Chapter 3024 Helpless
Master Bessa never imagined that Ji Xiaoyan could still become friends with the Master of the Resurrection Sect.In other words, it really never occurred to Ji Xiaoyan that he could still be at the same level as the Master of the Resurrection Sect!
As for what this level is, Lord Bessa didn't mean to ask in detail at all. He knew very well that what he saw was different in the position of the master of the Resurrection Sect!As for the different things on Ji Xiaoyan, although Master Bessa couldn't see it, he believed it.

"If you want to go, Lord Ji, I will naturally stop you! It's just that I don't think it's necessary!"

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa with a puzzled expression, but he became a little puzzled.

"No matter how the Master of the Resurrection Sect thinks of you, this favor will definitely be consumed less and less. Now you have no interest relationship with the Master of the Resurrection Sect, let alone Something that can be obtained by the head of the Resurrection Sect, but in this state, you have to ask him for various benefits! It may not be a problem once or twice, but if it makes the person The head of the Resurrection Sect is feeling impatient. City Master Ji, have you ever thought about whether you are wasting this opportunity? If it is really critical in the future, when you need to use such convenience, you But you can't get the desired result, at that time, you regret it, but it won't be of any use!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning when he heard Master Bessa's words. After thinking about it, he could only give up this idea, and then asked Master Bessa: "What do you mean, Master Bessa?" Yes, I will go to the head of the Resurrection Sect to ask for benefits in the future?"

"It's not a question of whether you want it or not!" Master Bessa smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Now that the relationship, you are also unreliable as the head of the Resurrection Sect, right? Only after having a closer connection, or in other words, more contacts, can friendship be strengthened? Just like you and that Lord Luotu, in this way, City Master Ji, do you understand?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at Master Bessa for a while, and then asked again uncertainly: "Master Bessa, are you really unwilling to send Director Hess to the Resurrection Gate? The situation of the elders, I think it is barely acceptable, they only have an attack once a month. But Manager Hess has an attack every day. I think it is quite troublesome with such intensity. If you really go If you change the resurrection door, you may not be lucky!"

"No need!" Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with absolute certainty, "He will be weak for many days after going into the water once! In fact, we can still control the daily outbreaks in River Water City, compared to today. You are much better in Qingcheng, aren’t you?”

When Jiajia was mentioned, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed, and was about to ask Lord Bessa if Jiajia was doing well, but immediately got a message from the guards of the Qing City, saying that Jiajia had gone crazy again!

"So fast? It's not even dark yet!" Ji Xiaoyan's face was filled with astonishment, he couldn't help but glance at the sky above his head, and then asked with a frown at the guard of Qingcheng.

"I don't know what's going on! Jiajia has already started to make trouble now!" The guards of Qingcheng looked worried, and hurriedly said something to Ji Xiaoyan, pointed in the direction of the Lu Si'er tribe, and then Said: "Master City Lord, you should go over and have a look! Lady Nimengsha is over there, but Gaga seems to have become stronger again!"

"Became stronger again?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised again, quickly nodded and greeted Lord Bessa and ran towards the Lusi'er tribe together.

"I just came back from there, and Jiajia's condition is still good, why did he go crazy all of a sudden?" Lord Bessa frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan while following behind Ji Xiaoyan: "It doesn't mean that Jiajia needs to drink the potion Is it possible to go crazy after sleeping? When I came back, Jiajia was still awake!"

"Master Besa, you probably fell asleep right after you left!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked confused, thought for a while and said to Master Besa: "We have encountered such a situation before. Jiajia also fell asleep uncontrollably within a few minutes after drinking the potion! Then he went crazy! Maybe the current situation is the same!"

Lord Bessa frowned tightly, thought for a while before saying: "Then Kaga's situation is not very good!"

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Master Bessa and asked, "Is it still within the controllable range? As long as you don't drink the potion and don't sleep, it won't go crazy! Than Hess is in charge of that situation, isn't it much better?"

"It's different!" Master Bessa shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Mr. Hess just made a fuss, and he just walked towards the water. Kaka, it's not the same! Its strength and size , once it breaks out, who in Qingcheng can resist it? What's more, Manager Hess only once a day, Jiajia, this happens as long as he sleeps and drinks potions! How many times can he drink potions in a day?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately: "We can also control Jiajia in the future, let it only drink the potion once a day and sleep once a day! If this is the case, it should still be able to hold on!"

"I'm worried now that after the Gaga, there will be a situation where you don't need to drink potions and sleep, and you will go crazy!" Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious expression, watching Ji Xiaoyan suddenly looked at him in surprise, with a look of surprise on his face. With a look of disbelief, Lord Bessa continued: "City Master Ji, don't believe it! Think about it, since General Hess, an ordinary aborigine, can do it because of our status as the general manager of River Water City. And after the resurrection, it became what it is today, so Jiajia has been silent for so many years, and now it has started to change. Can you control this change? Back then, Jiajia's strength on the mainland was stronger than that of a person like us. The Lord City Master is very powerful, so its final reaction should be the biggest!"

Ji Xiaoyan stared at Master Bessa with wide eyes, a little unwilling to believe it!

Now the situation in Jiajia is already too much for them to bear. If it gets worse, what will they do next?Do you take medicine for a day when you have nothing to do, and then deal with Jiajia when you recover?
Then how can they clean up the city in the future?
Thinking of these, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little headache!

When they arrived at the place where the Lusi'er tribe lived, Ji Xiaoyan saw the mess on the ground!The aborigines of those sealed towns had all been taken to the cliff by the aborigines of the Lusi'er tribe, looking at the destroyed houses on the ground from a distance, with shock and helplessness on their faces.

At this moment, Friesman, together with Xuan Mo and Nimengsha, are preventing Jiajia from leaving and destroying more places, and they also look extremely strenuous.

"I'll help them!" Lord Bessa didn't hesitate at all, and after saying something to Ji Xiaoyan, he joined Friesman and the others, and quickly cooperated with Friesman to make Kaka's Most of his body was frozen.

"Okay, okay! It's okay now!" Seeing the situation, Xuan Mo immediately shouted joyfully, and quickly created a large wall of earth, completely trapping Jiajia's body, looking at it Looking at them with red eyes, but looking helpless, he finally said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay! Xiaoyan, finally trapped Jiajia! Hurry up and let people Feed Jiajia some potion! Otherwise, if it really struggles out, we will be in trouble!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and immediately asked someone to take the potion, gave it to Nimengsha, and asked Nimengsha to go up and pour it directly into Jiajia's mouth. Seeing that Jiajia had completely quieted down, Ji Xiaoyan was relieved With a sigh, he looked at Xuan Mo and the others and asked, "Has Jiajia drunk the potion again? Knowing that it needs to drink the potion to sleep, you should coax it to change places! This way we can also make preparations!"

"We thought about it too! But Jiajia didn't drink the potion at all!" Xuan Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan in an apologetic manner, and after seeing Ji Xiaoyan look at him in surprise, Xuan Mo immediately nodded with absolute certainty , and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "What I said is true, Xiaoyan, don't believe it! We have agreed with Jiajia before, if it wants to drink the potion, we will go to another place, or Shacheng Outside that town, it’s either the training ground you took us to before, or simply go to any wilderness outside our Qingcheng. In this case, we might still be able to watch Gaga recover so peacefully, even if it will If we do something, our losses will be smaller. But none of us thought that Jiajia would suddenly go crazy like this!"

"What does it mean to go crazy suddenly?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned tightly, and looked at Xuan Mo completely incomprehensibly.

"Just standing there playing like that, I suddenly went crazy!" Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled face, and immediately said to her with restraint: "Jajia remembers our agreement, and it's settled." If you want to drink the potion, you will tell us in advance, we are still watching where it is playing with those three-winged and four-legged birds! But who knows, it suddenly went crazy! It didn't give us any consideration At that time, we watched the three-winged and four-legged bird fly away in panic, and then Jiajia's eyes turned red!"

"So suddenly?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Jiajia.

"It was so sudden! Otherwise, we wouldn't have let Jiajia here!" Friesman nodded suddenly, with a depressed expression on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We all told Jiajia, now there is Bei Mr. Sa is here, as long as it goes outside when it goes crazy, it won’t cause any trouble if it doesn’t destroy Qingcheng! Jiajia is also very happy to agree! But we never thought that there would be such a thing Something happened!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't figure out what was going on here.

The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan looked at Ji Xiaoyan, thought for a while, and said, "Master Ji City Lord, we also feel that there is something wrong with the situation in Jiajia! Didn't you go to the Gate of Resurrection?" ? Have you asked about some news about the situation in Jiajia?”

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head silently, and said helplessly to the aborigines of the sub-god race: "There is no clue at the Resurrection Gate, and this situation is probably the sequelae after the resurrection. This matter was given by the Lord God. , nor can the aboriginals of Resurrection Gate control it!"

"Then this means that there is no way to change the state of Jiajia?" The aborigines of the sub-shen clan frowned immediately when they heard this, with worried expressions on their faces: "Master Ji City, You have also seen that Jiajia is different from before! If it continues like this, it is really possible that it will return to the same strength as before, but if its madness cannot be controlled, the future of Jiajia will not be guaranteed. It can become the beast of our sub-god race, but it may become the public enemy of the races on the mainland! This is something we don't want to see!"

"I don't want that to happen either!" Ji Xiaoyan also frowned, looked in the direction of Jiajia, and then said to the aborigines of the sub-protoss: "Now we want to find clues immediately Or the method is simply impossible! We can only wait and see!"

"This is not a solution! Jiajia is going crazy if he doesn't do anything now!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss also looked worried, and couldn't help looking at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "We I am very worried, if one day Jiajia's strength has reached a situation that no one can resist, and if it stays in Qingcheng by then, City Lord Ji, how can we control Jiajia?"

Looking at Jiajia's incomparably huge body, Ji Xiaoyan also became a little worried.

"It's impossible for you to send Jiajia to the Resurrection Gate to recover!" Master Bessa suddenly thought of this matter, and couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The resources for Jiajia's resurrection are more than you imagined! Even if the resurrection The head of the door agreed to help. You have brought enough resources to the past, and it is impossible for Kaka to recover better than it is now! Its current situation has taken advantage of the past for so many years, and now it erupts, there will be some Trouble is also a normal thing!"

"Master Bessa, do you mean to let us just let it develop like this?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Lord Bessa and asked, "If Gaga and Hess are in charge of them and we can restrain them, then I think it's acceptable, but if you look at Jiajia's current situation, I'm afraid that the further we go, the more we can't control it!"

(End of this chapter)

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