxious you are!" Dillock said, "Xiaoyan, you follow grandma here, grandpa is going to get you an ID card!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled her eyes in her heart, her body is already 20 years old , like a disobedient child?But she still said obediently: "Well, yes, Grandpa, you go early and come back early."

Dilloch walked away with a bright face.Jasmine pulled Ji Xiaoyan to the front counter, and said to her, "Xiaoyan, many adventurers will buy potions and go out of the city to improve their strength. Grandma doesn't have time to accompany you. Why don't you help grandma sell potions together?"

"Okay." Ji Xiaoyan was very happy, she liked the feeling of receiving money.

Jasmine was very happy, and her granddaughter was very well behaved. "Look, Xiaoyan, the male is Jill and the female is Gina. They are two brothers and sisters. They are all guys hired by your grandpa to help. If you don't understand anything, you can ask them when your grandparents are away." Ji Xiaoyan looked at a man and a woman in front of the counter and nodded.

Then, Jasmine handed Ji Xiaoyan a piece of paper, "Here are the prices of several basic potions." Ji Xiaoyan looked at the paper and said, Elementary Qi and Blood Potion, 5 silver coins a bottle, Elementary Magic Power Potion, 5 silver coins a bottle Bottle, primary toughness potion, 10 silver coins a bottle...

"It's cheap!" Ji Xiaoyan said inwardly.She didn't know that if she really dared to say that, the players who bought potions at the counter would definitely trample her to death.I know that the exchange rate between federal currency and game currency is different. 1 federal currency can only be exchanged for 1 silver coin, which does not count as transaction tax.Killing monsters and exploding materials to sell them would require killing hundreds of monsters to sell them for 1 silver coin.Basically, a monster can explode at most 7.8 copper plates worth of things.A bottle of qi and blood potion is 5 silver coins, so how expensive it is, 1000 copper plates = 1 silver coin, 1000 silver coins = 1 gold coin.You can imagine how many monsters have to be killed to buy a bottle of potion.

(End of this chapter)

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